using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Unity.MLAgents; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using System.Linq.Expressions; public class MocapControllerArtanim : MonoBehaviour, IOnSensorCollision { public List SensorIsInTouch; List _sensors; internal Animator anim; [Range(0f,1f)] public float NormalizedTime; public float Lenght; public bool IsLoopingAnimation; [SerializeField] Rigidbody _rigidbodyRoot; private List _rigidbodies; private List _transforms; public bool RequestCamera; public bool CameraFollowMe; public Transform CameraTarget; Vector3 _resetPosition; Quaternion _resetRotation; [SerializeField] bool _isGeneratedProcedurally = false; public bool IsGeneratedProcedurally { set => _isGeneratedProcedurally = value; } [Space(20)] //---------------------- piece added to deal with mixamo characters and mapping between skinned and physical characters //[SerializeField] //bool _usesMotionMatching = false; private bool _usingMocapAnimatorController = false; MocapAnimatorController _mocapAnimController; [SerializeField] float _debugDistance = 0.0f; //I try to configure here, directly, the offsets. // [SerializeField] // string rigBaseName = "mixamorig"; // private List _targetPoseTransforms = null; //[SerializeField] //Transform _targetMocapCharacter; private List _offsetsSource2RB = null; //for debugging, we disable this when setTpose in MarathonTestBedController is on [HideInInspector] public bool doFixedUpdate = true; bool _hasLazyInitialized; void SetOffsetSourcePose2RBInProceduralWorld() { _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); _offsetsSource2RB = new List(); if (_rigidbodies == null) { _rigidbodies = _rigidbodyRoot.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); // _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } foreach (Rigidbody rb in _rigidbodies) { //ArticulationBody ab = _articulationbodies.First(x => == abname); string[] temp =':'); //string tname = temp[1]; string tname =[0].ToArray()); tname = tname.TrimStart(':'); //if structure is "articulation:" +, it comes from a joint: if (temp[0].Equals("articulation")) { Transform t = _transforms.First(x => == tname); //TODO: check these days if those values are different from 0, sometimes Quaternion qoffset = rb.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(t.rotation); MappingOffset r = new MappingOffset(t, rb, qoffset); _offsetsSource2RB.Add(r); r.UpdateRigidBodies = true;//TODO: check if really needed, probably the constructor already does it } } } MappingOffset SetOffsetSourcePose2RB(string rbname, string tname) { //here we set up: // a. the transform of the rigged character input // NO b. the rigidbody of the physical character // c. the offset calculated between the rigged character INPUT, and the rigidbody if (_transforms == null) { _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); //Debug.Log("the number of transforms in source pose is: " + _transforms.Count); } if (_offsetsSource2RB == null) { _offsetsSource2RB = new List(); } if (_rigidbodies == null ) { _rigidbodies = _rigidbodyRoot.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); // _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } Rigidbody rb = null; try { rb = _rigidbodies.First(x => == rbname); } catch { Debug.LogError("no rigidbody with name " + rbname); } Transform tref = null; try { tref = _transforms.First(x => == tname); } catch { Debug.LogError("no bone transform with name in input pose " + tname); } //from refPose to Physical body: //q_{physical_body} = q_{offset} * q_{refPose} //q_{offset} = q_{physical_body} * Quaternion.Inverse(q_{refPose}) //Quaternion qoffset = rb.transform.localRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(tref.localRotation); //using the global rotation instead of the local one prevents from dependencies on bones that are not mapped to the rigid body (like the shoulder) Quaternion qoffset = rb.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Inverse(tref.rotation); MappingOffset r = new MappingOffset(tref, rb, qoffset); r.UpdateRigidBodies = true;//not really needed, the constructor already does it _offsetsSource2RB.Add(r); return r; } //void SetSon(MappingOffset o, string tsonname) { // Transform tref = null; // try // { // tref = _transforms.First(x => == tsonname); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Debug.LogError("no bone transform with name in input pose " + tsonname); // } // o.SetSon(tref); //} //public bool UsingMocapAnimatorController { get => _usingMocapAnimatorController; set => _usingMocapAnimatorController = value; } //public bool UsingMocapAnimatorController { get => _usingMocapAnimatorController; } public void OnAgentInitialize() { LazyInitialize(); } void LazyInitialize() { if (_hasLazyInitialized) return; try { _mocapAnimController = GetComponent(); string s =;//this should launch an exception if there is no animator _usingMocapAnimatorController = true; } catch { _usingMocapAnimatorController = false; Debug.LogWarning("Mocap Controller is working WITHOUT MocapAnimatorController"); } //we already created this in the procedural case: if(! _isGeneratedProcedurally) try { DynamicallyCreateRagdollForMocap(); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e); } SetupSensors(); anim = GetComponent(); if (_usingMocapAnimatorController && !