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1 year ago
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FullscreenEditor {
// error CS0702: A constraint cannot be special class `System.Delegate'
// Unity 2018.3.11f1 - .NET 3.5 equivalent
// public class Patcher<T> : Patcher where T : Delegate {
// public Patcher(T method, T replacement) : base(method.GetMethodInfo(), replacement.GetMethodInfo()) { }
// public Patcher(MethodBase method, T replacement) : base(method, replacement.GetMethodInfo()) { }
// }
public unsafe class Patcher {
private bool swapped;
private MethodBase method;
private MethodInfo replacement;
private byte[] backup = new byte[25];
private IntPtr pBody;
private IntPtr pBorrowed;
public Patcher(MethodBase method, MethodInfo replacement) {
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Not supported on non x86_x64 processors");
this.method = method;
this.replacement = replacement;
public static bool IsSupported() {
if(FullscreenUtility.IsMacOS) return false;
// Does not work on ARM/M1 macs
return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(SystemInfo.processorType, "ARM", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == -1 && Environment.Is64BitProcess;
public bool IsPatched() {
// var cursor = (byte * )pBody.ToPointer();
// var isOriginal = backup.All(b => * (cursor++) == b);
return swapped;
public void Revert() {
if(!swapped) {
throw new Exception("Methods is not patched");
swapped = false;
unsafe {
var cursor = (byte*)pBody.ToPointer();
for(var i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++) {
*(cursor++) = backup[i];
public void InvokeOriginal(object obj, params object[] parameters) {
try {
method.Invoke(obj, parameters);
} finally {
public void SwapMethods() {
if(swapped) {
throw new Exception("Methods already patched");
swapped = true;
pBody = method.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer();
pBorrowed = replacement.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer();
unsafe {
var ptr = (byte*)pBody.ToPointer();
var ptr2 = (byte*)pBorrowed.ToPointer();
var ptrDiff = ptr2 - ptr - 5;
var relativeJumpAvailable = ptrDiff < (long)0xFFFFFFFF && ptrDiff > (long)-0xFFFFFFFF;
var doNotUseRelativeJump = true; // See issues #69 and #89
Logger.Debug("Relative jump is {0}available \\ {1}bit platform", relativeJumpAvailable ? "" : "not ", sizeof(IntPtr) * 8);
// Backup orignal opcodes so we can revert it later
for(var i = 0; i < backup.Length; i++) {
backup[i] = *(ptr + i);
if(!doNotUseRelativeJump && relativeJumpAvailable) {
// 32-bit relative jump, available on both 32 and 64 bit arch.
// Debug.Trace($"diff is {ptrDiff} doing relative jmp");
// Debug.Trace("patching on {0:X}, target: {1:X}", (ulong)ptr, (ulong)ptr2);
*ptr = 0xE9; // JMP
*((uint*)(ptr + 1)) = (uint)ptrDiff;
} else {
// Debug.Trace($"diff is {ptrDiff} doing push+ret trampoline");
// Debug.Trace("patching on {0:X}, target: {1:X}", (ulong)ptr, (ulong)ptr2);
if(sizeof(IntPtr) == 8) {
// For 64bit arch and likely 64bit pointers, do:
// PUSH bits 0 - 32 of addr
// MOV [RSP+4] bits 32 - 64 of addr
// RET
var cursor = ptr;
*(cursor++) = 0x68; // PUSH
*((uint*)cursor) = (uint)ptr2;
cursor += 4;
*(cursor++) = 0xC7; // MOV [RSP+4]
*(cursor++) = 0x44;
*(cursor++) = 0x24;
*(cursor++) = 0x04;
*((uint*)cursor) = (uint)((ulong)ptr2 >> 32);
cursor += 4;
*(cursor++) = 0xC3; // RET
} else {
// For 32bit arch and 32bit pointers, do: PUSH addr, RET.
*ptr = 0x68;
*((uint*)(ptr + 1)) = (uint)ptr2;
*(ptr + 5) = 0xC3;
// Logger.Debug("Patched 0x{0:X} to 0x{1:X}.", (ulong)ptr, (ulong)ptr2);