using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using com.rfilkov.kinect; using System; namespace com.rfilkov.components { /// /// BackgroundColorCamInfraredImage is component that displays the color camera aligned infrared image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background. /// public class BackgroundColorCamInfraredImage : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")] public int sensorIndex = 0; [Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")] public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage; [Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")] public Camera backgroundCamera; // last camera rect width & height private float lastCamRectW = 0; private float lastCamRectH = 0; // reference to the kinectManager private KinectManager kinectManager = null; private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null; private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =; // color-camera aligned frames private ulong lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime = 0; // color-camera aligned texture and buffers private RenderTexture infraredImageTexture = null; private Material infraredImageMaterial = null; private ComputeBuffer infraredImageBuffer = null; void Start() { if (backgroundImage == null) { backgroundImage = GetComponent(); } kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null; if(sensorData != null) { // enable color camera aligned infrared frames sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, true, false); // create the output texture and needed buffers infraredImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(infraredImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight); infraredImageMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Kinect/InfraredImageShader")); //int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight >> 1; //infraredImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(infraredImageBuffer, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint)); } } void OnDestroy() { if (infraredImageTexture) { infraredImageTexture.Release(); infraredImageTexture = null; } if (infraredImageBuffer != null) { infraredImageBuffer.Dispose(); infraredImageBuffer = null; } if (sensorData != null) { // disable color camera aligned infrared frames sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, false, false); } } void Update() { if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f; float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f; // check for new color camera aligned frames UpdateTextureWithNewFrame(); if (backgroundImage && infraredImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null || backgroundImage.texture.width != infraredImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != infraredImageTexture.height || lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight)) { lastCamRectW = cameraWidth; lastCamRectH = cameraHeight; // enable color camera aligned infrared frames sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // sensor data may be re-created after sensor-int restart sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, true, false); backgroundImage.texture = infraredImageTexture; backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex); backgroundImage.color = Color.white; if (backgroundCamera != null) { // adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio int colorImageWidth = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(sensorIndex); int colorImageHeight = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(sensorIndex); if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0) return; RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform; float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x; float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y; if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight) rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight; else rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth; Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f; Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex); Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight); if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) { rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth); } if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) { rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight); } rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight); rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos; } } //if (backgroundImage) //{ // // update the anchor position, if needed // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) // { // Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData); // if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos) // { // backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos; // } // } //} } else { // reset the background texture, if needed if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null) { backgroundImage.texture = null; // disable color camera aligned infrared frames if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, false, false); } } } //RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform; //Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax); } // checks for new color-camera aligned frames, and composes an updated body-index texture, if needed private void UpdateTextureWithNewFrame() { if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null || sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage == null) return; // get the updated infrared if (lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime != sensorData.lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime) { lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime; if (infraredImageTexture.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || infraredImageTexture.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight) { infraredImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(infraredImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight); } int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage.Length >> 1; if (infraredImageBuffer == null || infraredImageBuffer.count != infraredBufferLength) { infraredImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(infraredImageBuffer, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint)); } KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(infraredImageBuffer, sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint)); float minInfraredValue = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).GetMinInfraredValue(); float maxInfraredValue = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).GetMaxInfraredValue(); infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.colorImageWidth); infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.colorImageHeight); infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MinValue", minInfraredValue); infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MaxValue", maxInfraredValue); infraredImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_InfraredMap", infraredImageBuffer); Graphics.Blit(null, infraredImageTexture, infraredImageMaterial); } } } }