using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.MLAgents; public class InputController : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Options")] public float MaxVelocity = 8f; [Range(0f,1f)] public float ClipInput; public bool NoJumpsInMockMode = true; [Header("User or Mock input states")] public Vector2 TargetMovementVector; // User-input desired horizontal center of mass velocity. public float TargetMovementMagnatude; public Vector2 MovementVector; // smoothed version of TargetMovementVector. public float MovementMagnatude; public Vector2 CameraRotation; // User-input desired rotation for camera. public bool Jump; // User wants to jump public bool Backflip; // User wants to backflip public bool Stand; public bool WalkOrRun; [Header("Read only (or debug)")] public Vector2 DesiredHorizontalVelocity; // MovementVector * Max Velovity public Vector3 HorizontalDirection; // Normalized vector in direction of travel (assume right angle to floor) public bool UseHumanInput = true; public bool DemoMockIfNoInput = true; // Demo mock mode if no human input public bool m_IsTraining = false; float _delayUntilNextAction; float _timeUnillDemo; const float kGroundAcceleration = .6f/2; const float kGroundDeceleration = .75f/4; const float kDeadzone = .1f; // below this value is stationary // Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { if(m_IsTraining) UseHumanInput = !Academy.Instance.IsCommunicatorOn; _timeUnillDemo = 1f; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } void FixedUpdate() { DoUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime); } void DoUpdate(float deltaTime) { if (UseHumanInput) GetHumanInput(); else GetMockInput(); SmoothAcceleration(deltaTime); } public void OnReset() { MovementVector =; MovementMagnatude = MovementVector.magnitude; SetRandomHorizontalDirection(); _delayUntilNextAction = -1f; // DoUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime); if (UseHumanInput) GetHumanInput(); else GetMockInput(); // handle direction if (!Mathf.Approximately(TargetMovementVector.sqrMagnitude, 0f)) HorizontalDirection = new Vector3(TargetMovementVector.normalized.x, 0f, TargetMovementVector.normalized.y); DesiredHorizontalVelocity = TargetMovementVector.normalized * MaxVelocity * TargetMovementVector.magnitude; } void SmoothAcceleration(float deltaTime) { // Determine change to speed based on whether there is currently any move input. float acceleration = TargetMovementVector.magnitude > 0 ? kGroundAcceleration : kGroundDeceleration; var difference = (MovementVector - TargetMovementVector); if (difference.magnitude > MovementVector.magnitude) { acceleration *= 5f; } // Adjust the forward speed towards the desired speed. MovementVector = Vector2.MoveTowards(MovementVector, TargetMovementVector, acceleration * deltaTime); // Handle deadzone if (TargetMovementVector.magnitude < kDeadzone && MovementVector.magnitude < kDeadzone) { TargetMovementVector =; TargetMovementMagnatude = TargetMovementVector.magnitude; MovementVector =; WalkOrRun = false; Stand = true; } else { WalkOrRun = true; Stand = false; } MovementMagnatude = MovementVector.magnitude; // handle direction if (!Mathf.Approximately(MovementVector.sqrMagnitude, 0f)) HorizontalDirection = new Vector3(MovementVector.normalized.x, 0f, MovementVector.normalized.y); DesiredHorizontalVelocity = MovementVector.normalized * MaxVelocity * MovementVector.magnitude; } void GetHumanInput() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) return; bool resetTimeUntilDemo = false; _timeUnillDemo -= Time.deltaTime; var newMovementVector = new Vector2( Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxis("Vertical") ); if (ClipInput > 0f) { newMovementVector = new Vector2( Mathf.Clamp(newMovementVector.x, -ClipInput, ClipInput), Mathf.Clamp(newMovementVector.y, -ClipInput, ClipInput)); } if (!Mathf.Approximately(newMovementVector.sqrMagnitude, 0f)) { TargetMovementVector = newMovementVector; TargetMovementMagnatude = TargetMovementVector.magnitude; resetTimeUntilDemo = true; } else if (DemoMockIfNoInput && _timeUnillDemo <= 0) { GetMockInput(); _timeUnillDemo = 0f; return; } CameraRotation =; Jump = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space); //Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"); Backflip = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.B); if (Jump || Backflip) { resetTimeUntilDemo = true; } if (resetTimeUntilDemo) { _timeUnillDemo = 3f; } } void GetMockInput() { _delayUntilNextAction -= Time.deltaTime; if (_delayUntilNextAction > 0) return; if (ChooseBackflip()) { Backflip = true; _delayUntilNextAction = 2f; return; } Backflip = false; Jump = false; float direction = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f); float power = UnityEngine.Random.value; // keep power above deadzone as we handle that below power = kDeadzone + (power * (1f-kDeadzone)); // 2 in 5 times we are going to stand still if (UnityEngine.Random.value < .4f) power = 0.001f; // float direction = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-Mathf.PI/8, Mathf.PI/8); // float power = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 1f); if (ClipInput > 0f) { power *= ClipInput; } TargetMovementVector = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(direction), Mathf.Sin(direction)); TargetMovementVector *= power; TargetMovementMagnatude = TargetMovementVector.magnitude; Jump = ChooseJump(); _delayUntilNextAction = 1f + (UnityEngine.Random.value * 5f); } bool ChooseBackflip() { if (NoJumpsInMockMode) return false; var rnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10); return rnd == 0; } bool ChooseJump() { if (NoJumpsInMockMode) return false; var rnd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 5); return rnd == 0; } void SetRandomHorizontalDirection() { float direction = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f); var movementVector = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(direction), Mathf.Sin(direction)); HorizontalDirection = new Vector3(movementVector.normalized.x, 0f, movementVector.normalized.y); movementVector /= float.MinValue; TargetMovementVector = new Vector2(movementVector.x, movementVector.y); TargetMovementMagnatude = TargetMovementVector.magnitude; } }