using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FullscreenEditor {
/// Define a source mode to get a fullscreen rect.
public enum RectSourceMode {
/// The bounds of the main display.
/// Open on the display that the target window is located.
/// The bounds of the display where the mouse pointer is.
/// A rect that spans across all the displays. (Windows only)
/// A custom rect defined by .
Display1 = 0x100,
Display2 = 0x101,
Display3 = 0x102,
Display4 = 0x103,
Display5 = 0x104,
Display6 = 0x105,
Display7 = 0x106,
Display8 = 0x107
/// Contains preferences for the Fullscreen Editor plugin.
public static class FullscreenPreferences {
private const float LABEL_WIDTH = 300f;
private const string DEVELOPER_EMAIL = "";
private const string ASSET_STORE_PAGE = "";
private const string CHANGE_LOG_LINK = ASSET_STORE_PAGE + "#releases";
private const string REVIEWS_LINK = ASSET_STORE_PAGE + "#reviews";
private const string FORUM_THREAD = "";
/// Current version of the Fullscreen Editor plugin.
public static readonly Version pluginVersion = new Version(2, 2, 8);
/// Release date of this version.
public static readonly DateTime pluginDate = new DateTime(2023, 09, 07);
private static readonly GUIContent resetSettingsContent = new GUIContent("Use Defaults", "Reset all settings to default ones");
private static readonly GUIContent versionContent = new GUIContent(string.Format("Version: {0} ({1:d})", pluginVersion, pluginDate));
private static readonly GUIContent[] links = new GUIContent[] {
// new GUIContent("Store Page", ASSET_STORE_PAGE),
new GUIContent("Forum Thread", FORUM_THREAD),
new GUIContent("Email Contact", GetEmailURL()),
new GUIContent("Changelog", CHANGE_LOG_LINK),
new GUIContent("Readme", GetFilePath("Readme.pdf")),
private static readonly string[] mosaicDropDownOptions = new[] {
"virtual display 1",
"virtual display 2",
"virtual display 3",
"virtual display 4",
"virtual display 5",
"virtual display 6",
"virtual display 7",
"virtual display 8",
internal static Action onLoadDefaults = () => { };
internal static readonly List contents = new List();
private static readonly PrefItem scroll = new PrefItem("Scroll",, string.Empty, string.Empty);
/// Is the window toolbar currently visible?
public static readonly PrefItem ToolbarVisible;
/// Is Fullscreen on Play currently enabled?
public static readonly PrefItem FullscreenOnPlayEnabled;
/// Defines a source to get a fullscreen rect.
public static readonly PrefItem RectSource;
/// Custom rect to be used when is set to .
public static readonly PrefItem CustomRect;
/// Disable notifications when opening fullscreen windows.
public static readonly PrefItem DisableNotifications;
/// Keep fullscreen views below other modal and utility windows.
public static readonly PrefItem KeepFullscreenBelow;
/// Disable background SceneView rendering when there are open fullscreen views to increase performance.
public static readonly PrefItem DisableSceneViewRendering;
/// Hide toolbars of all windows, not only the fullscreened (issue #80).
public static readonly PrefItem UseGlobalToolbarHiding;
/// Defines which display renders on each screen when using Mosaic.
public static readonly PrefItem MosaicMapping;
/// Do not attempt to use wmctrl's fullscreen on Linux environments.
public static readonly PrefItem DoNotUseWmctrl;
/// Restore cursor lock and hide state after going in and out of fullscreen.
