using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using ManyWorlds; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; public class MarConObservationsStats : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Anchor stats")] public Vector3 HorizontalDirection; // Normalized vector in direction of travel (assume right angle to floor) public Vector3 AngualrVelocity; [Header("Stats, relative to HorizontalDirection & Center Of Mass")] public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocity; public Vector3 CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace; public float CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace; public float CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocityMagnitude; public Vector3 DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity; public Vector3 CenterOfMassVelocityDifference; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; [HideInInspector] public Quaternion LastRotation; [Header("Stats, in local joint space")] public float[] DofRotationWithinRangeOfMotion; public float[] DofAngularVelocity; public float[] DofRotationInRad; [HideInInspector] public float[] DofLastRotationInRad; ArticulationBody[] _articulationBodyJoints; Rigidbody[] _rigidBodyJoints; GameObject[] _jointsToTrack; Collider[] _collidersToTrack; GameObject[] _jointForTrackedColliders; public Vector3[] Positions; public Quaternion[] Rotations; public Vector3[] Velocities; public Vector3[] AngualrVelocities; [HideInInspector] public Vector3[] LastLocalPositions; [HideInInspector] public Quaternion[] LastLocalRotations; bool LastIsSet; MapAnim2Ragdoll _mapAnim2Ragdoll; GameObject _root; IAnimationController _animationController; SpawnableEnv _spawnableEnv; public void OnAgentInitialize( Transform defaultTransform, ArticulationBody[] articulationBodyJoints, ArticulationBody articulationBodyRoot) { _mapAnim2Ragdoll = defaultTransform.GetComponent(); _spawnableEnv = GetComponentInParent(); _animationController = _spawnableEnv.GetComponentInChildren(); var jointNames = articulationBodyJoints .Select(x=> .Select(x=>x.Replace("articulation:", "")) .Select(x=>x.Replace("mixamorig:", "")) .ToArray(); _articulationBodyJoints = articulationBodyJoints; _rigidBodyJoints = GetComponentsInChildren(); if (_rigidBodyJoints.Length > 0) { _jointsToTrack = jointNames .Select(x=>_rigidBodyJoints.First(y => .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToArray(); } else { _jointsToTrack = jointNames .Select(x=>articulationBodyJoints.First(y => .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToArray(); } _collidersToTrack = _jointsToTrack .SelectMany(x=>x.GetComponentsInChildren()) .Where(x => x.enabled) .Where(x => !x.isTrigger) .Where(x=> { var ignoreCollider = x.GetComponent(); if (ignoreCollider == null) return true; return !ignoreCollider.enabled;}) .Distinct() .ToArray(); if (_rigidBodyJoints.Length > 0) { _jointForTrackedColliders = _collidersToTrack .Select(x=>x.GetComponentsInParent().First()) .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToArray(); } else { _jointForTrackedColliders = _collidersToTrack .Select(x=>x.GetComponentsInParent().First()) .Select(x=>x.gameObject) .ToArray(); } Positions = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>; Rotations = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>Quaternion.identity).ToArray(); Velocities = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>; AngualrVelocities = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>; LastLocalPositions = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>; LastLocalRotations = Enumerable.Range(0, _collidersToTrack.Length).Select(x=>Quaternion.identity).ToArray(); int dof = 0; foreach (var m in _articulationBodyJoints) { if (m.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) dof++; if (m.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) dof++; if (m.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) dof++; } DofRotationWithinRangeOfMotion = Enumerable.Range(0, dof).Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); DofAngularVelocity = Enumerable.Range(0, dof).Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); DofRotationInRad = Enumerable.Range(0, dof).Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); DofLastRotationInRad = Enumerable.Range(0, dof).Select(x=>0f).ToArray(); if (_root == null) { Debug.Log("in game object: " + name + "my rootname is: " +; if (_rigidBodyJoints.Length > 0) _root = _rigidBodyJoints.First(x => ==; else _root = articulationBodyRoot.gameObject; } transform.position = defaultTransform.position; transform.rotation = defaultTransform.rotation; LastIsSet = false; } public void OnStep(float timeDelta) { // get Center Of Mass velocity in f space Vector3 newCOM; // if Moocap, then get from anim2Ragdoll if (_mapAnim2Ragdoll != null) { newCOM = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; var newHorizontalDirection = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.HorizontalDirection; HorizontalDirection = newHorizontalDirection / 180f; if (!LastIsSet) { LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; } transform.position = newCOM; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHorizontalDirection); CenterOfMassVelocity = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.CenterOfMassVelocity; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = _mapAnim2Ragdoll.CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude; CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace = transform.InverseTransformVector(CenterOfMassVelocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace = CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace.magnitude; } else { newCOM = GetCenterOfMass(); var newHorizontalDirection = new Vector3(0f, _root.transform.eulerAngles.y, 0f); HorizontalDirection = newHorizontalDirection / 180f; if (!LastIsSet) { LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; } transform.position = newCOM; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(newHorizontalDirection); var velocity = newCOM - LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace; velocity /= timeDelta; CenterOfMassVelocity = velocity; CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassVelocity.magnitude; CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace = transform.InverseTransformVector(CenterOfMassVelocity); CenterOfMassVelocityMagnitudeInRootSpace = CenterOfMassVelocityInRootSpace.magnitude; } LastCenterOfMassInWorldSpace = newCOM; // get Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space var comHorizontalDirection = new Vector3(CenterOfMassVelocity.x, 0f, CenterOfMassVelocity.z); CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(comHorizontalDirection); CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocityMagnitude = CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity.magnitude; // get Desired Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space Vector3 desiredCom = _animationController.GetDesiredVelocity(); DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity = transform.InverseTransformVector(desiredCom); // get Desired Center Of Mass horizontal velocity in f space CenterOfMassVelocityDifference = DesiredCenterOfMassVelocity - CenterOfMassHorizontalVelocity; if (!LastIsSet) { LastRotation = transform.rotation; } AngualrVelocity = Utils.GetAngularVelocity(LastRotation, transform.rotation, timeDelta); LastRotation = transform.rotation; TrackUsingColliders(timeDelta); // TrackUsingJointsForTrackedColliders(timeDelta); TrackUsingDof(timeDelta); LastIsSet = true; } void TrackUsingJointsForTrackedColliders(float timeDelta) { // track in local space for (int i = 0; i < _jointForTrackedColliders.Length; i++) { Transform joint = _jointForTrackedColliders[i].transform; Vector3 worldPosition = joint.position; Quaternion worldRotation = transform.rotation; Vector3 localPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPosition); Quaternion localRotation = Utils.FromToRotation(transform.rotation, worldRotation); if (!LastIsSet) { LastLocalPositions[i] = localPosition; LastLocalRotations[i] = localRotation; } Positions[i] = localPosition; Rotations[i] = localRotation; Velocities[i] = (localPosition - LastLocalPositions[i]) / timeDelta; AngualrVelocities[i] = Utils.GetAngularVelocity(LastLocalRotations[i], localRotation, timeDelta); LastLocalPositions[i] = localPosition; LastLocalRotations[i] = localRotation; } } void TrackUsingColliders(float timeDelta) { // track in local space for (int i = 0; i < _collidersToTrack.Length; i++) { Vector3 c =; CapsuleCollider capsule = _collidersToTrack[i] as CapsuleCollider; BoxCollider box = _collidersToTrack[i] as BoxCollider; SphereCollider sphere = _collidersToTrack[i] as SphereCollider; Bounds b = new Bounds(c, c); if (capsule != null) { c =; var r = capsule.radius * 2; var h = capsule.height; h = Mathf.Max(r, h); // capsules height is clipped at r if (capsule.direction == 0) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(h, r, r)); else if (capsule.direction == 1) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r, h, r)); else if (capsule.direction == 2) b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r, r, h)); else throw new NotImplementedException(); } else if (box != null) { c =; b = new Bounds(c, box.size); } else if (sphere != null) { c =; var r = sphere.radius * 2; b = new Bounds(c, new Vector3(r, r, r)); } else throw new NotImplementedException(); Vector3 worldPosition = _collidersToTrack[i].transform.TransformPoint(c); Quaternion worldRotation = _collidersToTrack[i].transform.rotation; Vector3 localPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPosition); Quaternion localRotation = Utils.FromToRotation(transform.rotation, worldRotation); if (!LastIsSet) { LastLocalPositions[i] = localPosition; LastLocalRotations[i] = localRotation; } Positions[i] = localPosition; Rotations[i] = localRotation; Velocities[i] = (localPosition - LastLocalPositions[i]) / timeDelta; AngualrVelocities[i] = Utils.GetAngularVelocity(LastLocalRotations[i], localRotation, timeDelta); LastLocalPositions[i] = localPosition; LastLocalRotations[i] = localRotation; } } void TrackUsingDof(float timeDelta) { // track in local space int i = 0; for (int j = 0; j < _jointForTrackedColliders.Length; j++) { var joint = _jointsToTrack[j]; var reference = _articulationBodyJoints[j]; Vector3 decomposedRotation = Utils.GetSwingTwist(joint.transform.localRotation); if (reference.twistLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = reference.xDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var deg = decomposedRotation.x; var pos = (deg - midpoint) / scale; DofRotationInRad[i] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; DofRotationWithinRangeOfMotion[i++] = pos; } if (reference.swingYLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = reference.yDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var deg = decomposedRotation.y; var pos = (deg - midpoint) / scale; DofRotationInRad[i] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; DofRotationWithinRangeOfMotion[i++] = pos; } if (reference.swingZLock == ArticulationDofLock.LimitedMotion) { var drive = reference.zDrive; var scale = (drive.upperLimit - drive.lowerLimit) / 2f; var midpoint = drive.lowerLimit + scale; var deg = decomposedRotation.z; var pos = (deg - midpoint) / scale; DofRotationInRad[i] = deg * Mathf.Deg2Rad; DofRotationWithinRangeOfMotion[i++] = pos; } } for (i = 0; i < DofRotationInRad.Length; i++) { if (!LastIsSet) { DofLastRotationInRad[i] = DofRotationInRad[i]; } DofAngularVelocity[i] = DofRotationInRad[i] - DofLastRotationInRad[i]; DofAngularVelocity[i] /= timeDelta; DofLastRotationInRad[i] = DofRotationInRad[i]; } } public void OnReset() { OnStep(float.Epsilon); LastIsSet = false; } Vector3 GetCenterOfMass() { var centerOfMass =; float totalMass = 0f; foreach (ArticulationBody ab in _articulationBodyJoints) { centerOfMass += ab.worldCenterOfMass * ab.mass; totalMass += ab.mass; } centerOfMass /= totalMass; // centerOfMass -= _spawnableEnv.transform.position; return centerOfMass; } }