implementation of drecon in unity 2022 lts
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433 lines
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11 months ago
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.MLAgents;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using ManyWorlds;
public class Rewards2Learn : MonoBehaviour
public float SumOfSubRewards;
public float Reward;
[Header("Position Reward")]
public float SumOfDistances;
public float SumOfSqrDistances;
public float PositionReward;
[Header("Velocity Reward")]
public float PointsVelocityDifferenceSquared;
public float PointsVelocityReward;
[Header("Local Pose Reward")]
public List<float> RotationDifferences;
public float SumOfRotationDifferences;
public float SumOfRotationSqrDifferences;
public float LocalPoseReward;
[Header("Center of Mass Velocity Reward")]
public Vector3 MocapCOMVelocity;
public Vector3 RagDollCOMVelocity;
public float COMVelocityDifference;
public float ComVelocityReward;
public float ComReward;
[Header("Center of Mass Direction Reward")]
public float ComDirectionDistance;
public float ComDirectionReward;
[Header("Center of Mass Position Reward")]
public float ComDistance;
public float DistanceFactor;
public float ComPositionReward;
// [Header("Direction Factor")]
// public float DirectionDistance;
// public float DirectionFactor;
[Header("Velocity Difference Reward")]
public float VelDifferenceError;
public float VelAvDiffTwoStepsError;
public float VelAvDiffFourStepsError;
public float VelDifferenceReward;
public float VelDiffTwoStepsReward;
public float VelDiffFourStepsReward;
float [][] _velHistoryTwoSteps;
float [][] _velHistoryFourSteps;
[Header("Minimize Energy Reward")]
public float KineticEnergyMetric;
public float EnergyMinimReward;
public float HeadHeightDistance;
public int ObjectForPointDistancesGizmo;
SpawnableEnv _spawnableEnv;
MapAnim2Ragdoll _mocap;
GameObject _ragDoll;
InputController _inputController;
internal RewardStats _mocapBodyStats;
internal RewardStats _ragDollBodyStats;
// List<ArticulationBody> _mocapBodyParts;
// List<ArticulationBody> _ragDollBodyParts;
Transform _mocapHead;
Transform _ragDollHead;
bool _hasLazyInitialized;
bool _reproduceDReCon;
[Header("Things to check for rewards")]
public string headname = "head";
public string targetedRootName = "articulation:Hips";
public void OnAgentInitialize(bool reproduceDReCon)
_hasLazyInitialized = true;
_reproduceDReCon = reproduceDReCon;
_spawnableEnv = GetComponentInParent<SpawnableEnv>();
_mocap = _spawnableEnv.GetComponentInChildren<MapAnim2Ragdoll>();
_ragDoll = _spawnableEnv.GetComponentInChildren<ProcRagdollAgent>().gameObject;
_inputController = _spawnableEnv.GetComponentInChildren<InputController>();
// _mocapBodyParts = _mocap.GetComponentsInChildren<ArticulationBody>().ToList();
// _ragDollBodyParts = _ragDoll.GetComponentsInChildren<ArticulationBody>().ToList();
// Assert.AreEqual(_mocapBodyParts.Count, _ragDollBodyParts.Count);
_mocapHead = _mocap
.First(x => == headname);
_ragDollHead = _ragDoll
.First(x => == headname);
_mocapBodyStats = new GameObject("MocapDReConRewardStats").AddComponent<RewardStats>();
_mocapBodyStats.ObjectToTrack = _mocap;
_ragDollBodyStats = new GameObject("RagDollDReConRewardStats").AddComponent<RewardStats>();
_ragDollBodyStats.ObjectToTrack = this;
_ragDollBodyStats.OnAgentInitialize(transform, _mocapBodyStats);
_velHistoryTwoSteps = new float[][]{
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
_velHistoryFourSteps = new float[][]{
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => x.magnitude-y.magnitude)
// Update is called once per frame
public void OnStep(float timeDelta)
if (_reproduceDReCon)
// deep sort scales
float num_points = _ragDollBodyStats.Points.Length;
float num_joints = num_points / 6f;
float pose_scale = 2.0f / 15f * num_joints;
float vel_scale = 0.1f / 15f * num_joints;
// note is 10 in code, but 40 in paper.
