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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FullscreenEditor {
/// <summary>Define a source mode to get a fullscreen rect.</summary>
public enum RectSourceMode {
/// <summary>The bounds of the main display.</summary>
/// <summary>Open on the display that the target window is located.</summary>
/// <summary>The bounds of the display where the mouse pointer is.</summary>
/// <summary>A rect that spans across all the displays. (Windows only)</summary>
/// <summary>A custom rect defined by <see cref="FullscreenPreferences.CustomRect"/>.</summary>
Display1 = 0x100,
Display2 = 0x101,
Display3 = 0x102,
Display4 = 0x103,
Display5 = 0x104,
Display6 = 0x105,
Display7 = 0x106,
Display8 = 0x107
/// <summary>Contains preferences for the Fullscreen Editor plugin.</summary>
public static class FullscreenPreferences {
private const float LABEL_WIDTH = 300f;
private const string DEVELOPER_EMAIL = "[email protected]";
private const string ASSET_STORE_PAGE = "https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/fullscreen-editor-69534";
private const string CHANGE_LOG_LINK = ASSET_STORE_PAGE + "#releases";
private const string REVIEWS_LINK = ASSET_STORE_PAGE + "#reviews";
private const string FORUM_THREAD = "https://forum.unity.com/threads/released-fullscreen-editor.661519/";
/// <summary>Current version of the Fullscreen Editor plugin.</summary>
public static readonly Version pluginVersion = new Version(2, 2, 8);
/// <summary>Release date of this version.</summary>
public static readonly DateTime pluginDate = new DateTime(2023, 09, 07);
private static readonly GUIContent resetSettingsContent = new GUIContent("Use Defaults", "Reset all settings to default ones");
private static readonly GUIContent versionContent = new GUIContent(string.Format("Version: {0} ({1:d})", pluginVersion, pluginDate));
private static readonly GUIContent[] links = new GUIContent[] {
// new GUIContent("Store Page", ASSET_STORE_PAGE),
new GUIContent("Forum Thread", FORUM_THREAD),
new GUIContent("Email Contact", GetEmailURL()),
new GUIContent("Changelog", CHANGE_LOG_LINK),
new GUIContent("Readme", GetFilePath("Readme.pdf")),
private static readonly string[] mosaicDropDownOptions = new[] {
"virtual display 1",
"virtual display 2",
"virtual display 3",
"virtual display 4",
"virtual display 5",
"virtual display 6",
"virtual display 7",
"virtual display 8",
internal static Action onLoadDefaults = () => { };
internal static readonly List<GUIContent> contents = new List<GUIContent>();
private static readonly PrefItem<Vector2> scroll = new PrefItem<Vector2>("Scroll", Vector2.zero, string.Empty, string.Empty);
/// <summary>Is the window toolbar currently visible?</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> ToolbarVisible;
/// <summary>Is Fullscreen on Play currently enabled?</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> FullscreenOnPlayEnabled;
/// <summary>Defines a source to get a fullscreen rect.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<RectSourceMode> RectSource;
/// <summary>Custom rect to be used when <see cref="RectSource"/> is set to <see cref="RectSourceMode.Custom"/>.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<Rect> CustomRect;
/// <summary>Disable notifications when opening fullscreen windows.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> DisableNotifications;
/// <summary>Keep fullscreen views below other modal and utility windows.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> KeepFullscreenBelow;
/// <summary>Disable background SceneView rendering when there are open fullscreen views to increase performance.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> DisableSceneViewRendering;
/// <summary>Hide toolbars of all windows, not only the fullscreened (issue #80).</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> UseGlobalToolbarHiding;
/// <summary>Defines which display renders on each screen when using Mosaic.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<int[]> MosaicMapping;
/// <summary>Do not attempt to use wmctrl's fullscreen on Linux environments.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> DoNotUseWmctrl;
/// <summary>Restore cursor lock and hide state after going in and out of fullscreen.</summary>
public static readonly PrefItem<bool> RestoreCursorLockAndHideState;
private static void SyncVersion() { // Sync for automation
PlayerPrefs.SetString("PLUGIN_VERSION", pluginVersion.ToString());
static FullscreenPreferences() {
var rectSourceTooltip = string.Empty;
rectSourceTooltip += "Controls where Fullscreen views opens.\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Main Screen: Fullscreen opens on the primary screen;\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Window Display: Open on the display that the target window is located (Windows only);\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "At Mouse Position: Fullscreen opens on the screen where the mouse pointer is;\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Span: Fullscreen spans across all screens (Windows only);\n\n";
rectSourceTooltip += "Custom Rect: Fullscreen opens on the given custom Rect.";
