using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using UnityEngine; namespace com.rfilkov.kinect { /// /// KinectManager is the the main and most basic depth-sensor related component. It controls the sensors and manages the data streams. /// public class KinectManager : MonoBehaviour { //[Header("Multiple Camera Config")] [Tooltip("Whether to create the sensor interfaces according to the multi-camera config, if one is available. Otherwise use the sensor interfaces, as configured in the child objects of this object.")] public bool useMultiCamConfig = false; [Tooltip("Whether to synchronize the received frames, in case of master/sub cameras.")] public bool syncMultiCamFrames = false; [Header("Sensor Data")] [Tooltip("Whether or not to start the depth sensor(s), when the scene starts.")] public bool startDepthSensors = true; [Tooltip("Whether or not to keep the KinectManager instance across scenes.")] public bool dontDestroyAcrossScenes = false; [Tooltip("Whether or not to get depth frames from the sensor(s).")] public DepthTextureType getDepthFrames = DepthTextureType.RawDepthData; public enum DepthTextureType : int { None = 0, RawDepthData = 1, DepthTexture = 2 } [Tooltip("Whether or not to get color frames from the sensor(s).")] public ColorTextureType getColorFrames = ColorTextureType.None; public enum ColorTextureType : int { None = 0, ColorTexture = 2 } [Tooltip("Whether or not to get infrared frames from the sensor(s).")] public InfraredTextureType getInfraredFrames = InfraredTextureType.None; public enum InfraredTextureType : int { None = 0, RawInfraredData = 1, InfraredTexture = 2 } [Tooltip("Whether or not to get pose frames from the sensor(s).")] public PoseUsageType getPoseFrames = PoseUsageType.None; public enum PoseUsageType : int { None = 0, RawPoseData = 1, DisplayInfo = 10, UpdateTransform = 20 } [Tooltip("Whether or not to get body frames from the body tracker.")] public BodyTextureType getBodyFrames = BodyTextureType.BodyAndBodyIndexData; public enum BodyTextureType : int { None = 0, BodyAndBodyIndexData = 1, BodyTexture = 2, UserTexture = 3, BodyDataOnly = 4, BodyIndexDataOnly = 5 } [Tooltip("Whether to poll the sensor frames in separate threads, or in the Update-method.")] private bool pollFramesInThread = true; [Tooltip("Whether or not to synchronize depth and color frames.")] public bool syncDepthAndColor = false; [Tooltip("Whether or not to synchronize body and depth frames.")] public bool syncBodyAndDepth = false; //[Tooltip("List of additional data frames to be computed from the latest depth and color frames. Please note, these data frames require getting both depth & color frames, as well as sync between them.")] //public List additionalFrames = new List(); //public enum AdditionalFrameType : int { Depth2ColorCoordinatesFrame, Color2DepthCoordinatesFrame, AlignedDepth2ColorFrame, AlignedColor2DepthFrame, PointCloudMeshFrame, PointCloudVerticesFrame, PointCloudUvFrame, PointCloudColorFrame } [Header("User Detection")] [Tooltip("Minimum distance to user, in order to be considered for body processing. Value of 0 means no minimum distance limitation.")] [Range(0f, 10f)] public float minUserDistance = 0f; [Tooltip("Maximum distance to user, in order to be considered for body processing. Value of 0 means no maximum distance limitation.")] [Range(0f, 10f)] public float maxUserDistance = 0f; [Tooltip("Maximum left or right distance to user, in order to be considered for body processing. Value of 0 means no left/right distance limitation.")] [Range(0f, 5f)] public float maxLeftRightDistance = 0f; [Tooltip("Maximum number of users, who may be tracked simultaneously. Value of 0 means no limitation.")] public int maxTrackedUsers = 0; [Tooltip("Whether to display only the users within the allowed distances, or all users.")] public bool showAllowedUsersOnly = false; public enum UserDetectionOrder : int { Appearance = 0, Distance = 1, LeftToRight = 2, FixedStepIndices = 3 } [Tooltip("How to assign users to player indices - by order of appearance, distance, left to right, or fixed step left to right.")] public UserDetectionOrder userDetectionOrder = UserDetectionOrder.Appearance; [Tooltip("Whether to ignore the inferred joints, or consider them as tracked joints.")] public bool ignoreInferredJoints = false; [Tooltip("Whether to ignore the Z-coordinates of the joints (for 2D-scenes) or not.")] public bool ignoreZCoordinates = false; [Tooltip("Set of joint position smoothing parameters.")] public SmoothingType jointPositionSmoothing = SmoothingType.Default; [Tooltip("Whether to estimate the body joints velocities.")] public bool estimateJointVelocities = false; [Tooltip("Set of joint velocity smoothing parameters.")] public SmoothingType jointVelocitySmoothing = SmoothingType.Light; [Tooltip("Whether to apply the bone orientation constraints.")] public bool boneOrientationConstraints = true; [Tooltip("Whether to filter out the body spins. Feel free to disable it, if the users need to turn around.")] public BodySpinType bodySpinFilter = BodySpinType.None; [Tooltip("Wait time in seconds, before a lost user gets removed. This is to prevent sporadical user switches.")] protected float waitTimeBeforeRemove = 0.25f; [Tooltip("Calibration pose required, to start tracking the respective user.")] public GestureType playerCalibrationPose = GestureType.None; [Tooltip("User manager, used to track the users. KM creates one, if not set.")] public KinectUserManager userManager; //[Tooltip("List of the avatar controllers in the scene. If the list is empty, the available avatar controllers are detected at the scene start up.")] //public List avatarControllers = new List(); [Header("Gesture Detection")] //[Tooltip("List of common gestures, to be detected for each player.")] //public List playerCommonGestures = new List(); //[Tooltip("Minimum time between gesture detections (in seconds).")] //public float minTimeBetweenGestures = 0.7f; [Tooltip("Gesture manager, used to detect user gestures. KM creates one, if not set.")] public KinectGestureManager gestureManager; //[Tooltip("List of the gesture listeners in the scene. If the list is empty, the available gesture listeners will be detected at the scene start up.")] //public List gestureListeners = new List(); [Header("On-Screen Info")] [Tooltip("List of images to display on the screen.")] public List displayImages = new List(); public enum DisplayImageType : int { None = 0, Sensor0ColorImage = 0x01, Sensor0DepthImage = 0x02, Sensor0InfraredImage = 0x03, Sensor1ColorImage = 0x11, Sensor1DepthImage = 0x12, Sensor1InfraredImage = 0x13, Sensor2ColorImage = 0x21, Sensor2DepthImage = 0x22, Sensor2InfraredImage = 0x23, UserBodyImageS0 = 0x101, UserBodyImageS1 = 0x102, UserBodyImageS2 = 0x103 } [Tooltip("Single image width, as percent of the screen width. The height is estimated according to the image's aspect ratio.")] [Range(0.1f, 0.5f)] public float displayImageWidthPercent = 0.2f; [Tooltip("UI-Text to display status messages.")] public UnityEngine.UI.Text statusInfoText; [Tooltip("Whether to log the KinectManager info messages to the console or not.")] public bool consoleLogMessages = true; [System.Serializable] public class DepthSensorStartStopEvent : UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent { } [Header("Events")] /// /// Fired when the depth sensors get started. /// public DepthSensorStartStopEvent OnDepthSensorsStarted = new DepthSensorStartStopEvent(); /// /// Fired when the depth sensors get stopped. /// //public event System.Action OnUserRemoved; public DepthSensorStartStopEvent OnDepthSensorsStopped = new DepthSensorStartStopEvent(); // Bool to keep track of whether Kinect has been initialized or has failed initialization protected bool kinectInitialized = false; protected bool kinectInitFailed = false; // The singleton instance of KinectManager protected static KinectManager instance = null; // available sensor interfaces protected List sensorInterfaces = new List(); // the respective SensorData structures protected List sensorDatas = new List(); // body frame data protected ulong lastBodyFrameTime = 0; protected uint trackedBodiesCount = 0; protected KinectInterop.BodyData[] alTrackedBodies = new KinectInterop.BodyData[0]; // new List(); protected long lastBodyFrameTicks = 0; protected long prevBodyFrameTicks = 0; protected int btSensorIndex = -1; protected int selectedBodyIndex = 255; protected bool bLimitedUsers = false; // filters & body merger protected BoneOrientationConstraints boneConstraints = null; protected KinectUserBodyMerger userBodyMerger = null; //protected JointPositionsFilter jointPositionFilter = null; protected JointVelocitiesFilter jointVelocityFilter = null; // play mode protected bool isPlayModeEnabled = false; protected string playModeData = string.Empty; /// /// Gets the single KinectManager instance. /// /// The KinectManager instance. public static KinectManager Instance { get { return instance; } } /// /// Determines if the KinectManager-component is initialized and ready to use. /// /// true if KinectManager is initialized; otherwise, false. public bool IsInitialized() { return kinectInitialized; } /// /// Checks if the sensor initialization has failed. /// /// public bool IsInitFailed() { return kinectInitFailed; } ///// ///// Gets the joint position filter, if available. ///// ///// //public JointPositionsFilter GetJointPositionFilter() //{ // return jointPositionFilter; //} /// /// Gets the joint velocity filter, if available. /// /// public JointVelocitiesFilter GetJointVelocityFilter() { return jointVelocityFilter; } /// /// Returns the number of utilized depth sensors. /// /// The number of depth sensors. public int GetSensorCount() { return sensorDatas.Count; } ///// ///// Gets the sensor-data structure of the 1st sensor (this structure should not be modified, because it is used internally). ///// ///// The sensor data. //internal KinectInterop.SensorData GetSensorData() //{ // return GetSensorData(0); //} /// /// Gets the sensor-data structure of the given sensor (this structure should not be modified, because it is used internally). /// /// The sensor index. /// The sensor data. internal KinectInterop.SensorData GetSensorData(int sensorIndex) { if(sensorIndex >= 0 && sensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { //return sensorDatas[sensorIndex]; KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[sensorIndex]; if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null) return null; if (!sensorData.sensorInterface.IsSensorDataValid()) { //Debug.LogWarning("Sensor data is invalid."); return null; } return sensorData; } return null; } /// /// Gets the sensor capabilities (i.e. available sensor streams). /// /// The sensor index. /// Sensor capabilities as source flags. public KinectInterop.FrameSource GetSensorCaps(int sensorIndex) { if (sensorIndex >= 0 && sensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[sensorIndex]; if (sensorData != null) { return sensorData.sensorCaps; } } return KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeNone; } /// /// Enables or disables sensor's pose data. /// /// The sensor index. /// Whether to enable or disable the pose data. public void EnableSensorPoseData(int sensorIndex, bool isEnable) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { sensorData.sensorInterface.EnablePoseStream(sensorData, isEnable); } } /// /// Sets minimum & maximum infrared values, used in IR texture generation. /// /// The sensor index. /// Minimum value. /// Maximum value. public void SetSensorMinMaxIrValues(int sensorIndex, float minValue, float maxValue) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { sensorData.sensorInterface.SetMinMaxInfraredValues(minValue, maxValue); } } /// /// Gets the minimum distance tracked by the sensor, in meters. /// /// The sensor index. /// Minimum distance tracked by the sensor, in meters. public float GetSensorMinDistance(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if(sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { return ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).minDepthDistance; } return 0f; } /// /// Gets the maximum distance tracked by the sensor, in meters. /// /// The sensor index. /// Maximum distance tracked by the sensor, in meters. public float GetSensorMaxDistance(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { return ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).maxDepthDistance; } return 0f; } /// /// Gets the last color frame time, as returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The color frame time. public ulong GetColorFrameTime(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.lastColorFrameTime : 0; } /// /// Gets the width of the color image, returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The color image width. public int GetColorImageWidth(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.colorImageWidth : 0; } /// /// Gets the height of the color image, returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The color image height. public int GetColorImageHeight(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.colorImageHeight : 0; } /// /// Gets the color image scale. /// /// The sensor index. /// The color image scale. public Vector3 GetColorImageScale(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.colorImageScale :; } /// /// Gets the color image texture. /// /// The sensor index. /// The color image texture. public Texture GetColorImageTex(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.colorImageTexture : null; } /// /// Gets the last depth frame time, as returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The depth frame time. public ulong GetDepthFrameTime(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime : 0; } /// /// Gets the last IR