using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.MLAgents; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using ManyWorlds; public class DReConRewardStats : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Settings")] public MonoBehaviour ObjectToTrack; [Header("Stats")] public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocity; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; // [Header("debug")] // public Vector3 debugA; // public Vector3 debugB; // public Vector3 debugC; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; [HideInInspector] public bool LastIsSet; SpawnableEnv _spawnableEnv; List _colliders; List _rigidbodyParts; List _articulationBodyParts; List _bodyParts; GameObject _root; List _trackRotations; public List Rotations; public Vector3[] Points; Vector3[] _lastPoints; public Vector3[] PointVelocity; [Header("Stats")] public List ColliderNames; public List RotationNames; public List BodyPartNames; bool _hasLazyInitialized; string rootName = "articulation:Hips"; public void setRootName(string s) { rootName = s; } public void OnAgentInitialize(Transform defaultTransform, DReConRewardStats orderToCopy = null) { Assert.IsFalse(_hasLazyInitialized); _hasLazyInitialized = true; _spawnableEnv = GetComponentInParent(); _articulationBodyParts = ObjectToTrack .GetComponentsInChildren() .Distinct() .ToList(); _rigidbodyParts = ObjectToTrack .GetComponentsInChildren() .Distinct() .ToList(); if (_rigidbodyParts?.Count>0) _bodyParts = _rigidbodyParts.Select(x=>x.gameObject).ToList(); else _bodyParts = _articulationBodyParts.Select(x=>x.gameObject).ToList(); _trackRotations = _bodyParts .SelectMany(x=>x.GetComponentsInChildren()) .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .Distinct() .Where(x=>x.GetComponent() != null || x.GetComponent() != null) // TODO: figure out how to not hard code this: .Where(x=>"articulation:") || == "head") .ToList(); _colliders = _bodyParts .SelectMany(x=>x.GetComponentsInChildren()) .Where(x=>x.enabled) .Where(x=>!"senor")) .Distinct() .ToList(); if (orderToCopy != null) { _bodyParts = orderToCopy._bodyParts .Select(x=>_bodyParts.First(y=> == .ToList(); _trackRotations = orderToCopy._trackRotations .Select(x=>_trackRotations.First(y=> == .ToList(); _colliders = orderToCopy._colliders .Select(x=>_colliders.First(y=> == .ToList(); } Points = Enumerable.Range(0,_colliders.Count * 6) .Select(x=> .ToArray(); _lastPoints = Enumerable.Range(0,_colliders.Count * 6) .Select(x=> .ToArray(); PointVelocity = Enumerable.Range(0,_colliders.Count * 6) .Select(x=> .ToArray(); Rotations = Enumerable.Range(0,_trackRotations.Count) .Select(x=>Quaternion.identity) .ToList(); if (_root == null) { _root = _bodyParts.First(x=> rootName); } transform.position = defaultTransform.position; transform.rotation = defaultTransform.rotation; ColliderNames = _colliders .Select(x=> .ToList(); RotationNames = _trackRotations .Select(x=> .ToList(); BodyPartNames = _bodyParts .Select(x=> .ToList(); } public void OnReset() { Assert.IsTrue(_hasLazyInitialized); ResetStatus(); LastIsSet = false; } public void ResetStatus() { CenterOfMassVelocity =; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = 0f; LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = transform.position; GetAllPoints(Points); Array.Copy(Points, 0, _lastPoints, 0, Points.Length); for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++) { PointVelocity[i] =; } for (int i = 0; i < _trackRotations.Count; i++) { Quaternion localRotation = _trackRotations[i].transform.localRotation; if (_trackRotations[i].gameObject == _root) localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * _trackRotations[i].transform.rotation; Rotations[i] = localRotation; } } public void SetStatusForStep(float timeDelta) { // find Center Of Mass and velocity Vector3 newCOM; if (_rigidbodyParts?.Count > 0) newCOM = GetCenterOfMass(_rigidbodyParts); else newCOM = GetCenterOfMass(_articulationBodyParts); if (!LastIsSet) { LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; } // generate Horizontal Direction var newHorizontalDirection = new Vector3(0f, _root.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f); // set this object to be f space transform.position = newCOM; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHorizontalDirection); // get Center Of Mass velocity in f space var velocity = transform.position - LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; velocity /= timeDelta; CenterOfMassVelocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(velocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassVelocity.magnitude; LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; GetAllPoints(Points); if (!LastIsSet) { Array.Copy(Points, 0, _lastPoints, 0, Points.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++) { PointVelocity[i] = (Points[i] - _lastPoints[i]) / timeDelta; } Array.Copy(Points, 0, _lastPoints, 0, Points.Length); for (int i = 0; i < _trackRotations.Count; i++) { Quaternion localRotation = _trackRotations[i].transform.localRotation; if (_trackRotations[i].gameObject == _root) localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * _trackRotations[i].transform.rotation; Rotations[i] = localRotation; } LastIsSet = true; } public List GetPointDistancesFrom(DReConRewardStats target) { List distances = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < Points.Length; i++) { float distance = (Points[i] - target.Points[i]).magnitude; distances.Add(distance); } return distances; } public List GetPointVelocityDistancesFrom(DReConRewardStats target) { List distances = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < PointVelocity.Length; i++) { float distance = (PointVelocity[i] - target.PointVelocity[i]).magnitude; distances.Add(distance); } return distances; } public void AssertIsCompatible(DReConRewardStats target) { Assert.AreEqual(Points.Length, target.Points.Length); Assert.AreEqual(_lastPoints.Length, target._lastPoints.Length); Assert.AreEqual(PointVelocity.Length, target.PointVelocity.Length); Assert.AreEqual(Points.Length, _lastPoints.Length); Assert.AreEqual(Points.Length, PointVelocity.Length); Assert.AreEqual(_colliders.Count, target._colliders.