let myFont; let data; let geoArray = []; let canvas; var w, h, tow, toh; var x, y, tox, toy; var scaler = 1; var exponent = 1; var zoom = .01; //zoom step per mouse tick var wheel_scale = 0; var drag_x = 0; var drag_y = 0; var e = 0; var init_scale = 0.5; var check_mouse = false; var mouse_dragged = false; var bar; var scroll_height = 0; var scroll_top = 0; var percent = 0; var current_text_seq, next_text_seq; var direction = 0; var mobile_view = false; var network_view = false; var about_view = false; // Get the two button elements const network_button = document.getElementById('network-button'); const text_button = document.getElementById('tv-button'); var text_view_padding = 100; //let v1 = createVector(drag_x, drag_y); // Load Data & Font function preload() { data = loadJSON('static/assets/data/data/sorted_output.json'); myFont = loadFont('static/assets/data/assets/IBMPlexSans-Regular.ttf') } function setup() { if(window.innerWidth < 950){ canvas = createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); mobile_view = true; network_view = false }else{ canvas = createCanvas(window.innerWidth/2.2, window.innerHeight); mobile_view = false; network_view = true } canvas.parent('sketch') colorMode(HSB); addPointstoArray(); loadSentences(); angleMode(DEGREES); frameRate(60) scroll_height = document.getElementById('text-body').scrollHeight; } function draw() { background(60, 3.7, 95.3, 1); wheel_scale = lerp(wheel_scale, init_scale + e, 0.05); drawPoints(wheel_scale, drag_x, drag_y); drawText() checkMouse(); scroll_top = document.getElementById('text-body').scrollTop; percent = lerp(percent, map(scroll_top, 0, scroll_height - 1000, 0, 100), 0.1) changePercent(); updateCompassAngle(); } function changePercent() { document.getElementById('percent').innerText= str(round(percent)) + "%"; document.getElementById('percent-mobile').innerText= str(round(percent)) + "%"; } function checkMouse() { if(window.innerWidth > 950){ if (mouseX > (window.innerWidth / 2.2) - text_view_padding) { check_mouse = false; } else { check_mouse = true; } }else{ if ((mouseX > windowWidth) && network_view) { check_mouse = false; } else { check_mouse = true; } } } function mouseWheel(event) { if (check_mouse && network_view) { e += -event.delta * 0.005; if (e < -0.2) { e = -0.2 } else if(e > 0.5) { e = 0.5 } }else{ e = 0 } } function mouseDragged() { let m_dragRX = -0.75 let m_dragRY = -0.5 if (check_mouse && network_view) { mouse_dragged = true; if(mobile_view){ m_dragRX = -2; m_dragRY = -2; } else { m_dragRX = -0.75; m_dragRY = -0.5; } drag_x += ((mouseX - pmouseX) * m_dragRX) if (drag_x > 9000 || drag_x < -9000) { drag_x = 0; } drag_y += ((mouseY - pmouseY) * m_dragRY) if (drag_y > 5000 || drag_y < -5000) { drag_y = 0; } } mouse_dragged = false; } function mouseClicked(event) { let x = 0; let y = 0; if (check_mouse && !mouse_dragged) { // Check for hover try { geoArray.forEach(element => { if (element.over == true) { if ((e < 0.5) && !mobile_view) { e += 0.25; } x = element.center_w - element.new_x y = element.center_h - element.new_y // Move to that area drag_x += (x - element.center_w) + 50 drag_y += (y - windowHeight / 2) - 100 smoothScroll(element.sequence); findNextNodeSeq(element); // Find next node in sequence throw new Error("Break the loop.") } }); } catch (error) { } } } function findNextNodeSeq(geo) { let sequence = geo.sequence; let next = sequence + 1; geoArray.forEach(e => { if(e.sequence == next){ next_text_seq = e; } }) } function updateCompassAngle() { if(next_text_seq == null) { }else{ let v1 = createVector(drag_x, drag_y); let v2 = createVector(next_text_seq.new_x, next_text_seq.new_y); direction = lerp(direction, v1.angleBetween(v2), 0.1); let doc = document.getElementById('arrow-p'); doc.style.transform = 'rotate('+ direction + 'deg)'; doc = document.getElementById('arrow-mobile'); doc.style.transform = 'rotate('+ direction + 'deg)'; } } function addPointstoArray() { for (let i = 0; i < 105; i++) { tmp = new Geo(data[i]); geoArray.push(tmp); } } function loadSentences() { geoArray.forEach(element => { element.spawnText(); }); } function drawPoints(ws, dx, dy) { for (let i = 0; i < geoArray.length; i++) { geoArray[i].update(ws, dx, dy); } push(); noFill(); stroke(255, 0, 0, 0.15); beginShape(); for (let i = 0; i < geoArray.length; i++) { curveVertex(geoArray[i].center_w - geoArray[i].new_x * geoArray[i].ws, geoArray[i].center_h - geoArray[i].new_y * geoArray[i].ws); } endShape() pop(); for (let i = 0; i < geoArray.length; i++) { geoArray[i].update(ws, dx, dy); geoArray[i].show(ws, dx, dy); geoArray[i].move() //geoArray[i].display(); } } function drawText() { for (let i = 0; i < geoArray.length; i++) { geoArray[i].display(); } } // Resize Canvas Function function windowResized() { if(window.innerWidth < 950){ resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); mobile_view = true; }else{ resizeCanvas(windowWidth/2.2, windowHeight); mobile_view = false; network_view = true } } function smoothScroll(seq_id) { let id = '#' + seq_id document.getElementById(seq_id).scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', inline: 'center', block: 'center' }); } class Geo { constructor(entry) { this.emb_dict = createStringDict({}); this.entry = entry; this.speaker = entry['speaker']; this.text = entry['text']; this.sequence = entry['sequence']; this.emb_dict.set('Technology', str(this.entry['Technology'])); this.emb_dict.set('Art', str(this.entry['Art'])); this.emb_dict.set('Ireland', str(this.entry['Ireland'])); this.emb_dict.set('Organisation', str(this.entry['Organisation'])); this.emb_dict.set('Digital', str(this.entry['Digital'])); this.emb_dict.set('Community', str(this.entry['Community'])); this.emb_dict.set('Events', str(this.entry['Events'])); this.radius = 100; this.new_radius = this.radius; this.over = false; this.ws = 1 this.x = entry['x'] * 400; this.y = entry['y'] * 400; this.new_x = this.x; this.new_y = this.y; this.center_w = windowWidth / 4; this.center_h = windowHeight / 2; this.angle_counter_x = random(0, 100) this.angle_counter_y = random(0, 100) this.angle_counter_color = random(0, 100) this.angle_counter = random(-0.02, 0.02); this.angle_counter_pos = random(-0.2, 0.2); this.random_divider_x = random(2, 4); this.random_divider_y = random(2, 4); this.px = 0; this.py = 0; this.ang = 0; } spawnText() { var dom_target = document.getElementById('text-body'); // Create Div & Set Attributes var temp_div = document.createElement("div"); temp_div.setAttribute('class', 'sentence-block'); temp_div.setAttribute('id', str(this.sequence)); // Create P for Speaker, X&Y, and Text var para_speaker = document.createElement('span'); var node = document.createTextNode(this.speaker); para_speaker.setAttribute('class', this.speaker); para_speaker.appendChild(node); var para_x = document.createElement('span'); node = document.createTextNode(round(this.center_w - this.new_x * this.ws)); let id_x = str(this.sequence) + 'x'; para_x.setAttribute('id', id_x); para_x.setAttribute('class', 'x-coord'); para_x.appendChild(node); var para_y = document.createElement('span'); node = document.createTextNode(round(this.center_h - this.new_y * this.ws)); let id_y = str(this.sequence) + 'y'; para_y.setAttribute('id', id_y); para_y.setAttribute('class', 'y-coord'); para_y.appendChild(node); var node_link = document.createElement('span'); node_link = document.createElement('img') node_link.src = "static/assets/data/assets/arrow-r.svg" // node = document.createTextNode('🡥') let node_pos = str(this.sequence) + 'pos'; node_link.setAttribute('id', node_pos); node_link.setAttribute('class', 'arrow'); node_link.appendChild(node); node_link.addEventListener("click", () => { let x = 0; let y = 0; try { geoArray.forEach(element => { if (element.sequence == this.sequence) { x = element.center_w - element.new_x y = element.center_h - element.new_y // Move to that area drag_x += (x - element.center_w) + 50; drag_y += (y - windowHeight / 2) - 100; throw new Error("Break the loop.") } }); } catch (error) { } }); var para_text = document.createElement('p'); node = document.createTextNode(this.text); para_text.appendChild(node); temp_div.appendChild(para_speaker); temp_div.appendChild(para_x); temp_div.appendChild(para_y); temp_div.appendChild(node_link); temp_div.appendChild(para_text); dom_target.appendChild(temp_div); } update(ws, dx, dy) { if(window.innerWidth > 950){ this.center_w = windowWidth / 4; }else{ this.center_w = windowWidth / 2; } this.ws = ws; this.new_radius = this.radius * this.ws let rd_x = this.random_divider_x * this.ws let rd_y = this.random_divider_y * this.ws let p = this.new_radius / rd_x * sin(this.angle_counter_x) let q = this.new_radius / rd_y * cos(this.angle_counter_y) // this.center_w = windowWidth / 4; // this.center_h = windowHeight / 2; this.new_x = lerp(this.new_x, this.x + dx + p, 0.1); this.new_y = lerp(this.new_y, this.y + dy + q, 0.1); this.px = lerp(this.x, this.x + p, 0.05); this.py = lerp(this.y, this.y + q, 0.05); this.angle_counter_x += this.angle_counter_pos; this.angle_counter_y += this.angle_counter_pos; // Update Coords in Dom let id_string_x = str(this.sequence) + 'x'; let id_string_y = str(this.sequence) + 'y'; let x_text = str(round(this.px)); let y_text = str(round(this.py)); let arrow_text = str(this.sequence) + 'pos'; document.getElementById(id_string_x).innerText = x_text; document.getElementById(id_string_y).innerText = y_text; } show() { noStroke(); smooth(); let tech_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Technology')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let art_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Art')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let ireland_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Ireland')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let comm_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Community')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let events_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Events')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let org_color = map(float(this.emb_dict.get('Organisation')), -0.1, 0.1, 0, 255); let conicColors = [ color(tech_color, art_color, 255, 255), color(comm_color, events_color, 255, 255), color(ireland_color, org_color, 255, 255) ] conicGradient(this.angle_counter_color, this.center_w - this.new_x * this.ws, this.center_h - this.new_y * this.ws, conicColors); ellipse(this.center_w - this.new_x * this.ws, this.center_h - this.new_y * this.ws, this.new_radius); this.angle_counter_color += this.angle_counter; } move() { if (mouseX > (this.center_w - this.new_x * this.ws) - (this.new_radius/2) && mouseX < (this.center_w - this.new_x * this.ws) + (this.new_radius/2) && mouseY > (windowHeight / 2 - this.new_y * this.ws) - (this.new_radius/2) && mouseY < (windowHeight / 2 - this.new_y * this.ws) + (this.new_radius/2)) { this.over = true; }else { this.over = false; } } display() { if (this.over && network_view) { let s = "" let t = "" t = round(this.emb_dict.get('Technology'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Art'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Community'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Events'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Ireland'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Digital'), 2) + " : " + round(this.emb_dict.get('Organisation'), 2); //s = round(this.px) + " : " + round(this.py); t = this.text s = this.speaker fill(0); textFont(myFont) push(); fill(100, 0.6); noStroke(); let rectW = this.ws * 600 let rectH = this.ws * 400 rect((this.center_w - (this.new_x * this.ws)) - 300 * this.ws, (this.center_h - (this.new_y * this.ws)) - 500 * this.ws, rectW, rectH, 10); fill(0, 0, 0) textAlign(CENTER); textSize(map(this.ws, 0.5, 3, 15, 25 )); textWrap(WORD); text(t, (this.center_w - (this.new_x * this.ws)) - 200 * this.ws, (this.center_h - (this.new_y * this.ws)) - 400 * this.ws, 400 * this.ws, 200 * this.ws); fill(248, 63, 72) text(s, (this.center_w - (this.new_x * this.ws)) - 200 * this.ws, (this.center_h - (this.new_y * this.ws)) - (400 * this.ws) + 250 * this.ws, 400 * this.ws, 200 * this.ws); pop(); } } } //Create listeners for both buttons network_button.addEventListener('click', function handleClick() { if(mobile_view){ network_view = true; var view_el = document.getElementById('text-view') view_el.style.opacity = 0 view_el = document.getElementById('text-view-button') view_el.style.display = "inline"; view_el.style.zIndex = "400" } }) text_button.addEventListener('click', function handleClick() { network_view = false; var view_el = document.getElementById('text-view') view_el.style.opacity = 1 view_el.style.display = "inline"; setTimeout(() => { view_el = document.getElementById('text-view-button') view_el.style.zIndex = "0" view_el.style.display = "inline"; 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