dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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1 year ago
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// UserMeshRenderer renders virtual mesh of a user in the scene, as detected by the given sensor.
/// </summary>
public class UserMeshRenderer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 - the 1st player only, 1 - the 2nd player only, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Resolution of the images used to generate the scene.")]
private DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution sourceImageResolution = DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution;
[Tooltip("Whether to show the mesh as point cloud, or as solid mesh.")]
public bool showAsPointCloud = true;
[Tooltip("Time interval between scene mesh updates, in seconds. 0 means no wait.")]
private float updateMeshInterval = 0f;
//[Tooltip("Whether to update the mesh collider as well, when the user mesh changes.")]
//public bool updateMeshCollider = false;
[Tooltip("Time interval between mesh-collider updates, in seconds. 0 means no mesh-collider updates.")]
private float updateColliderInterval = 0f;
// reference to object's mesh
private Mesh mesh = null;
// references to KM and data
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private DepthSensorBase sensorInt = null;
private Vector3 spaceScale = Vector3.zero;
// render textures
private RenderTexture colorTexture = null;
private RenderTexture colorTextureBuildMesh = null;
private RenderTexture colorTextureUpdateMesh = null;
private bool colorTextureCreated = false;
private bool bColorCamRes = false;
private ushort[] tDepthImage = null;
private byte[] tBodyIndexImage = null;
// times
private ulong lastSpaceCoordsTime = 0;
private float lastMeshUpdateTime = 0f;
private float lastColliderUpdateTime = 0f;
// user parameters
//private ulong prevUserId = 0;
private ulong userId = 0;
private byte userBodyIndex = 255;
private Vector3 userBodyPos = Vector3.zero;
// image parameters
private int imageWidth = 0;
private int imageHeight = 0;
// mesh parameters
private Vector3[] spaceTable = null;
private Vector3[] meshVertices = null;
private int[] meshIndices = null;
private byte[] meshVertUsed = null;
private bool bMeshInited = false;
// thread parameters
private System.Threading.Thread buildMeshThread = null;
private bool bStopThread = false;
private bool bBuildMesh = false;
private bool bUpdateMesh = false;
void Start()
// get sensor data
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = (kinectManager != null && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
buildMeshThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(BuildMesh));
buildMeshThread.IsBackground = true;
void OnDestroy()
if (buildMeshThread != null)
// stop the thread
bStopThread = true;
buildMeshThread = null;
if (bMeshInited)
// release the mesh-related resources
void LateUpdate()
if (mesh == null && sensorData != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr != null)
// init mesh and its related data
if (bMeshInited)
// user params
userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
userBodyIndex = (byte)(userId != 0 ? kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId) : 255);
userBodyPos = userId != 0 ? kinectManager.GetUserKinectPosition(userId, true) : Vector3.zero;
// update the mesh
// inits the mesh and related data
private void InitMesh()
// create mesh
mesh = new Mesh
name = "User" + playerIndex + "Mesh-S" + sensorIndex,
indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32
MeshFilter meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (meshFilter != null)
meshFilter.mesh = mesh;
Debug.LogWarning("MeshFilter not found! You may not see the mesh on screen");
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface;
Vector2Int imageRes = Vector2Int.zero;
if (sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture == null)
sensorInt.pointCloudResolution = sourceImageResolution;
imageRes = sensorInt.GetPointCloudTexResolution(sensorData);
colorTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(colorTexture, imageRes.x, imageRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture = colorTexture;
colorTextureCreated = true;
imageRes = sensorInt.GetPointCloudTexResolution(sensorData);
colorTexture = sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture;
colorTextureCreated = false;
bColorCamRes = sensorInt.pointCloudResolution == DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution;
if (bColorCamRes)
// enable transformed depth & BI frames
tDepthImage = new ushort[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight];
tBodyIndexImage = new byte[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight];
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, true);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, true);
tDepthImage = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight];
tBodyIndexImage = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight];
// create copy texture
colorTextureBuildMesh = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(colorTextureBuildMesh, imageRes.x, imageRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
colorTextureUpdateMesh = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(colorTextureUpdateMesh, imageRes.x, imageRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
// set the color texture
Renderer meshRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (meshRenderer && meshRenderer.material && meshRenderer.material.mainTexture == null)
meshRenderer.material.mainTexture = colorTextureUpdateMesh; // sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture;
//meshRenderer.material.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex));
// image width & height
imageWidth = imageRes.x;
imageHeight = imageRes.y;
int pointCount = imageWidth * imageHeight;
// mesh arrays
meshVertices = new Vector3[pointCount];
meshIndices = new int[6 * pointCount]; // 2 triangles per vertex, last row and column excluded
meshVertUsed = new byte[pointCount];
spaceScale = kinectManager.GetSensorSpaceScale(sensorIndex);
// create space table
spaceTable = sensorInt.pointCloudResolution == DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution ?