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _colliders.Count; i++) { string debugStr = $" _colliders.{_colliders[i].name} vs target._colliders.{target._colliders[i].name}"; Assert.AreEqual(_colliders[i].name, target._colliders[i].name, $"name:{debugStr}"); // Assert.AreEqual(_colliders[i].direction, target._colliders[i].direction, $"direction:{debugStr}"); // Assert.AreEqual(_colliders[i].height, target._colliders[i].height, $"height:{debugStr}"); // Assert.AreEqual(_colliders[i].radius, target._colliders[i].radius, $"radius:{debugStr}"); } Assert.AreEqual(ColliderNames.Count, target.ColliderNames.Count); Assert.AreEqual(RotationNames.Count, target.RotationNames.Count); Assert.AreEqual(BodyPartNames.Count, target.BodyPartNames.Count); for (int i = 0; i < ColliderNames.Count; i++) Assert.AreEqual(ColliderNames[i], target.ColliderNames[i]); for (int i = 0; i < RotationNames.Count; i++) Assert.AreEqual(RotationNames[i], target.RotationNames[i]); for (int i = 0; i < BodyPartNames.Count; i++) Assert.AreEqual(BodyPartNames[i], target.BodyPartNames[i]); } void GetAllPoints(Vector3[] pointBuffer) { int idx = 0; foreach (var collider in _colliders) { CapsuleCollider capsule = collider as CapsuleCollider; BoxCollider box = collider as BoxCollider; SphereCollider sphere = collider as SphereCollider; Vector3 c =; Bounds b = new Bounds(c,c); if ("head") { c = c; } if (capsule != null) { c =; var r = capsule.radius*2; var h = capsule.height; h = Mathf.Max(r,h); // capsules height is clipped at r if (capsule.direction == 0) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(h,r,r)); else if (capsule.direction == 1) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r,h,r)); else if (capsule.direction == 2) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r,r,h)); else throw new NotImplementedException(); } else if (box != null) { c =; b = new Bounds(c, box.size); } else if (sphere != null) { c =; var r = sphere.radius*2; b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r,r,r)); } else throw new NotImplementedException(); Vector3 point1, point2, point3, point4, point5, point6; point1 = new Vector3(b.max.x, c.y, c.z); point2 = new Vector3(b.min.x, c.y, c.z); point3 = new Vector3(c.x, b.max.y, c.z); point4 = new Vector3(c.x, b.min.y, c.z); point5 = new Vector3(c.x, c.y, b.max.z); point6 = new Vector3(c.x, c.y, b.min.z); // from local collider space to world space point1 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point1); point2 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point2); point3 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point3); point4 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point4); point5 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point5); point6 = collider.transform.TransformPoint(point6); // transform from world space, into local space for COM point1 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point1); point2 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point2); point3 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point3); point4 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point4); point5 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point5); point6 = this.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point6); pointBuffer[idx++] = point1; pointBuffer[idx++] = point2; pointBuffer[idx++] = point3; pointBuffer[idx++] = point4; pointBuffer[idx++] = point5; pointBuffer[idx++] = point6; } } Vector3 GetCenterOfMass(IEnumerable bodies) { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; foreach (ArticulationBody ab in bodies) { centerOfMass += ab.worldCenterOfMass * ab.mass; totalMass += ab.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; // centerOfMass -= _spawnableEnv.transform.position; return centerOfMass; } Vector3 GetCenterOfMass(IEnumerable bodies) { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; foreach (Rigidbody ab in bodies) { centerOfMass += ab.worldCenterOfMass * ab.mass; totalMass += ab.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; // centerOfMass -= _spawnableEnv.transform.position; return centerOfMass; } public void DrawPointDistancesFrom(DReConRewardStats target, int objIdex) { int start = 0; int end = Points.Length-1; if (objIdex >=0) { start = objIdex*6; end = (objIdex*6)+6; } for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { Gizmos.color = Color.white; var from = Points[i]; var to = target.Points[i]; var toTarget = target.Points[i]; // transform to this object's world space from = this.transform.TransformPoint(from); to = this.transform.TransformPoint(to); // transform to target's world space toTarget = target.transform.TransformPoint(toTarget); Gizmos.color = Color.white; Gizmos.DrawLine(from, toTarget); // show this objects velocity Vector3 velocity = PointVelocity[i]; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawRay(from, velocity); // show targets velocity Vector3 velocityTarget = target.PointVelocity[i]; Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawRay(toTarget, velocityTarget); } } public void ShiftCOM (Vector3 snapDistance) { Vector3 newCOM = LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace + snapDistance; LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; transform.position = newCOM; } }