using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.MLAgents; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.AI; using System.Linq.Expressions; public class MapAnim2Ragdoll : MonoBehaviour, IOnSensorCollision {//previously Mocap Controller Artanim public List SensorIsInTouch; List _sensors; internal Animator anim; [Range(0f,1f)] public float NormalizedTime; public float Lenght; public bool IsLoopingAnimation; [SerializeField] Rigidbody _rigidbodyRoot; List _animTransforms; public List _ragdollTransforms; List _ragDollRigidbody; // private List _rigidbodies; // private List _transforms; public bool RequestCamera; public bool CameraFollowMe; public Transform CameraTarget; Vector3 _resetPosition; Quaternion _resetRotation; [Space(20)] [Header("Stats")] public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocity; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace; public Vector3 LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; public Vector3 LastRootPositionInWorldSpace; public Vector3 LastHeadPositionInWorldSpace; public Vector3 HorizontalDirection; public List LastPosition; public List LastRotation; public List Velocities; public List AngularVelocities; //TODO: find a way to remove this dependency (otherwise, not fully procedural) private bool _usingMocapAnimatorController = false; IAnimationController _mocapAnimController; // [SerializeField] // float _debugDistance = 0.0f; private List _offsetsSource2RB = null; //for debugging, we disable this when setTpose in MarathonTestBedController is on [HideInInspector] public bool doFixedUpdate = true; bool _hasLazyInitialized; bool _hackyNavAgentMode; Collider _root; Collider _head; public void OnAgentInitialize() { LazyInitialize(); } void LazyInitialize() { if (_hasLazyInitialized) return; // check if we need to create our ragdoll var ragdoll4Mocap = GetComponentsInChildren() .Where(x=> == "RagdollForMocap") .FirstOrDefault(); if (ragdoll4Mocap == null) DynamicallyCreateRagdollForMocap(); _mocapAnimController = GetComponent(); _usingMocapAnimatorController = _mocapAnimController != null; if (!_usingMocapAnimatorController) { Debug.LogWarning("Mocap Controller is working WITHOUT AnimationController"); } var ragdollTransforms = GetComponentsInChildren() .Where(x=>"articulation")) .ToList(); var ragdollNames = ragdollTransforms .Select(x=> .ToList(); var animNames = ragdollNames .Select(x=>x.Replace("articulation:","")) .ToList(); var animTransforms = animNames .Select(x=>GetComponentsInChildren().FirstOrDefault(y=> == x)) .Where(x=>x!=null) .ToList(); _animTransforms = new List(); _ragdollTransforms = new List(); // first time, copy position and rotation foreach (var animTransform in animTransforms) { var ragdollTransform = ragdollTransforms .First(x=> == $"articulation:{}"); ragdollTransform.position = animTransform.position; ragdollTransform.rotation = animTransform.rotation; _animTransforms.Add(animTransform); _ragdollTransforms.Add(ragdollTransform); } _ragDollRigidbody = _ragdollTransforms .Select(x=>x.GetComponent()) .Where(x=> x != null) .ToList(); SetupSensors(); if (RequestCamera && CameraTarget != null) { var instances = FindObjectsOfType().ToList(); if (instances.Count(x=>x.CameraFollowMe) < 1) CameraFollowMe = true; } if (CameraFollowMe){ var camera = FindObjectOfType(); var follow = camera.GetComponent(); = CameraTarget; } var navAgent = GetComponent(); if (navAgent) { var radius = 16f; Vector3 randomDirection = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * radius; NavMeshHit hit; Vector3 finalPosition =; if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(randomDirection, out hit, radius, 1)) { finalPosition = hit.position; } transform.position = finalPosition; _hackyNavAgentMode = true; } _resetPosition = transform.position; _resetRotation = transform.rotation; _hasLazyInitialized = true; // NOTE: do after setting _hasLazyInitialized as can trigger infinate loop anim = GetComponent(); if (_usingMocapAnimatorController) { anim.Update(0f); } var colliders = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); _root = colliders.FirstOrDefault(); _head = colliders.FirstOrDefault(x=>"head")); if (_head == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"{nameof(MapAnim2Ragdoll)}.{nameof(LazyInitialize)}() can not find the head. "); } } public void DynamicallyCreateRagdollForMocap() { // Find Ragdoll in parent Transform parent = this.transform.parent; ProcRagdollAgent[] ragdolls = parent.GetComponentsInChildren(true); Assert.AreEqual(ragdolls.Length, 1, "code only supports one RagDollAgent"); ProcRagdollAgent ragDoll = ragdolls[0]; var ragdollForMocap = new GameObject("RagdollForMocap"); ragdollForMocap.