public static readonly PrefItem RestoreCursorLockAndHideState;
private static void SyncVersion() { // Sync for automation
PlayerPrefs.SetString("PLUGIN_VERSION", pluginVersion.ToString());
static FullscreenPreferences() {
var rectSourceTooltip = string.Empty;
rectSourceTooltip += "Controls where Fullscreen views opens.\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Main Screen: Fullscreen opens on the primary screen;\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Window Display: Open on the display that the target window is located (Windows only);\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "At Mouse Position: Fullscreen opens on the screen where the mouse pointer is;\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Span: Fullscreen spans across all screens (Windows only);\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Custom Rect: Fullscreen opens on the given custom Rect.";
ToolbarVisible = new PrefItem("Toolbar", false, "Toolbar Visible", "Show and hide the toolbar on the top of some windows, like the Game View and Scene View.");
FullscreenOnPlayEnabled = new PrefItem("FullscreenOnPlay", false, "Fullscreen On Play", "Override the \"Maximize on Play\" option of the game view to \"Fullscreen on Play\"");
RectSource = new PrefItem("RectSource", RectSourceMode.MainDisplay, "Placement source", rectSourceTooltip);
CustomRect = new PrefItem("CustomRect", FullscreenRects.GetMainDisplayRect(), "Custom Rect", string.Empty);
DisableNotifications = new PrefItem("DisableNotifications", false, "Disable Notifications", "Disable the notifications that shows up when opening a new fullscreen view.");
KeepFullscreenBelow = new PrefItem("KeepFullscreenBelow", true, "Keep Utility Views Above", "Keep utility views on top of fullscreen views.\nThis is useful to integrate with assets that need to keep windows open, such as Peek by Ludiq.");
DisableSceneViewRendering = new PrefItem("DisableSceneViewRendering", true, "Disable Scene View Rendering", "Increase Fullscreen Editor performance by not rendering SceneViews while there are open fullscreen views.");
UseGlobalToolbarHiding = new PrefItem("UseGlobalToolbarHiding", FullscreenUtility.IsMacOS, "Use global toolbar hiding", "Changes toolbars of all windows at once. This option fixes the gray bar bug on MacOS.");
MosaicMapping = new PrefItem("MosaicMapping", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, "Mosaic Screen Mapping", "Defines which display renders on each screen when using Mosaic.");
DoNotUseWmctrl = new PrefItem("DoNotUseWmctrl", false, "Do not use wmctrl", "Avoid using 'wmctrl' helper when opening fullscreen windows");
RestoreCursorLockAndHideState = new PrefItem("RestoreCursorLockAndHideState", true, "Restore Cursor Lock and Hide State", "Restore cursor lock and hide state after going in and out of fullscreen.");
onLoadDefaults += () => // Array won't revert automaticaly because it is changed as reference
MosaicMapping.Value = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
if (FullscreenUtility.MenuItemHasShortcut(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH))
ToolbarVisible.Content.text += string.Format(" ({0})", FullscreenUtility.TextifyMenuItemShortcut(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH));
if (FullscreenUtility.MenuItemHasShortcut(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH))
FullscreenOnPlayEnabled.Content.text += string.Format(" ({0})", FullscreenUtility.TextifyMenuItemShortcut(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH));
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
private static SettingsProvider RetrieveSettingsProvider() {
var sp = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Fullscreen Editor", SettingsScope.User, contents.Select(c => c.text));
sp.footerBarGuiHandler = OnFooterGUI;
sp.guiHandler = (search) => {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH;
return sp;
private static SettingsProvider RetrieveSettingsProviderShortcuts() {
var sp = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Fullscreen Editor/Shortcuts", SettingsScope.User, contents.Select(c => c.text));
sp.footerBarGuiHandler = OnFooterGUI;
sp.guiHandler = (search) => {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH;
return sp;
private static void OnPreferencesGUI() {
scroll.Value = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Shortcuts", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
private static void OnPreferencesGUI(string search) {
if (RectSource.Value == RectSourceMode.AtMousePosition)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("\'At mouse position\' can cause slowdowns on large projects", MessageType.Warning);
if (!IsRectModeSupported(RectSource))
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The selected placement source mode is not supported on this platform", MessageType.Warning);
// Custom Rect
switch (RectSource.Value) {
case RectSourceMode.Custom:
var customRect = CustomRect.Value;
if (customRect.width < 300f)
customRect.width = 300f;
if (customRect.height < 300f)
customRect.height = 300f;
CustomRect.Value = customRect;
if (Patcher.IsSupported())
if (FullscreenUtility.IsLinux) {
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!FullscreenEditor.Linux.wmctrl.IsInstalled)) {
if (!FullscreenEditor.Linux.wmctrl.IsInstalled) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("'wmctrl' not found. Try installing it with 'sudo apt-get install wmctrl'.", MessageType.Warning);
} else {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Try enabling the option above if you're experiencing any kind of toolbars or offsets " +
