using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Intel.RealSense; using System.Threading; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace com.rfilkov.kinect { /// /// RealSenseInterface is sensor-interface to the RealSense sensors. /// public class RealSenseInterface : DepthSensorBase { [Tooltip("Color camera resolution.")] public ColorCameraMode colorCameraMode = ColorCameraMode._640_x_480_30Fps; public enum ColorCameraMode : int { _320_x_180_30Fps = 10, _320_x_240_30Fps = 15, _424_x_240_30Fps = 20, _640_x_360_30Fps = 30, _640_x_480_30Fps = 35, _848_x_480_30Fps = 40, _1280_x_720_30Fps = 60, _1920_x_1080_30Fps = 70 } [Tooltip("Depth camera resolution.")] public DepthCameraMode depthCameraMode = DepthCameraMode._640_x_480_30Fps; public enum DepthCameraMode : int { _424_x_240_30Fps = 20, _480_x_270_30Fps = 25, _640_x_360_30Fps = 30, _640_x_480_30Fps = 35, _848_x_480_30Fps = 40, _1280_x_720_30Fps = 60, _1920_x_1080_30Fps = 70 } // realsense pipeline private Pipeline m_pipeline = null; //public bool Streaming { get; protected set; } private PipelineProfile activeProfile = null; // current frame number //private ulong currentFrameNumber = 0; //private ulong currentFrameTimestamp = 0; // stream profiles private VideoStreamProfile depthStreamProfile = null; private VideoStreamProfile colorStreamProfile = null; // raw infrared data protected byte[] rawInfraredImage1 = null; protected byte[] rawInfraredImage2 = null; // used by BT protected ushort[] rawInfraredImageBT = null; // raw IMU data private RealSensePoseData rsPoseData; // rs frame holder protected RealSenseFrames rsFrames = new RealSenseFrames(); // depth sensor settings [System.Serializable] public class RSSensorSettings : DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings { public int colorCameraMode; public int depthCameraMode; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct RealSensePoseData { public Vector3 translation; public Vector3 velocity; public Vector3 acceleration; public Quaternion rotation; public Vector3 angular_velocity; public Vector3 angular_acceleration; public int tracker_confidence; public int mapper_confidence; } // rs frame set public class RealSenseFrames { public VideoFrame colorFrame = null; public VideoFrame depthFrame = null; public VideoFrame infraredFrame = null; public PoseFrame poseFrame = null; public ulong deviceTimestamp = 0; public void DisposeFrames() { if (colorFrame != null) { colorFrame.Dispose(); colorFrame = null; } if (depthFrame != null) { depthFrame.Dispose(); depthFrame = null; } if (infraredFrame != null) { infraredFrame.Dispose(); infraredFrame = null; } if (poseFrame != null) { poseFrame.Dispose(); poseFrame = null; } } } public override KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform GetSensorPlatform() { return KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.RealSense; } public override System.Type GetSensorSettingsType() { return typeof(RSSensorSettings); } public override BaseSensorSettings GetSensorSettings(BaseSensorSettings settings) { if (settings == null) { settings = new RSSensorSettings(); } RSSensorSettings extSettings = (RSSensorSettings)base.GetSensorSettings(settings); extSettings.colorCameraMode = (int)colorCameraMode; extSettings.depthCameraMode = (int)depthCameraMode; return settings; } public override void SetSensorSettings(BaseSensorSettings settings) { if (settings == null) return; base.SetSensorSettings(settings); RSSensorSettings extSettings = (RSSensorSettings)settings; colorCameraMode = (ColorCameraMode)extSettings.colorCameraMode; depthCameraMode = (DepthCameraMode)extSettings.depthCameraMode; } public override List GetAvailableSensors() { List alSensorInfo = new List(); using (var ctx = new Context()) { DeviceList devices = ctx.QueryDevices(); for(int i = 0; i < devices.Count; i++) { using (Intel.RealSense.Device device = devices[i]) { KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo sensorInfo = new KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo(); sensorInfo.sensorId = device.Info[CameraInfo.SerialNumber]; sensorInfo.sensorName = device.Info[CameraInfo.Name]; if (sensorInfo.sensorName.StartsWith("Intel RealSense D")) sensorInfo.sensorCaps = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared; else if (sensorInfo.sensorName.StartsWith("Intel