const float position_scale = 10f; // was end_eff_scale
// const float root_scale = 5f;
const float com_scale = 5f;
// DeepMimic
// const float pose_w = 0.5f;
// const float vel_w = 0.05f;
// const float position_w = 0.15f; // was end_eff_w
// // const float root_w = 0.2f;
// const float com_w = 0.2f; // * 2
// const float energy_w = 0.2f;
// // UniCon
// const float pose_w = 0.4f;
// const float vel_w = 0.1f;
// const float position_w = 0.1f;
// // const float com_direction_w = 0.1f;
// const float com_direction_w = 0.2f;
// const float com_velocity_w = 0.1f;
// const float energy_w = 0.2f;
// MarCon
const float pose_w = 0.2f;
const float position_w = 0.2f;
const float com_direction_w = 0.1f;
const float com_velocity_w = 0.3f;
const float energy_w = 0.2f;
// position reward
List<float> distances = _mocapBodyStats.GetPointDistancesFrom(_ragDollBodyStats);
List<float> sqrDistances = distances.Select(x=> x*x).ToList();
SumOfDistances = distances.Sum();
SumOfSqrDistances = sqrDistances.Sum();
var deepMimicScaledDistance = SumOfSqrDistances / (num_points / 4);
PositionReward = Mathf.Exp(-position_scale * (deepMimicScaledDistance));
if (PositionReward == 0f)
PositionReward = 0f;
// center of mass velocity reward
MocapCOMVelocity = _mocapBodyStats.CenterOfMassVelocity;
RagDollCOMVelocity = _ragDollBodyStats.CenterOfMassVelocity;
COMVelocityDifference = (MocapCOMVelocity-RagDollCOMVelocity).magnitude;
ComVelocityReward = Mathf.Pow(COMVelocityDifference,2);
ComVelocityReward = Mathf.Exp(-com_scale*ComVelocityReward);
// points velocity
List<float> velocityDistances = _mocapBodyStats.GetPointVelocityDistancesFrom(_ragDollBodyStats);
List<float> sqrVelocityDistances = velocityDistances.Select(x=> x*x).ToList();
PointsVelocityDifferenceSquared = sqrVelocityDistances.Sum();
var deepMimicScaledVelocityDistanceSquared = PointsVelocityDifferenceSquared / (num_points / 4);
PointsVelocityReward = Mathf.Exp(-vel_scale * deepMimicScaledVelocityDistanceSquared);
// local pose reward
if (RotationDifferences == null || RotationDifferences.Count < _mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count)
RotationDifferences = Enumerable.Range(0,_mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count)
SumOfRotationDifferences = 0f;
SumOfRotationSqrDifferences = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < _mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count; i++)
var angle = Quaternion.Angle(_mocapBodyStats.Rotations[i], _ragDollBodyStats.Rotations[i]);
Assert.IsTrue(angle <= 180f);
angle = DReConObservationStats.NormalizedAngle(angle);
angle = Mathf.Abs(angle);
angle = angle / Mathf.PI;
var sqrAngle = angle * angle;
RotationDifferences[i] = angle;
SumOfRotationDifferences += angle;
SumOfRotationSqrDifferences += sqrAngle;
LocalPoseReward = Mathf.Exp(-pose_scale * SumOfRotationSqrDifferences);
// center of mass direction reward (from 0f to 1f)
ComDirectionDistance = Vector3.Dot(
ComDirectionDistance = 1f-((ComDirectionDistance + 1f)/2f);
ComDirectionReward = ComDirectionDistance;
ComDirectionReward = Mathf.Exp(-com_scale*ComDirectionReward);
// // COM velocity factor
// var comVelocityFactor = COMVelocityDifference;
// comVelocityFactor = comVelocityFactor / 2f;
// comVelocityFactor = 1.01f - comVelocityFactor;
