fixed4 _Color; sampler2D _ColorTex; float4 _ColorTex_TexelSize; //float4 _ColorTex_ST; float _MaxEdgeLen; //#ifdef SHADER_API_D3D11 StructuredBuffer _DepthMap; StructuredBuffer _BodyIndexMap; StructuredBuffer _SpaceTable; //#endif int _CoarseFactor; int _IsPointCloud; float2 _SpaceScale; float2 _TexRes; float2 _Cxy; float2 _Fxy; uint _UserBodyIndex; uint _BodyIndexAll; float4x4 _Transform; float3 _PosMin; float3 _PosMax; struct Input { float2 uv_ColorTex : TEXCOORD0; float4 vertexPos : TEXCOORD1; uint idx : TEXCOORD2; bool mask : TEXCOORD3; //float3 normal : TEXCOORD4; }; //// Add instancing support for this shader. You need to check 'Enable Instancing' on materials that use the shader. //// See for more information about instancing. //// #pragma instancing_options assumeuniformscaling //UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_START(Props) // // put more per-instance properties here //UNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_END(Props) uint getSceneDepthAt(uint di) { uint depth2 = 0; //#ifdef SHADER_API_D3D11 depth2 = _DepthMap[di >> 1]; //#endif uint depth = di & 1 != 0 ? depth2 >> 16 : depth2 & 0xffff; return depth; } uint getBodyDepthAt(uint di, out uint bi) { uint depth2 = 0; uint bi4 = 0; bi = 255; //#ifdef SHADER_API_D3D11 depth2 = _DepthMap[di >> 1]; bi4 = _BodyIndexMap[di >> 2]; //#endif uint depth = di & 1 != 0 ? depth2 >> 16 : depth2 & 0xffff; switch (di & 3) { case 0: bi = bi4 & 255; break; case 1: bi = (bi4 >> 8) & 255; break; case 2: bi = (bi4 >> 16) & 255; break; case 3: bi = (bi4 >> 24) & 255; break; } return depth; } float4 getSpacePos(uint idx, float fDepth) { uint di = idx * 3; //#ifdef SHADER_API_D3D11 float4 spacePos = float4(_SpaceTable[di] * fDepth * _SpaceScale.x, _SpaceTable[di + 1] * fDepth * _SpaceScale.y, fDepth, 1.0); //#else // float4 spacePos = float4(0, 0, 0, 1.0); //#endif return spacePos; } void vert_scene(inout appdata_full v, out Input o) { UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(Input, o); float2 texUv = v.texcoord; // (float2)v.vertex; o.uv_ColorTex = texUv; uint dx = (uint)(texUv.x * _TexRes.x); uint dy = (uint)(texUv.y * _TexRes.y); uint idx = (dx + dy * _TexRes.x); o.idx = idx; uint depth = getSceneDepthAt(idx); float fDepth = (float)depth * 0.001; float4 vPos = getSpacePos(idx, fDepth); // v.vertex.w); float4 wPos = vPos; // mul(_Transform, vPos); bool mask = wPos.x >= _PosMin.x && wPos.x <= _PosMax.x && wPos.y >= _PosMin.y && wPos.y <= _PosMax.y && wPos.z >= _PosMin.z && wPos.z <= _PosMax.z; v.vertex = vPos; o.vertexPos = vPos; // float4(, mask); // vertexPos * mask; // o.mask = mask; } void vert_body(inout appdata_full v, out Input o) { UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(Input, o); float2 texUv = v.texcoord; // (float2)v.vertex; o.uv_ColorTex = texUv; uint dx = (uint)(texUv.x * _TexRes.x); uint dy = (uint)(texUv.y * _TexRes.y); uint idx = (dx + dy * _TexRes.x); o.idx = idx; uint bi = 255; uint depth = getBodyDepthAt(idx, bi); float fDepth = (float)depth * 0.001; float4 vPos = getSpacePos(idx, fDepth); bool mask = _BodyIndexAll != 0 ? (bi != 255) : (bi == _UserBodyIndex && _UserBodyIndex != 255); float4 vertexPos = vPos; v.vertex = vPos; o.vertexPos = vPos; // float4(, mask); // vertexPos * mask; // o.mask = mask; } void surf(Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) { float4 col = tex2D(_ColorTex, IN.uv_ColorTex); //float4 col = float3(1, 0, 0); //if (!IN.mask) //{ // discard; //} o.Albedo = col * _Color; o.Alpha = col.a; }