RealSense T")) sensorInfo.sensorCaps = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypePose; else sensorInfo.sensorCaps = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeNone; if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(string.Format(" D{0}: {1}, id: {2}", i, sensorInfo.sensorName, sensorInfo.sensorId)); alSensorInfo.Add(sensorInfo); } } } //if (alSensorInfo.Count == 0) //{ // Debug.Log(" No sensor devices found."); //} return alSensorInfo; } public override KinectInterop.SensorData OpenSensor(KinectManager kinectManager, KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags, bool bSyncDepthAndColor, bool bSyncBodyAndDepth) { // save initial parameters base.OpenSensor(kinectManager, dwFlags, bSyncDepthAndColor, bSyncBodyAndDepth); // color settings int colorWidth = 0, colorHeight = 0, colorFps = 0; ParseCameraMode(colorCameraMode.ToString(), out colorWidth, out colorHeight, out colorFps); // depth settings int depthWidth = 0, depthHeight = 0, depthFps = 0; ParseCameraMode(depthCameraMode.ToString(), out depthWidth, out depthHeight, out depthFps); string sensorName = "Intel RealSense"; KinectInterop.FrameSource sensorCaps = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth | KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared; ; try { m_pipeline = new Pipeline(); using (Config config = new Config()) { if(deviceStreamingMode == KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.PlayRecording) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(recordingFile)) { Debug.LogError("PlayRecording selected, but the path to recording file is missing."); return null; } if(!System.IO.File.Exists(recordingFile)) { Debug.LogError("PlayRecording selected, but the recording file cannot be found: " + recordingFile); return null; } sensorPlatform = KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.RealSense; sensorDeviceId = KinectInterop.GetFileName(recordingFile, false); // playback from file if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(" Playing back: " + recordingFile); config.EnableDeviceFromFile(recordingFile, false); } else { // get the list of available sensors List alSensors = GetAvailableSensors(); if (deviceIndex >= alSensors.Count) { Debug.LogError(" D" + deviceIndex + " is not available. You can set the device index to -1, to disable it."); return null; } // sensor serial number sensorPlatform = KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.RealSense; sensorDeviceId = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorId; sensorName = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorName; sensorCaps = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorCaps; config.EnableDevice(sensorDeviceId); // color if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor) != 0) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("Color camera mode: {0} x {1} @ {2} FPS", colorWidth, colorHeight, colorFps)); config.EnableStream(Stream.Color, -1, colorWidth, colorHeight, Format.Rgb8, colorFps); } // depth if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth) != 0) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("Depth camera mode: {0} x {1} @ {2} FPS", depthWidth, depthHeight, depthFps)); config.EnableStream(Stream.Depth, -1, depthWidth, depthHeight, Format.Z16, depthFps); } // infrared if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared) != 0 /**|| (dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody) != 0*/) { //Debug.Log(string.Format("Infrared camera mode: {0} x {1} @ {2} FPS", depthWidth, depthHeight, depthFps)); config.EnableStream(Stream.Infrared, 1, depthWidth, depthHeight, Format.Y8, depthFps); //config.EnableStream(Stream.Infrared, 2, depthWidth, depthHeight, Format.Y8, depthFps); } // pose if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypePose) != 0) { config.EnableStream(Stream.Pose, Format.SixDOF); } // record to file if (deviceStreamingMode == KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.SaveRecording) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recordingFile)) { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(" Recording to file: " + recordingFile); config.EnableRecordToFile(recordingFile); } else { Debug.LogError("Record selected, but the path to recording file is missing."); } } } activeProfile = m_pipeline.Start(config); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("RealSenseInterface: " + ex.ToString()); } // check if the profile was successfully created if(activeProfile == null) return null; KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = new KinectInterop.SensorData(); sensorData.sensorIntPlatform = sensorPlatform; sensorData.sensorId = sensorDeviceId; sensorData.sensorName = sensorName; sensorData.sensorCaps = sensorCaps; // flip color & depth images vertically sensorData.colorImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f); sensorData.depthImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f); sensorData.infraredImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f); sensorData.sensorSpaceScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f); sensorData.unitToMeterFactor = 1f; // depth camera offset & matrix z-flip sensorRotOffset =; // if for instance the depth camera is tilted downwards sensorRotFlipZ = true; sensorRotIgnoreY = false; // color sensorData.colorImageWidth = colorWidth; sensorData.colorImageHeight = colorHeight; sensorData.colorImageFormat = TextureFormat.RGB24; sensorData.colorImageStride = 3; // 3 bytes per pixel if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor) != 0) { rawColorImage = new byte[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight * 3]; sensorData.colorImageTexture = new Texture2D(sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); sensorData.colorImageTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; sensorData.colorImageTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; } // depth sensorData.depthImageWidth = depthWidth; sensorData.depthImageHeight = depthHeight; if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth) != 0) { rawDepthImage = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; sensorData.depthImage = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; } // infrared if ((dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared) != 0 || (dwFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody) != 0) { rawInfraredImage1 = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; rawInfraredImage2 = new byte[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; rawInfraredImageBT = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; rawInfraredImage = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; sensorData.infraredImage = new ushort[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; minInfraredValue = 0f; maxInfraredValue = 1000f; } // don't get all frames getAllSensorFrames = false; if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RealSense-sensor opened: " + sensorDeviceId); return sensorData; } // parses the given camera mode and returns width, height and fps private void ParseCameraMode(string sCameraMode, out int camWidth, out int camHeight, out int camFps) { camWidth = camHeight = camFps = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCameraMode)) throw new Exception("Invalid camera mode" + sCameraMode); // _640_x_360_30Fps string[] asModeParts = sCameraMode.Split("_".ToCharArray()); if(asModeParts.Length != 5) throw new Exception("Invalid camera mode" + sCameraMode); camWidth = int.Parse(asModeParts[1]); camHeight = int.Parse(asModeParts[3]); int iF = asModeParts[4].IndexOf('F'); if (iF >= 0) asModeParts[4] = asModeParts[4].Substring(0, iF); camFps = int.Parse(asModeParts[4]); } public override void CloseSensor(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData) { base.CloseSensor(sensorData); if (activeProfile != null) { activeProfile.Dispose(); activeProfile = null; } if (m_pipeline != null) { m_pipeline.Dispose(); m_pipeline = null; } if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RealSense-sensor closed: " + sensorDeviceId); } public override void EnablePoseStream(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool bEnable) { base.EnablePoseStream(sensorData, bEnable); if ((frameSourceFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypePose) != 0) { // todo } else { // todo } } public override void PollSensorFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData) { FrameSet frames; if (m_pipeline.PollForFrames(out frames)) { //using (frames) // RaiseSampleEvent(frames); using (frames) { try { rsFrames.colorFrame = frames.ColorFrame; rsFrames.depthFrame = frames.DepthFrame; rsFrames.infraredFrame = frames.InfraredFrame; rsFrames.poseFrame = frames.PoseFrame; rsFrames.deviceTimestamp = (ulong)(frames.Timestamp * 1000.0); //currentFrameNumber = frames.Number; //currentFrameTimestamp = (ulong)(frames.Timestamp * 1000.0); // check for color-depth sync if(!isSyncDepthAndColor || (rsFrames.colorFrame != null && rsFrames.depthFrame != null)) { ProcessCameraFrames(sensorData, rsFrames); } rsFrames.DisposeFrames(); //pipelineFrameNumber++; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } } } private void ProcessCameraFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, RealSenseFrames frames) { //Capture btCapture = null; //if (bodyTracker != null) //{ // // body frame // if (frames.depthFrame != null && frames.infraredFrame != null) // { // Capture capture = GetBodyTrackerCapture(sensorData, frames); // btCapture = PollBodyFrame(sensorData, capture); // capture?.Dispose(); // } //} // check for body & depth sync //if (!isSyncBodyAndDepth || btCapture != null /**|| bodyTracker == null*/) { // if (isSyncBodyAndDepth && btCapture != null) // { // ulong depthFrameTime = isSyncDepthAndColor && btCapture.Depth != null ? (ulong)btCapture.Depth.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks : 0; // // body-tracker frame // if (btCapture.Depth != null && rawDepthImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawDepthTimestamp == sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)) // { // lock (depthFrameLock) // { // //btCapture.Depth.CopyTo(rawDepthImage, 0, 0, rawDepthImage.Length); // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(btCapture.Depth.GetBuffer(), (int)btCapture.Depth.Size, rawDepthImage, rawDepthImage.Length, sizeof(ushort)); // rawDepthTimestamp = (ulong)btCapture.Depth.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks; // //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawDepthTimestamp: " + rawDepthTimestamp); // } // } // if (btCapture.Color != null && rawColorImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawColorTimestamp == sensorData.lastColorFrameTime)) // { // lock (colorFrameLock) // { // //btCapture.Color.CopyBytesTo(rawColorImage, 0, 0, rawColorImage.Length); // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(btCapture.Color.GetBuffer(), (int)btCapture.Color.Size, rawColorImage, rawColorImage.Length, sizeof(byte)); // rawColorTimestamp = depthFrameTime != 0 ? depthFrameTime : (ulong)btCapture.Color.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks; // //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawColorTimestamp: " + rawColorTimestamp); // } // } // if (btCapture.IR != null && rawInfraredImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawInfraredTimestamp == sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime)) // { // lock (infraredFrameLock) // { // //btCapture.IR.CopyTo(rawInfraredImage, 0, 0, rawInfraredImage.Length); // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(btCapture.IR.GetBuffer(), (int)btCapture.IR.Size, rawInfraredImage, rawInfraredImage.Length, sizeof(ushort)); // rawInfraredTimestamp = depthFrameTime != 0 ? depthFrameTime : (ulong)btCapture.IR.DeviceTimestamp.Ticks; // //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawInfraredTimestamp: " + rawInfraredTimestamp); // } // } // } // else { // sensor frame ulong depthFrameTime = isSyncDepthAndColor && frames.depthFrame != null ? frames.deviceTimestamp : 0; if (frames.depthFrame != null && rawDepthImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawDepthTimestamp == sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)) { lock (depthFrameLock) { frames.depthFrame.CopyTo(rawDepthImage); rawDepthTimestamp = frames.deviceTimestamp; //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawDepthTimestamp: " + rawDepthTimestamp); } } if (frames.colorFrame != null && rawColorImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawColorTimestamp == sensorData.lastColorFrameTime)) { lock (colorFrameLock) { KinectInterop.CopyBytes(frames.colorFrame.Data, rawColorImage.Length, rawColorImage, rawColorImage.Length, sizeof(byte)); rawColorTimestamp = depthFrameTime != 0 ? depthFrameTime : frames.deviceTimestamp; //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawColorTimestamp: " + rawColorTimestamp); } } if (frames.infraredFrame != null && rawInfraredImage != null && (getAllSensorFrames || rawInfraredTimestamp == sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime)) { lock (infraredFrameLock) { frames.infraredFrame.CopyTo(rawInfraredImage1); for (int i = 0; i < rawInfraredImage1.Length; i++) { rawInfraredImage[i] = (ushort)(rawInfraredImage1[i] << 4); } rawInfraredTimestamp = depthFrameTime != 0 ? depthFrameTime : frames.deviceTimestamp; //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawInfraredTimestamp: " + rawInfraredTimestamp); } } } } // color & depth stream profiles if(frames.colorFrame != null) { colorStreamProfile = frames.colorFrame.Profile.As(); } if(frames.depthFrame != null) { depthStreamProfile = frames.depthFrame.Profile.As(); } //// dispose body capture //if (btCapture != null) //{ // btCapture.Dispose(); //} // check for pose frame if (frames.poseFrame != null) { frames.poseFrame.CopyTo(out rsPoseData); lock (poseFrameLock) { rawPosePosition = new Vector3(rsPoseData.translation.x, rsPoseData.translation.y, -rsPoseData.translation.z); // (1, 1, -1) rawPoseRotation = new Quaternion(-rsPoseData.rotation.x, -rsPoseData.rotation.y, rsPoseData.rotation.z, rsPoseData.rotation.w); // (-1, -1, 1, 1); rawPoseTimestamp = frames.deviceTimestamp; //Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " RawPoseTimestamp: " + rawPoseTimestamp); } } } //// converts the raw image data to capture //protected Capture GetBodyTrackerCapture(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, RealSenseFrames rsFrames) //{ // Capture capture = new Capture(); // int depthW = sensorData.depthImageWidth; // int depthH = sensorData.depthImageHeight; // if (rsFrames.colorFrame != null && rawColorImage != null) // { // Image colorImage = new Image(ImageFormat.ColorBGRA32, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight, sensorData.colorImageWidth * 4); // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rsFrames.colorFrame.Data, colorImage.GetBuffer(), rawColorImage.Length); // colorImage.DeviceTimestamp = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)rsFrames.deviceTimestamp); // capture.Color = colorImage; // } // if (rsFrames.depthFrame != null && rawDepthImage != null) // { // Image depthImage = new Image(ImageFormat.Depth16, depthW, depthH, depthW * sizeof(ushort)); // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rsFrames.depthFrame.Data, depthImage.GetBuffer(), rawDepthImage.Length * sizeof(ushort)); // depthImage.DeviceTimestamp = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)rsFrames.deviceTimestamp); // capture.Depth = depthImage; // } // if (rsFrames.infraredFrame != null && rawInfraredImage2 != null && rawInfraredImageBT != null) // { // Image infraredFrame = new Image(ImageFormat.IR16, depthW, depthH, depthW * sizeof(ushort)); // rsFrames.infraredFrame.CopyTo(rawInfraredImage2); // for (int i = 0; i < rawInfraredImage2.Length; i++) // { // rawInfraredImageBT[i] = (ushort)(rawInfraredImage2[i] << 4); // } // KinectInterop.CopyBytes(rawInfraredImageBT, rawInfraredImageBT.Length, sizeof(ushort), infraredFrame.GetBuffer(), (int)infraredFrame.Size); // infraredFrame.DeviceTimestamp = TimeSpan.FromTicks((long)rsFrames.deviceTimestamp); // capture.IR = infraredFrame; // } // return capture; //} public override bool UpdateSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, bool isPlayMode) { base.UpdateSensorData(sensorData, kinectManager, isPlayMode); if(sensorData.colorCamIntr == null && colorStreamProfile != null) { lock (colorFrameLock) { Intel.RealSense.Intrinsics colorCamIntr = colorStreamProfile.GetIntrinsics(); if (colorCamIntr.model != Distortion.None) { GetCameraIntrinsics(colorCamIntr, ref sensorData.colorCamIntr, 1); } } } if (sensorData.depthCamIntr == null && depthStreamProfile != null) { lock (depthFrameLock) { Intel.RealSense.Intrinsics depthCamIntr = depthStreamProfile.GetIntrinsics(); //Debug.Log("RS distType: " + depthCamIntr.model); if (depthCamIntr.model != Distortion.None || deviceStreamingMode == KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.PlayRecording) { GetCameraIntrinsics(depthCamIntr, ref sensorData.depthCamIntr, 0); if (depthCamIntr.model == Distortion.None && deviceStreamingMode == KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.PlayRecording) { // workaround for playback mode (model & coeffs are missing there) sensorData.depthCamIntr.distType = KinectInterop.DistortionType.BrownConrady; } // body & body-index data if ((frameSourceFlags & KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody) != 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Body tracking is not supported for RealSense sensors!"); //if(depthCamIntr.width == 640 && depthCamIntr.height == 480) //{ // Calibration cal = GetBodyTrackerCalibration(sensorData.depthCamIntr); // InitBodyTracking(frameSourceFlags, sensorData, cal, true); // if (isSyncBodyAndDepth && bodyTracker == null) // { // // don't sync body and depth if the body tracker can't be created // isSyncBodyAndDepth = false; // } //} } } } } if(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr == null && depthStreamProfile != null && colorStreamProfile != null) { lock (depthFrameLock) { lock (colorFrameLock) { Intel.RealSense.Extrinsics depth2ColorExtr = depthStreamProfile.GetExtrinsicsTo(colorStreamProfile); GetCameraExtrinsics(depth2ColorExtr, ref sensorData.depth2ColorExtr); } } } if (sensorData.color2DepthExtr == null && colorStreamProfile != null && depthStreamProfile != null) { lock (colorFrameLock) { lock (depthFrameLock) { Intel.RealSense.Extrinsics color2DepthExtr = colorStreamProfile.GetExtrinsicsTo(depthStreamProfile); GetCameraExtrinsics(color2DepthExtr, ref sensorData.color2DepthExtr); } } } return true; } // gets the given camera intrinsics private void GetCameraIntrinsics(Intel.RealSense.Intrinsics camIntr, ref KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, int camType) { intr = new KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics(); intr.cameraType = camType; intr.width = camIntr.width; intr.height = camIntr.height; intr.ppx = camIntr.ppx; intr.ppy = camIntr.ppy; intr.fx = camIntr.fx; intr.fy = camIntr.fy; intr.distCoeffs = new float[camIntr.coeffs.Length]; camIntr.coeffs.CopyTo(intr.distCoeffs, 0); intr.distType = (KinectInterop.DistortionType)camIntr.model; EstimateFOV(intr); } // gets the given camera extrinsics private void GetCameraExtrinsics(Intel.RealSense.Extrinsics camExtr, ref KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics extr) { extr = new KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics(); extr.rotation = new float[camExtr.rotation.Length]; camExtr.rotation.CopyTo(extr.rotation, 0); extr.translation = new float[camExtr.translation.Length]; camExtr.translation.CopyTo(extr.translation, 0); } // unprojects plane point into the space public override Vector3 UnprojectPoint(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector2 pixel, float depth) { float x = (pixel.x - intr.ppx) / intr.fx; float y = (pixel.y - intr.ppy) / intr.fy; if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.InverseBrownConrady) { float r2 = x * x + y * y; float f = 1 + intr.distCoeffs[0] * r2 + intr.distCoeffs[1] * r2 * r2 + intr.distCoeffs[4] * r2 * r2 * r2; float ux = x * f + 2 * intr.distCoeffs[2] * x * y + intr.distCoeffs[3] * (r2 + 2 * x * x); float uy = y * f + 2 * intr.distCoeffs[3] * x * y + intr.distCoeffs[2] * (r2 + 2 * y * y); x = ux; y = uy; } Vector3 point = new Vector3(depth * x, depth * y, depth); return point; } // projects space point onto a plane public override Vector2 ProjectPoint(KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector3 point) { float x = point.x / point.z; float y = point.y / point.z; if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.ModifiedBrownConrady) { float r2 = x * x + y * y; float f = 1f + intr.distCoeffs[0] * r2 + intr.distCoeffs[1] * r2 * r2 + intr.distCoeffs[4] * r2 * r2 * r2; x *= f; y *= f; float dx = x + 2f * intr.distCoeffs[2] * x * y + intr.distCoeffs[3] * (r2 + 2 * x * x); float dy = y + 2f * intr.distCoeffs[3] * x * y + intr.distCoeffs[2] * (r2 + 2 * y * y); x = dx; y = dy; } if (intr.distType == KinectInterop.DistortionType.Theta) { float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); float rd = (1f / intr.distCoeffs[0] * (float)Math.Atan(2f * r * (float)Math.Tan(intr.distCoeffs[0] / 2f))); x *= rd / r; y *= rd / r; } Vector2 pixel = new Vector2(x * intr.fx + intr.ppx, y * intr.fy + intr.ppy); return pixel; } // transforms a point from one space to another public override