using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.MLAgents; using UnityEngine; using ManyWorlds; using UnityEngine.Assertions; public class ObservationStats : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] public class Stat { public string Name; public Vector3 Position; public Quaternion Rotation; public Vector3 Velocity; public Vector3 AngularVelocity; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 LastLocalPosition; [HideInInspector] public Quaternion LastLocalRotation; [HideInInspector] public bool LastIsSet; } public MonoBehaviour ObjectToTrack; [Header("Anchor stats")] public Vector3 HorizontalDirection; // Normalized vector in direction of travel (assume right angle to floor) // public Vector3 CenterOfMassInWorldSpace; public Vector3 AngualrVelocity; [Header("Stats, relative to HorizontalDirection & Center Of Mass")] public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocity; public Vector3 CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace; public float CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocityMagnitude; public Vector3 DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity; public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocityDifference; public List Stats; // [Header("... for debugging")] [Header("Gizmos")] public bool VelocityInWorldSpace = true; public bool HorizontalVelocity = true; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; [HideInInspector] public Quaternion LastRotation; [HideInInspector] public bool LastIsSet; SpawnableEnv _spawnableEnv; List _bodyParts; internal List _rigidbodyParts; internal List _articulationBodyParts; GameObject _root; IAnimationController _animationController; bool _hasLazyInitialized; MapAnim2Ragdoll _mapAnim2Ragdoll; string rootName = "articulation:Hips"; public void setRootName(string s) { rootName = s; } public void OnAgentInitialize(Transform defaultTransform) { Assert.IsFalse(_hasLazyInitialized); _hasLazyInitialized = true; _mapAnim2Ragdoll = defaultTransform.GetComponent(); _spawnableEnv = GetComponentInParent(); _animationController = _spawnableEnv.GetComponentInChildren(); _rigidbodyParts = ObjectToTrack.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); _articulationBodyParts = ObjectToTrack.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); if (_rigidbodyParts?.Count > 0) _bodyParts = _rigidbodyParts .SelectMany(x=>x.GetComponentsInChildren()) .Distinct() .ToList(); else _bodyParts = _articulationBodyParts .SelectMany(x=>x.GetComponentsInChildren()) .Distinct() .ToList(); _bodyParts = _bodyParts .Where(x => x.enabled) .Where(x => !x.isTrigger) .Where(x=> { var ignoreCollider = x.GetComponent(); if (ignoreCollider == null) return true; return !ignoreCollider.enabled;}) .Distinct() .ToList(); Stats = _bodyParts .Select(x => new Stat { Name = }) .ToList(); //TODO: this is quite sketchy, we should have a better way to deal with this if (_root == null) { // Debug.Log("in game object: " + name + " my rootname is: " + rootName); if (_rigidbodyParts?.Count > 0) _root = _rigidbodyParts.First(x => == rootName).gameObject; else _root = _articulationBodyParts.First(x => == rootName).gameObject; } transform.position = defaultTransform.position; transform.rotation = defaultTransform.rotation; } public void OnReset() { Assert.IsTrue(_hasLazyInitialized); ResetStatus(); LastIsSet = false; } void ResetStatus() { LastIsSet = false; var timeDelta = float.MinValue; SetStatusForStep(timeDelta); } // Return rotation from one rotation to another public static Quaternion FromToRotation(Quaternion from, Quaternion to) { if (to == from) return Quaternion.identity; return to * Quaternion.Inverse(from); } // Adjust the value of an angle to lie within [-pi, +pi]. public static float NormalizedAngle(float angle) { if (angle < 180) { return angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; } return (angle - 360) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; } // Calculate rotation between two rotations in radians. Adjusts the value to lie within [-pi, +pi]. public static Vector3 NormalizedEulerAngles(Vector3 eulerAngles) { var x = NormalizedAngle(eulerAngles.x); var y = NormalizedAngle(eulerAngles.y); var z = NormalizedAngle(eulerAngles.z); return new Vector3(x, y, z); } // Find angular velocity. The delta rotation is converted to radians within [-pi, +pi]. public static Vector3 GetAngularVelocity(Quaternion from, Quaternion to, float timeDelta) { var rotationVelocity = FromToRotation(from, to); var angularVelocity = NormalizedEulerAngles(rotationVelocity.eulerAngles) / timeDelta; return angularVelocity; } public void SetStatusForStep(float timeDelta) { // get Center Of Mass velocity in f space Vector3 newCOM; // if Moocap, then get from anim2Ragdoll if (_mapAnim2Ragdoll != null) { newCOM = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; var newHorizontalDirection = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.HorizontalDirection; HorizontalDirection = newHorizontalDirection / 180f; if (!LastIsSet) { LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; } transform.position = newCOM; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHorizontalDirection); CenterOfMassVelocity = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.CenterOfMassVelocity; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace = transform.InverseTransformVector(CenterOfMassVelocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace = CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace.magnitude; } else { newCOM = GetCenterOfMass(); var newHorizontalDirection = new Vector3(0f, _root.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f); HorizontalDirection = newHorizontalDirection / 180f; if (!LastIsSet) { LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; } transform.position = newCOM; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHorizontalDirection); var velocity = newCOM - LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; velocity /= timeDelta; CenterOfMassVelocity = velocity; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassVelocity.magnitude; CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace = transform.InverseTransformVector(CenterOfMassVelocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace = CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace.magnitude; } LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; // get Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space var comHorizontalDirection = new Vector3(CenterOfMassVelocity.x, 0f, CenterOfMassVelocity.z); CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(comHorizontalDirection); CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity.magnitude; // get Desired Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space Vector3 desiredCom = _animationController.GetDesiredVelocity(); DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(desiredCom); // get Desired Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space CenterOfMassVelocityDifference = DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity - CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity; if (!LastIsSet) { LastRotation = transform.rotation; } AngualrVelocity = GetAngularVelocity(LastRotation, transform.rotation, timeDelta); LastRotation = transform.rotation; // get bodyParts stats in local space foreach (var bodyPart in _bodyParts) { Stat bodyPartStat = Stats.First(x => x.Name ==; Vector3 c =; CapsuleCollider capsule = bodyPart as CapsuleCollider; BoxCollider box = bodyPart as BoxCollider; SphereCollider sphere = bodyPart as SphereCollider; if (capsule != null) c =; else if (box != null) c =; else if (sphere != null) c =; Vector3 worldPosition = bodyPart.transform.TransformPoint(c); Quaternion worldRotation = bodyPart.transform.rotation; Vector3 localPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPosition); Quaternion localRotation = FromToRotation(transform.rotation, worldRotation); if (!bodyPartStat.LastIsSet || !LastIsSet) { bodyPartStat.LastLocalPosition = localPosition; bodyPartStat.LastLocalRotation = localRotation; } bodyPartStat.Position = localPosition; bodyPartStat.Rotation = localRotation; bodyPartStat.Velocity = (localPosition - bodyPartStat.LastLocalPosition) / timeDelta; bodyPartStat.AngularVelocity = GetAngularVelocity(bodyPartStat.LastLocalRotation, localRotation, timeDelta); bodyPartStat.LastLocalPosition = localPosition; bodyPartStat.LastLocalRotation = localRotation; bodyPartStat.LastIsSet = true; } LastIsSet = true; } Vector3 GetCenterOfMass() { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; foreach (ArticulationBody ab in _articulationBodyParts) { centerOfMass += ab.worldCenterOfMass * ab.mass; totalMass += ab.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; // centerOfMass -= _spawnableEnv.transform.position; return centerOfMass; } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if (_bodyParts == null || _bodyParts.Count ==0) return; // draw arrow for desired input velocity // Vector3 pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z); Vector3 pos = new Vector3(transform.position.x, .3f, transform.position.z); Vector3 vector = DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity; if (VelocityInWorldSpace) vector = transform.TransformVector(vector); DrawArrow(pos, vector,; Vector3 desiredInputPos = pos + vector; if (HorizontalVelocity) { // arrow for actual velocity vector = CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity; if (VelocityInWorldSpace) vector = transform.TransformVector(vector); DrawArrow(pos, vector,; Vector3 actualPos = pos + vector; // arrow for actual velocity difference vector = CenterOfMassVelocityDifference; if (VelocityInWorldSpace) vector = transform.TransformVector(vector); DrawArrow(actualPos, vector,; } else { vector = CenterOfMassVelocity; if (VelocityInWorldSpace) vector = transform.TransformVector(vector); DrawArrow(pos, vector,; Vector3 actualPos = pos + vector; // arrow for actual velocity difference vector = DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity - CenterOfMassVelocity; if (VelocityInWorldSpace) vector = transform.TransformVector(vector); DrawArrow(actualPos, vector,; } } void DrawArrow(Vector3 start, Vector3 vector, Color color) { float headSize = 0.25f; float headAngle = 20.0f; Gizmos.color = color; Gizmos.DrawRay(start, vector); if (vector.magnitude > 0f) { Vector3 right = Quaternion.LookRotation(vector) * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180 + headAngle, 0) * new Vector3(0, 0, 1); Vector3 left = Quaternion.LookRotation(vector) * Quaternion.Euler(0, 180 - headAngle, 0) * new Vector3(0, 0, 1); Gizmos.DrawRay(start + vector, right * headSize); Gizmos.DrawRay(start + vector, left * headSize); } } }