using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace com.rfilkov.components { /// /// InteractionInputModule is the input module that can be used as component of the Unity-UI EventSystem. /// public class InteractionInputModule : PointerInputModule, InteractionListenerInterface { [Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by the respective InteractionManager. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")] public int playerIndex = 0; [Tooltip("Whether the left hand interaction is allowed by the respective InteractionManager.")] public bool leftHandInteraction = true; [Tooltip("Whether the right hand interaction is allowed by the respective InteractionManager.")] public bool rightHandInteraction = true; [Tooltip("Whether to process the hand cursor movements (i.e for hovering ui-elements), or not.")] public bool processCursorMovement = false; //private bool m_isLeftHand = false; private bool m_leftHandGrip = false; private bool m_rightHandGrip = false; private Vector3 m_handCursorPos =; private Vector2 m_lastCursorPos =; private PointerEventData.FramePressState m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged; private readonly MouseState m_MouseState = new MouseState(); // interaction manager for the same player private InteractionManager intManager; // The single instance of InteractionInputModule //private static InteractionInputModule instance; ///// ///// Gets the single InteractionInputModule instance. ///// ///// The InteractionInputModule instance. //public static InteractionInputModule Instance //{ // get // { // return instance; // } //} //protected InteractionInputModule() //{ // instance = this; //} protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction); } [SerializeField] [FormerlySerializedAs("m_AllowActivationOnMobileDevice")] private bool m_ForceModuleActive; public bool forceModuleActive { get { return m_ForceModuleActive; } set { m_ForceModuleActive = value; } } public override bool IsModuleSupported() { return m_ForceModuleActive || intManager != null; } public override bool ShouldActivateModule() { if (!base.ShouldActivateModule()) return false; if (intManager == null) { intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction); } //bool shouldActivate |= (InteractionManager.Instance != null && InteractionManager.Instance.IsInteractionInited()); bool shouldActivate = m_ForceModuleActive || (m_framePressState != PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged); if (!shouldActivate && processCursorMovement && intManager && (intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary() || intManager.IsRightHandPrimary())) { bool bIsLeftHand = intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary(); // check for cursor pos change Vector2 handCursorPos = bIsLeftHand ? intManager.GetLeftHandScreenPos() : intManager.GetRightHandScreenPos(); if (handCursorPos != m_lastCursorPos) { m_lastCursorPos = handCursorPos; shouldActivate = true; } } return shouldActivate; } // public override void ActivateModule() // { // base.ActivateModule(); // // var toSelect = eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject; // if (toSelect == null) // toSelect = eventSystem.firstSelectedGameObject; // // eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(toSelect, GetBaseEventData()); // } // public override void DeactivateModule() // { // base.DeactivateModule(); // ClearSelection(); // } public override void Process() { if (intManager == null) { intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction); } CheckGrippedCursorPosition(); ProcessInteractionEvent(); } private void CheckGrippedCursorPosition() { if (intManager) { bool bIsLeftHand = intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary(); // check for gripped hand bool bHandGrip = bIsLeftHand ? m_leftHandGrip : m_rightHandGrip; // check for cursor pos change Vector2 handCursorPos = bIsLeftHand ? intManager.GetLeftHandScreenPos() : intManager.GetRightHandScreenPos(); if (bHandGrip && handCursorPos != (Vector2)m_handCursorPos) { // emulate new press m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed; m_handCursorPos = handCursorPos; } else if (processCursorMovement) { m_handCursorPos = handCursorPos; } } } protected void ProcessInteractionEvent() { // Emulate mouse data var mouseData = GetMousePointerEventData(0); var leftButtonData = mouseData.GetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left).eventData; // Process the interaction data ProcessHandPressRelease(leftButtonData); ProcessMove(leftButtonData.buttonData); ProcessDrag(leftButtonData.buttonData); } protected override MouseState GetMousePointerEventData(int id) { // Populate the left button... PointerEventData leftData; var created = GetPointerData(kMouseLeftId, out leftData, true); leftData.Reset(); Vector2 handPos = new Vector2(m_handCursorPos.x * Screen.width, m_handCursorPos.y * Screen.height); if (created) { leftData.position = handPos; } = handPos - leftData.position; leftData.position = handPos; //leftData.scrollDelta = 0f; leftData.button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Left; eventSystem.RaycastAll(leftData, m_RaycastResultCache); var raycast = FindFirstRaycast(m_RaycastResultCache); leftData.pointerCurrentRaycast = raycast; m_RaycastResultCache.Clear(); m_MouseState.SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, m_framePressState, leftData); m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged; return m_MouseState; } /// /// Process the current hand press or release event. /// protected void ProcessHandPressRelease(MouseButtonEventData data) { var pointerEvent = data.buttonData; var currentOverGo = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject; // PointerDown notification if (data.PressedThisFrame()) { pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = true; =; pointerEvent.dragging = false; pointerEvent.useDragThreshold = true; pointerEvent.pressPosition = pointerEvent.position; pointerEvent.pointerPressRaycast = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast; DeselectIfSelectionChanged(currentOverGo, pointerEvent); // search for the control that will receive the press // if we can't find a press handler set the press // handler to be what would receive a click. var newPressed = ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerDownHandler); // didnt find a press handler... search for a click handler if (newPressed == null) newPressed = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler(currentOverGo); //Debug.Log("Pressed: " + newPressed); float time = Time.unscaledTime; if (newPressed == pointerEvent.lastPress) { var diffTime = time - pointerEvent.clickTime; if (diffTime < 0.3f) ++pointerEvent.clickCount; else pointerEvent.clickCount = 1; pointerEvent.clickTime = time; } else { pointerEvent.clickCount = 1; } pointerEvent.pointerPress = newPressed; pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = currentOverGo; pointerEvent.clickTime = time; // Save the drag handler as well pointerEvent.pointerDrag = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler(currentOverGo); if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null) ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.initializePotentialDrag); } // PointerUp notification if (data.ReleasedThisFrame()) { // Debug.Log("Executing pressup on: " + pointer.pointerPress); ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerUpHandler); // see if we mouse up on the same element that we clicked on... var pointerUpHandler = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler(currentOverGo); // PointerClick and Drop events if (pointerEvent.pointerPress != null && pointerEvent.pointerPress == pointerUpHandler && pointerEvent.eligibleForClick) { ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerClickHandler); } else if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null && pointerEvent.dragging) { ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.dropHandler); } pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = false; pointerEvent.pointerPress = null; pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = null; if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null && pointerEvent.dragging) ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.endDragHandler); pointerEvent.dragging = false; pointerEvent.pointerDrag = null; // redo pointer enter / exit to refresh state // so that if we moused over somethign that ignored it before // due to having pressed on something else // it now gets it. if (currentOverGo != pointerEvent.pointerEnter) { HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, null); HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, currentOverGo); } } } public void HandGripDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, bool isHandInteracting, Vector3 handScreenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex || !isHandInteracting) return; bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand); if (!bHandValid) return; //Debug.Log("HandGripDetected"); m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed; //m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand; m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos; if (!isRightHand) m_leftHandGrip = true; else m_rightHandGrip = true; } public void HandReleaseDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, bool isHandInteracting, Vector3 handScreenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex || !isHandInteracting) return; bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand); if (!bHandValid) return; //Debug.Log("HandReleaseDetected"); m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Released; //m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand; m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos; if (!isRightHand) m_leftHandGrip = false; else m_rightHandGrip = false; } public bool HandClickDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, Vector3 handScreenPos) { if (userIndex != playerIndex) return false; bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand); if (!bHandValid) return false; //Debug.Log("HandClickDetected"); StartCoroutine(EmulateMouseClick(isRightHand, handScreenPos)); return true; } private IEnumerator EmulateMouseClick(bool isRightHand, Vector3 handScreenPos) { m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed; //m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand; m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos; yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Released; //m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand; m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos; yield return null; } } }