frame time, as returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The IR frame time. public ulong GetInfraredFrameTime(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.lastInfraredFrameTime : 0; } /// /// Gets the width of the depth image, returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The depth image width. public int GetDepthImageWidth(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.depthImageWidth : 0; } /// /// Gets the height of the depth image, returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The depth image height. public int GetDepthImageHeight(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.depthImageHeight : 0; } /// /// Gets the raw depth data, if ComputeUserMap is true. /// /// The sensor index. /// The raw depth map. public ushort[] GetRawDepthMap(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.depthImage : null; } /// /// Gets the raw infrared data, if ComputeInfraredMap is true. /// /// The sensor index. /// The raw infrared map. public ushort[] GetRawInfraredMap(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.infraredImage : null; } /// /// Gets the depth image scale. /// /// The sensor index. /// The depth image scale. public Vector3 GetDepthImageScale(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.depthImageScale :; } /// /// Gets the infrared image scale. /// /// The sensor index. /// The infrared image scale. public Vector3 GetInfraredImageScale(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.infraredImageScale :; } /// /// Gets the sensor space scale. /// /// The sensor index. /// The sensor space scale. public Vector3 GetSensorSpaceScale(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.sensorSpaceScale :; } /// /// Gets the depth image texture. /// /// The sensor index. /// The depth texture. public Texture GetDepthImageTex(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.depthImageTexture : null; } /// /// Gets the infrared image texture. /// /// The sensor index. /// The infrared texture. public Texture GetInfraredImageTex(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.infraredImageTexture : null; } /// /// Gets the depth value for the specified depth image pixel. /// /// The sensor index. /// Depth image coordinates. /// Depth value in mm, or 0. public ushort GetDepthForPixel(int sensorIndex, Vector2 depthPixel) { return GetDepthForPixel(sensorIndex, (int)depthPixel.x, (int)depthPixel.y); } /// /// Gets the depth value for the specified depth image pixel. /// /// Depth value in mm, or 0. /// The sensor index. /// The X coordinate of the depth pixel. /// The Y coordinate of the depth pixel. public ushort GetDepthForPixel(int sensorIndex, int x, int y) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.depthImage != null) { int index = y * sensorData.depthImageWidth + x; if (index >= 0 && index < sensorData.depthImage.Length) { return sensorData.depthImage[index]; } } return 0; } /// /// Gets the depth value for the specified pixel, if ComputeUserMap is true. /// /// The depth value. /// The sensor index. /// Depth index. public ushort GetDepthForIndex(int sensorIndex, int index) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.depthImage != null) { if (index >= 0 && index < sensorData.depthImage.Length) { return sensorData.depthImage[index]; } } return 0; } /// /// Returns the respective sensor-to-world matrix. /// /// The sensor index. /// Sensor-to-world matrix. public Matrix4x4 GetSensorToWorldMatrix(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return KinectInterop.GetSensorToWorldMatrix(sensorData); } /// /// Returns the sensor transform reference. Please note transform updates depend on the getPoseFrames-KM setting. /// /// The sensor index. /// Sensor transorm or null, if sensorIndex is invalid. public Transform GetSensorTransform(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return KinectInterop.GetSensorTransform(sensorData); } /// /// Returns the depth camera space coordinates of a depth-image point, or if the sensor is not initialized. /// /// The space coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Depth image coordinates /// Depth value /// If set to true, applies the sensor height and angle to the space coordinates. public Vector3 MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector2 posPoint, ushort depthValue, bool bWorldCoords) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { Vector3 posSpace = KinectInterop.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, posPoint, depthValue); if (bWorldCoords) { Vector3 spaceScale = sensorData.sensorSpaceScale; posSpace = new Vector3(posSpace.x * spaceScale.x, posSpace.y * spaceScale.y, posSpace.z * spaceScale.z); Matrix4x4 sensorToWorld = KinectInterop.GetSensorToWorldMatrix(sensorData); posSpace = sensorToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(posSpace); } return posSpace; } return; } /// /// Returns the depth-image coordinates of a depth camera space point, or if the sensor is not initialized. /// /// The depth-image coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Space point coordinates public Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector3 posPoint) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { return KinectInterop.MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorData, posPoint); } return; } /// /// Returns the color camera space coordinates of a color-image point, or if the sensor is not initialized. /// /// The space coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Color image coordinates /// Distance in mm public Vector3 MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector2 posPoint, ushort distance) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { return KinectInterop.MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(sensorData, posPoint, distance); } return; } /// /// Returns the color-image coordinates of a color camera space point, or if the sensor is not initialized. /// /// The color-image coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Space point coordinates public Vector2 MapSpacePointToColorCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector3 posPoint) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { return KinectInterop.MapSpacePointToColorCoords(sensorData, posPoint); } return; } /// /// Returns the color-image coordinates of a depth-image point. /// /// The color-image coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Depth image coordinates /// Depth value public Vector2 MapDepthPointToColorCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector2 posDepth, ushort depthValue) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { return KinectInterop.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorData, posDepth, depthValue); } return; } /// /// Returns the depth-image coordinates of a color-image point. /// /// The depth-image coordinates. /// The sensor index. /// Color image coordinates /// Minimum distance in mm, or 0 to get the sensor interface's minDistance /// Maximum distance in mm, or 0 to get the sensor interface's maxDistance public Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector2 posColor, int minDist, int maxDist) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null) { return KinectInterop.MapColorPointToDepthCoords(sensorData, posColor, minDist, maxDist); } return; } /// /// Unprojects plane point into the space. This method is sensor space and unit scale factor specific. /// /// The sensor index /// Camera intrinsics /// Position of the plane point /// Distance in meters /// Position of the space point public Vector3 SensorUnprojectPoint(int sensorIndex, KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector2 pixel, float depth) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { DepthSensorBase sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface; return sensorInt.UnprojectPoint(intr, pixel, depth); } return; } /// /// Projects space point onto a plane. This method is sensor space and unit scale factor specific. /// /// The sensor index /// Camera intrinsics /// Position of the space point /// Position of the plane point public Vector2 SensorProjectPoint(int sensorIndex, KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics intr, Vector3 point) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { DepthSensorBase sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface; return sensorInt.ProjectPoint(intr, point); } return; } /// /// Transforms a point from one space into another. This method is sensor space and unit scale factor specific. /// /// The sensor index /// Inter-space extrinsics /// Position of the point in the 1st space /// Position of the point in the 2nd space public Vector3 SensorTransformPoint(int sensorIndex, KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics extr, Vector3 point) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { DepthSensorBase sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface; return sensorInt.TransformPoint(extr, point); } return; } ///// ///// Maps the depth frame to space coordinates. ///// ///// true on success, false otherwise. ///// The sensor index. ///// Buffer for the depth-to-space coordinates. //public bool MapDepthFrameToSpaceCoords(int sensorIndex, ref Vector3[] avSpaceCoords) //{ // bool bResult = false; // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.depthImage != null) // { // if (avSpaceCoords == null || avSpaceCoords.Length == 0) // { // avSpaceCoords = new Vector3[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; // } // bResult = KinectInterop.MapDepthFrameToSpaceCoords(sensorData, ref avSpaceCoords); // } // return bResult; //} ///// ///// Returns the depth-map coordinates of a color point. ///// ///// The depth coords. ///// The sensor index. ///// Color position. ///// If set to true allows reading of depth coords, if needed. //public Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(int sensorIndex, Vector2 colorPos, bool bReadDepthCoordsIfNeeded) //{ // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.colorImageTexture != null && sensorData.depthImage != null) // { // return KinectInterop.MapColorPointToDepthCoords(sensorData, colorPos, bReadDepthCoordsIfNeeded); // } // return; //} ///// ///// Maps the depth frame to color coordinates. ///// ///// true on success, false otherwise. ///// The sensor index. ///// Buffer for depth-to-color coordinates. //public bool MapDepthFrameToColorCoords(int sensorIndex, ref Vector2[] avColorCoords) //{ // bool bResult = false; // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.depthImage != null && sensorData.colorImageTexture != null) // { // if (avColorCoords == null || avColorCoords.Length == 0) // { // avColorCoords = new Vector2[sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight]; // } // bResult = KinectInterop.MapDepthFrameToColorCoords(sensorData, ref avColorCoords); // } // return bResult; //} ///// ///// Maps the color frame to depth coordinates. ///// ///// true on success, false otherwise. ///// The sensor index. ///// Buffer for color-to-depth coordinates. //public bool MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(int sensorIndex, ref Vector2[] avDepthCoords) //{ // bool bResult = false; // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.colorImageTexture != null && sensorData.depthImage != null) // { // if (avDepthCoords == null || avDepthCoords.Length == 0) // { // avDepthCoords = new Vector2[sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageWidth]; // } // bResult = KinectInterop.MapColorFrameToDepthCoords(sensorData, ref avDepthCoords); // } // return bResult; //} /// /// Gets the last body frame time, as returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The body frame time. public ulong GetBodyFrameTime(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime : 0; } /// /// Gets the last body index frame time, as returned by the sensor. /// /// The sensor index. /// The body index frame time. public ulong GetBodyIndexFrameTime(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime : 0; } /// /// Gets the users' image texture. /// /// The user bodies texture. public Texture GetUsersImageTex() { return GetUsersImageTex(btSensorIndex); } /// /// Gets the users' image texture. /// /// The sensor index. /// The user bodies texture. public Texture GetUsersImageTex(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if(sensorData != null) { return sensorData.bodyImageTexture != null ? sensorData.bodyImageTexture : sensorData.depthImageTexture; } return null; } /// /// Gets number of bodies tracked by the respective sensor. /// /// Sensor index. /// Number of bodies tracked by the sensor. public uint GetSensorBodyCount(int sensorIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); return sensorData != null ? sensorData.trackedBodiesCount : 0; } /// /// Determines whether the user with the specified index is currently detected by the sensor /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// true if the user is detected; otherwise, false. public bool IsSensorBodyDetected(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].bIsTracked; } return false; } /// /// Gets body ID, as tracked by the respective sensor. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Body ID, or 0 if not found public ulong GetSensorBodyId(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if(sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].liTrackingID; } return 0; } /// /// Gets body index, as tracked by the respective sensor. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body ID /// Sensor tracked body index, or -1 if not found. public int GetSensorBodyIndex(int sensorIndex, ulong bodyId) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); uint sensorBodyCount = GetSensorBodyCount(sensorIndex); for (int i = 0; i < sensorBodyCount; i++) { if (sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i].liTrackingID == bodyId) { return i; } } return -1; } ///// ///// Gets body index, as tracked by the respective sensor. ///// ///// Sensor index. ///// Body index. ///// Sensor tracked body index, or -1 if not found. //public int GetSensorBodyIndex(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex) //{ // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) // { // return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].iBodyIndex; // } // return -1; //} /// /// Gets the tracking state of the joint. /// /// The joint tracking state. /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// User joint public KinectInterop.TrackingState GetSensorJointTrackingState(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetSensorJointTrackingState(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the tracking state of the joint. /// /// The joint tracking state. /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint index public KinectInterop.TrackingState GetSensorJointTrackingState(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, int joint) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint]; return jointData.trackingState; } return KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked; } /// /// Determines whether the given joint of the specified user is being tracked. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint. /// true if this instance is joint tracked the specified userId joint; otherwise, false. public bool IsSensorJointTracked(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return IsSensorJointTracked(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, (int)joint); } /// /// Determines whether the given joint of the specified user is being tracked. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint index. /// true if this instance is joint tracked the specified userId joint; otherwise, false. public bool IsSensorJointTracked(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, int joint) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint]; return ignoreInferredJoints ? ((int)jointData.trackingState >= (int)KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked) : (jointData.trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked); } return false; } /// /// Gets the joint position of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor, in sensor's coordinate system, in meters. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint. /// Whether to apply the sensor space scale or not /// The joint position in sensor's coordinate system. public Vector3 GetSensorJointKinectPosition(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, KinectInterop.JointType joint, bool applySpaceScale) { return GetSensorJointKinectPosition(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, (int)joint, applySpaceScale); } /// /// Gets the joint position of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor, in sensor's coordinate system, in meters. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint index. /// Whether to apply the sensor space scale or not /// The joint position in sensor's coordinate system. public Vector3 GetSensorJointKinectPosition(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, int joint, bool applySpaceScale) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { Vector3 jointKinectPos = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint].kinectPos; if (applySpaceScale && btSensorIndex >= 0 && btSensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { Vector3 spaceScale = sensorDatas[sensorIndex].sensorSpaceScale; return new Vector3(jointKinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, jointKinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, jointKinectPos.z * spaceScale.z); } else { return jointKinectPos; } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint position of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor, in meters. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint. /// The joint position. public Vector3 GetSensorJointPosition(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetSensorJointPosition(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the joint position of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor, in meters. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint index. /// The joint position. public Vector3 GetSensorJointPosition(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, int joint) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint].position; } return; } /// /// Gets the joint orientation of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint. /// If set to true, this means non-mirrored rotation. /// The joint rotation. public Quaternion GetSensorJointOrientation(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, KinectInterop.JointType joint, bool flip) { return GetSensorJointOrientation(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, (int)joint, flip); } /// /// Gets the joint orientation of the body, tracked by the respectuve sensor. /// /// Sensor index. /// Body index. /// Joint index. /// If set to true, this means non-mirrored rotation. /// The joint rotation. public Quaternion GetSensorJointOrientation(int sensorIndex, int bodyIndex, int joint, bool flip) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData != null && sensorData.alTrackedBodies != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { if (flip) return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint].normalRotation; else return sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint].mirroredRotation; } return Quaternion.identity; } /// /// Determines whether the user with the specified index is currently detected by the sensor /// /// true if the user is detected; otherwise, false. /// The user index. public bool IsUserDetected(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i < KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount) { return (userManager.aUserIndexIds[i] != 0); } return false; } /// /// Determines whether the user with the specified userId is in the list of tracked users or not. /// /// true if the user with the specified userId is tracked; otherwise, false. /// User identifier. public bool IsUserTracked(ulong userId) { return userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId); } /// /// Gets the number of currently tracked users. /// /// The users count. public int GetUsersCount() { return userManager.alUserIds.Count; } /// /// Gets the IDs of all currently tracked users. /// /// The list of all currently tracked users. public List GetAllUserIds() { return new List(userManager.alUserIds); } /// /// Gets the max player-index of the currently tracked users. /// /// The max player-index of the tracked users. public int GetMaxUserIndex() { int maxIndex = -1; for (int i = KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (userManager.aUserIndexIds[i] != 0) { maxIndex = i; break; } } return maxIndex; } /// /// Gets the player indices of all currently tracked users. /// /// The list of player-indices of all tracked users. public List GetAllUserIndices() { List alIndices = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount; i++) { if (userManager.aUserIndexIds[i] != 0) { alIndices.Add(i); } } return alIndices; } /// /// Gets the user ID by the specified user index. /// /// The user ID by index. /// The user index. public ulong GetUserIdByIndex(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i < KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount) { return userManager.aUserIndexIds[i]; } return 0; } /// /// Gets the user index by the specified user ID. /// /// The user index by user ID. /// User ID public int GetUserIndexById(ulong userId) { if (userId == 0) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < userManager.aUserIndexIds.Length; i++) { if (userManager.aUserIndexIds[i] == userId) { return i; } } return -1; } /// /// Gets the body index by the specified user ID, or -1 if the user ID does not exist. /// /// The body index by user ID. /// User ID public int GetBodyIndexByUserId(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { int bodyIndex = alTrackedBodies[index].iBodyIndex; return bodyIndex; } } return -1; } /// /// Gets the list of tracked body indices. /// /// The list of body indices. public List GetTrackedBodyIndices() { List alBodyIndices = new List(userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.Values); return alBodyIndices; } /// /// Determines whether the tracked users are limited by their number or distance or not. /// /// true if the users are limited by number or distance; otherwise, false. public bool IsTrackedUsersLimited() { return bLimitedUsers; } /// /// Gets the UserID of the primary user (the first or the closest one), or 0 if no user is detected. /// /// The primary user ID. public ulong GetPrimaryUserID() { return userManager.liPrimaryUserId; } /// /// Sets the primary user ID, in order to change the active user. /// /// true, if primary user ID was set, false otherwise. /// User ID public bool SetPrimaryUserID(ulong userId) { bool bResult = false; if (userManager.alUserIds.Contains(userId) || (userId == 0)) { userManager.liPrimaryUserId = userId; bResult = true; } return bResult; } /// /// Gets the body index, if there is single body selected to be displayed on the user map, or -1 if all bodies are displayed. /// /// The displayed body index, or -1 if all bodies are displayed. public int GetDisplayedBodyIndex() { return selectedBodyIndex != 255 ? selectedBodyIndex : -1; } /// /// Sets the body index, if a single body must be displayed on the user map, or -1 if all bodies must be displayed. /// /// true, if the change was successful, false otherwise. /// The single body index, or -1 if all bodies must be displayed. public void SetDisplayedBodyIndex(int iBodyIndex) { selectedBodyIndex = (byte)(iBodyIndex >= 0 ? iBodyIndex : 255); } /// /// Gets the last body frame timestamp. /// /// The last body frame timestamp. public ulong GetBodyFrameTimestamp() { return lastBodyFrameTime; } // do not change the data in the structure directly /// /// Gets all user body data (for internal use only) /// /// Array of the available user body data internal KinectInterop.BodyData[] GetAllUserBodyData() { return alTrackedBodies; } // do not change the data in the structure directly /// /// Gets the user body data (for internal purposes only). /// /// The user body data. /// User ID internal KinectInterop.BodyData GetUserBodyData(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount) { return alTrackedBodies[index]; } } return new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count); } /// /// Gets the user body timestamp. /// /// User body timestamp. /// User ID public ulong GetUserTimestamp(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount) { return alTrackedBodies[index].bodyTimestamp; } } return 0; } /// /// Gets the user position in Kinect coordinate system, in meters. /// /// The user kinect position. /// User ID /// Whether to apply the sensor space scale or not public Vector3 GetUserKinectPosition(ulong userId, bool applySpaceScale) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { Vector3 userKinectPos = alTrackedBodies[index].kinectPos; if (applySpaceScale && btSensorIndex >= 0 && btSensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { Vector3 spaceScale = sensorDatas[btSensorIndex].sensorSpaceScale; return new Vector3(userKinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, userKinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, userKinectPos.z); } else { return userKinectPos; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the user position, relative to the sensor, in meters. /// /// The user position. /// User ID public Vector3 GetUserPosition(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { return alTrackedBodies[index].position; } } return; } /// /// Gets the user orientation. /// /// The user rotation. /// User ID /// If set to true, this means non-mirrored rotation. public Quaternion GetUserOrientation(ulong userId, bool flip) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (flip) return alTrackedBodies[index].normalRotation; else return alTrackedBodies[index].mirroredRotation; } } return Quaternion.identity; } /// /// Gets the index of the sensor, used for the primary body tracking. /// /// public int GetPrimaryBodySensorIndex() { return btSensorIndex; } /// /// Returns the sensor orientation angle (Z-angle), in degrees, of the primary sensor used for body tracking. /// /// Sensor orientation angle public float GetPrimaryBodySensorOrientationAngle() { if(btSensorIndex >= 0 && btSensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[btSensorIndex]; if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { return sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBodyTrackerOrientationAngle(); } } return 0f; } /// /// Gets the number of bodies, tracked by the sensor. /// /// The body count. public int GetBodyCount() { return (int)trackedBodiesCount; } /// /// Gets the maximum possible number of bodies, tracked by the sensor. /// /// The maximum body count. public int GetMaxBodyCount() { return KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount; } /// /// Gets the the number of body joints, tracked by the sensor. /// /// The count of joints. public int GetJointCount() { return (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count; } /// /// Gets the parent joint of the given joint. /// /// The parent joint. /// Joint. public KinectInterop.JointType GetParentJoint(KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return KinectInterop.GetParentJoint(joint); } /// /// Gets the next joint of the