using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using System; public class Muscles : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] public MotorMode MotorUpdateMode; [System.Serializable] public class MusclePower { public string Muscle; public Vector3 PowerVector; } [Header("Parameters for Legacy and PD:")] public List MusclePowers; // public float MotorScale = 1f; public float Stiffness = 50f; public float Damping = 100f; public float ForceLimit = float.MaxValue; public float DampingRatio = 1.0f; [Header("Extra Parameters for PD:")] public float NaturalFrequency = 40f; public float ForceScale = .3f; [Header("Parameters for StablePD:")] public float KP_Stiffness = 50; public float ForceScaleSPD = .3f; [Header("Debug Collisions")] [SerializeField] bool skipCollisionSetup; [Header("Debug Values, Read Only")] public bool updateDebugValues; [SerializeField] Vector3[] jointVelocityInReducedSpace; List _motors; private class LastPos { public string name; //public ArticulationReducedSpace pos; public ArticulationReducedSpace vel; } List _lastPos = new List(); public enum MotorMode { legacy, PD, stablePD, force, PDopenloop //this is a PD combined with the kinematic input processed as an openloop, see in DReCon } //for the PDopenloop case: public List _referenceTransforms; public delegate void MotorDelegate(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float actionTimeDelta); public MotorDelegate UpdateMotor; //only used in PDopenloop public void SetKinematicReference(MapAnim2Ragdoll kinematicRoot) { _referenceTransforms = kinematicRoot._ragdollTransforms; } // Use this for initialization void Start() { Setup(); _motors = GetComponentsInChildren() .Where(x => x.jointType == ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint) .Where(x => !x.isRoot) .Distinct() .ToList(); foreach (ArticulationBody m in _motors) { LastPos l = new LastPos(); =; //l.pos = m.jointPosition; l.vel = m.jointVelocity; _lastPos.Add(l); } if (updateDebugValues) { jointVelocityInReducedSpace = new Vector3[_motors.Count]; } switch (MotorUpdateMode) { case (MotorMode.force): UpdateMotor = DirectForce; break; case (MotorMode.PD): UpdateMotor = UpdateMotorPDWithVelocity; break; case (MotorMode.legacy): UpdateMotor = LegacyUpdateMotor; break; case (MotorMode.stablePD): UpdateMotor = null; //UpdateMotor = StablePD; //NOTE: this is not yet working, the implementaiton is in progress break; case (MotorMode.PDopenloop): UpdateMotor = UpdateMotorPDopenloop; break; } } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (updateDebugValues) { int i = 0; foreach(ArticulationBody m in _motors) { //DEBUG: to keep track of the values, and see if they seem reasonable Vector3 temp = Utils.GetArticulationReducedSpaceInVector3(m.jointVelocity); jointVelocityInReducedSpace[i] = temp; i++; } } } void Setup() { if (!skipCollisionSetup) { // handle collision overlaps IgnoreCollision("articulation:Spine2", new[] { "LeftArm", "RightArm" }); IgnoreCollision("articulation:Hips", new[] { "RightUpLeg", "LeftUpLeg" }); IgnoreCollision("LeftForeArm", new[] { "LeftArm" }); IgnoreCollision("RightForeArm", new[] { "RightArm" }); IgnoreCollision("RightLeg", new[] { "RightUpLeg" }); IgnoreCollision("LeftLeg", new[] { "LeftUpLeg" }); IgnoreCollision("RightLeg", new[] { "RightFoot" }); IgnoreCollision("LeftLeg", new[] { "LeftFoot" }); } // var joints = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); foreach (var joint in joints) joint.enablePreprocessing = false; } void IgnoreCollision(string first, string[] seconds) { foreach (var second in seconds) { IgnoreCollision(first, second); } } void IgnoreCollision(string first, string second) { var rigidbodies = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); var colliderOnes = rigidbodies.FirstOrDefault(x =>; var colliderTwos = rigidbodies.FirstOrDefault(x =>; if (colliderOnes == null || colliderTwos == null) return; foreach (var c1 in colliderOnes) foreach (var c2 in colliderTwos) Physics.IgnoreCollision(c1, c2); } //this is a simple way to center the masses public void CenterABMasses() { ArticulationBody[] abs = GetComponentsInChildren(); foreach (ArticulationBody ab in abs) { if (!ab.isRoot) { Vector3 currentCoF = ab.centerOfMass; Vector3 newCoF =; //generally 1, sometimes 2: foreach (Transform child in ab.transform) { newCoF += child.localPosition; } newCoF /= ab.transform.childCount; ArticulationBody ab2 = ab.GetComponentInChildren(); newCoF = (ab.transform.parent.localPosition + newCoF) / 2.0f; ab.centerOfMass = newCoF; Debug.Log("AB: " + + " old CoF: " + currentCoF + " new CoF: " + ab.centerOfMass); } } } private static Vector3 GetTargetVelocity(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float timeDelta) { Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 currentRotationValues = Utils.GetSwingTwist(joint.transform.localRotation); Vector3 target = new Vector3(); if (joint.