_isGeneratedProcedurally) { // anim.Play("Record",0, NormalizedTime); anim.Play("Idle", 0, NormalizedTime); anim.Update(0f); } if (RequestCamera && CameraTarget != null) { var instances = FindObjectsOfType().ToList(); if (instances.Count(x=>x.CameraFollowMe) < 1) CameraFollowMe = true; } if (CameraFollowMe){ var camera = FindObjectOfType(); var follow = camera.GetComponent(); = CameraTarget; } _resetPosition = transform.position; _resetRotation = transform.rotation; _hasLazyInitialized = true; } public void DynamicallyCreateRagdollForMocap() { // Find Ragdoll in parent Transform parent = this.transform.parent; RagDollAgent[] ragdolls = parent.GetComponentsInChildren(true); Assert.AreEqual(ragdolls.Length, 1, "code only supports one RagDollAgent"); RagDollAgent ragDoll = ragdolls[0]; var ragdollForMocap = new GameObject("RagdollForMocap"); ragdollForMocap.transform.SetParent(this.transform, false); Assert.AreEqual(ragDoll.transform.childCount, 1, "code only supports 1 child"); var ragdollRoot = ragDoll.transform.GetChild(0); // clone the ragdoll root var clone = Instantiate(ragdollRoot); // remove '(clone)' from names foreach (var t in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { ="(Clone)", ""); } clone.transform.SetParent(ragdollForMocap.transform, false); // swap ArticulatedBody for RidgedBody, but delete abody first before attaching foreach (var abody in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { var bodyGameobject = abody.gameObject; //var rb = bodyGameobject.AddComponent(); var mass = abody.mass; var gravity = abody.useGravity; DestroyImmediate(abody); var rb = bodyGameobject.AddComponent(); rb.mass = mass; rb.useGravity = gravity; } // make Kinematic foreach (var rb in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { rb.isKinematic = true; } // set the root this._rigidbodyRoot = clone.GetComponent(); // set the layers ragdollForMocap.layer = this.gameObject.layer; foreach (Transform child in ragdollForMocap.transform) { child.gameObject.layer = this.gameObject.layer; } // setup HandleOverlap foreach (var rb in clone.GetComponentsInChildren()) { // remove cloned HandledOverlap Transform t = rb.GetComponent(); t.gameObject.layer = 3; var oldHandleOverlap = rb.GetComponent(); DestroyImmediate(oldHandleOverlap); var handleOverlap = rb.gameObject.AddComponent(); handleOverlap.Parent = clone.gameObject; } //var children = new List(); //for (int i = 0; i < ragdollForMocap.transform.childCount; i++) //{ // children.Add(ragdollForMocap.transform.GetChild(i)); //} //Debug.Log(children.Count); } void SetupSensors() { _sensors = GetComponentsInChildren() .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToList(); SensorIsInTouch = Enumerable.Range(0,_sensors.Count).Select(x=>0f).ToList(); } void FixedUpdate() { LazyInitialize(); if (doFixedUpdate) OnFixedUpdate(); } void OnFixedUpdate() { LazyInitialize(); //if (!_usesMotionMatching) { AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); AnimatorClipInfo[] clipInfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0); Lenght = stateInfo.length; NormalizedTime = stateInfo.normalizedTime; IsLoopingAnimation = stateInfo.loop; var timeStep = stateInfo.length * stateInfo.normalizedTime; //var endTime = 1f; //if (IsLoopingAnimation) // endTime = 3f; // if (NormalizedTime <= endTime) { // } } if (_isGeneratedProcedurally) MimicAnimationArtanimInProceduralWorld(); else MimicAnimationArtanim(); } void MimicAnimationArtanimInProceduralWorld() { if (!anim.enabled) return; else SetOffsetSourcePose2RBInProceduralWorld(); } void MimicAnimationArtanim() { if (!anim.enabled) return; if (_offsetsSource2RB == null) { MappingOffset o = SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:Hips", "mixamorig:Hips"); o.SetAsRoot(true, _debugDistance); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:Spine", "mixamorig:Spine"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:Spine1", "mixamorig:Spine1"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:Spine2", "mixamorig:Spine2"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:Neck", "mixamorig:Neck"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("head", "mixamorig:Head"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftShoulder", "mixamorig:LeftShoulder"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftArm", "mixamorig:LeftArm"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftForeArm", "mixamorig:LeftForeArm"); // SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("left_hand", "mixamorig:LeftHand"); // no rigidbodies in hands, so far SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightShoulder", "mixamorig:RightShoulder"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightArm", "mixamorig:RightArm"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightForeArm", "mixamorig:RightForeArm"); // SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("right_hand", "mixamorig:RightHand"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftUpLeg", "mixamorig:LeftUpLeg"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftLeg", "mixamorig:LeftLeg"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:LeftToeBase", "mixamorig:LeftToeBase"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightUpLeg", "mixamorig:RightUpLeg"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightLeg", "mixamorig:RightLeg"); SetOffsetSourcePose2RB("articulation:RightToeBase", "mixamorig:RightToeBase"); } else { MimicCynematicChar(); } } void MimicCynematicChar() { try { foreach (MappingOffset o in _offsetsSource2RB) { o.UpdateRotation(); } } catch { Debug.Log("not calibrated yet..."); } } /* [Space(20)] [Range(0f,1f)] public float toePositionOffset = .3f; [Range(0f,1f)] public float toeRotationOffset = .7f; void MimicLeftFoot(string name, Vector3 offset, Quaternion rotationOffset) { string animStartName = "mixamorig:LeftFoot"; // string animEndtName = "mixamorig:LeftToeBase"; string animEndtName = "mixamorig:LeftToe_End"; if (_rigidbodies == null || _transforms == null) { _rigidbodies = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } var animStartBone = _transforms.First(x=> == animStartName); var animEndBone = _transforms.First(x=> == animEndtName); var target = _rigidbodies.First(x=> == name); var rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(animStartBone.rotation, animEndBone.rotation, toeRotationOffset); var skinOffset = (animEndBone.transform.position - animStartBone.transform.position); target.transform.position = animStartBone.transform.position + (skinOffset * toePositionOffset) + offset; target.transform.rotation = rotation * rotationOffset; } void MimicRightFoot(string name, Vector3 offset, Quaternion rotationOffset) { string animStartName = "mixamorig:RightFoot"; // string animEndtName = "mixamorig:RightToeBase"; string animEndtName = "mixamorig:RightToe_End"; if (_rigidbodies == null || _transforms == null) { _rigidbodies = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); _transforms = GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } var animStartBone = _transforms.First(x=> == animStartName); var animEndBone = _transforms.First(x=> == animEndtName); var target = _rigidbodies.First(x=> == name); var rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(animStartBone.rotation, animEndBone.rotation, toeRotationOffset); var skinOffset = (animEndBone.transform.position - animStartBone.transform.position); target.transform.position = animStartBone.transform.position + (skinOffset * toePositionOffset) + offset; target.transform.rotation = rotation * rotationOffset; } */ public void OnReset(Quaternion resetRotation) { LazyInitialize(); if (!doFixedUpdate) return; if (_usingMocapAnimatorController) { _mocapAnimController.OnReset(); } else { Debug.Log("I am resetting the reference animation with MxMAnimator (no _mocapController)"); //GetComponent().enabled = false; //GetComponent().enabled = true; } transform.position = _resetPosition; // handle character controller skin width var characterController = GetComponent(); if (characterController != null) { var pos = transform.position; pos.y += characterController.skinWidth; transform.position = pos; } transform.rotation = resetRotation; if (_isGeneratedProcedurally) MimicAnimationArtanimInProceduralWorld(); else MimicAnimationArtanim(); } public void OnSensorCollisionEnter(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { LazyInitialize(); //if (string.Compare(, "Terrain", true) !=0) if (other.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")) return; var sensor = _sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = _sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 1f; } } public void OnSensorCollisionExit(Collider sensorCollider, GameObject other) { LazyInitialize(); if (other.layer != LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")) return; var sensor = _sensors .FirstOrDefault(x=>x == sensorCollider.gameObject); if (sensor != null) { var idx = _sensors.IndexOf(sensor); SensorIsInTouch[idx] = 0f; } } public void CopyStatesTo(GameObject target) { LazyInitialize(); var targets = target.GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); if (targets?.Count == 0) return; var root = targets.First(x=>x.isRoot); root.gameObject.SetActive(false); foreach (var targetRb in targets) { var stat = GetComponentsInChildren().First(x=> ==; targetRb.transform.position = stat.position; targetRb.transform.rotation = stat.rotation; if (targetRb.isRoot) { targetRb.TeleportRoot(stat.position, stat.rotation); } float stiffness = 0f; float damping = 10000f; if (targetRb.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.xDrive; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; targetRb.xDrive = drive; } if (targetRb.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.yDrive; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; targetRb.yDrive = drive; } if (targetRb.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = targetRb.zDrive; drive.stiffness = stiffness; drive.damping = damping; targetRb.zDrive = drive; } } root.gameObject.SetActive(true); } public Vector3 SnapTo(Vector3 snapPosition) { snapPosition.y = transform.position.y; var snapDistance = snapPosition-transform.position; transform.position = snapPosition; return snapDistance; } public List GetRigidBodies() { LazyInitialize(); return GetComponentsInChildren().ToList(); } }