given joint. /// /// The next joint. /// Joint. public KinectInterop.JointType GetNextJoint(KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return KinectInterop.GetNextJoint(joint); } /// /// Gets the tracking state of the joint. /// /// The joint tracking state. /// User ID /// User joint public KinectInterop.TrackingState GetJointTrackingState(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetJointTrackingState(userId, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the tracking state of the joint. /// /// The joint tracking state. /// User ID /// Joint index public KinectInterop.TrackingState GetJointTrackingState(ulong userId, int joint) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { return alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint].trackingState; } } } return KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked; } /// /// Determines whether the given joint of the specified user is being tracked. /// /// true if this instance is joint tracked the specified userId joint; otherwise, false. /// User ID /// User joint public bool IsJointTracked(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return IsJointTracked(userId, (int)joint); } /// /// Determines whether the given joint of the specified user is being tracked. /// /// true if this instance is joint tracked the specified userId joint; otherwise, false. /// User ID /// Joint index public bool IsJointTracked(ulong userId, int joint) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; return ignoreInferredJoints ? ((int)jointData.trackingState >= (int)KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked) : (jointData.trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked); } } } return false; } /// /// Gets the joint position of the specified user, in Kinect coordinate system, in meters. /// /// The joint kinect position. /// User ID /// User joint /// Whether to apply the sensor space scale or not public Vector3 GetJointKinectPosition(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, bool applySpaceScale) { return GetJointKinectPosition(userId, (int)joint, applySpaceScale); } /// /// Gets the joint position of the specified user, in Kinect coordinate system, in meters. /// /// The joint kinect position. /// User ID /// Joint index /// Whether to apply the sensor space scale or not public Vector3 GetJointKinectPosition(ulong userId, int joint, bool applySpaceScale) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; Vector3 jointKinectPos = jointData.kinectPos; if (applySpaceScale && btSensorIndex >= 0 && btSensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count) { Vector3 spaceScale = sensorDatas[btSensorIndex].sensorSpaceScale; return new Vector3(jointKinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, jointKinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, jointKinectPos.z); } else { return jointKinectPos; } } } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint position of the specified user, in meters. /// /// The joint position. /// User ID /// User joint public Vector3 GetJointPosition(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetJointPosition(userId, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the joint position of the specified user, in meters. /// /// The joint position. /// User ID /// Joint index public Vector3 GetJointPosition(ulong userId, int joint) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; return jointData.position; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint velocity for the specified user and joint, in meters/s. /// /// The joint velocity. /// User ID /// Joint index. public Vector3 GetJointVelocity(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetJointVelocity(userId, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the joint velocity for the specified user and joint, in meters/s. /// /// The joint velocity. /// User ID /// Joint index. public Vector3 GetJointVelocity(ulong userId, int joint) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { return alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint].posVel; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint direction of the specified user, relative to its parent joint. /// /// The joint direction. /// User ID /// User joint /// If set to true flips the X-coordinate /// If set to true flips the Z-coordinate public Vector3 GetJointDirection(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, bool flipX, bool flipZ) { return GetJointDirection(userId, (int)joint, flipX, flipZ); } /// /// Gets the joint direction of the specified user, relative to its parent joint. /// /// The joint direction. /// User ID /// Joint index /// If set to true flips the X-coordinate /// If set to true flips the Z-coordinate public Vector3 GetJointDirection(ulong userId, int joint, bool flipX, bool flipZ) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; Vector3 jointDir = jointData.direction; if (flipX) jointDir.x = -jointDir.x; if (flipZ) jointDir.z = -jointDir.z; return jointDir; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the direction between the given joints of the specified user. /// /// The direction between joints. /// User ID /// First joint /// Second joint /// If set to true flips the X-coordinate /// If set to true flips the Z-coordinate public Vector3 GetDirectionBetweenJoints(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType firstJoint, KinectInterop.JointType secondJoint, bool flipX, bool flipZ) { return GetDirectionBetweenJoints(userId, (int)firstJoint, (int)secondJoint, flipX, flipZ); } /// /// Gets the direction between the given joints of the specified user. /// /// The direction between joints. /// User ID /// First joint index /// Second joint index /// If set to true flips the X-coordinate /// If set to true flips the Z-coordinate public Vector3 GetDirectionBetweenJoints(ulong userId, int firstJoint, int secondJoint, bool flipX, bool flipZ) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[index]; if (firstJoint >= 0 && firstJoint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count && secondJoint >= 0 && secondJoint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { Vector3 firstJointPos = bodyData.joint[firstJoint].position; Vector3 secondJointPos = bodyData.joint[secondJoint].position; Vector3 jointDir = secondJointPos - firstJointPos; if (flipX) jointDir.x = -jointDir.x; if (flipZ) jointDir.z = -jointDir.z; return jointDir; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint orientation of the specified user. /// /// The joint rotation. /// User ID /// User joint /// If set to true, this means non-mirrored rotation public Quaternion GetJointOrientation(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, bool flip) { return GetJointOrientation(userId, (int)joint, flip); } /// /// Gets the joint orientation of the specified user. /// /// The joint rotation. /// User ID /// Joint index /// If set to true, this means non-mirrored rotation public Quaternion GetJointOrientation(ulong userId, int joint, bool flip) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (flip) return alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint].normalRotation; else return alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint].mirroredRotation; } } return Quaternion.identity; } /// /// Gets the angle between bones at the given joint. /// /// The angle at joint. /// User ID /// User joint public float GetAngleAtJoint(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint) { return GetAngleAtJoint(userId, (int)joint); } /// /// Gets the angle between bones at the given joint. /// /// The angle at joint. /// User ID /// Joint index public float GetAngleAtJoint(ulong userId, int joint) { int pjoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)joint); int njoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetNextJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)joint); if (pjoint != joint && njoint != joint) { Vector3 pos1 = GetJointPosition(userId, pjoint); Vector3 pos2 = GetJointPosition(userId, joint); Vector3 pos3 = GetJointPosition(userId, njoint); if (pos1 != && pos2 != && pos3 != { Vector3 dirP = pos1 - pos2; Vector3 dirN = pos3 - pos2; float fAngle = Vector3.Angle(dirP, dirN); return fAngle; } } return 0f; } // joints used for estimation of the user body bounds private static int[] UBB_Joints = { (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Neck, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EyeLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EyeRight, // up (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft, // left (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight, // right (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, // down left (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, // down right }; /// /// Gets the user bounding box as min & max points, in space coordinates. /// /// User ID /// Foreground camera, in case of color image overlay /// Sensor index, in case of image overlay /// Background rectangle, in case of color image overlay /// Returned min point /// Returned max point /// true on success, false otherwise public bool GetUserBoundingBox(ulong userId, Camera foregroundCamera, int sensorIndex, Rect backgroundRect, out Vector3 posMin, out Vector3 posMax) { if(userId == 0 || !IsUserTracked(userId)) { posMin =; posMax =; return false; } float xMin = float.MaxValue, xMax = float.MinValue; float yMin = float.MaxValue, yMax = float.MinValue; float zMin = float.MaxValue, zMax = float.MinValue; //float posMinY = float.MaxValue; int jointMinY = -1; //float posMaxY = float.MinValue; int jointMaxY = -1; int iCount = UBB_Joints.Length; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { int j = UBB_Joints[i]; if (IsJointTracked(userId, j)) { Vector3 jPos = foregroundCamera != null ? GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, j, sensorIndex, foregroundCamera, backgroundRect) : GetJointPosition(userId, j); //Debug.Log("User " + userId + " " + (KinectInterop.JointType)j + ", pos: " + jPos); if(jPos != { if (jPos.x < xMin) xMin = jPos.x; if (jPos.y < yMin) yMin = jPos.y; if (jPos.z < zMin) zMin = jPos.z; if (jPos.x > xMax) xMax = jPos.x; if (jPos.y > yMax) yMax = jPos.y; if (jPos.z > zMax) zMax = jPos.z; //if (jPos.y < posMinY) //{ // posMinY = jPos.y; // jointMinY = j; //} //if (jPos.y > posMaxY) //{ // posMaxY = jPos.y; // jointMaxY = j; //} } } } //if(jointMinY >= 0) //{ // Vector3 jPos = GetJointPosColorOverlayToDepthSpace(userId, jointMinY, sensorIndex); // Debug.Log("MinY " + (KinectInterop.JointType)jointMinY + " - " + jPos); // if (jPos != && jPos.y < yMin) // yMin = jPos.y; //} //if(jointMaxY >= 0) //{ // Vector3 jPos = GetJointPosColorOverlayToDepthSpace(userId, jointMaxY, sensorIndex); // Debug.Log("MaxY " + (KinectInterop.JointType)jointMaxY + " - " + jPos); // if (jPos != && jPos.y > yMax) // yMax = jPos.y; //} posMin = new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMin); posMax = new Vector3(xMax, yMax, zMax); bool bSuccess = xMin != float.MaxValue && xMax != float.MinValue && yMin != float.MaxValue && yMax != float.MinValue && zMin != float.MaxValue && zMax != float.MinValue; //Debug.Log("User " + userId + " - pMin: " + posMin + ", pMax: " + posMax + ", success: " + bSuccess); return bSuccess; } /// /// Gets the left hand state for the specified user. /// /// The left hand state. /// User ID public KinectInterop.HandState GetLeftHandState(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { return alTrackedBodies[index].leftHandState; } } return KinectInterop.HandState.NotTracked; } /// /// Gets the right hand state for the specified user. /// /// The right hand state. /// User ID public KinectInterop.HandState GetRightHandState(ulong userId) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { return alTrackedBodies[index].rightHandState; } } return KinectInterop.HandState.NotTracked; } /// /// Gets the left hand interaction box for the specified user. /// /// true, if left hand interaction box was gotten, false otherwise. /// User ID /// Vector containing the left, bottom and back coordinates, in meters /// Vector containing the right, top and front coordinates, in meters /// If set to true, the previously set coordinates are valid public bool GetLeftHandInteractionBox(ulong userId, ref Vector3 leftBotBack, ref Vector3 rightTopFront, bool bValidBox) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[index]; bool bResult = true; if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked && bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { rightTopFront.x = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].position.x; leftBotBack.x = rightTopFront.x - 2 * (rightTopFront.x - bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].position.x); } else { bResult = bValidBox; } if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked && bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { leftBotBack.y = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].position.y; rightTopFront.y = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].position.y; float fDelta = (rightTopFront.y - leftBotBack.y) * 0.35f; // * 2 / 3; leftBotBack.y += fDelta; rightTopFront.y += fDelta; } else { bResult = bValidBox; } if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { //leftBotBack.z = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase].position.z; leftBotBack.z = !ignoreZCoordinates ? bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis].position.z : (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft].position.z + 0.1f); rightTopFront.z = leftBotBack.z - 0.5f; } else { bResult = bValidBox; } return bResult; } } return false; } /// /// Gets the right hand interaction box for the specified user. /// /// true, if right hand