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.xDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; target.x = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.x * scale); } if (joint.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.yDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; target.y = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.y * scale); } if (joint.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.zDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; target.z = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.z * scale); } //this is how you calculate the angular velocity in MapAnim2Ragdoll //Utils.GetAngularVelocity(cur, last, timeDelta) //Utils.GetArticulationReducedSpaceInVector3(joint.jointVelocity) targetVelocity = Utils.AngularVelocityInReducedCoordinates(Utils.GetSwingTwist(joint.transform.localRotation), target, timeDelta); targetVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(targetVelocity, joint.maxAngularVelocity); return targetVelocity; } void UpdateMotorPDWithVelocity(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float actionTimeDelta) { var m = joint.mass; var d = DampingRatio; // d should be 0..1. var n = NaturalFrequency; // n should be in the range 1..20 var k = Mathf.Pow(n, 2) * m; var c = d * (2 * Mathf.Sqrt(k * m)); var stiffness = k; var damping = c; Vector3 power =; try { power = MusclePowers.First(x => x.Muscle ==; } catch { Debug.Log("there is no muscle for joint " +; } classicPD(joint, targetNormalizedRotation, actionTimeDelta, power); } void classicPD(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float actionTimeDelta, Vector3 power) { var m = joint.mass; var d = DampingRatio; // d should be 0..1. var n = NaturalFrequency; // n should be in the range 1..20 var k = Mathf.Pow(n, 2) * m; var c = d * (2 * Mathf.Sqrt(k * m)); var stiffness = k; var damping = c; //why do you never set up the targetVelocity? // F = stiffness * (currentPosition - target) - damping * (currentVelocity - targetVelocity) Vector3 targetVel = GetTargetVelocity(joint, targetNormalizedRotation, actionTimeDelta); if (joint.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.xDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.x * scale); = target; drive.targetVelocity = targetVel.x; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = power.x * ForceScale; joint.xDrive = drive; } if (joint.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.yDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.y * scale); = target; // drive.targetVelocity = (target - currentRotationValues.y) / (_decisionPeriod * Time.fixedDeltaTime); drive.targetVelocity = targetVel.y; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = power.y * ForceScale; joint.yDrive = drive; } if (joint.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.zDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.z * scale); = target; //drive.targetVelocity = (target - currentRotationValues.z) / (_decisionPeriod * Time.fixedDeltaTime); drive.targetVelocity = targetVel.z; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = power.z * ForceScale; joint.zDrive = drive; } } void UpdateMotorPDopenloop(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetRot, float actionTimeDelta) { Vector3 refRot = Mathf.Deg2Rad * Utils.GetSwingTwist( _referenceTransforms.First(x => ==; Vector3 power = 40*; Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation = refRot + targetRot; //From the DReCon paper: (not implemented) // Velocity basedconstraints are used to simulate PD servo motors at the joints, // withmotor constraint torques clamped to 200 Nm.All coeicients of fric-tion // are given a value of 1, except rolling friction which is disabled. classicPD(joint, targetNormalizedRotation, actionTimeDelta, power); } void LegacyUpdateMotor(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float actionTimeDelta) { Vector3 power =; try { power = MusclePowers.First(x => x.Muscle ==; } catch { Debug.Log("there is no muscle for joint " +; } power *= Stiffness; float damping = Damping; float forceLimit = ForceLimit; if (joint.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.xDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.x * scale); = target; drive.stiffness = power.x; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; joint.xDrive = drive; } if (joint.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.yDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.y * scale); = target; drive.stiffness = power.y; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; joint.yDrive = drive; } if (joint.