ToolbarVisible = new PrefItem<bool>("Toolbar", false, "Toolbar Visible", "Show and hide the toolbar on the top of some windows, like the Game View and Scene View.");
FullscreenOnPlayEnabled = new PrefItem<bool>("FullscreenOnPlay", false, "Fullscreen On Play", "Override the \"Maximize on Play\" option of the game view to \"Fullscreen on Play\"");
RectSource = new PrefItem<RectSourceMode>("RectSource", RectSourceMode.MainDisplay, "Placement source", rectSourceTooltip);
CustomRect = new PrefItem<Rect>("CustomRect", FullscreenRects.GetMainDisplayRect(), "Custom Rect", string.Empty);
DisableNotifications = new PrefItem<bool>("DisableNotifications", false, "Disable Notifications", "Disable the notifications that shows up when opening a new fullscreen view.");
KeepFullscreenBelow = new PrefItem<bool>("KeepFullscreenBelow", true, "Keep Utility Views Above", "Keep utility views on top of fullscreen views.\nThis is useful to integrate with assets that need to keep windows open, such as Peek by Ludiq.");
DisableSceneViewRendering = new PrefItem<bool>("DisableSceneViewRendering", true, "Disable Scene View Rendering", "Increase Fullscreen Editor performance by not rendering SceneViews while there are open fullscreen views.");
UseGlobalToolbarHiding = new PrefItem<bool>("UseGlobalToolbarHiding", FullscreenUtility.IsMacOS, "Use global toolbar hiding", "Changes toolbars of all windows at once. This option fixes the gray bar bug on MacOS.");
MosaicMapping = new PrefItem<int[]>("MosaicMapping", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, "Mosaic Screen Mapping", "Defines which display renders on each screen when using Mosaic.");
DoNotUseWmctrl = new PrefItem<bool>("DoNotUseWmctrl", false, "Do not use wmctrl", "Avoid using 'wmctrl' helper when opening fullscreen windows");
RestoreCursorLockAndHideState = new PrefItem<bool>("RestoreCursorLockAndHideState", true, "Restore Cursor Lock and Hide State", "Restore cursor lock and hide state after going in and out of fullscreen.");
onLoadDefaults += () => // Array won't revert automaticaly because it is changed as reference
MosaicMapping.Value = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
if (FullscreenUtility.MenuItemHasShortcut(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH))
ToolbarVisible.Content.text += string.Format(" ({0})", FullscreenUtility.TextifyMenuItemShortcut(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH));
if (FullscreenUtility.MenuItemHasShortcut(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH))
FullscreenOnPlayEnabled.Content.text += string.Format(" ({0})", FullscreenUtility.TextifyMenuItemShortcut(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH));
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
private static SettingsProvider RetrieveSettingsProvider() {
var sp = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Fullscreen Editor", SettingsScope.User, contents.Select(c => c.text));
sp.footerBarGuiHandler = OnFooterGUI;
sp.guiHandler = (search) => {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH;
return sp;
private static SettingsProvider RetrieveSettingsProviderShortcuts() {
var sp = new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Fullscreen Editor/Shortcuts", SettingsScope.User, contents.Select(c => c.text));
sp.footerBarGuiHandler = OnFooterGUI;
sp.guiHandler = (search) => {
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = LABEL_WIDTH;
return sp;
private static void OnPreferencesGUI() {
scroll.Value = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Shortcuts", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
private static void OnPreferencesGUI(string search) {
if (RectSource.Value == RectSourceMode.AtMousePosition)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("\'At mouse position\' can cause slowdowns on large projects", MessageType.Warning);
if (!IsRectModeSupported(RectSource))
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("The selected placement source mode is not supported on this platform", MessageType.Warning);
// Custom Rect
switch (RectSource.Value) {
case RectSourceMode.Custom:
var customRect = CustomRect.Value;
if (customRect.width < 300f)
customRect.width = 300f;
if (customRect.height < 300f)
customRect.height = 300f;
CustomRect.Value = customRect;
if (Patcher.IsSupported())
if (FullscreenUtility.IsLinux) {
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!FullscreenEditor.Linux.wmctrl.IsInstalled)) {
if (!FullscreenEditor.Linux.wmctrl.IsInstalled) {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("'wmctrl' not found. Try installing it with 'sudo apt-get install wmctrl'.", MessageType.Warning);
} else {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Try enabling the option above if you're experiencing any kind of toolbars or offsets " +
"while in fullscreen mode.\nDisabling 'wmctrl' can fix issues on some Linux environments when the window manager " +
"does not handle fullscreen windows properly (I'm looking at you Ubuntu).", MessageType.Info);
// Mosaic
if (FullscreenRects.ScreenCount > 1) {
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(MosaicMapping.Content, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
GUI.changed = false;
var mosaicMapping = MosaicMapping.Value;