interaction box was gotten, false otherwise. /// User ID /// Vector containing the left, bottom and back coordinates, in meters /// ector containing the right, top and front coordinates, in meters /// If set to true, the previously set coordinates are valid public bool GetRightHandInteractionBox(ulong userId, ref Vector3 leftBotBack, ref Vector3 rightTopFront, bool bValidBox) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[index]; bool bResult = true; if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked && bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { leftBotBack.x = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].position.x; rightTopFront.x = leftBotBack.x + 2 * (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].position.x - leftBotBack.x); } else { bResult = bValidBox; } if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked && bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { leftBotBack.y = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].position.y; rightTopFront.y = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].position.y; float fDelta = (rightTopFront.y - leftBotBack.y) * 0.35f; // * 2 / 3; leftBotBack.y += fDelta; rightTopFront.y += fDelta; } else { bResult = bValidBox; } if (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked) { //leftBotBack.z = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase].position.z; leftBotBack.z = !ignoreZCoordinates ? bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis].position.z : (bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight].position.z + 0.1f); rightTopFront.z = leftBotBack.z - 0.5f; } else { bResult = bValidBox; } return bResult; } } return false; } /// /// Gets the foreground rectangle of the depth image. /// /// Sensor index. /// The foreground camera, or null if there is no foreground camera. /// The foreground rectangle. public Rect GetForegroundRectDepth(int sensorIndex, Camera foregroundCamera) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData == null) return new Rect(); Rect cameraRect = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelRect : new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); float rectHeight = cameraRect.height; float rectWidth = cameraRect.width; if (sensorData.depthImageWidth > sensorData.depthImageHeight) rectWidth = rectHeight * sensorData.depthImageWidth / sensorData.depthImageHeight; else rectHeight = rectWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / sensorData.depthImageWidth; float foregroundOfsX = (cameraRect.width - rectWidth) / 2; float foregroundOfsY = (cameraRect.height - rectHeight) / 2; Rect foregroundImgRect = new Rect(foregroundOfsX, foregroundOfsY, rectWidth, rectHeight); return foregroundImgRect; } ///// ///// Gets the foreground rectangle of the depth image. ///// ///// Sensor index. ///// The foreground camera, or null if there is no foreground camera. ///// Scale of the rectangle width. ///// Scale of the rectangle height. ///// The foreground rectangle. //public Rect GetForegroundRectDepth(int sensorIndex, Camera foregroundCamera, float scaleX, float scaleY) //{ // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData == null) // return new Rect(); // Rect cameraRect = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelRect : new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); // float rectHeight = scaleY * cameraRect.height; // float rectWidth = scaleX * cameraRect.width; // if (sensorData.depthImageWidth > sensorData.depthImageHeight) // rectWidth = scaleX * cameraRect.height * sensorData.depthImageWidth / sensorData.depthImageHeight; // else // rectHeight = scaleY * cameraRect.width * sensorData.depthImageHeight / sensorData.depthImageWidth; // float foregroundOfsX = (cameraRect.width - rectWidth) / 2; // float foregroundOfsY = (cameraRect.height - rectHeight) / 2; // Rect foregroundImgRect = new Rect(foregroundOfsX, foregroundOfsY, rectWidth, rectHeight); // return foregroundImgRect; //} /// /// Gets the foreground rectangle of the color image. /// /// Sensor index. /// The foreground camera, or null if there is no foreground camera. /// The foreground rectangle. public Rect GetForegroundRectColor(int sensorIndex, Camera foregroundCamera) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if (sensorData == null) return new Rect(); Rect cameraRect = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelRect : new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); float rectHeight = cameraRect.height; float rectWidth = cameraRect.width; if (sensorData.colorImageWidth > sensorData.colorImageHeight) rectWidth = rectHeight * sensorData.colorImageWidth / sensorData.colorImageHeight; else rectHeight = rectWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight / sensorData.colorImageWidth; float foregroundOfsX = (cameraRect.width - rectWidth) / 2; float foregroundOfsY = (cameraRect.height - rectHeight) / 2; Rect foregroundImgRect = new Rect(foregroundOfsX, foregroundOfsY, rectWidth, rectHeight); return foregroundImgRect; } ///// ///// Gets the foreground rectangle of the color image. ///// ///// Sensor index. ///// The foreground camera, or null if there is no foreground camera. ///// Scale of the rectangle width. ///// Scale of the rectangle height. ///// The foreground rectangle. //public Rect GetForegroundRectColor(int sensorIndex, Camera foregroundCamera, float scaleX, float scaleY) //{ // KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // if (sensorData == null) // return new Rect(); // Rect cameraRect = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelRect : new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); // float rectHeight = scaleY * cameraRect.height; // float rectWidth = scaleX * cameraRect.width; // if (sensorData.colorImageWidth > sensorData.colorImageHeight) // rectWidth = scaleX * cameraRect.height * sensorData.colorImageWidth / sensorData.colorImageHeight; // else // rectHeight = scaleY * cameraRect.width * sensorData.colorImageHeight / sensorData.colorImageWidth; // float foregroundOfsX = (cameraRect.width - rectWidth) / 2; // float foregroundOfsY = (cameraRect.height - rectHeight) / 2; // Rect foregroundImgRect = new Rect(foregroundOfsX, foregroundOfsY, rectWidth, rectHeight); // return foregroundImgRect; //} /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of a point over the depth-image. /// /// The 3d position for depth overlay. /// Depth image X /// Depth image X /// Distance in mm. If it is 0, the function will try to read the current depth value. /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Depth image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetPosDepthOverlay(int dx, int dy, ushort depth, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)dx * imageRect.width / sensorData.depthImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)dy * imageRect.height / sensorData.depthImageHeight; float xScreen = imageRect.x + (sensorData.depthImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : imageRect.width - xScaled); float yScreen = imageRect.y + (sensorData.depthImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : imageRect.height - yScaled); if(depth == 0) { depth = sensorData.depthImage[dx + dy * sensorData.depthImageWidth]; } if (depth != 0) { float zDistance = (float)depth / 1000f; Vector3 vPosJoint = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(xScreen, yScreen, zDistance)); return vPosJoint; } return; } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the depth-image. /// /// The joint position for depth overlay. /// User ID /// User joint /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Depth image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetJointPosDepthOverlay(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { return GetJointPosDepthOverlay(userId, (int)joint, sensorIndex, camera, imageRect); } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the depth-image. /// /// The joint position for depth overlay. /// User ID /// Joint index /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Depth image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetJointPosDepthOverlay(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId) && camera != null) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { Vector3 posJointRaw =; if (sensorDatas.Count == 1) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; } else { ulong bodyId = GetSensorBodyId(sensorIndex, userId); int bodyIndex = GetSensorBodyIndex(sensorIndex, bodyId); KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorIndex >= 0 && sensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count ? sensorDatas[sensorIndex] : null; if (sensorData != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint]; posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; } } return GetJointPosDepthOverlay(posJointRaw, sensorIndex, camera, imageRect); } } } return; } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given space point on the depth-image. /// /// Position in the sensor space /// Sensor index /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Depth image rectangle on the screen /// The overlay position on the depth image. public Vector3 GetJointPosDepthOverlay(Vector3 posSensorSpace, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { if (posSensorSpace != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posSensorSpace); if (posDepth != { if (!float.IsInfinity(posDepth.x) && !float.IsInfinity(posDepth.y)) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)posDepth.x * imageRect.width / sensorData.depthImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)posDepth.y * imageRect.height / sensorData.depthImageHeight; float xScreen = imageRect.x + (sensorData.depthImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : imageRect.width - xScaled); //float yScreen = camera.pixelHeight - (imageRect.y + yScaled); float yScreen = imageRect.y + (sensorData.depthImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : imageRect.height - yScaled); Plane cameraPlane = new Plane(camera.transform.forward, camera.transform.position); float zDistance = cameraPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posSensorSpace); Vector3 vPosJoint = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(xScreen, yScreen, zDistance)); return vPosJoint; } } } return; } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the color-image. /// /// The joint position for color overlay. /// User ID /// User joint /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Color image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetJointPosColorOverlay(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { return GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, (int)joint, sensorIndex, camera, imageRect); } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the color-image. /// /// The joint position for color overlay. /// User ID /// Joint index /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Color image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetJointPosColorOverlay(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId) && camera != null) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { Vector3 posJointRaw =; if (sensorDatas.Count == 1) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; } else { ulong bodyId = GetSensorBodyId(sensorIndex, userId); int bodyIndex = GetSensorBodyIndex(sensorIndex, bodyId); KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorIndex >= 0 && sensorIndex < sensorDatas.Count ? sensorDatas[sensorIndex] : null; if (sensorData != null && bodyIndex >= 0 && bodyIndex < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].joint[joint]; posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; } } return GetJointPosColorOverlay(posJointRaw, sensorIndex, camera, imageRect); } } } return; } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the color-image. /// /// The joint position for color overlay. /// Position in the sensor space /// Camera used to visualize the 3d overlay position /// Color image rectangle on the screen public Vector3 GetJointPosColorOverlay(Vector3 posSensorSpace, int sensorIndex, Camera camera, Rect imageRect) { if (posSensorSpace != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posSensorSpace); ushort depthValue = GetDepthForPixel(sensorIndex, (int)posDepth.x, (int)posDepth.y); Vector2 posColor =; if (posDepth != && depthValue > 0) { // depth pos to color pos posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); } else if (posDepth != && posSensorSpace.z > 0f) { // workaround - depth pos to color pos (use the sensor-pos-z instead) depthValue = (ushort)(posSensorSpace.z * 1000f); posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); } else { // workaround - try to use the color camera space, if depth is not available KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[sensorIndex]; if(sensorData != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr == null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null) { posColor = MapSpacePointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posSensorSpace); } } if (posColor.x != 0f && !float.IsInfinity(posColor.x)) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)posColor.x * imageRect.width / sensorData.colorImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)posColor.y * imageRect.height / sensorData.colorImageHeight; float xScreen = imageRect.x + (sensorData.colorImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : imageRect.width - xScaled); //float yScreen = camera.pixelHeight - (imageRect.y + yScaled); float yScreen = imageRect.y + (sensorData.colorImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : imageRect.height - yScaled); //Plane cameraPlane = new Plane(camera.transform.forward, camera.transform.position); //float zDistance = cameraPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(posSensorSpace); ////float zDistance = (posSensorSpace - camera.transform.position).magnitude; float zDistance = posSensorSpace.z; //Vector3 vPosJoint = camera.