using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using com.rfilkov.kinect; using System; namespace com.rfilkov.components { public class RawDataTexture : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")] public int sensorIndex = 0; [Tooltip("RawImage used to display the raw data texture.")] public RawImage rawImage; [Tooltip("Image value factor.")] public ushort valueFactor = 100; // references private KinectManager kinectManager = null; private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null; private ushort[] rawImageData = null; private byte[] rawImageDataBytes = null; private ulong lastFrameTime = 0; void Start() { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); } if (rawImage == null) { rawImage = GetComponent(); } } void Update() { if (rawImage != null && sensorData != null && kinectManager != null && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { ushort[] rawData = sensorData.depthImage; // sensorData.infraredImage; // ulong rawDataTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime; // sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime; // if (rawData != null && lastFrameTime != rawDataTime) { // Create texture. if (rawImage.texture == null) { int width = sensorData.depthImageWidth; int height = sensorData.depthImageHeight; int pixelCount = width * height; rawImage.texture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.R16, false); rawImage.texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; rawImage.texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; = "KinectDepth"; rawImageData = new ushort[pixelCount]; rawImageDataBytes = new byte[pixelCount * sizeof(ushort)]; rawImage.rectTransform.localScale = kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex); rawImage.color = Color.white; } if (rawImageDataBytes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++) { rawImageData[i] = (ushort)(rawData[i] * valueFactor); } // ushort[] to byte[]. // Buffer.BlockCopy(rawImageData, 0, rawImageDataBytes, 0, rawImageDataBytes.Length); // Load into texture. ((Texture2D)rawImage.texture).LoadRawTextureData(rawImageDataBytes); ((Texture2D)rawImage.texture).Apply(); Debug.Log("lastFrameTime: " + rawDataTime); } lastFrameTime = rawDataTime; } } } } }