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); Assert.AreEqual(ragDoll.transform.childCount, 1, "code only supports 1 child"); var ragdollRoot = ragDoll.transform.GetChild(0); // clone the ragdoll root var clone = Instantiate(ragdollRoot); // remove '(clone)' from names foreach (var t in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { ="(Clone)", ""); } // swap ArticulatedBody for RidgedBody List bodiesNamesToDelete = new List(); foreach (var abody in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { var bodyGameobject = abody.gameObject; var rb = bodyGameobject.AddComponent(); rb.mass = abody.mass; rb.useGravity = abody.useGravity; // it makes no sense but if i do not set the layer here, then some objects dont have the correct layer rb.gameObject.layer = this.gameObject.layer; bodiesNamesToDelete.Add(; } foreach (var name in bodiesNamesToDelete) { var abody = clone .GetComponentsInChildren() .First(x=> == name); DestroyImmediate(abody); } // make Kinematic foreach (var rb in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { rb.isKinematic = true; } //we do this after removing the ArticulationBody, since moving the root in the articulationBody creates TROUBLE clone.transform.SetParent(ragdollForMocap.transform, false); // setup HandleOverlap foreach (var rb in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { // remove cloned HandledOverlap var oldHandleOverlap = rb.GetComponent(); if (oldHandleOverlap != null) { DestroyImmediate(oldHandleOverlap); } var handleOverlap = rb.gameObject.AddComponent(); handleOverlap.Parent = clone.gameObject; } // set the root this._rigidbodyRoot = clone.GetComponent(); // set the layers ragdollForMocap.layer = this.gameObject.layer; foreach (Transform child in ragdollForMocap.GetComponentInChildren()) { child.gameObject.layer = this.gameObject.layer; } var triggers = ragdollForMocap .GetComponentsInChildren() .Where(x=>x.isTrigger); foreach (var trigger in triggers) { trigger.gameObject.SetActive(false); trigger.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } void SetupSensors() { _sensors = GetComponentsInChildren() .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToList(); SensorIsInTouch = Enumerable.Range(0,_sensors.Count).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); } public void OnStep(float timeDelta) { LazyInitialize(); if (_lastPositionTime == Time.time) return; //if (!_usesMotionMatching) { AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); AnimatorClipInfo[] clipInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0); Lenght = stateInfo.length; NormalizedTime = stateInfo.normalizedTime; IsLoopingAnimation = stateInfo.loop; var timeStep = stateInfo.length * stateInfo.normalizedTime; } MimicAnimation(); // get Center Of Mass velocity in f space var newCOM = GetCenterOfMass(); var lastCOM = LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; var velocity = newCOM - lastCOM; velocity -= _snapOffset; velocity /= timeDelta; CenterOfMassVelocity = velocity; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassVelocity.magnitude; CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace = transform.InverseTransformVector(velocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace = CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace.magnitude; HorizontalDirection = new Vector3(0f, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f); LastRootPositionInWorldSpace = _root.transform.position; LastHeadPositionInWorldSpace = _head.transform.position; var newPosition = _ragDollRigidbody .Select(x=>x.position) .ToList(); var newRotation = _ragDollRigidbody .Select(x=>x.transform.localRotation) .ToList(); Velocities = LastPosition // .Zip(newPosition, (last, cur)=> (cur-last)/timeDelta) .Zip(newPosition, (last, cur)=> (cur-last-_snapOffset)/timeDelta) .ToList(); AngularVelocities = LastRotation .Zip(newRotation, (last, cur)=> Utils.GetAngularVelocity(cur, last, timeDelta)) .ToList(); LastPosition = newPosition; LastRotation = newRotation; _snapOffset =; _lastPositionTime = Time.time; } float _lastPositionTime = float.MinValue; Vector3 _snapOffset =; void MimicAnimation() { if (!anim.enabled) return; // copy position for root (assume first target is root) _ragdollTransforms[0].position = _animTransforms[0].position; // copy rotation for (int i = 0; i < _animTransforms.Count; i++) { _ragdollTransforms[i].rotation = _animTransforms[i].rotation; } } public Vector3 GetCenterOfMass() { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; foreach (Rigidbody ab in _ragDollRigidbody) { centerOfMass += ab.worldCenterOfMass * ab.mass; totalMass += ab.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; // centerOfMass -= _spawnableEnv.transform.position; return centerOfMass; } public void OnReset(Quaternion resetRotation) { LazyInitialize(); if (!doFixedUpdate) return; if (!_hackyNavAgentMode) { transform.position = _resetPosition; // handle character controller skin width var characterController = GetComponent(); if (characterController != null) { var pos = transform.position; pos.y += characterController.skinWidth; transform.position = pos; } transform.rotation = resetRotation; } MimicAnimation(); _snapOffset =; LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = GetCenterOfMass(); LastRootPositionInWorldSpace = _root.transform.position; LastHeadPositionInWorldSpace = _head.transform.position; LastPosition = _ragDollRigidbody .Select(x=>x.position) .ToList(); LastRotation = _ragDollRigidbody .Select(x=>x.transform.localRotation) .ToList(); } public void OnSensorCollisionEnter(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { LazyInitialize(); //if (string.Compare(, "Terrain", true) !