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(xNorm, yNorm, zDistance)); Vector3 vPosJoint = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(xScreen, yScreen, zDistance)); return vPosJoint; } } return; } /// /// Gets the 2d overlay position of the given joint over the given image. /// /// The 2d joint position for color overlay. /// User ID /// User joint /// Color image rectangle on the screen public Vector2 GetJointPosColorOverlay(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, int sensorIndex, Rect imageRect) { return GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, (int)joint, sensorIndex, imageRect); } /// /// Gets the 2d overlay position of the given joint over the given image. /// /// The 2d joint position for color overlay. /// User ID /// Joint index /// Color image rectangle on the screen public Vector2 GetJointPosColorOverlay(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex, Rect imageRect) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; Vector3 posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; return GetJointPosColorOverlay(posJointRaw, sensorIndex, imageRect); } } } return; } /// /// Gets the 2d overlay position of the given 3d point on the given image. /// /// Position in sensor's (depth camera) space. /// Sensor index /// Color image rectangle on the screen /// public Vector2 GetJointPosColorOverlay(Vector3 posSensorSpace, int sensorIndex, Rect imageRect) { if (posSensorSpace != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posSensorSpace); ushort depthValue = GetDepthForPixel(sensorIndex, (int)posDepth.x, (int)posDepth.y); Vector2 posColor =; if (posDepth != && depthValue > 0) { // depth pos to color pos posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); } else if (posDepth != && posSensorSpace.z > 0f) { // workaround - depth pos to color pos (use the sensor-pos-z instead) depthValue = (ushort)(posSensorSpace.z * 1000f); posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); } else { // workaround - try to use the color camera space, if depth is not available KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[sensorIndex]; if (sensorData != null && sensorData.depthCamIntr == null && sensorData.colorCamIntr != null) { posColor = MapSpacePointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posSensorSpace); } } if (posColor.x != 0f && !float.IsInfinity(posColor.x)) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)posColor.x * imageRect.width / sensorData.colorImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)posColor.y * imageRect.height / sensorData.colorImageHeight; float xImage = imageRect.x + (sensorData.colorImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : imageRect.width - xScaled); float yImage = imageRect.y + (sensorData.colorImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : imageRect.height - yScaled); return new Vector2(xImage, yImage); } } return; } /// /// Gets the 3d overlay position of the given joint over the color-image and then back to the depth camera space. /// /// The joint position for color overlay. /// User ID /// Joint index /// Sensor index public Vector3 GetJointPosColorOverlayToDepthSpace(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex) { if (userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId)) { int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { if (joint >= 0 && joint < (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count) { KinectInterop.JointData jointData = alTrackedBodies[index].joint[joint]; Vector3 posJointRaw = jointData.kinectPos; if (posJointRaw != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posJointRaw); ushort depthValue = GetDepthForPixel(sensorIndex, (int)posDepth.x, (int)posDepth.y); if(depthValue == 0 && posJointRaw.z > 0f) { depthValue = (ushort)(posJointRaw.z * 1000f); } if (posDepth != && depthValue > 0) { // depth pos to color pos Vector2 posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); if(posColor != { // back to depth pos Vector2 posDepth2 = MapColorPointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posColor, depthValue - 100, depthValue + 100); if(posDepth2 != { Vector3 vPosJoint = MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth2, depthValue, true); return vPosJoint; } } } } } } } return; } /// /// Gets the joint position on the depth map texture. /// /// The joint position in texture coordinates. /// User ID /// User joint public Vector2 GetJointDepthMapPos(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, int sensorIndex) { return GetJointDepthMapPos(userId, (int)joint, sensorIndex); } /// /// Gets the joint position on the depth map texture. /// /// The joint position in texture coordinates. /// User ID /// Joint index public Vector2 GetJointDepthMapPos(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex) { Vector2 posDepth =; Vector3 posJointRaw = GetJointKinectPosition(userId, joint, false); if (posJointRaw != { posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posJointRaw); if (posDepth != { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)posDepth.x / sensorData.depthImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)posDepth.y / sensorData.depthImageHeight; float xImage = sensorData.depthImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : 1f - xScaled; float yImage = sensorData.depthImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : 1f - yScaled; posDepth = new Vector2(xImage, yImage); } } return posDepth; } /// /// Gets the joint position on the color map texture. /// /// The joint position in texture coordinates. /// User ID /// User joint public Vector2 GetJointColorMapPos(ulong userId, KinectInterop.JointType joint, int sensorIndex) { return GetJointColorMapPos(userId, (int)joint, sensorIndex); } /// /// Gets the joint position on the color map texture. /// /// The joint position in texture coordinates. /// User ID /// Joint index public Vector2 GetJointColorMapPos(ulong userId, int joint, int sensorIndex) { Vector2 posColor =; Vector3 posJointRaw = GetJointKinectPosition(userId, joint, false); if (posJointRaw != { // 3d position to depth Vector2 posDepth = MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, posJointRaw); ushort depthValue = GetDepthForPixel(sensorIndex, (int)posDepth.x, (int)posDepth.y); if (posDepth != && depthValue > 0) { // depth pos to color pos posColor = MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, posDepth, depthValue); if (posColor.x != 0f && !float.IsInfinity(posColor.x)) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = GetSensorData(sensorIndex); float xScaled = (float)posColor.x / sensorData.colorImageWidth; float yScaled = (float)posColor.y / sensorData.colorImageHeight; float xImage = sensorData.colorImageScale.x > 0f ? xScaled : 1f - xScaled; float yImage = sensorData.colorImageScale.y > 0f ? yScaled : 1f - yScaled; posColor = new Vector2(xScaled, 1f - yScaled); } else { posColor =; } } } return posColor; } /// /// Returns array of colors, one for each body index. /// /// Array of body index colors. public Color[] GetBodyIndexColors() { if(_initialBodyIndexColors == null) { _initialBodyIndexColors = new Color[KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount]; for(int i = 0; i < _initialBodyIndexColors.Length; i++) _initialBodyIndexColors[i] = showAllowedUsersOnly ? _bodyColorNone : Color.white; } KinectInterop.CopyBytes(_initialBodyIndexColors, 4 * sizeof(float), clrUsers, 4 * sizeof(float)); int numUserIndices = userManager.aUserIndexIds.Length; for (int i = 0; i < numUserIndices; i++) { ulong userId = userManager.aUserIndexIds[i]; if (userId != 0) { //Debug.Log("BI-Colors - UserId: " + userId); int index = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; if (index >= 0 && index < trackedBodiesCount && alTrackedBodies[index].bIsTracked) { int bi = alTrackedBodies[index].iBodyIndex; clrUsers[bi] = (i == 0) ? Color.yellow : _bodyIndexColors[i % _bodyIndexColors.Length]; //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} - id: {1}, bi: {2}, pos: {3}, clr: {4}", index, userId, bi, alTrackedBodies[index].position, clrUsers[bi])); } } //else //{ // clrUsers[i] = showAllowedUsersOnly ? _bodyColorNone : Color.white; // // //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} - id: {1}, bi: {2}, clr: {3}", i, userId, -1, clrUsers[i])); //} } return clrUsers; } // user colors private static Color _bodyColorNone = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); private static readonly Color[] _bodyIndexColors = {,,, Color.magenta }; private Color[] clrUsers = new Color[KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount]; // initial body index color array private static Color[] _initialBodyIndexColors = null; /// /// Resets the joint data filters. /// public void ResetJointFilters(ulong userId = 0) { foreach(var sensorData in sensorDatas) { if(sensorData.sensorInterface != null) { JointPositionsFilter jointPosFilter = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).jointPositionFilter; if (jointPosFilter != null) { jointPosFilter.Reset(userId); } BodySpinFilter bodySpinFilter = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).bodySpinFilter; if (bodySpinFilter != null) { bodySpinFilter.Reset(userId); } } } if (jointVelocityFilter != null) { jointVelocityFilter.Reset(); } } /// /// Removes all currently detected users, allowing new user-detection process to start. /// public void ClearKinectUsers() { if (!kinectInitialized) return; // remove current users for (int i = userManager.alUserIds.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ulong userId = userManager.alUserIds[i]; RemoveUser(userId); } ResetJointFilters(); } /// /// Gets the body frame as one csv line, or returns empty string if there is no new body frame. /// /// The body frame as a csv line. /// Reference to variable, used to compare frame times. /// Reference to variable, used to save the current Unity time. public string GetBodyFrameData(ref float fUnityTime, char delimiter) { Vector3 spaceScale = GetSensorSpaceScale(btSensorIndex); return KinectInterop.GetBodyFrameAsCsv(ref alTrackedBodies, trackedBodiesCount, lastBodyFrameTime, spaceScale, ref fUnityTime, delimiter); } /// /// Determines whether the play mode is enabled or not. /// /// true if the play mode is enabled; otherwise, false. public bool IsPlayModeEnabled() { return isPlayModeEnabled; } /// /// Enables or displables the play mode. /// /// If set to true enables the play mode. public void EnablePlayMode(bool bEnabled) { isPlayModeEnabled = bEnabled; playModeData = string.Empty; } /// /// Sets the body frame from the given csv line. /// /// true on success, false otherwise. /// The body frame as csv line. public bool SetBodyFrameData(string sLine) { if (isPlayModeEnabled) { playModeData = sLine; return true; } return false; } /// /// Gets the active user body merger, or null if there is no body merger. /// /// The user body merger instance. public KinectUserBodyMerger GetUserBodyMerger() { return userBodyMerger; } /// /// Gets the sensor-specific bodyId for the given sensor and user /// /// Sensor index /// User Id /// Sensor-specific body Id public ulong GetSensorBodyId(int sensorIndex, ulong userId) { if(userBodyMerger != null) { return userBodyMerger.GetSensorTrackingId(sensorIndex, userId); } else { return userId; } } // internal methods void Awake() { // initializes the singleton instance of KinectManager if (instance == null) { instance = this; if(dontDestroyAcrossScenes) { DontDestroyOnLoad(this); } } else if (instance != this) { DestroyImmediate(gameObject); return; } // set graphics shader level KinectInterop.SetGraphicsShaderLevel(SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel); // user manager by default if (userManager == null) { userManager = gameObject.GetComponent(); if(userManager == null) { userManager = gameObject.AddComponent(); } } // gesture manager by default if (gestureManager == null) { gestureManager = gameObject.GetComponent(); if(gestureManager == null) { gestureManager = gameObject.AddComponent(); } } // bone orientation constraints //if (boneOrientationConstraints) { boneConstraints = new BoneOrientationConstraints(); boneConstraints.AddDefaultConstraints(); boneConstraints.SetDebugText(statusInfoText); } // init joint filters //if(jointSmoothing != SmoothingType.None) //{ // jointPositionFilter = new JointPositionsFilter(); // jointPositionFilter.Init(jointSmoothing); //} if(jointVelocitySmoothing != SmoothingType.None) { jointVelocityFilter = new JointVelocitiesFilter(); jointVelocityFilter.Init(jointVelocitySmoothing); } // locate and start the available depth-sensors if(startDepthSensors) { StartDepthSensors(); } } // gets the frame-source flags private KinectInterop.FrameSource GetFrameSourceFlags() { KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeNone; if (getDepthFrames != DepthTextureType.None) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeDepth; if (getColorFrames != ColorTextureType.None) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeColor; if (getInfraredFrames != InfraredTextureType.None) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeInfrared; if (getPoseFrames != PoseUsageType.None) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypePose; if (getBodyFrames != BodyTextureType.None) { if (getBodyFrames != BodyTextureType.BodyIndexDataOnly) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBody; if (getBodyFrames != BodyTextureType.BodyDataOnly) dwFlags |= KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeBodyIndex; } return dwFlags; } // creates sensor interface of the specified type on a child (sensor) object private DepthSensorBase CreateSensorInterface(KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform sensorType, int deviceIndex) { DepthSensorBase sensorInt = null; string intTypeName = string.Empty; GameObject sensorObj = new GameObject(sensorType.ToString() + deviceIndex); sensorObj.