sensorInt.GetDepthCameraSpaceTable(sensorData) : sensorInt.GetColorCameraSpaceTable(sensorData);
// init mesh uv array
Vector2[] meshUv = new Vector2[pointCount];
for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < imageHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++, i++)
Vector2 imagePos = new Vector2(x, y);
meshUv[i] = new Vector2(imagePos.x / imageWidth, imagePos.y / imageHeight);
mesh.vertices = meshVertices;
mesh.SetIndices(meshIndices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
mesh.uv = meshUv;
if (showAsPointCloud)
meshIndices = new int[pointCount];
for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
meshIndices[i] = i;
mesh.SetIndices(meshIndices, MeshTopology.Points, 0);
bMeshInited = true;
// releases mesh-related resources
private void FinishMesh()
if (sensorInt)
if (sensorInt.pointCloudResolution == DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution)
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, false);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, false);
sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture = null;
if (colorTexture && colorTextureCreated)
colorTexture = null;
if (colorTextureBuildMesh)
colorTextureBuildMesh = null;
if (colorTextureUpdateMesh)
colorTextureUpdateMesh = null;
spaceTable = null;
tDepthImage = null;
tBodyIndexImage = null;
meshVertices = null;
meshIndices = null;
meshVertUsed = null;
bMeshInited = false;
// updates the mesh according to current depth frame
private void UpdateMesh()
if (!bBuildMesh && (Time.time - lastMeshUpdateTime) >= updateMeshInterval)
lastMeshUpdateTime = Time.time;
// copy the texture
Graphics.CopyTexture(colorTexture, colorTextureBuildMesh);
if (bColorCamRes)
// get transformed depth & BI frames, if needed
ulong tDepthFrameTime = 0;
sensorData.sensorInterface.GetColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, ref tDepthImage, ref tDepthFrameTime);
ulong tBiFrameTime = 0;
sensorData.sensorInterface.GetColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, ref tBodyIndexImage, ref tBiFrameTime);
//Debug.Log("UpdateMesh - color time: " + sensorData.lastColorFrameTime + ", tdepth time: " + tDepthFrameTime + ", bi time: " + tBiFrameTime);
// copy depth and BI frames
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(sensorData.depthImage, sizeof(ushort), tDepthImage, sizeof(ushort));
KinectInterop.CopyBytes(sensorData.bodyIndexImage, sizeof(byte), tBodyIndexImage, sizeof(byte));
//Debug.Log("UpdateMesh - tcolor time: " + sensorData.lastDepthCamColorFrameTime + ", depth time: " + sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime + ", bi time: " + sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime);
bBuildMesh = true;
if (bUpdateMesh)
Graphics.CopyTexture(colorTextureBuildMesh, colorTextureUpdateMesh);
mesh.vertices = meshVertices;
if (!showAsPointCloud)
mesh.SetIndices(meshIndices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
//prevUserId = userId;
bUpdateMesh = false;
//Debug.Log("Mesh updated.");
if (updateColliderInterval > 0 && (Time.time - lastColliderUpdateTime) >= updateColliderInterval)
lastColliderUpdateTime = Time.time;
MeshCollider meshCollider = GetComponent<MeshCollider>();
if (meshCollider)
meshCollider.sharedMesh = null;
