using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.MLAgents; using System.Linq; using ManyWorlds; public class TerrainGenerator : MonoBehaviour { Terrain terrain; Agent _agent; DecisionRequester _decisionRequester; public int posXInTerrain; public int posYInTerrain; float[,] _heights; float[,] _rowHeight; public int heightIndex; public float curHeight; public float actionReward; internal const float _minHeight = 0f; internal const float _maxHeight = 10f; internal const float _minSpawnHeight = 0f;//2f; internal const float _maxSpawnHeight = 10f;//8f; const float _midHeight = 5f; float _mapScaleY; float[,] _heightMap; public List debugLastHeights; public List debugLastNormHeights; public float debugLastFraction; PhysicsScene physicsScene; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { physicsScene = (GetComponentInParent().GetPhysicsScene()); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { } public void Reset() { if (this.terrain == null) { var parent = gameObject.transform.parent; terrain = parent.GetComponentInChildren(); var sharedTerrainData = terrain.terrainData; terrain.terrainData = new TerrainData(); terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution = sharedTerrainData.heightmapResolution; terrain.terrainData.baseMapResolution = sharedTerrainData.baseMapResolution; terrain.terrainData.SetDetailResolution(sharedTerrainData.detailResolution, sharedTerrainData.detailResolutionPerPatch); terrain.terrainData.size = sharedTerrainData.size; //terrain.terrainData.thickness = sharedTerrainData.thickness; // terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = sharedTerrainData.splatPrototypes; terrain.terrainData.terrainLayers = sharedTerrainData.terrainLayers; var collider = terrain.GetComponent(); collider.terrainData = terrain.terrainData; _rowHeight = new float[terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution,1]; } if (this._agent == null) { _agent = GetComponent(); _decisionRequester = GetComponent(); } //print($"HeightMap {this.terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth}, {this.terrain.terrainData.heightmapHeight}. // Scale {this.terrain.terrainData.heightmapScale}. Resolution {this.terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution}"); _mapScaleY = this.terrain.terrainData.heightmapScale.y; // get the normalized position of this game object relative to the terrain Vector3 tempCoord = (transform.position - terrain.gameObject.transform.position); Vector3 coord; tempCoord.x = Mathf.Clamp(tempCoord.x,0f, terrain.terrainData.size.x-0.000001f); tempCoord.z = Mathf.Clamp(tempCoord.z,0f, terrain.terrainData.size.z-0.000001f); coord.x = (tempCoord.x-1) / terrain.terrainData.size.x; coord.y = tempCoord.y / terrain.terrainData.size.y; coord.z = tempCoord.z / terrain.terrainData.size.z; // get the position of the terrain heightmap where this game object is posXInTerrain = (int) (coord.x * terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution); posYInTerrain = (int) (coord.z * terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution); // we set an offset so that all the raising terrain is under this game object int offset = 0 / 2; // get the heights of the terrain under this game object _heights = terrain.terrainData.GetHeights(posXInTerrain-offset,posYInTerrain-offset, 100,1); curHeight = _midHeight; heightIndex = posXInTerrain; actionReward = 0f; ResetHeights(); } void ResetHeights() { if (_heightMap == null){ _heightMap = new float [terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution, terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution]; } heightIndex = 0; while(heightIndex _maxSpawnHeight) { curHeight = _maxSpawnHeight; actionSize = 0; } } float height = curHeight / _mapScaleY; // var unit = terrain.terrainData.heightmapWidth / (int)_mapScaleY; int unit = 1; int startH = heightIndex * unit; for (int h = startH; h < startH+unit; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution; w++){ _heightMap[w,h] = height; } height += 1/300f/_mapScaleY; } heightIndex++; } public List GetDistances2d(IEnumerable points) { List distances = points .Select(x=> GetDistance2d(x)) .ToList(); return distances; } float GetDistance2d(Vector3 point) { int layerMask = ~(1 << 14); RaycastHit hit; if (!physicsScene.Raycast(point, Vector3.down, out hit,_maxHeight,layerMask)) return 1f; float distance = hit.distance; distance = Mathf.Clamp(distance, -1f, 1f); return distance; } public bool IsPointOffEdge(Vector3 point) { Vector3 localPos = (point - terrain.gameObject.transform.position); bool isOffEdge = false; isOffEdge |= (localPos.z < 0f); isOffEdge |= (localPos.z >= terrain.terrainData.size.z); return isOffEdge; } public (List, float) GetDistances2d(Vector3 pos, bool showDebug) { int layerMask = ~(1 << 14); var xpos = pos.x; xpos -= 2f; float fraction = (xpos - (Mathf.Floor(xpos*5)/5)) * 5; float ypos = pos.y; List rays = Enumerable.Range(0, 5*7).Select(x => new Ray(new Vector3(xpos+(x*.2f), TerrainGenerator._maxHeight, pos.z), Vector3.down)).ToList(); RaycastHit hit; List distances = rays.Select ( ray=> { if (!physicsScene.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out hit,_maxHeight,layerMask)) return _maxHeight; return ypos - (_maxHeight - hit.distance); }).ToList(); if (Application.isEditor && showDebug) { var view = distances.Skip(10).Take(20).Select(x=>x).ToList(); //Monitor.Log("distances", view.ToArray()); var time = Time.deltaTime; if (_decisionRequester?.DecisionPeriod > 1) time *= _decisionRequester.DecisionPeriod; for (int i = 0; i < rays.Count; i++) { var distance = distances[i]; var origin = new Vector3(rays[i].origin.x, ypos,0f); var direction = distance > 0 ? Vector3.down : Vector3.up; var color = distance > 0 ? Color.yellow :; Debug.DrawRay(origin, direction*Mathf.Abs(distance), color, time, false); } } List normalizedDistances = distances .Select(x => Mathf.Clamp(x, -10f, 10f)) .Select(x => x/10f) .ToList(); ; debugLastNormHeights = normalizedDistances; debugLastHeights = distances; debugLastFraction = fraction; return (normalizedDistances, fraction); } }