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; sensorObj.transform.position =; sensorObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; switch (sensorType) { case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.Kinect4Azure: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect4AzureInterface"; break; #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN) case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectV2: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect2Interface"; break; #endif case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.RealSense: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.RealSenseInterface"; break; case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.DummyK4A: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.DummyK4AInterface"; break; case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.DummyK2: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.DummyK2Interface"; break; case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.NetSensor: //sensorInt = sensorObj.AddComponent(); intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.NetClientInterface"; break; case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.ARKit: intTypeName = "com.rfilkov.kinect.ARKitInterface"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown S" + deviceIndex + " sensor interface: " + sensorType); } if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intTypeName)) { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("Creating S" + deviceIndex + ": '" + sensorType + "' sensor interface..."); Type sensorIntType = Type.GetType(intTypeName); sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorObj.AddComponent(sensorIntType); } return sensorInt; } // converts the json settings to sensor settings private DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings GetSensorSettings(DepthSensorInterface sensorInt, /**KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform sensorType,*/ string sJsonSettings) { DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings settings = null; // if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sJsonSettings)) // { // switch (sensorType) // { // case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.Kinect4Azure: // settings = JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings); // break; //#if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN) // case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectV2: // settings = JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings); // break; //#endif // case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.RealSense: // settings = JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings); // break; // case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.DummyK4A: // settings = JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings); // break; // case KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.NetSensor: // settings = JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings); // break; // default: // throw new Exception("Cannot create settings for sensor type: " + sensorType); // } // } Type settingsType = sensorInt.GetSensorSettingsType(); settings = (DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings)JsonUtility.FromJson(sJsonSettings, settingsType); return settings; } // locates and starts the available depth-sensors and their interfaces public void StartDepthSensors() { try { // try to initialize the available sensors KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags = GetFrameSourceFlags(); // locate the available depth-sensor interfaces in the scene List sensorInts = new List(); sensorInts.AddRange(gameObject.GetComponents()); // FindObjectsOfType(); sensorInts.AddRange(gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren()); // check for multi-camera config if (useMultiCamConfig) { if(!KinectInterop.IsFileExist(KinectInterop.MULTI_CAM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)) { // copy the file from Resources-folder, if not found in the root folder KinectInterop.CopyResourceFile(KinectInterop.MULTI_CAM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME, KinectInterop.MULTI_CAM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); } string multiCamJson = KinectInterop.LoadTextFile(KinectInterop.MULTI_CAM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiCamJson)) { KinectInterop.MultiCameraPose multiCamConfig = JsonUtility.FromJson(multiCamJson); // remove current sensors for (int i = sensorInts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GameObject.Destroy(sensorInts[i].gameObject); } sensorInts.Clear(); if (multiCamConfig.camPose == null || multiCamConfig.settings == null || multiCamConfig.camPose.Length != multiCamConfig.settings.Length) { throw new Exception("Invalid multi-camera config. Probably CamPoses and Settings don't match."); } // create new sensor objects for (int i = 0; i < multiCamConfig.camPose.Length; i++) { KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform sensorType = (KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform)multiCamConfig.camPose[i].sensorType; int deviceIndex = multiCamConfig.camPose[i].sensorIndex; DepthSensorBase sensorInt = CreateSensorInterface(sensorType, deviceIndex); if (sensorInt != null) { // set settings DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings settings = GetSensorSettings(sensorInt, /**sensorType,*/ multiCamConfig.settings[i]); if (settings != null) { sensorInt.SetSensorSettings(settings); } // set pose sensorInt.SetSensorToWorldMatrix(multiCamConfig.camPose[i].position, Quaternion.Euler(multiCamConfig.camPose[i].rotation), true); sensorInts.Add(sensorInt); } } } else { Debug.LogError("Can't find config file: " + KinectInterop.MULTI_CAM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); } } // try to open sensor interfaces TryOpenSensors(sensorInts, dwFlags); if (sensorDatas.Count == 0) { sensorInts.Clear(); //// by-default add K4A interface //transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f); //transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; //DepthSensorBase sensorInt = gameObject.AddComponent(); //sensorInts.Add(sensorInt); string sensorIntJson = KinectInterop.GetResourceText("DefSensorInterface.json"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sensorIntJson)) { DepthSensorDescriptor sensorIntDescr = JsonUtility.FromJson(sensorIntJson); if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("Creating '" + sensorIntDescr.sensorType + "' sensor interface, v" + sensorIntDescr.sensorIntVersion + "..."); // + " - " + sensorIntDescr.sensorInterface); Type sensorIntType = Type.GetType(sensorIntDescr.sensorInterface); GameObject sensorIntObj = new GameObject(sensorIntDescr.sensorType); sensorIntObj.transform.SetParent(transform, true); sensorIntObj.transform.position = sensorIntDescr.transformPos; sensorIntObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(sensorIntDescr.transformRot); DepthSensorBase sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorIntObj.AddComponent(sensorIntType); if(sensorInt != null) { sensorInts.Add(sensorInt); // set settings DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings settings = GetSensorSettings(sensorInt, /**sensorInt.GetSensorPlatform(),*/ sensorIntDescr.sensorIntSettings); if (settings != null) { sensorInt.SetSensorSettings(settings); } // try to open the by-default sensor interface TryOpenSensors(sensorInts, dwFlags); //if (sensorDatas.Count == 0) //{ // sensorInts.Clear(); // Destroy(sensorInt.gameObject); //} } } } if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} sensor(s) opened.", sensorDatas.Count)); // set initialization status if (sensorInterfaces.Count > 0) { kinectInitialized = true; kinectInitFailed = false; if (sensorInterfaces.Count > 1) { // create body merger for multiple sensors userBodyMerger = new KinectUserBodyMerger(sensorDatas); // enable frame sync between sensors, if needed if(syncMultiCamFrames) { for (int i = 0; i < sensorInterfaces.Count; i++) { DepthSensorInterface sensorInt = sensorInterfaces[i]; KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i]; sensorInt.EnableSensorSync(sensorData, true); } } } // fires the depth-sensors-started event FireOnDepthSensorsStarted(); } else { kinectInitialized = false; kinectInitFailed = true; string sErrorMessage = "No suitable depth-sensor found. Please check the connected devices and installed SDKs."; Debug.LogError(sErrorMessage); if (statusInfoText != null) { statusInfoText.text = sErrorMessage; } } } //catch (DllNotFoundException ex) //{ // string message = ex.Message + " cannot be loaded. Please check the respective SDK installation."; // Debug.LogError(message); // Debug.LogException(ex); // if (calibrationText != null) // { // calibrationText.text = message; // } // return; //} catch (Exception ex) { kinectInitFailed = true; string message = ex.Message; Debug.LogError(message); Debug.LogException(ex); if (statusInfoText != null) { statusInfoText.text = message; } return; } } // tries to open the sensor interfaces private void TryOpenSensors(List sensorInts, KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags) { for (int i = 0; i < sensorInts.Count; i++) { if (sensorInts[i] is DepthSensorBase) { DepthSensorBase sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorInts[i]; if (!sensorInt.enabled || sensorInt.deviceStreamingMode == KinectInterop.DeviceStreamingMode.Disabled || sensorInt.deviceIndex < 0) { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(string.Format("S{0}: {1} disabled.", i, sensorInt.GetType().Name)); continue; } try { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(string.Format("Opening S{0}: {1}, device-index: {2}", i, sensorInt.GetType().Name, sensorInt.deviceIndex)); KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorInt.OpenSensor(this, dwFlags, syncDepthAndColor, syncBodyAndDepth); if (sensorData != null) { //Debug.Log("Succeeded opening " + sensorInt.GetType().Name); sensorData.sensorInterface = sensorInt; sensorData.sensorIndex = sensorInterfaces.Count; KinectInterop.InitSensorData(sensorData, this); sensorInterfaces.Add(sensorInt); sensorDatas.Add(sensorData); if (pollFramesInThread) { sensorData.threadStopEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); sensorData.pollFramesThread = new Thread(() => PollFramesThread(sensorData)); sensorData.pollFramesThread.Name = sensorInt.GetType().Name + sensorInt.deviceIndex; sensorData.pollFramesThread.IsBackground = true; sensorData.pollFramesThread.Start(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); Debug.LogError("Failed opening " + sensorInt.GetType().Name + ", device-index: " + sensorInt.deviceIndex); } } } } // polls for frames and updates the depth-sensor data in a thread private void PollFramesThread(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData) { if (sensorData == null) return; while (!sensorData.threadStopEvent.WaitOne(0)) { if (kinectInitialized) { KinectInterop.PollSensorFrames(sensorData); Thread.Sleep(KinectInterop.THREAD_SLEEP_TIME_MS); } } } // stops the polling threads and closes the depth sensors public void StopDepthSensors() { // shut down the polling threads and stop the sensors if (kinectInitialized) { // close the opened sensors and release respective data for (int i = sensorDatas.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i]; DepthSensorInterface sensorInt = sensorData.sensorInterface; if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log(string.Format("Closing S{0}: {1}", i, sensorInt.GetType().Name)); if (sensorData.pollFramesThread != null) { //Debug.Log("Stopping thread: " + sensorData.pollFramesThread.Name); // stop the frame-polling thread sensorData.threadStopEvent.Set(); sensorData.pollFramesThread.Join(); sensorData.pollFramesThread = null; sensorData.threadStopEvent.Dispose(); sensorData.threadStopEvent = null; //Debug.Log("Thread stopped."); } // close the sensor KinectInterop.CloseSensor(sensorData); //Debug.Log("Sensor closed."); sensorDatas.RemoveAt(i); sensorInterfaces.RemoveAt(i); } kinectInitialized = false; // fires the depth-sensors-stopped event FireOnDepthSensorsStopped(); } kinectInitFailed = false; } // checks whether the configured depth sensors are started public bool IsDepthSensorsStarted() { return kinectInitialized; } // fires the OnDepthSensorsStarted-event internal void FireOnDepthSensorsStarted() { OnDepthSensorsStarted?.Invoke(); } // fires the OnDepthSensorsStarted-event internal void FireOnDepthSensorsStopped() { OnDepthSensorsStopped?.Invoke(); } void OnApplicationQuit() { OnDestroy(); } void OnDestroy() { if (instance == null || instance != this) return; //Debug.Log("KM was destroyed"); StopDepthSensors(); instance = null; } void Update() { if (!kinectInitialized) return; if (!pollFramesInThread) { for (int i = 0; i < sensorDatas.Count; i++) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i]; KinectInterop.PollSensorFrames(sensorData); } } // update the sensor data, as needed ulong prevBodyFrameTime = lastBodyFrameTime; for (int i = 0; i < sensorDatas.Count; i++) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i]; if(KinectInterop.UpdateSensorData(sensorData, this, isPlayModeEnabled)) { UpdateTrackedBodies(i, sensorData, prevBodyFrameTime); } } //// filter orientation constraints - moved to UpdateTrackedBodies() //if (lastBodyFrameTime != prevBodyFrameTime && boneOrientationConstraints && boneConstraints != null) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) // { // boneConstraints.Constrain(ref alTrackedBodies[i]); // } //} if (!isPlayModeEnabled) { // update the sensor textures, if needed for (int i = 0; i < sensorDatas.Count; i++) { KinectInterop.UpdateSensorTextures(sensorDatas[i], this); } } } void OnGUI() { if (!kinectInitialized) return; // display the selected images on screen for (int i = 0; i < displayImages.Count; i++) { Vector2 imageScale =; Texture imageTex = null; DisplayImageType imageType = displayImages[i]; switch (imageType) { case DisplayImageType.None: break; case DisplayImageType.Sensor0ColorImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor1ColorImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor2ColorImage: int si = imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor0ColorImage ? 