using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.MLAgents; using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators; using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors; using System.Linq; using static BodyHelper002; using System; using ManyWorlds; public class BodyManager002 : MonoBehaviour, IOnSensorCollision { // Options / Configurables global properties public Transform CameraTarget; public float FixedDeltaTime = 0.005f; public bool ShowMonitor = false; public bool DebugDisableMotor; public bool DebugShowWithOffset; // Observations / Read only global properties public List Muscles; public List BodyParts; public List SensorIsInTouch; public List Observations; public int ObservationNormalizedErrors; public int MaxObservationNormalizedErrors; public List Sensors; public float FrameReward; public float AverageReward; // private properties Vector3 startPosition; Dictionary transformsPosition; Dictionary transformsRotation; Agent _agent; SpawnableEnv _spawnableEnv; TerrainGenerator _terrainGenerator; DecisionRequester _decisionRequester; static int _startCount; float[] lastVectorAction; float[] vectorDifference; List mphBuffer; [Tooltip("Max distance travelled across all episodes")] /**< \brief Max distance travelled across all episodes*/ public float MaxDistanceTraveled; [Tooltip("Distance travelled this episode")] /**< \brief Distance travelled this episode*/ public float DistanceTraveled; List sensorColliders; static int _spawnCount; // static ScoreHistogramData _scoreHistogramData; // void FixedUpdate() // { // foreach (var muscle in Muscles) // { // // var i = Muscles.IndexOf(muscle); // // muscle.UpdateObservations(); // // if (!DebugShowWithOffset && !DebugDisableMotor) // // muscle.UpdateMotor(); // // if (!muscle.Rigidbody.useGravity) // // continue; // skip sub joints // // } // } public BodyConfig BodyConfig; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } public void OnInitializeAgent() { _spawnableEnv = GetComponentInParent(); _terrainGenerator = GetComponentInParent(); SetupBody(); DistanceTraveled = float.MinValue; } public void OnAgentReset() { if (DistanceTraveled != float.MinValue) { var scorer = FindObjectOfType(); scorer?.ReportScore(DistanceTraveled, "Distance Traveled"); } HandleModelReset(); Sensors = _agent.GetComponentsInChildren() .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToList(); sensorColliders = Sensors .Select(x=>x.GetComponent()) .ToList(); SensorIsInTouch = Enumerable.Range(0,Sensors.Count).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); // HACK first spawned agent should grab the camera var smoothFollow = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); if (smoothFollow != null && == null) { if (_spawnCount == 0) // HACK follow nth agent { = CameraTarget; ShowMonitor = true; } else _spawnCount++; } lastVectorAction = null; vectorDifference = null; mphBuffer = new List(); } public void OnAgentAction(float[] vectorAction) { if (lastVectorAction == null){ lastVectorAction = vectorAction.Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); vectorDifference = vectorAction.Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); } int i = 0; foreach (var muscle in Muscles) { // if(muscle.Parent == null) // continue; if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularXMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked){ vectorDifference[i] = Mathf.Abs(vectorAction[i]-lastVectorAction[i]); muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationX = vectorAction[i++]; } if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularYMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked){ vectorDifference[i] = Mathf.Abs(vectorAction[i]-lastVectorAction[i]); muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationY = vectorAction[i++]; } if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularZMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked){ vectorDifference[i] = Mathf.Abs(vectorAction[i]-lastVectorAction[i]); muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationZ = vectorAction[i++]; } if (!DebugDisableMotor) muscle.UpdateMotor(); } if (ShowMonitor) { // var hist = new[] {velocity, uprightBonus, heightPenality, effort}.ToList(); // Monitor.Log("rewardHist", hist.ToArray(), displayType: Monitor.DisplayType.Independent); } } public BodyPart002 GetFirstBodyPart(BodyPartGroup bodyPartGroup) { var bodyPart = BodyParts.