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1 year ago
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FullscreenEditor.Linux {
/// <summary>wmctrl is a tool to interact with an X Window manager available on Linux platforms.</summary>
public static class wmctrl {
static wmctrl() {
try {
var stdout = string.Empty;
var stderr = string.Empty;
var exitCode = Cmd.Run("which wmctrl", false, out stdout, out stderr);
IsInstalled = exitCode == 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.Debug("Could not run command 'which wmctrl': {0}", e);
IsInstalled = false;
public static readonly bool IsInstalled;
private static string Run(string format, params object[] args) {
if (!FullscreenUtility.IsLinux)
throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("wmctrl is only available on Linux based platforms");
if (FullscreenPreferences.DoNotUseWmctrl.Value) {
Logger.Debug("wmctrl being invoked while DoNotUseWmctrl is enabled");
var result = Cmd.Run("wmctrl " + format, args);
Logger.Debug("wmctrl exited with stdio: {0}", result);
return result;
/// <summary>Enable or disable native fullscreen for a given window.</summary>
/// <param name="fullscreen">Should the window be fullscreen or not.</param>
/// <param name="window">The window to changed. If null the active window will be fullscreened.</param>
public static void SetNativeFullscreen(bool fullscreen, EditorWindow window) {
if (window)
Run("-r ':ACTIVE:' -b {0},fullscreen", fullscreen ? "add" : "remove");
/// <summary>Enable or disable native fullscreen for a given view.</summary>
/// <param name="fullscreen">Should the view be fullscreen or not.</param>
/// <param name="view">The view to changed. If null the active view will be fullscreened.</param>
public static void SetNativeFullscreen(bool fullscreen, ScriptableObject view) {
if (view)
Run("-r ':ACTIVE:' -b {0},fullscreen", fullscreen ? "add" : "remove");
/// <summary>Toggles native fullscreen for a given window.</summary>
/// <param name="window">The window to be toggled fullscreen.</param>
public static void ToggleNativeFullscreen(EditorWindow window) {
if (window)
Run("-r ':ACTIVE:' -b toggle,fullscreen");
/// <summary>Toggles native fullscreen for a given view.</summary>
/// <param name="view">The view to be toggled fullscreen.</param>
public static void ToggleNativeFullscreen(ScriptableObject view) {
if (view)
Run("-r ':ACTIVE:' -b toggle,fullscreen");