using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using com.rfilkov.kinect; using static com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop; namespace com.rfilkov.components { /// /// Cubeman controller transfers the captured user motion to a cubeman model. /// public class CubemanController : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")] public int playerIndex = 0; [Tooltip("Whether the cubeman is allowed to move vertically or not.")] public bool verticalMovement = true; [Tooltip("Whether the cubeman is facing the player or not.")] public bool mirroredMovement = false; [Tooltip("Scene object that will be used to represent the sensor's position and rotation in the scene.")] public Transform sensorTransform; [Tooltip("Rate at which the cubeman will move through the scene.")] public float moveRate = 1f; public GameObject Pelvis; public GameObject SpineNaval; public GameObject SpineChest; public GameObject Neck; public GameObject Head; public GameObject ClavicleLeft; public GameObject ShoulderLeft; public GameObject ElbowLeft; public GameObject WristLeft; public GameObject HandLeft; public GameObject ClavicleRight; public GameObject ShoulderRight; public GameObject ElbowRight; public GameObject WristRight; public GameObject HandRight; public GameObject HipLeft; public GameObject KneeLeft; public GameObject AnkleLeft; public GameObject FootLeft; public GameObject HipRight; public GameObject KneeRight; public GameObject AnkleRight; public GameObject FootRight; public GameObject Nose; public GameObject EyeLeft; public GameObject EarLeft; public GameObject EyeRight; public GameObject EarRight; public GameObject HandtipLeft; public GameObject ThumbLeft; public GameObject HandtipRight; public GameObject ThumbRight; [Tooltip("Line renderer to draw the skeleton lines.")] public LineRenderer skeletonLine; //public LineRenderer debugLine; [Tooltip("UI Text to display debug information.")] public UnityEngine.UI.Text debugInfo; private GameObject[] bones; private LineRenderer[] lines; private LineRenderer lineTLeft; private LineRenderer lineTRight; private LineRenderer lineFLeft; private LineRenderer lineFRight; private Vector3 initialPosition; private Quaternion initialRotation; private Vector3 initialPosUser =; private Vector3 initialPosOffset =; private ulong initialPosUserID = 0; private ulong lastBodyTimestamp = 0; void Start() { //store bones in a list for easier access bones = new GameObject[] { Pelvis, SpineNaval, SpineChest, Neck, Head, ClavicleLeft, ShoulderLeft, ElbowLeft, WristLeft, HandLeft, ClavicleRight, ShoulderRight, ElbowRight, WristRight, HandRight, HipLeft, KneeLeft, AnkleLeft, FootLeft, HipRight, KneeRight, AnkleRight, FootRight, Nose, EyeLeft, EarLeft, EyeRight, EarRight, HandtipLeft, ThumbLeft, HandtipRight, ThumbRight }; // array holding the skeleton lines lines = new LineRenderer[bones.Length]; initialPosition = transform.position; initialRotation = transform.rotation; } void Update() { KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; // get 1st player ulong userID = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex) : 0; if (userID == 0) { initialPosUserID = 0; initialPosOffset =; initialPosUser =; // reset the pointman position and rotation if (transform.position != initialPosition) { transform.position = initialPosition; } if (transform.rotation != initialRotation) { transform.rotation = initialRotation; } for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { bones[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); bones[i].transform.localPosition =; bones[i].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; if (lines[i] != null) { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } return; } // set the position in space Vector3 posPointMan = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetUserPosition(userID) : kinectManager.GetUserKinectPosition(userID, true); if (sensorTransform) { posPointMan = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posPointMan); } Vector3 posPointManMP = new Vector3(posPointMan.x, posPointMan.y, !mirroredMovement ? -posPointMan.z : posPointMan.z); // store the initial position if (initialPosUserID != userID) { initialPosUserID = userID; //initialPosOffset = transform.position - (verticalMovement ? posPointMan * moveRate : new Vector3(posPointMan.x, 0, posPointMan.z) * moveRate); initialPosOffset = posPointMan; initialPosUser = initialPosition; if (verticalMovement) initialPosUser.y = 0f; // posPointManMP.y provides the vertical position in this case } Vector3 relPosUser = (posPointMan - initialPosOffset); relPosUser.z = !mirroredMovement ? -relPosUser.z : relPosUser.z; transform.position = verticalMovement ? initialPosUser + posPointManMP * moveRate : initialPosUser + new Vector3(posPointManMP.x, 0, posPointManMP.z) * moveRate; //Debug.Log (userID + ", pos: " + posPointMan + ", ipos: " + initialPosUser + ", rpos: " + posPointManMP + ", tpos: " + transform.position); //Vector3 rotPelvis = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(userID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis, true).eulerAngles; //if(rotPelvis.y > 90 && rotPelvis.y < 270) // Debug.Log($"Time: {DateTime.Now.ToString("")} - pelRot: {rotPelvis}"); ulong bodyTimestamp = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTime(0); if (lastBodyTimestamp != bodyTimestamp) { BodyData bodyData = kinectManager.GetUserBodyData(userID); JointData pelvis = bodyData.joint[(int)JointType.Pelvis]; JointData neck = bodyData.joint[(int)JointType.Neck]; if (debugInfo != null) { debugInfo.text = $"Pelvis: {GetJointDataString(pelvis)}, Neck: {GetJointDataString(neck)}"; } lastBodyTimestamp = bodyTimestamp; } // update the local positions of the bones for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++) { if (bones[i] != null) { int joint = !mirroredMovement ? i : (int)KinectInterop.GetMirrorJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)i); if (joint < 0) continue; if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userID, joint)) { bones[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); Vector3 posJoint = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userID, joint) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userID, joint, true); if (sensorTransform) { posJoint = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posJoint); } posJoint.z = !mirroredMovement ? -posJoint.z : posJoint.z; Quaternion rotJoint = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(userID, joint, !mirroredMovement); rotJoint = initialRotation * rotJoint; posJoint -= posPointManMP; if (mirroredMovement) { posJoint.x = -posJoint.x; posJoint.z = -posJoint.z; } bones[i].transform.localPosition = posJoint; bones[i].transform.rotation = rotJoint; if (lines[i] == null && skeletonLine != null) { lines[i] = Instantiate(skeletonLine) as LineRenderer; lines[i].transform.parent = transform; } int parJoint = (int)kinectManager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)joint); if (lines[i] != null) { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); Vector3 posJoint2 = bones[i].transform.position; parJoint = !mirroredMovement ? parJoint : (int)KinectInterop.GetMirrorJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)parJoint); Vector3 posParent = bones[parJoint].transform.position; //Vector3 dirFromParent = kinectManager.GetJointDirection(userID, joint, false, false); //dirFromParent.z = !mirroredMovement ? -dirFromParent.z : dirFromParent.z; //Vector3 posParent = posJoint2 - dirFromParent; //Vector3 posParent = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userID, parJoint) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userID, parJoint, true); //if (sensorTransform) //{ // posParent = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posParent); //} //posParent.z = !mirroredMovement ? -posParent.z : posParent.z; //lines[i].SetVertexCount(2); lines[i].SetPosition(0, posParent); lines[i].SetPosition(1, posJoint2); } } else { bones[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); if (lines[i] != null) { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } } // returns the joint data string private string GetJointDataString(JointData jd) { return $"{jd.trackingState.ToString()[0]} {jd.position.ToString("F2")}"; } } }