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Group == bodyPartGroup); return bodyPart; } public List GetBodyParts() { return BodyParts; } public List GetBodyParts(BodyPartGroup bodyPartGroup) { return BodyParts.Where(x=>x.Group == bodyPartGroup).ToList(); } public float GetActionDifference() { float actionDifference = 1f - vectorDifference.Average(); actionDifference = Mathf.Clamp(actionDifference, 0, 1); actionDifference = Mathf.Pow(actionDifference,2); return actionDifference; } void SetupBody() { _agent = GetComponent(); _decisionRequester = GetComponent(); Time.fixedDeltaTime = FixedDeltaTime; BodyParts = new List (); BodyPart002 root = null; foreach (var t in GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (BodyConfig.GetBodyPartGroup( == BodyHelper002.BodyPartGroup.None) continue; var bodyPart = new BodyPart002{ Rigidbody = t.GetComponent(), Transform = t, Name =, Group = BodyConfig.GetBodyPartGroup(, }; if (bodyPart.Group == BodyConfig.GetRootBodyPart()) root = bodyPart; bodyPart.Root = root; bodyPart.Init(); BodyParts.Add(bodyPart); } var partCount = BodyParts.Count; Muscles = new List (); var muscles = GetComponentsInChildren(); ConfigurableJoint rootConfigurableJoint = null; var ragDoll = GetComponent(); foreach (var m in muscles) { var maximumForce = ragDoll.MusclePowers.First(x=>x.Muscle ==; maximumForce *= ragDoll.MotorScale; var muscle = new Muscle002{ Rigidbody = m.GetComponent(), Transform = m.GetComponent(), ConfigurableJoint = m, Name =, Group = BodyConfig.GetMuscleGroup(, MaximumForce = maximumForce }; if (muscle.Group == BodyConfig.GetRootMuscle()) rootConfigurableJoint = muscle.ConfigurableJoint; muscle.RootConfigurableJoint = rootConfigurableJoint; muscle.Init(); Muscles.Add(muscle); } _startCount++; } void HandleModelReset() { Transform[] allChildren = _agent.GetComponentsInChildren(); if (transformsPosition != null) { foreach (var child in allChildren) { child.position = transformsPosition[child.gameObject]; child.rotation = transformsRotation[child.gameObject]; var childRb = child.GetComponent(); if (childRb != null) { childRb.angularVelocity =; childRb.velocity =; } } } else { startPosition = _agent.transform.position; transformsPosition = new Dictionary(); transformsRotation = new Dictionary(); foreach (Transform child in allChildren) { transformsPosition[child.gameObject] = child.position; transformsRotation[child.gameObject] = child.rotation; } } } public float GetHeightNormalizedReward(float maxHeight) { var height = GetHeight(); var heightPenality = maxHeight - height; heightPenality = Mathf.Clamp(heightPenality, 0f, maxHeight); var reward = 1f - heightPenality; reward = Mathf.Clamp(reward, 0f, 1f); return reward; } internal float GetHeight() { var feetYpos = BodyParts .Where(x => x.Group == BodyPartGroup.Foot) .Select(x => x.Transform.position.y) .OrderBy(x => x) .ToList(); float lowestFoot = 0f; if (feetYpos != null && feetYpos.Count != 0) lowestFoot = feetYpos[0]; var height = GetFirstBodyPart(BodyPartGroup.Head).Transform.position.y - lowestFoot; return height; } public float GetDirectionNormalizedReward(BodyPartGroup bodyPartGroup, Vector3 direction) { BodyPart002 bodyPart = GetFirstBodyPart(bodyPartGroup); float maxBonus = 1f; var toFocalAngle = bodyPart.ToFocalRoation * bodyPart.Transform.right; var angle = Vector3.Angle(toFocalAngle, direction); var qpos2 = (angle % 180) / 180; var bonus = maxBonus * (2 - (Mathf.Abs(qpos2) * 2) - 1); return bonus; } public float GetUprightNormalizedReward(BodyPartGroup bodyPartGroup) { BodyPart002 bodyPart = GetFirstBodyPart(bodyPartGroup); float maxBonus = 1f; var toFocalAngle = bodyPart.ToFocalRoation * -bodyPart.Transform.forward; var angleFromUp = Vector3.Angle(toFocalAngle, Vector3.up); var qpos2 = (angleFromUp % 180) / 180; var uprightBonus = maxBonus * (2 - (Mathf.Abs(qpos2) * 2) - 1); return uprightBonus; } public float GetEffortNormalized(string[] ignorJoints = null) { double effort = 0; double jointEffort = 0; double joints = 0; foreach (var muscle in Muscles) { if(muscle.Parent == null) continue; var name = muscle.Name; if (ignorJoints != null && ignorJoints.Contains(name)) continue; if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularXMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) { jointEffort = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationX),2); effort += jointEffort; joints++; } if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularYMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) { jointEffort = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationY),2); effort += jointEffort; joints++; } if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularZMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) { jointEffort = Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationZ),2); effort += jointEffort; joints++; } } return (float) (effort / joints); } public void OnSensorCollisionEnter(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { // if (string.Compare(, "Terrain", true) !=0) if (other.GetComponent() == null) return; var sensor = Sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = Sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 1f; } } public void OnSensorCollisionExit(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { // if (string.Compare(, "Terrain", true) !=0) if (other.GetComponent() == null) return; var sensor = Sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = Sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 0f; } } public Vector3 GetLocalCenterOfMass() { var centerOfMass = GetCenterOfMass(); centerOfMass -= transform.position; return centerOfMass; } public Vector3 GetCenterOfMass() { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; var bodies = BodyParts .Select(x=>x.Rigidbody) .Where(x=>x!=null) .ToList(); foreach (Rigidbody rb in bodies) { centerOfMass += rb.worldCenterOfMass * rb.mass; totalMass += rb.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; return centerOfMass; } public Vector3 GetNormalizedVelocity() { var pelvis = GetFirstBodyPart(BodyConfig.GetRootBodyPart()); Vector3 metersPerSecond = pelvis.Rigidbody.velocity; var n = GetNormalizedVelocity(metersPerSecond); return n; } public Vector3 GetNormalizedPosition() { // var position = GetCenterOfMass(); var pelvis = GetFirstBodyPart(BodyConfig.GetRootBodyPart()); var position = pelvis.Transform.position; var normalizedPosition = GetNormalizedPosition(position - startPosition); return normalizedPosition; } public void SetDebugFrameReward(float reward) { FrameReward = reward; var stepCount = _agent.StepCount > 0 ? _agent.StepCount : 1; if (_decisionRequester?.DecisionPeriod > 1) stepCount /= _decisionRequester.DecisionPeriod; AverageReward = _agent.GetCumulativeReward() / (float) stepCount; } public List GetSensorIsInTouch() { return SensorIsInTouch; } // public List GetBodyPartsObservations() // { // List vectorObservation = new List(); // foreach (var bodyPart in BodyParts) // { // bodyPart.UpdateObservations(); // // _agent.sensor.AddObservation(bodyPart.ObsRotation); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotation.x); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotation.y); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotation.z); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotation.w); // // _agent.sensor.AddObservation(bodyPart.ObsRotationVelocity); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotationVelocity.x); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotationVelocity.y); // vectorObservation.Add(bodyPart.ObsRotationVelocity.z); // // _agent.sensor.AddObservation(GetNormalizedVelocity(bodyPart.ObsVelocity)); // var normalizedVelocity = GetNormalizedVelocity(bodyPart.ObsVelocity); // vectorObservation.Add(normalizedVelocity.x); // vectorObservation.Add(normalizedVelocity.y); // vectorObservation.Add(normalizedVelocity.z); // } // return vectorObservation; // } public List GetMusclesObservations() { List vectorObservation = new List(); foreach (var muscle in Muscles) { muscle.UpdateObservations(); if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularXMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) vectorObservation.Add(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationX); if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularYMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) vectorObservation.Add(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationY); if (muscle.ConfigurableJoint.angularZMotion != ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked) vectorObservation.Add(muscle.TargetNormalizedRotationZ); } return vectorObservation; } [Obsolete("use GetSensorObservations()")] public List GetSensorYPositions() { var sensorYpositions = Sensors .Select(x=> this.GetNormalizedPosition(x.transform.position - startPosition)) .Select(x=>x.y) .ToList(); return sensorYpositions; } [Obsolete("use GetSensorObservations()")] public List GetSensorZPositions() { var sensorYpositions = Sensors .Select(x=> this.GetNormalizedPosition(x.transform.position - startPosition)) .Select(x=>x.z) .ToList(); return sensorYpositions; } public List GetSensorObservations() { var localSensorsPos = new Vector3[Sensors.Count]; var globalSensorsPos = new Vector3[Sensors.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Sensors.Count; i++) { globalSensorsPos[i] = sensorColliders[i].transform.TransformPoint(sensorColliders[i].center); localSensorsPos[i] = globalSensorsPos[i] - startPosition; } // get heights based on global senor position var sensorsPos = Sensors .Select(x=>x.transform.position).ToList(); var senorHeights = _terrainGenerator != null ? _terrainGenerator.GetDistances2d(globalSensorsPos) : Enumerable.Range(0, globalSensorsPos.Length).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < Sensors.Count; i++) { senorHeights[i] -= sensorColliders[i].radius; if (senorHeights[i] >= 1f) senorHeights[i] = 1f; } // get z positions based on local positions var bounds = _spawnableEnv.bounds; var normalizedZ = localSensorsPos .Select(x=>x.z / (bounds.extents.z)) .ToList(); var observations = senorHeights .Concat(normalizedZ) .ToList(); return observations; } // public void OnCollectObservationsHandleDebug(AgentInfo info) // { // if (Observations?.Count != info.vectorObservation.Count) // Observations = Enumerable.Range(0, info.vectorObservation.Count).Select(x => 0f).ToList(); // ObservationNormalizedErrors = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < Observations.Count; i++) // { // Observations[i] = info.vectorObservation[i]; // var x = Mathf.Abs(Observations[i]); // var e = Mathf.Epsilon; // bool is1 = Mathf.Approximately(x, 1f); // if ((x > 1f + e) && !is1) // ObservationNormalizedErrors++; // } // if (ObservationNormalizedErrors > MaxObservationNormalizedErrors) // MaxObservationNormalizedErrors = ObservationNormalizedErrors; // var pelvis = GetFirstBodyPart(BodyPartGroup.Hips); // DistanceTraveled = pelvis.Transform.position.x; // MaxDistanceTraveled = Mathf.Max(MaxDistanceTraveled, DistanceTraveled); // Vector3 metersPerSecond = pelvis.Rigidbody.velocity; // Vector3 mph = metersPerSecond * 2.236936f; // mphBuffer.Add(mph); // if (mphBuffer.Count > 100) // mphBuffer.RemoveAt(0); // var aveMph = new Vector3( // mphBuffer.Select(x=>x.x).Average(), // mphBuffer.Select(x=>x.y).Average(), // mphBuffer.Select(x=>x.z).Average() // ); // if (ShowMonitor) // { // Monitor.Log("MaxDistance", MaxDistanceTraveled.ToString()); // Monitor.Log("NormalizedPos", GetNormalizedPosition().ToString()); // Monitor.Log("MPH: ", (aveMph).ToString()); // } // } float NextGaussian(float mu = 0, float sigma = 1) { var u1 = UnityEngine.Random.value; var u2 = UnityEngine.Random.value; var rand_std_normal = Mathf.Sqrt(-2.0f * Mathf.Log(u1)) * Mathf.Sin(2.0f * Mathf.PI * u2); var rand_normal = mu + sigma * rand_std_normal; return rand_normal; } public Vector3 GetNormalizedVelocity(Vector3 metersPerSecond) { var maxMetersPerSecond = _spawnableEnv.bounds.size / _agent.MaxStep / Time.fixedDeltaTime; var maxXZ = Mathf.Max(maxMetersPerSecond.x, maxMetersPerSecond.z); maxMetersPerSecond.x = maxXZ; maxMetersPerSecond.z = maxXZ; maxMetersPerSecond.y = 53; // override with float x = metersPerSecond.x / maxMetersPerSecond.x; float y = metersPerSecond.y / maxMetersPerSecond.y; float z = metersPerSecond.z / maxMetersPerSecond.z; // clamp result x = Mathf.Clamp(x, -1f, 1f); y = Mathf.Clamp(y, -1f, 1f); z = Mathf.Clamp(z, -1f, 1f); Vector3 normalizedVelocity = new Vector3(x,y,z); return normalizedVelocity; } public Vector3 GetNormalizedPosition(Vector3 pos) { var maxPos = _spawnableEnv.bounds.size; float x = pos.x / maxPos.x; float y = pos.y / maxPos.y; float z = pos.z / maxPos.z; // clamp result x = Mathf.Clamp(x, -1f, 1f); y = Mathf.Clamp(y, -1f, 1f); z = Mathf.Clamp(z, -1f, 1f); Vector3 normalizedPos = new Vector3(x,y,z); return normalizedPos; } }