dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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1 year ago
#pragma kernel EstimatePlanePoints
uint OfsHistBinLength;
uint PointCloudOfsLength;
float BinSize;
uint BinAggregation;
uint MinimumFloorPointCount;
StructuredBuffer<uint> OfsHistBinCount;
StructuredBuffer<float> PointCloudPos;
StructuredBuffer<float> PointCloudOfs;
StructuredBuffer<bool> PointCloudMask;
StructuredBuffer<float> OfsMinMax;
RWStructuredBuffer<float> OfsHistBinLeft;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> HistCumulativeCount;
RWStructuredBuffer<uint> InlierIndices;
RWStructuredBuffer<float3> PlanePosNorm;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void EstimatePlanePoints(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float minOfs = OfsMinMax[0];
OfsHistBinLeft[0] = minOfs;
HistCumulativeCount[0] = OfsHistBinCount[0];
for (uint hi = 1; hi < OfsHistBinLength; hi++)
OfsHistBinLeft[hi] = hi * BinSize + minOfs;
HistCumulativeCount[hi] = HistCumulativeCount[hi - 1] + OfsHistBinCount[hi];
PlanePosNorm[0] = float3(0, 0, 0);
PlanePosNorm[1] = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (uint i = 1; (i + BinAggregation) < OfsHistBinLength; i++) // i += BinAggregation
uint aggBinStart = i; // inclusive bin
uint aggBinEnd = i + BinAggregation; // exclusive bin
uint inlierCount = HistCumulativeCount[aggBinEnd - 1] - HistCumulativeCount[aggBinStart - 1];
if (inlierCount > MinimumFloorPointCount)
float offsetStart = OfsHistBinLeft[aggBinStart]; // inclusive
float offsetEnd = OfsHistBinLeft[aggBinEnd]; // exclusive
// Inlier indices.
uint iiIndex = 0;
for (uint j = 0; j < PointCloudOfsLength; j++)
if (PointCloudMask[j] && offsetStart <= PointCloudOfs[j] && PointCloudOfs[j] < offsetEnd)
InlierIndices[iiIndex + 1] = j;
InlierIndices[0] = iiIndex;
// Compute centroid.
float3 centr = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (uint ii1 = 0; ii1 < iiIndex; ii1++)
int idx1 = InlierIndices[ii1 + 1];
int idx3 = idx1 * 3;
//if (PointCloudMask[idx1])
float3 pcPos = float3(PointCloudPos[idx3], PointCloudPos[idx3 + 1], PointCloudPos[idx3 + 2]);
centr += pcPos;
centr = centr / iiIndex;
// Compute the zero-mean 3x3 symmetric covariance matrix relative.
float xx = 0, xy = 0, xz = 0, yy = 0, yz = 0, zz = 0;
for (uint ii2 = 0; ii2 < iiIndex; ii2++)
int idx1 = InlierIndices[ii2 + 1];
int idx3 = idx1 * 3;
//if (PointCloudMask[idx1])
float3 pcPos = float3(PointCloudPos[idx3], PointCloudPos[idx3 + 1], PointCloudPos[idx3 + 2]);
float3 r = pcPos - centr;
xx += r.x * r.x;
xy += r.x * r.y;
xz += r.x * r.z;
yy += r.y * r.y;
yz += r.y * r.z;
zz += r.z * r.z;
float detX = yy * zz - yz * yz;
float detY = xx * zz - xz * xz;
float detZ = xx * yy - xy * xy;
float detMax = max(detX, detY);
detMax = max(detMax, detZ);
float3 norm = float3(0, 0, 0);
if (detMax == detX)
norm = float3(detX, xz * yz - xy * zz, xy * yz - xz * yy);
else if (detMax == detY)
norm = float3(xz * yz - xy * zz, detY, xy * xz - yz * xx);
norm = float3(xy * yz - xz * yy, xy * xz - yz * xx, detZ);
// save centroid and normal
PlanePosNorm[0] = centr;
PlanePosNorm[1] = norm;
PlanePosNorm[2] = float3(offsetStart, offsetEnd, 0.0);
PlanePosNorm[3] = float3(aggBinStart, aggBinEnd, HistCumulativeCount[aggBinEnd - 1] - HistCumulativeCount[aggBinStart - 1]);