meshCollider.sharedMesh = mesh;
// builds the mesh according to the current
private void BuildMesh()
if (bMeshInited && sensorData.depthImage != null && lastSpaceCoordsTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
if (bBuildMesh)
lastSpaceCoordsTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
int imageWidth1 = imageWidth - 1, imageHeight1 = imageHeight - 1;
int userPosDepth = (int)(userBodyPos.z * 1000f);
const int maxDistMm = 200; // max distance between vertices in a triangle, in mm
const int maxPosDistMm = 1000;
if (!showAsPointCloud)
System.Array.Clear(meshIndices, 0, meshIndices.Length);
System.Array.Clear(meshVertUsed, 0, meshVertUsed.Length);
for (int y = 0, di = 0, ti = 0; y < imageHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++, di++, ti += 6)
ushort depth = tDepthImage != null ? tDepthImage[di] : (ushort)0;
byte bodyIndex = tBodyIndexImage != null ? tBodyIndexImage[di] : (byte)0;
bool isValidBodyPixel = userId != 0 && bodyIndex == userBodyIndex && Mathf.Abs(depth - userPosDepth) <= maxPosDistMm;
bool bVertexSet = false;
if (isValidBodyPixel)
float fDepth = (float)depth * 0.001f;
Vector3 vVertex = new Vector3(spaceTable[di].x * fDepth * spaceScale.x, spaceTable[di].y * fDepth * spaceScale.y, fDepth);
bool bUsedVertex = !showAsPointCloud && meshVertUsed[di] != 0;
if (bUsedVertex || isValidBodyPixel)
meshVertices[di] = vVertex;
if (!showAsPointCloud)
meshVertUsed[di] = 1;
if (isValidBodyPixel && x < imageWidth1 && y < imageHeight1)
int tl = di; ushort tld = depth;
int tr = tl + 1; ushort trd = tDepthImage != null ? tDepthImage[tr] : (ushort)0;
int bl = tl + imageWidth; ushort bld = tDepthImage != null ? tDepthImage[bl] : (ushort)0;
int br = bl + 1; ushort brd = tDepthImage != null ? tDepthImage[br] : (ushort)0;
//float fBrDepth = (float)brd * 0.001f;
//Vector3 vVertex2 = new Vector3(spaceTable[br].x * fBrDepth * spaceScale.x, spaceTable[di].y * fBrDepth * spaceScale.y, fBrDepth);
byte trbi = tBodyIndexImage != null ? tBodyIndexImage[tr] : (byte)0;
byte blbi = tBodyIndexImage != null ? tBodyIndexImage[bl] : (byte)0;
byte brbi = tBodyIndexImage != null ? tBodyIndexImage[br] : (byte)0;
// 1st triangle
bool isValidBodyQuad =
trbi == userBodyIndex && Mathf.Abs(trd - userPosDepth) <= maxPosDistMm &&
blbi == userBodyIndex && Mathf.Abs(bld - userPosDepth) <= maxPosDistMm &&
brbi == userBodyIndex && Mathf.Abs(brd - userPosDepth) <= maxPosDistMm;
if (isValidBodyQuad &&
Mathf.Abs(trd - tld) < maxDistMm && Mathf.Abs(bld - tld) < maxDistMm)
meshIndices[ti] = bl;
meshIndices[ti + 1] = tr;
meshIndices[ti + 2] = tl;
meshVertUsed[tr] = meshVertUsed[bl] = 1;
// 2nd triangle
if (isValidBodyQuad &&
Mathf.Abs(trd - bld) < maxDistMm && Mathf.Abs(brd - bld) < maxDistMm)
meshIndices[ti + 3] = br;
meshIndices[ti + 4] = tr;
meshIndices[ti + 5] = bl;
meshVertUsed[bl] = meshVertUsed[tr] = meshVertUsed[br] = 1;
bVertexSet = true;
if (!bVertexSet)
meshVertices[di] = Vector3.zero;
if (!showAsPointCloud)
if (meshVertUsed[di] != 0)
float fDepth = (float)depth * 0.001f;
Vector3 vVertex = new Vector3(spaceTable[di].x * fDepth * spaceScale.x, spaceTable[di].y * fDepth * spaceScale.y, fDepth);
meshVertices[di] = vVertex;
bBuildMesh = false;
bUpdateMesh = true;
//Debug.Log("Mesh built.");
catch (System.Exception ex)