implementation of drecon in unity 2022 lts forked from:
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace FMOD
public partial class VERSION
public const string dll = "__Internal";
namespace FMOD.Studio
public partial class STUDIO_VERSION
public const string dll = "__Internal";
namespace FMODUnity
public class PlatformAppleTV : Platform
static PlatformAppleTV()
internal override string DisplayName { get { return "Apple TV"; } }
internal override void DeclareRuntimePlatforms(Settings settings)
settings.DeclareRuntimePlatform(RuntimePlatform.tvOS, this);
internal override IEnumerable<BuildTarget> GetBuildTargets()
yield return BuildTarget.tvOS;
internal override Legacy.Platform LegacyIdentifier { get { return Legacy.Platform.AppleTV; } }
protected override BinaryAssetFolderInfo GetBinaryAssetFolder(BuildTarget buildTarget)
return new BinaryAssetFolderInfo("tvos", "Plugins/tvOS");
protected override IEnumerable<FileRecord> GetBinaryFiles(BuildTarget buildTarget, bool allVariants, string suffix)
if (allVariants || PlayerSettings.tvOS.sdkVersion == tvOSSdkVersion.Device)
yield return new FileRecord(string.Format("libfmodstudiounityplugin{0}.a", suffix));
if (allVariants || PlayerSettings.tvOS.sdkVersion == tvOSSdkVersion.Simulator)
yield return new FileRecord(string.Format("libfmodstudiounitypluginsimulator{0}.a", suffix));
internal override bool SupportsAdditionalCPP(BuildTarget target)
return PlatformIOS.StaticSupportsAdditionalCpp();
internal override void LoadPlugins(FMOD.System coreSystem, Action<FMOD.RESULT, string> reportResult)
PlatformIOS.StaticLoadPlugins(this, coreSystem, reportResult);
internal override OutputType[] ValidOutputTypes
return sValidOutputTypes;
private static OutputType[] sValidOutputTypes = {
new OutputType() { displayName = "Core Audio", outputType = FMOD.OUTPUTTYPE.COREAUDIO },