from flask import Flask, render_template, Response import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime class WikiApp(Flask): MEDIAWIKI_BASE_URL = '' BASE_API = 'api.php?' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Define routes self.route('/', methods=['GET'])(self.homepage) self.route('/', methods=['GET'])(self.page_content) self.route('/favicon.ico')(self.favicon) def fetch_pages_cat(self, category_page_list): all_pages_string = '|'.join(page for pages in category_page_list.values() for page in pages) thumb_resp = requests.get(self.MEDIAWIKI_BASE_URL + self.BASE_API, params={ 'action': 'query', 'titles': all_pages_string, 'format': 'json', 'prop': 'pageimages', 'pithumbsize': 700, }) thumb_data = thumb_resp.json() pages_thumb_data = thumb_data.get('query', {}).get('pages', {}) for key, value in pages_thumb_data.items(): title = value.get('title') pageid = value.get('pageid') source = value.get('thumbnail', {}).get('source') for category, pages in category_page_list.items(): # print(category, pages) if title in pages: for index, page_title in enumerate(category_page_list[category]): if title == page_title: category_page_list[category][page_title].update({'pageid':pageid, 'title': title, 'source': source }) return category_page_list def fetch_all_pages(self, categories): category_page_list = {} for category in categories: response = requests.get(self.MEDIAWIKI_BASE_URL + self.BASE_API, params={'action': 'ask', 'query': '[[Concept:'+category+']]|?Article:Date', 'format': 'json', 'formatversion': '2'}) data = response.json() page_title_timestamps = {} for page_title, page_data in data['query']['results'].items(): if 'printouts' in page_data and 'Article:Date' in page_data['printouts']: raw_timestamp = page_data['printouts']['Article:Date'][0]['raw'] raw_timestamp = raw_timestamp[2:] lol = datetime.strptime(raw_timestamp, "%Y/%m/%d") formatted_date = lol.strftime("%d.%m.%Y") page_title_timestamps[page_title] = {'date': formatted_date} category_page_list[category] = page_title_timestamps return category_page_list def homepage(self): # Fetch pages for articles, projects, and newsletters categories = ['Articles', 'Projects', 'Newsletters'] category_page_list = self.fetch_all_pages(categories) updated_cat_list = self.fetch_pages_cat(category_page_list) articles = updated_cat_list.get('Articles', []) projects = updated_cat_list.get('Projects', []) newsletters = updated_cat_list.get('Newsletters', []) nav_elements = self.get_nav_menu() return render_template('home.html', articles=articles, projects=projects, newsletters=newsletters, nav_elements=nav_elements) def page_content(self, title): # Make a request to MediaWiki API to get content of a specific page response = requests.get(self.MEDIAWIKI_BASE_URL + self.BASE_API, params={'action': 'parse', 'page': title, 'format': 'json'}) data = response.json() # Extract page title and content page_title = data['parse']['title'] page_content = data['parse']['text']['*'] page_content = self.fix_html(page_content) return render_template('article.html', nav_elements=self.get_nav_menu(), title=page_title, content=page_content) def get_nav_menu(self): response = requests.get(self.MEDIAWIKI_BASE_URL + self.BASE_API, params={'action': 'ask', 'query': '[[Concept:MainNavigation]]', 'format': 'json', 'formatversion': '2'}) data = response.json() main_navigation_elements = {} for page_title, page_data in data['query']['results'].items(): main_navigation_elements[page_title] = {'title':page_data.get('fulltext', '')} return main_navigation_elements def fix_html(self, page_content): soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'html.parser') # Find all img tags images = soup.find_all('img') # Loop through each image and update the src attribute for img in images: # Append '' to the src attribute img['src'] = '' + img['src'] # Find all a tags with href not containing 'index.php' links = soup.find_all('a', href=lambda href: href and 'index.php' not in href and not href.startswith('#') and not href.startswith('/File:')) # Loop through each link and modify its href attribute for link in links: # Add _blank to href link['target'] = '_blank' link.string = link.string.strip() + " ↘" # Find all a tags with href containing 'index.php' links = soup.find_all('a', href=lambda href: href and 'index.php' in href) # Loop through each link and modify its href attribute for link in links: # Remove 'index.php' from the href attribute link['href'] = link['href'].replace('/index.php', '') # Remove any element with class 'mw-editsection' edit_sections = soup.find_all(class_='mw-editsection') for edit_section in edit_sections: edit_section.decompose() # Remove any tag's surrounding file_description_tags = soup.find_all('a', class_='mw-file-description') for file_link in file_description_tags: file_link.unwrap() soup = self.remove_thumbnail_img(soup) return soup.prettify() def remove_thumbnail_img(self, soup): thumbnail = soup.find_all(attrs={"typeof": "mw:File/Thumb"}) for img in thumbnail: img.decompose() return soup # Route for favicon.ico to prevent Flask from raising an error def favicon(self): return Response('', status=200) if __name__ == '__main__': app = WikiApp(__name__)