"while in fullscreen mode.\nDisabling 'wmctrl' can fix issues on some Linux environments when the window manager " +
"does not handle fullscreen windows properly (I'm looking at you Ubuntu).", MessageType.Info);
// Mosaic
if (FullscreenRects.ScreenCount > 1) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(MosaicMapping.Content, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUI.changed = false;
var mosaicMapping = MosaicMapping.Value;
for (var i = 0; i < mosaicMapping.Length && i < FullscreenRects.ScreenCount; i++) {
var val = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(string.Format("Physical display {0} renders", i + 1), mosaicMapping[i], mosaicDropDownOptions, new[] { -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });
mosaicMapping[i] = val;
if (GUI.changed)
private static void OnFooterGUI() {
Func linkLabel = (label) =>
typeof(EditorGUILayout).HasMethod("LinkLabel", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(GUILayoutOption[]) }) ? // Issue #100
typeof(EditorGUILayout).InvokeMethod("LinkLabel", label, new GUILayoutOption[0]) : // < 2020.1
typeof(EditorGUILayout).InvokeMethod("LinkButton", label, new GUILayoutOption[0]); // >= 2020.1
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
if (linkLabel(new GUIContent("Consider leaving a review if you're enjoying Fullscreen Editor!", REVIEWS_LINK)))
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
for (var i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) {
if (linkLabel(links[i]))
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
if (GUILayout.Button(resetSettingsContent, GUILayout.Width(120f)))
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(EditorApplication.isCompiling)) {
GUI.changed = false;
var enable = GUILayout.Toggle(Integration.IsDirectiveDefined("FULLSCREEN_DEBUG"), "Debug", "Button");
if (GUI.changed) {
Integration.SetDirectiveDefined("FULLSCREEN_DEBUG", enable);
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy debug data", GUILayout.Width(120f)))
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(versionContent, GUILayout.Width(170f));
private static void CopyDisplayDebugInfo() {
var str = new StringBuilder();
str.Append("Fullscreen Editor");
str.AppendFormat("\nVersion: {0}", pluginVersion.ToString(3));
str.AppendFormat("\nUnity {0}", InternalEditorUtility.GetFullUnityVersion());
str.AppendFormat("\n{0}", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
str.AppendFormat("\nScaling {0:p}", FullscreenUtility.GetDisplayScaling());
foreach (var display in DisplayInfo.GetDisplays()) {
str.AppendFormat("\n----------- DISPLAY -----------");
str.AppendFormat("\nDeviceName: {0} ({1})", display.FriendlyName, display.DeviceName);
str.AppendFormat("\nDpiCorrectedArea: {0}", display.DpiCorrectedArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nUnityCorrectedArea: {0}", display.UnityCorrectedArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nMonitorArea: {0}", display.MonitorArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nPhysicalArea: {0}", display.PhysicalArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nWorkArea: {0}", display.WorkArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nLogicalScreenHeight: {0}", display.LogicalScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nPhysicalScreenHeight: {0}", display.PhysicalScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nScreenWidth: {0}", display.ScreenWidth);
str.AppendFormat("\nScreenHeight: {0}", display.ScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nPrimaryDisplay: {0}", display.PrimaryDisplay);
str.AppendFormat("\nscaleFactor: {0}", display.scaleFactor);
str.AppendFormat("\nscaleFactor2: {0}", display.scaleFactor2);
str.AppendFormat("\ndevMode: {0}\n", JsonUtility.ToJson(display.devMode, true));
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = str.ToString();
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Debug", "Display debug data was copied to the clipboard", "OK");
private static string GetFilePath(string file) {
var stack = new StackFrame(0, true);
var currentFile = stack.GetFileName();
var currentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFile);
return Path.Combine(currentPath, "../" + file);
private static string GetEmailURL(Exception e = null) {
var full = new StringBuilder();
var body = new StringBuilder();
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
Func EscapeURL = url => UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.EscapeURL(url).Replace("+", "%20");
Func EscapeURL = url => WWW.EscapeURL(url).Replace("+", "%20");
body.Append("\nDescribe your issue or make your request here");
body.Append("\n\nAdditional Information:");
body.AppendFormat("\nVersion: {0}", pluginVersion.ToString(3));
body.AppendFormat("\nUnity {0}", InternalEditorUtility.GetFullUnityVersion());
body.AppendFormat("\n{0}", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
if (e != null)
body.AppendFormat("\n\nEXCEPTION\n", e);
full.Append(EscapeURL("Fullscreen Editor - Support"));
return full.ToString();
internal static bool IsRectModeSupported(RectSourceMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case RectSourceMode.Display1:
case RectSourceMode.Display2:
case RectSourceMode.Display3:
case RectSourceMode.Display4:
case RectSourceMode.Display5:
case RectSourceMode.Display6:
case RectSourceMode.Display7:
case RectSourceMode.Display8:
case RectSourceMode.Span:
case RectSourceMode.WindowDisplay:
return FullscreenUtility.IsWindows;
case RectSourceMode.MainDisplay:
case RectSourceMode.AtMousePosition:
return true;
case RectSourceMode.Custom:
// Custom rect is not supported on Linux
// since we're using native fullscreen
return !FullscreenUtility.IsLinux;
return false;