// comVelocityFactor = Mathf.Clamp(comVelocityFactor, 0f, 1f);
// Calc Velocity difference Error
VelDifferenceError = _ragDollBodyStats.PointVelocity
.Zip(_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity, (x,y) => (x-y).magnitude)
VelDifferenceError = Mathf.Abs(VelDifferenceError);
VelDifferenceReward = Mathf.Exp(-10f * VelDifferenceError);
VelDifferenceReward = Mathf.Clamp(VelDifferenceReward, 0f, 1f);
// roll history
var oldestTwoSteps = _velHistoryTwoSteps[1];
_velHistoryTwoSteps[1] = _velHistoryTwoSteps[0];
_velHistoryTwoSteps[0] = oldestTwoSteps;
var oldestFourSteps = _velHistoryFourSteps[3];
_velHistoryFourSteps[3] = _velHistoryFourSteps[2];
_velHistoryFourSteps[2] = _velHistoryFourSteps[1];
_velHistoryFourSteps[1] = _velHistoryFourSteps[0];
_velHistoryFourSteps[0] = oldestFourSteps;
int velRows = _ragDollBodyStats.PointVelocity.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < velRows; i++)
var diff = _ragDollBodyStats.PointVelocity[i]-_mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity[i];
var sqDiff = diff.magnitude*diff.magnitude;
var absDiff = Mathf.Abs(diff.magnitude);
oldestTwoSteps[i] = absDiff;
oldestFourSteps[i] = absDiff;
// oldestTwoSteps[i] = sqDiff;
// oldestFourSteps[i] = sqDiff;
VelAvDiffTwoStepsError =
_velHistoryTwoSteps[0].Sum() +
VelAvDiffTwoStepsError /= velRows*2f;
VelAvDiffFourStepsError =
_velHistoryFourSteps[0].Sum() +
_velHistoryFourSteps[1].Sum() +
_velHistoryFourSteps[2].Sum() +
VelAvDiffFourStepsError /= velRows*4f;
VelDiffTwoStepsReward = Mathf.Exp(-10 * VelAvDiffTwoStepsError);
VelDiffFourStepsReward = Mathf.Exp(-10 * VelAvDiffFourStepsError);
// calculate energy:
//we obviate the masses, we want this to be important all across
List<float> es = _ragDollBodyStats.PointVelocity.Select(x => x.magnitude * x.magnitude).ToList<float>();
KineticEnergyMetric = es.Sum() / es.Count;
//a quick run suggests the input values range between 0 and 10, with most values near 0, so a simple way to get a reward value between 0 and 1 seems:
EnergyMinimReward = Mathf.Exp(-KineticEnergyMetric);
// misc
HeadHeightDistance = (_mocapHead.position.y - _ragDollHead.position.y);
HeadHeightDistance = Mathf.Abs(HeadHeightDistance);
// reward
// SumOfSubRewards = ComPositionReward+ComVelocityReward+ComDirectionReward+PositionReward+LocalPoseReward+PointsVelocityReward+VelDifferenceReward;
SumOfSubRewards = ComVelocityReward+ComDirectionReward+PositionReward+LocalPoseReward+VelDifferenceReward;
Reward = 0f +
(ComVelocityReward * com_velocity_w) + // com_w) +
(ComDirectionReward * com_direction_w) + // com_w) +
(PositionReward * position_w) +
(LocalPoseReward * pose_w) +
// (PointsVelocityReward * vel_w) +
(VelDifferenceReward * energy_w);
// Reward = Reward + EnergyMinimReward;
// var sqrtComVelocityReward = Mathf.Sqrt(ComVelocityReward);
// var sqrtComDirectionReward = Mathf.Sqrt(ComDirectionReward);
// Reward *= (sqrtComVelocityReward*sqrtComDirectionReward);
void DReConRewards(float timeDelta)
// position reward
List<float> distances = _mocapBodyStats.GetPointDistancesFrom(_ragDollBodyStats);
PositionReward = -7.37f / (distances.Count / 6f);
List<float> sqrDistances = distances.Select(x => x * x).ToList();
SumOfDistances = distances.Sum();
SumOfSqrDistances = sqrDistances.Sum();
PositionReward *= SumOfSqrDistances;
PositionReward = Mathf.Exp(PositionReward);