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = joint.zDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.z * scale); = target; drive.stiffness = power.z; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; joint.zDrive = drive; } } //NOT TESTED void DirectForce(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation, float actionTimeDelta) { Vector3 result = 0.05f * targetNormalizedRotation; joint.AddRelativeTorque(result); } static ArticulationReducedSpace AccelerationInReducedSpace(ArticulationReducedSpace currentVel, ArticulationReducedSpace lastVel, float deltaTime) { ArticulationReducedSpace result = new ArticulationReducedSpace(); result.dofCount = currentVel.dofCount; for(int i = 0; i< result.dofCount; i++) result[i] = (currentVel[i] - lastVel[i]) / deltaTime; return result; } void StablePD(ArticulationBody joint, Vector3 input, float actionTimeDelta) { Vector3 targetNormalizedRotation = input; //A PD controller uses: // F = stiffness * (currentPosition - target) - damping * (currentVelocity - targetVelocity) //A stable PD controller, instead: //f = - Kp (pos + dt* v -targetPos)- Kd(v + dt*a ) //kd towards infinity //kd = kp * dt //Kd >= Kp * dt to ensure stability //example in video: KP = 30.000, KD 600, update 1/60 //float Kp = 30000; LastPos lastPos = null; try { lastPos = _lastPos.First(x =>; } catch { Debug.Log("there is no lastPos for joint " +; } float Kp = KP_Stiffness; float Kd = Kp * actionTimeDelta; //Vector3 currentSwingTwist = Utils.GetSwingTwist(joint.transform.localRotation); //Vector3 targetVelocity = Utils.AngularVelocityInReducedCoordinates(currentSwingTwist, targetNormalizedRotation, actionTimeDelta); //Vector3 currentVelocity = Utils.GetArticulationReducedSpaceInVector3(joint.jointVelocity); // Vector3 targetAcceleration = Utils.AngularVelocityInReducedCoordinates(currentVelocity, targetVelocity, actionTimeDelta); ArticulationReducedSpace forceInReducedSpace = new ArticulationReducedSpace(); forceInReducedSpace.dofCount = joint.dofCount; ArticulationReducedSpace acceleration = AccelerationInReducedSpace(joint.jointVelocity, lastPos.vel, actionTimeDelta); if (joint.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { //f = - Kp (pos + dt* v -targetPos)- Kd(v + dt*a ) //forceInReducedSpace[0] = -Kp * (currentSwingTwist.x + actionTimeDelta * currentVelocity.x - targetNormalizedRotation.x) - Kd * (currentVelocity.x + actionTimeDelta * targetAcceleration.x); var drive = joint.xDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.x * scale); forceInReducedSpace[0] = -Kp * (joint.jointPosition[0] + actionTimeDelta * joint.jointVelocity[0] - target) - Kd * (joint.jointVelocity[0] + actionTimeDelta * acceleration[0]); forceInReducedSpace[0] *= ForceScaleSPD; } if (joint.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { //f = - Kp (pos + dt* v -targetPos)- Kd(v + dt*a ) // forceInReducedSpace[1] = -Kp * (currentSwingTwist.y + actionTimeDelta * currentVelocity.y - targetNormalizedRotation.y) - Kd * (currentVelocity.y + actionTimeDelta * targetAcceleration.y); var drive = joint.yDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.y * scale); if(joint.dofCount == 1) { // forceInReducedSpace[0] = -Kp * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointPosition[0] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[0] - target) - Kd * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[0] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * acceleration[0]); // forceInReducedSpace[0] *= ForceScaleSPD; } else { forceInReducedSpace[1] = -Kp * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointPosition[1] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[1] - target) - Kd * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[1] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * acceleration[1]); forceInReducedSpace[1] *= ForceScaleSPD; } } if (joint.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { //f = - Kp (pos + dt* v -targetPos)- Kd(v + dt*a ) // forceInReducedSpace[2] = -Kp * (currentSwingTwist.z + actionTimeDelta * currentVelocity.z - targetNormalizedRotation.z) - Kd * (currentVelocity.z + actionTimeDelta * targetAcceleration.z); var drive = joint.zDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var target = midpoint + (targetNormalizedRotation.z * scale); forceInReducedSpace[2] = -Kp * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointPosition[2] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[2] - target) - Kd * (Mathf.Deg2Rad * joint.jointVelocity[2] + actionTimeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad * acceleration[2]); forceInReducedSpace[2] *= ForceScaleSPD; } // Vector3 result = Utils.GetArticulationReducedSpaceInVector3(forceInReducedSpace); Vector3 result =KP_Stiffness* input; if (joint.dofCount < 3) { result =; } joint.AddRelativeTorque(result); //joint.AddRelativeTorque(; // joint.jointForce = forceInReducedSpace; lastPos.vel = joint.jointVelocity; //lastPos.pos = joint.jointPosition; } }