Vector3 TransformPoint(KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics extr, Vector3 point) { float toPointX = extr.rotation[0] * point.x + extr.rotation[3] * point.y + extr.rotation[6] * point.z + extr.translation[0]; float toPointY = extr.rotation[1] * point.x + extr.rotation[4] * point.y + extr.rotation[7] * point.z + extr.translation[1]; float toPointZ = extr.rotation[2] * point.x + extr.rotation[5] * point.y + extr.rotation[8] * point.z + extr.translation[2]; return new Vector3(toPointX, toPointY, toPointZ); } public override void PollCoordTransformFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData) { if (lastDepthCoordFrameTime != rawDepthTimestamp) { lastDepthCoordFrameTime = rawDepthTimestamp; // depth2color frame if (depthCamColorDataFrame != null) { lock (depthCamColorFrameLock) { TransformColorFrameToDepthCamResolution(sensorData, depthCamColorDataFrame); lastDepthCamColorFrameTime = lastDepthCoordFrameTime; //Debug.Log("DepthCamColorFrameTime: " + lastDepthCamColorFrameTime); } } // color2depth frame if (colorCamDepthDataFrame != null) { lock (colorCamDepthFrameLock) { TransformDepthFrameToColorCamResolution(sensorData, colorCamDepthDataFrame); lastColorCamDepthFrameTime = lastDepthCoordFrameTime; //Debug.Log("ColorCamDepthFrameTime: " + lastColorCamDepthFrameTime); } } // color2infrared frame if (colorCamInfraredDataFrame != null) { lock (colorCamInfraredFrameLock) { TransformInfraredFrameToColorCamResolution(sensorData, colorCamInfraredDataFrame); lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime = lastDepthCoordFrameTime; //Debug.Log("ColorCamInfraredFrameTime: " + lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime); } } } } // transforms the color frame to depth-camera resolution protected bool TransformColorFrameToDepthCamResolution(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, byte[] c2dColorFrame) { if (rawDepthImage != null && rawColorImage != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null) { int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth; int depthImageH = sensorData.depthImageHeight; int colorImageW = sensorData.colorImageWidth; int colorImageS = sensorData.colorImageStride; int mapImageLen = depthImageW * depthImageH * colorImageS; if (c2dColorFrame == null || c2dColorFrame.Length != mapImageLen) { throw new Exception("d2cColorFrame is not big enough. Should be " + mapImageLen + " bytes."); } for (int dy = 0, dIndex = 0, d2cIndex = 0; dy < depthImageH; dy++) { for (int dx = 0; dx < depthImageW; dx++, dIndex++, d2cIndex += colorImageS) { ushort depthVal = rawDepthImage[dIndex]; if (depthVal != 0) { Vector2 depthPos = new Vector2(dx, dy); Vector3 depthSpacePos = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos, (float)depthVal / 1000f); Vector3 colorSpacePos = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos); Vector2 colorFramePos = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos); int cIndex = ((int)colorFramePos.x + (int)colorFramePos.y * colorImageW) * colorImageS; if (cIndex >= 0 && (cIndex + colorImageS - 1) < rawColorImage.Length) { c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex] = rawColorImage[cIndex]; c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 1] = rawColorImage[cIndex + 1]; c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 2] = rawColorImage[cIndex + 2]; //c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 3] = 255; } } else { c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex] = 0; c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 1] = 0; c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 2] = 0; //c2dColorFrame[d2cIndex + 3] = 0; } } } return true; } return false; } // transforms the depth frame to color-camera resolution protected bool TransformDepthFrameToColorCamResolution(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ushort[] d2cDepthFrame) { if (rawDepthImage != null && rawColorImage != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null) { int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth; int depthImageH = sensorData.depthImageHeight; int colorImageW = sensorData.colorImageWidth; int colorImageH = sensorData.colorImageHeight; int mapImageLen = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight; if (d2cDepthFrame == null || d2cDepthFrame.Length != mapImageLen) { throw new Exception("d2cDepthFrame is not big enough. Should be " + mapImageLen + " ushorts."); } //Intrinsics depthIntr = depthStreamProfile.GetIntrinsics(); //Intrinsics colorIntr = colorStreamProfile.GetIntrinsics(); //Extrinsics d2cExtr = depthStreamProfile.GetExtrinsicsTo(colorStreamProfile); for (int dy = 0, dIndex = 0; dy < depthImageH; dy++) { for (int dx = 0; dx < depthImageW; dx++, dIndex++) { ushort depthVal = rawDepthImage[dIndex]; if (depthVal != 0) { float depth = (float)depthVal * 0.001f; Vector2 depthPos1 = new Vector2(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f); Vector3 depthSpacePos1 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos1, depth); Vector3 colorSpacePos1 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos1); Vector2 colorPos1 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos1); int colorPos1X = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.x); int colorPos1Y = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.y); Vector2 depthPos2 = new Vector2(dx + 0.5f, dy + 0.5f); Vector3 depthSpacePos2 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos2, depth); Vector3 colorSpacePos2 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos2); Vector2 colorPos2 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos2); int colorPos2X = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos2.x); int colorPos2Y = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos2.y); if (colorPos1X < 0 || colorPos1Y < 0 || colorPos2X >= colorImageW || colorPos2Y >= colorImageH) continue; for (int y = colorPos1Y; y <= colorPos2Y; y++) { int cIndex = y * colorImageW + colorPos1X; for (int x = colorPos1X; x <= colorPos2X; x++, cIndex++) { d2cDepthFrame[cIndex] = depthVal; } } } else { //d2cDepthFrame[cIndex] = 0; } } } return true; } return false; } // transforms the infrared frame to color-camera resolution protected bool TransformInfraredFrameToColorCamResolution(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ushort[] d2cInfraredFrame) { if (rawDepthImage != null && rawColorImage != null && rawInfraredImage != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr != null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null && sensorData.depth2ColorExtr != null) { int depthImageW = sensorData.depthImageWidth; int depthImageH = sensorData.depthImageHeight; int colorImageW = sensorData.colorImageWidth; int colorImageH = sensorData.colorImageHeight; int mapImageLen = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight; if (d2cInfraredFrame == null || d2cInfraredFrame.Length != mapImageLen) { throw new Exception("d2cInfraredFrame is not big enough. Should be " + mapImageLen + " ushorts."); } for (int dy = 0, dIndex = 0; dy < depthImageH; dy++) { for (int dx = 0; dx < depthImageW; dx++, dIndex++) { ushort depthVal = rawDepthImage[dIndex]; if (depthVal != 0) { float depth = (float)depthVal * 0.001f; Vector2 depthPos1 = new Vector2(dx - 0.5f, dy - 0.5f); Vector3 depthSpacePos1 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos1, depth); Vector3 colorSpacePos1 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos1); Vector2 colorPos1 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos1); int colorPos1X = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.x); int colorPos1Y = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos1.y); Vector2 depthPos2 = new Vector2(dx + 0.5f, dy + 0.5f); Vector3 depthSpacePos2 = UnprojectPoint(sensorData.depthCamIntr, depthPos2, depth); Vector3 colorSpacePos2 = TransformPoint(sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, depthSpacePos2); Vector2 colorPos2 = ProjectPoint(sensorData.colorCamIntr, colorSpacePos2); int colorPos2X = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos2.x); int colorPos2Y = Mathf.RoundToInt(colorPos2.y); if (colorPos1X < 0 || colorPos1Y < 0 || colorPos2X >= colorImageW || colorPos2Y >= colorImageH) continue; ushort irValue = rawInfraredImage[dIndex]; //ushort irValue = sensorData.infraredImage[dIndex]; for (int y = colorPos1Y; y <= colorPos2Y; y++) { int cIndex = y * colorImageW + colorPos1X; for (int x = colorPos1X; x <= colorPos2X; x++, cIndex++) { d2cInfraredFrame[cIndex] = irValue; } } } else { //d2cInfraredFrame[cIndex] = 0; } } } return true; } return false; } } }