// center of mass velocity reward
MocapCOMVelocity = _mocapBodyStats.CenterOfMassVelocity;
RagDollCOMVelocity = _ragDollBodyStats.CenterOfMassVelocity;
COMVelocityDifference = (MocapCOMVelocity - RagDollCOMVelocity).magnitude;
ComReward = -Mathf.Pow(COMVelocityDifference, 2);
ComReward = Mathf.Exp(ComReward);
// points velocity
List<float> velocityDistances = _mocapBodyStats.GetPointVelocityDistancesFrom(_ragDollBodyStats);
List<float> sqrVelocityDistances = velocityDistances.Select(x => x * x).ToList();
PointsVelocityDifferenceSquared = sqrVelocityDistances.Sum();
PointsVelocityReward = (-1f / _mocapBodyStats.PointVelocity.Length) * PointsVelocityDifferenceSquared;
PointsVelocityReward = Mathf.Exp(PointsVelocityReward);
// local pose reward
if (RotationDifferences == null || RotationDifferences.Count < _mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count)
RotationDifferences = Enumerable.Range(0, _mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count)
.Select(x => 0f)
SumOfRotationDifferences = 0f;
SumOfRotationSqrDifferences = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < _mocapBodyStats.Rotations.Count; i++)
var angle = Quaternion.Angle(_mocapBodyStats.Rotations[i], _ragDollBodyStats.Rotations[i]);
Assert.IsTrue(angle <= 180f);
angle = ObservationStats.NormalizedAngle(angle);
var sqrAngle = angle * angle;
RotationDifferences[i] = angle;
SumOfRotationDifferences += angle;
SumOfRotationSqrDifferences += sqrAngle;
LocalPoseReward = -6.5f / RotationDifferences.Count;
LocalPoseReward *= SumOfRotationSqrDifferences;
LocalPoseReward = Mathf.Exp(LocalPoseReward);
// distance factor
ComDistance = (_mocapBodyStats.LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace - _ragDollBodyStats.LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace).magnitude;
HeadHeightDistance = (_mocapHead.position.y - _ragDollHead.position.y);
HeadHeightDistance = Mathf.Abs(HeadHeightDistance);
var headDistance = (_mocapBodyStats.HeadPositionInWorldSpace - _ragDollBodyStats.HeadPositionInWorldSpace).magnitude;
DistanceFactor = Mathf.Pow(headDistance, 2);
DistanceFactor = 1.4f * DistanceFactor;
DistanceFactor = 1.3f - DistanceFactor;
DistanceFactor = Mathf.Clamp(DistanceFactor, 0f, 1f);
// // direction factor
// Vector3 desiredDirection = _inputController.HorizontalDirection;
// var curDirection = _ragDollBodyStats.transform.forward;
// // cosAngle
// var directionDifference = Vector3.Dot(desiredDirection, curDirection);
// DirectionDistance = (1f + directionDifference) /2f; // normalize the error
// DirectionFactor = Mathf.Pow(DirectionDistance,2);
// DirectionFactor = Mathf.Clamp(DirectionFactor, 0f, 1f);
// misc
// reward
SumOfSubRewards = PositionReward + ComReward + PointsVelocityReward + LocalPoseReward;
Reward = DistanceFactor * SumOfSubRewards;
// Reward = (DirectionFactor*SumOfSubRewards) * DistanceFactor;
public void OnReset()
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (_ragDollBodyStats == null)
var max = (_ragDollBodyStats.Points.Length / 6) - 1;
ObjectForPointDistancesGizmo = Mathf.Clamp(ObjectForPointDistancesGizmo, -1, max);
// _mocapBodyStats.DrawPointDistancesFrom(_ragDollBodyStats, ObjectForPointDistancesGizmo);
_ragDollBodyStats.DrawPointDistancesFrom(_mocapBodyStats, ObjectForPointDistancesGizmo);