using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace com.rfilkov.components { public class FragmentLighting { // lighting structures private Light[] sceneLights = null; private Bounds lightBounds; private Vector4[] dirLightData = new Vector4[2]; [SerializeField] public struct PointLight { public Vector4 color; public float range; public Vector3 pos; } private const int SIZE_POINT_LIGHT = 32; private const int MAX_POINT_LIGHTS = 8; [SerializeField] private PointLight[] pointLights = new PointLight[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS]; private ComputeBuffer pointLightsBuffer = null; private int pointLightsNumber = 0; [SerializeField] public struct SpotLight { public Vector4 color; public Vector3 pos; public Vector4 dir; public Vector4 pars; } private const int SIZE_SPOT_LIGHT = 60; private const int MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS = 8; [SerializeField] public SpotLight[] spotLights = new SpotLight[MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS]; private ComputeBuffer spotLightsBuffer = null; private int spotLightsNumber = 0; const int NUMBER_LIGHTS_MAX = MAX_POINT_LIGHTS / 2 + MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS / 2; /// /// Sets the scene lights and lighted volume bounds. /// public void SetLightsAndBounds(Light[] sceneLights, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 sizeBounds) { this.sceneLights = sceneLights; this.lightBounds = new Bounds(centerPos, sizeBounds); } /// /// Releases the used native resources. /// public void ReleaseResources() { if (pointLightsBuffer != null) { pointLightsBuffer.Release(); pointLightsBuffer = null; } if (spotLightsBuffer != null) { spotLightsBuffer.Release(); spotLightsBuffer = null; } } /// /// Updates the lighting parameters of the material. /// public void UpdateLighting(Material matRenderer, bool bApplyLighting) { matRenderer.SetInt("_ApplyLights", bApplyLighting ? 1 : 0); matRenderer.SetInt("_ApplyShadows", 0); matRenderer.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0); ApplyLighting(matRenderer, bApplyLighting); } // applies the current lights private void ApplyLighting(Material matRenderer, bool bApplyLighting) { const float interiorCone = 0.1f; // interior cone of the spotlight dirLightData[1] =; int pi = 0; int si = 0; if(bApplyLighting) { foreach (Light light in sceneLights) { if (!light.gameObject.activeInHierarchy || !light.enabled) continue; if (light.type == LightType.Directional || Vector3.Distance(, light.transform.position) < (light.range + lightBounds.extents.x)) { if (light.type != LightType.Directional && light.shadows != LightShadows.None) { light.shadows = LightShadows.None; } if (light.type == LightType.Point) { if (pi < MAX_POINT_LIGHTS) { pointLights[pi].color = light.color * light.intensity; pointLights[pi].pos = light.gameObject.transform.position; pointLights[pi].range = light.range; pi++; } } else if (light.type == LightType.Spot) { if (si < MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS) { Vector3 vLightFwd = light.gameObject.transform.forward.normalized; spotLights[si].color = light.color * light.intensity; spotLights[si].pos = light.gameObject.transform.position; spotLights[si].dir = new Vector4(vLightFwd.x, vLightFwd.y, vLightFwd.z, Mathf.Cos((light.spotAngle / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); spotLights[si].pars = new Vector4(light.spotAngle, light.intensity, 1.0f / light.range, interiorCone); si++; } } else if (light.type == LightType.Directional) { Vector3 vLightFwd = light.gameObject.transform.forward.normalized; dirLightData[0] = new Vector4(vLightFwd.x, vLightFwd.y, vLightFwd.z, 0); dirLightData[1] = light.color * light.intensity; } } } } if (pointLightsBuffer == null) { pointLightsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MAX_POINT_LIGHTS, SIZE_POINT_LIGHT); pointLightsBuffer.SetData(pointLights); matRenderer.SetBuffer("_PointLights", pointLightsBuffer); } else { pointLightsBuffer.SetData(pointLights); } if (spotLightsBuffer == null) { spotLightsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS, SIZE_SPOT_LIGHT); spotLightsBuffer.SetData(spotLights); matRenderer.SetBuffer("_SpotLights", spotLightsBuffer); } else { spotLightsBuffer.SetData(spotLights); } pointLightsNumber = pi; spotLightsNumber = si; matRenderer.SetInt("_PointLightsNumber", pointLightsNumber); matRenderer.SetInt("_SpotLightsNumber", spotLightsNumber); matRenderer.SetVectorArray("_DirectionalLights", dirLightData); } } }