for (var i = 0; i < mosaicMapping.Length && i < FullscreenRects.ScreenCount; i++) {
var val = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup(string.Format("Physical display {0} renders", i + 1), mosaicMapping[i], mosaicDropDownOptions, new[] { -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 });
mosaicMapping[i] = val;
if (GUI.changed)
private static void OnFooterGUI() {
Func<GUIContent, bool> linkLabel = (label) =>
typeof(EditorGUILayout).HasMethod("LinkLabel", new[] { typeof(string), typeof(GUILayoutOption[]) }) ? // Issue #100
typeof(EditorGUILayout).InvokeMethod<bool>("LinkLabel", label, new GUILayoutOption[0]) : // < 2020.1
typeof(EditorGUILayout).InvokeMethod<bool>("LinkButton", label, new GUILayoutOption[0]); // >= 2020.1
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
if (linkLabel(new GUIContent("Consider leaving a review if you're enjoying Fullscreen Editor!", REVIEWS_LINK)))
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
for (var i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) {
if (linkLabel(links[i]))
using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) {
if (GUILayout.Button(resetSettingsContent, GUILayout.Width(120f)))
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(EditorApplication.isCompiling)) {
GUI.changed = false;
var enable = GUILayout.Toggle(Integration.IsDirectiveDefined("FULLSCREEN_DEBUG"), "Debug", "Button");
if (GUI.changed) {
Integration.SetDirectiveDefined("FULLSCREEN_DEBUG", enable);
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy debug data", GUILayout.Width(120f)))
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(versionContent, GUILayout.Width(170f));
private static void CopyDisplayDebugInfo() {
var str = new StringBuilder();
str.Append("Fullscreen Editor");
str.AppendFormat("\nVersion: {0}", pluginVersion.ToString(3));
str.AppendFormat("\nUnity {0}", InternalEditorUtility.GetFullUnityVersion());
str.AppendFormat("\n{0}", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
str.AppendFormat("\nScaling {0:p}", FullscreenUtility.GetDisplayScaling());
foreach (var display in DisplayInfo.GetDisplays()) {
str.AppendFormat("\n----------- DISPLAY -----------");
str.AppendFormat("\nDeviceName: {0} ({1})", display.FriendlyName, display.DeviceName);
str.AppendFormat("\nDpiCorrectedArea: {0}", display.DpiCorrectedArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nUnityCorrectedArea: {0}", display.UnityCorrectedArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nMonitorArea: {0}", display.MonitorArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nPhysicalArea: {0}", display.PhysicalArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nWorkArea: {0}", display.WorkArea);
str.AppendFormat("\nLogicalScreenHeight: {0}", display.LogicalScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nPhysicalScreenHeight: {0}", display.PhysicalScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nScreenWidth: {0}", display.ScreenWidth);
str.AppendFormat("\nScreenHeight: {0}", display.ScreenHeight);
str.AppendFormat("\nPrimaryDisplay: {0}", display.PrimaryDisplay);
str.AppendFormat("\nscaleFactor: {0}", display.scaleFactor);
str.AppendFormat("\nscaleFactor2: {0}", display.scaleFactor2);
str.AppendFormat("\ndevMode: {0}\n", JsonUtility.ToJson(display.devMode, true));
EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = str.ToString();
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Debug", "Display debug data was copied to the clipboard", "OK");
private static string GetFilePath(string file) {
var stack = new StackFrame(0, true);
var currentFile = stack.GetFileName();
var currentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFile);
return Path.Combine(currentPath, "../" + file);
private static string GetEmailURL(Exception e = null) {
var full = new StringBuilder();
var body = new StringBuilder();
#if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER
Func<string, string> EscapeURL = url => UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.EscapeURL(url).Replace("+", "%20");
Func<string, string> EscapeURL = url => WWW.EscapeURL(url).Replace("+", "%20");
body.Append("\nDescribe your issue or make your request here");
body.Append("\n\nAdditional Information:");
body.AppendFormat("\nVersion: {0}", pluginVersion.ToString(3));
body.AppendFormat("\nUnity {0}", InternalEditorUtility.GetFullUnityVersion());
body.AppendFormat("\n{0}", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
if (e != null)
body.AppendFormat("\n\nEXCEPTION\n", e);
full.Append(EscapeURL("Fullscreen Editor - Support"));
return full.ToString();
internal static bool IsRectModeSupported(RectSourceMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case RectSourceMode.Display1:
case RectSourceMode.Display2:
case RectSourceMode.Display3:
case RectSourceMode.Display4:
case RectSourceMode.Display5:
case RectSourceMode.Display6:
case RectSourceMode.Display7:
case RectSourceMode.Display8:
case RectSourceMode.Span:
case RectSourceMode.WindowDisplay:
return FullscreenUtility.IsWindows;
case RectSourceMode.MainDisplay:
case RectSourceMode.AtMousePosition:
return true;
case RectSourceMode.Custom:
// Custom rect is not supported on Linux
// since we're using native fullscreen
return !FullscreenUtility.IsLinux;
return false;