=0) if (other.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")) return; var sensor = _sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = _sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 1f; } } public void OnSensorCollisionExit(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { LazyInitialize(); if (other.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")) return; var sensor = _sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = _sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 0f; } } public void CopyStatesTo(GameObject target) { LazyInitialize(); var targets = target.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); if (targets?.Count == 0) return; var root = targets.First(x=>x.isRoot); // root.gameObject.SetActive(false); var rstat = _ragDollRigidbody.First(x=> ==; root.TeleportRoot(rstat.position, rstat.rotation); root.transform.position = rstat.position; root.transform.rotation = rstat.rotation; // root.gameObject.SetActive(true); foreach (var targetRb in targets) { var stat = _ragDollRigidbody.First(x=> ==; if (targetRb.isRoot) continue; // bool shouldDebug = == "articulation:mixamorig:RightArm"; // bool didDebug = false; if (targetRb.jointType == ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint) { float stiffness = 0f; float damping = float.MaxValue; float forceLimit = 0f; // if (shouldDebug) // didDebug = true; Vector3 decomposedRotation = Utils.GetSwingTwist(stat.transform.localRotation); int j=0; List thisJointPosition = Enumerable.Range(0,targetRb.dofCount).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); if (targetRb.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.xDrive; var deg = decomposedRotation.x; thisJointPosition[j++] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; = deg; targetRb.xDrive = drive; } if (targetRb.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.yDrive; var deg = decomposedRotation.y; thisJointPosition[j++] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; = deg; targetRb.yDrive = drive; } if (targetRb.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.zDrive; var deg = decomposedRotation.z; thisJointPosition[j++] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; drive.forceLimit = forceLimit; = deg; targetRb.zDrive = drive; } switch (targetRb.dofCount) { case 1: targetRb.jointPosition = new ArticulationReducedSpace(thisJointPosition[0]); break; case 2: targetRb.jointPosition = new ArticulationReducedSpace( thisJointPosition[0], thisJointPosition[1]); break; case 3: targetRb.jointPosition = new ArticulationReducedSpace( thisJointPosition[0], thisJointPosition[1], thisJointPosition[2]); break; default: break; } } } foreach (var childAb in root.GetComponentsInChildren()) { childAb.angularVelocity =; childAb.velocity =; } } public void CopyVelocityTo(GameObject targetGameObject, Vector3 velocity) { LazyInitialize(); var targets = targetGameObject.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); if (targets?.Count == 0) return; var root = targets.First(x=>x.isRoot); if (Velocities == null || Velocities.Count == 0) return; Vector3 aveVelocity =; Vector3 aveAngularVelocity =; for (int i = 0; i < _ragDollRigidbody.Count; i++) { var source = _ragDollRigidbody[i]; var target = targets.First(x=> ==; var vel = Velocities[i]; var angVel = AngularVelocities[i]; foreach (var childAb in target.GetComponentsInChildren()) { if (childAb == target) continue; childAb.transform.localPosition =; childAb.transform.localEulerAngles =; childAb.angularVelocity =; childAb.velocity =; } if (target.jointType == ArticulationJointType.SphericalJoint && !target.isRoot) { int j=0; List thisJointVelocity = Enumerable.Range(0, target.dofCount).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); if (target.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { thisJointVelocity[j++] = angVel.x; } if (target.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { thisJointVelocity[j++] = angVel.y; } if (target.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { thisJointVelocity[j++] = angVel.z; } switch (target.dofCount) { case 1: target.jointVelocity = new ArticulationReducedSpace(thisJointVelocity[0]); break; case 2: target.jointVelocity = new ArticulationReducedSpace( thisJointVelocity[0], thisJointVelocity[1]); break; case 3: target.jointVelocity = new ArticulationReducedSpace( thisJointVelocity[0], thisJointVelocity[1], thisJointVelocity[2]); break; default: break; } } target.velocity = vel; aveVelocity += Velocities[i]; aveAngularVelocity += AngularVelocities[i]; } var c = (float)_ragDollRigidbody.Count; aveVelocity = aveVelocity / c; aveAngularVelocity = aveAngularVelocity / c; c = c; } public Vector3 SnapTo(Vector3 snapPosition) { snapPosition.y = transform.position.y; var snapDistance = snapPosition-transform.position; transform.position = snapPosition; _snapOffset += snapDistance; return snapDistance; } public List GetRigidBodies() { LazyInitialize(); return GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } }