using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.MLAgents; using UnityEngine; public class MarathonTestBedController : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Action applied to each motor")] /**< \brief Edit to manually test each motor (+1/-1)*/ public float[] Actions; [Tooltip("Apply a random number to each action each framestep")] /**< \brief Apply a random number to each action each framestep*/ public bool ApplyRandomActions = true; [Range(0f,1f)] public float RandomRange = 1f; //public bool FreezeHead = false; public bool FreezeHips = false; public bool DontUpdateMotor = false; // public bool setTpose; bool _hasFrozen; // bool tposeanimisloaded = false; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } void loadTposeanim() { GameObject sourceAgent = GameObject.Find("AgentMove-source"); Animator anim = sourceAgent.GetComponent(); anim.runtimeAnimatorController = null; // Resources.Load("MarathonEnvs/Animations/Tpose") as RuntimeAnimatorController; MocapAnimatorController animControl = sourceAgent.GetComponent(); animControl.doFixedUpdate = false; animControl.MaxForwardVelocity = 0; MocapControllerArtanim animControlartanim = sourceAgent.GetComponent(); animControlartanim.doFixedUpdate = false; InputController input = FindObjectOfType(); input.DemoMockIfNoInput = false; } void FreezeBodyParts() { var marathonAgents = FindObjectsOfType(true); foreach (var agent in marathonAgents) { ArticulationBody head = null; ArticulationBody butt = null; ArticulationBody[] children = null; switch ( { case "MarathonMan": _hasFrozen = true; children = agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); head = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"torso"); butt = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"butt"); // var rb = children.FirstOrDefault(x=> == "MarathonMan"); // if (FreezeHead || FreezeHips) // rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll; // if (FreezeHead && !FreezeHips) // rb.GetComponentInChildren().connectedBody = head; break; case "RagDoll": //if (!_hasFrozen && setTpose) // loadTposeanim(); _hasFrozen = true; children = agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); head = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"torso"); butt = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"butt"); break; case "Ragdoll-MarathonMan004": case "MarathonMan004": case "MarathonMan004Constrained": // if (!_hasFrozen && setTpose) // loadTposeanim(); _hasFrozen = true; children = agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); head = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"head"); butt = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"articulation:Hips"); break; case "humanoid": _hasFrozen = true; children = agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); head = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"head"); butt = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"butt"); break; default: children = agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); head = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>"head")); butt = children.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.isRoot); if (head == null || butt == null) throw new System.ArgumentException($" {}"); _hasFrozen = true; break; } // if (FreezeHead && head != null) // head.immovable = true; if (FreezeHips && butt != null) butt.immovable = true; } } public void OnAgentEpisodeBegin() { if (!_hasFrozen) FreezeBodyParts(); // if (setTpose) // loadTposeanim(); } // Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (ApplyRandomActions) { Actions = Actions.Select(x=>Random.Range(-1f,1f)).ToArray(); } } }