0 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor1ColorImage ? 1 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor2ColorImage ? 2 : -1; if (si >= 0 && si < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[si]; imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; imageTex = sensorData.colorImageTexture; } break; case DisplayImageType.Sensor0DepthImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor1DepthImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor2DepthImage: si = imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor0DepthImage ? 0 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor1DepthImage ? 1 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor2DepthImage ? 2 : -1; if (si >= 0 && si < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[si]; imageScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; imageTex = sensorData.depthImageTexture; } break; case DisplayImageType.Sensor0InfraredImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor1InfraredImage: case DisplayImageType.Sensor2InfraredImage: si = imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor0InfraredImage ? 0 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor1InfraredImage ? 1 : imageType == DisplayImageType.Sensor2InfraredImage ? 2 : -1; if (si >= 0 && si < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[si]; imageScale = sensorData.infraredImageScale; imageTex = sensorData.infraredImageTexture; } break; case DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS0: case DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS1: case DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS2: si = imageType == DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS0 ? 0 : imageType == DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS1 ? 1 : imageType == DisplayImageType.UserBodyImageS2 ? 2 : -1; if (si >= 0 && si < sensorDatas.Count) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[si]; imageScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; imageTex = sensorData.bodyImageTexture ? sensorData.bodyImageTexture : sensorData.depthImageTexture; } break; } // display the image on screen if(imageTex != null) { KinectInterop.DisplayGuiTexture(i, displayImageWidthPercent, imageScale, imageTex); } } } // updates the global list of tracked bodies protected void UpdateTrackedBodies(int sensorIndex, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ulong prevBodyFrameTime) { if(isPlayModeEnabled) { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(playModeData)) { // processed by the 1st sensor only Matrix4x4 sensorToWorld = GetSensorToWorldMatrix(sensorIndex); if (playModeData.StartsWith("k4b")) trackedBodiesCount = KinectInterop.SetBodyFrameFromCsv(playModeData, ";", sensorData, ref alTrackedBodies, ref sensorToWorld, ignoreZCoordinates, out lastBodyFrameTime); else trackedBodiesCount = KinectInterop.SetBodyFrameFromK2b(playModeData, sensorData, this, ref alTrackedBodies, ref sensorToWorld, ignoreZCoordinates, out lastBodyFrameTime); prevBodyFrameTicks = lastBodyFrameTicks; lastBodyFrameTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; playModeData = string.Empty; } } else if(sensorDatas.Count == 1 && sensorIndex == 0 && lastBodyFrameTime != sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime) { // first sensor btSensorIndex = sensorIndex; lastBodyFrameTime = sensorData.lastBodyFrameTime; prevBodyFrameTicks = lastBodyFrameTicks; lastBodyFrameTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; // take the tracked bodies from sensor 0 trackedBodiesCount = sensorData.trackedBodiesCount; if (alTrackedBodies.Length < trackedBodiesCount) { //alTrackedBodies.Add(new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count)); Array.Resize(ref alTrackedBodies, (int)trackedBodiesCount); for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { alTrackedBodies[i] = new KinectInterop.BodyData((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Count); } } for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { //alTrackedBodies[i] = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i]; sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i].CopyTo(ref alTrackedBodies[i]); } // filter orientation constraints if (boneOrientationConstraints && boneConstraints != null) { for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { boneConstraints.Constrain(ref alTrackedBodies[i]); } } } //else if (sensorIndex > 0 && lastBodyFrameTime != prevBodyFrameTime) // is body data updated by s0? //{ // // subsequent sensor // KinectInterop.BodyData sensorBodyData = new KinectInterop.BodyData(); // for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) // { // KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[i]; // if(GetNearestBodyData(sensorData, bodyData.position, 0.1f, ref sensorBodyData)) // { // if(bodyData.joint != null && sensorBodyData.joint != null && bodyData.joint.Length == sensorBodyData.joint.Length) // { // int jointCount = bodyData.joint.Length; // bool bBodyUpdated = false; // for(int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++) // { // bBodyUpdated |= MergeBodyJoint(ref bodyData, ref sensorBodyData, j); // } // if(bBodyUpdated) // { // alTrackedBodies[i] = bodyData; // } // } // } // } //} else if (sensorDatas.Count > 1 && sensorIndex == 0 && userBodyMerger != null) { btSensorIndex = sensorIndex; List alMergedBodies = userBodyMerger.MergeUserBodies(ref lastBodyFrameTime, boneOrientationConstraints ? boneConstraints : null); prevBodyFrameTicks = lastBodyFrameTicks; lastBodyFrameTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; trackedBodiesCount = (uint)alMergedBodies.Count; if (alTrackedBodies.Length < trackedBodiesCount) { Array.Resize(ref alTrackedBodies, (int)trackedBodiesCount); } for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { alTrackedBodies[i] = alMergedBodies[i]; //alMergedBodies[i].CopyTo(ref alTrackedBodies[i]); alTrackedBodies[i].bIsTracked = true; //{ // int j = (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft; // Debug.Log(string.Format("KM {0:F3} {1} user: {2}, state: {3}\npos: {4}, rot: {5}", Time.time, (KinectInterop.JointType)j, // alTrackedBodies[i].liTrackingID, alTrackedBodies[i].joint[j].trackingState, // alTrackedBodies[i].joint[j].position, alTrackedBodies[i].joint[j].mirroredRotation.eulerAngles)); //} } alMergedBodies.Clear(); alMergedBodies = null; } else { return; } // estimate and filter joint velocities, if needed if (estimateJointVelocities && prevBodyFrameTicks > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { KinectInterop.CalcBodyFrameJointVels(ref alTrackedBodies[i], lastBodyFrameTicks, prevBodyFrameTicks); if (jointVelocityFilter != null) { jointVelocityFilter.UpdateFilter(ref alTrackedBodies[i]); } } if (jointVelocityFilter != null) { jointVelocityFilter.CleanUpUserHistory(); } } // process the tracked bodies ProcessTrackedBodies(); //// set first user index //sensorData.firstUserIndex = (userManager.liPrimaryUserId != 0 && userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userManager.liPrimaryUserId) ? // userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userManager.liPrimaryUserId] : 255); //if (userManager.liPrimaryUserId != 0) // Debug.Log("liPrimaryUserId: " + userManager.liPrimaryUserId + ", index: " + sensorData.firstUserIndex); // update user gestures foreach (ulong userId in userManager.alUserIds) { gestureManager.UpdateUserGestures(userId, this); } } // tries to find the nearest body to the given position within the specified distance private bool GetNearestBodyData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 bodyPos, float maxDistance, ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData) { float fMinDistance = float.MaxValue; for(int i = 0; i < sensorData.trackedBodiesCount; i++) { Vector3 sensorBodyPos = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i].position; float fDistance = Vector3.Distance(bodyPos, sensorBodyPos); if (fDistance <= maxDistance && fDistance < fMinDistance) { fMinDistance = fDistance; bodyData = sensorData.alTrackedBodies[i]; } } return (fMinDistance <= maxDistance); } // copies the joint of sensor-body-data, if needed private bool MergeBodyJoint(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, ref KinectInterop.BodyData sensorBodyData, int jointIndex) { KinectInterop.TrackingState jointState = bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState; KinectInterop.TrackingState sensorJointState = sensorBodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState; if((int)jointState < (int)sensorJointState) { sensorBodyData.joint[jointIndex].CopyTo(ref bodyData.joint[jointIndex]); //Debug.Log("updated " + (KinectInterop.JointType)jointIndex); return true; } else if(jointState == sensorJointState && (int)jointState >= (int)KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked) { sensorBodyData.joint[jointIndex].AverageTo(ref bodyData.joint[jointIndex]); //Debug.Log("averaged " + (KinectInterop.JointType)jointIndex); return true; } return false; } // processes the tracked bodies private void ProcessTrackedBodies() { List addedUsers = new List(); List addedIndexes = new List(); List lostUsers = new List(); lostUsers.AddRange(userManager.alUserIds); bLimitedUsers = showAllowedUsersOnly && (maxTrackedUsers > 0 || minUserDistance >= 0.01f || maxUserDistance >= 0.01f || maxLeftRightDistance >= 0.01f); for (int i = 0; i < trackedBodiesCount; i++) { KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData = alTrackedBodies[i]; ulong userId = bodyData.liTrackingID; if (bodyData.bIsTracked && userId != 0 && Mathf.Abs(bodyData.position.z) >= minUserDistance && (maxUserDistance < 0.01f || Mathf.Abs(bodyData.position.z) <= maxUserDistance) && (maxLeftRightDistance < 0.01f || Mathf.Abs(bodyData.position.x) <= maxLeftRightDistance)) { // add userId to the list of new users if (!addedUsers.Contains(userId)) { addedUsers.Add(userId); addedIndexes.Add(i); } lostUsers.Remove(userId); userManager.dictUserIdToTime[userId] = Time.time; } else { // consider body as not tracked bodyData.bIsTracked = false; alTrackedBodies[i] = bodyData; } //Debug.Log(" (M)User ID: " + userId + ", body: " + i + ", bi: " + bodyData.iBodyIndex + ", pos: " + bodyData.position + ", tracked: " + bodyData.bIsTracked); } // remove the lost users, if any if (lostUsers.Count > 0) { foreach (ulong userId in lostUsers) { // prevent user removal upon sporadical tracking failures if ((Time.time - userManager.dictUserIdToTime[userId]) >= waitTimeBeforeRemove) { RemoveUser(userId); } } lostUsers.Clear(); } if (addedUsers.Count > 0) { // calibrate the newly detected users for (int i = 0; i < addedUsers.Count; i++) { ulong userId = addedUsers[i]; int userIndex = addedIndexes[i]; if (!userManager.alUserIds.Contains(userId)) { if (maxTrackedUsers == 0 || userManager.alUserIds.Count < maxTrackedUsers) { CalibrateUser(userId, userIndex, alTrackedBodies[userIndex].position); } } } // update body indices, as needed for (int i = 0; i < addedUsers.Count; i++) { ulong userId = addedUsers[i]; int userIndex = addedIndexes[i]; int ui = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex.ContainsKey(userId) ? userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId] : -1; if (ui >= 0 && ui != userIndex) { // update body index if needed userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId] = userIndex; //int uidIndex = Array.IndexOf(userManager.aUserIndexIds, userId); //if (consoleLogMessages) // Debug.Log("Updating user " + uidIndex + ", ID: " + userId + ", Body: " + userIndex + ", Time: " + Time.time); // re-arrange user indices if needed userManager.RearrangeUserIndices(userDetectionOrder); } } if(addedUsers.Count > 0) { // update user indices, as needed userManager.UpdateUserIndices(userDetectionOrder); } addedUsers.Clear(); addedIndexes.Clear(); } } // Adds UserId to the list of users private void CalibrateUser(ulong userId, int bodyIndex, Vector3 userPos) { int uidIndex = userManager.CalibrateUser(userId, bodyIndex, ref alTrackedBodies, userDetectionOrder, playerCalibrationPose, gestureManager); if (uidIndex >= 0) { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("Adding user " + uidIndex + ", ID: " + userId + ", Body: " + bodyIndex + ", Pos: " + userPos + ", Time: " + userManager.dictUserIdToTime[userId]); // update userIds of the avatar controllers //RefreshAvatarUserIds(); // notify the gesture manager for the newly detected user gestureManager.UserWasAdded(userId, uidIndex); // reset filters ResetJointFilters(userId); // fire event userManager.FireOnUserAdded(userId, uidIndex); } } // Remove a lost UserId private void RemoveUser(ulong userId) { int bodyIndex = userManager.dictUserIdToIndex[userId]; int uidIndex = userManager.RemoveUser(userId, userDetectionOrder); if(uidIndex >= 0) { if (consoleLogMessages) Debug.Log("Removing user " + uidIndex + ", ID: " + userId + ", Body: " + bodyIndex + ", Time: " + Time.time); // clear gestures list for this user gestureManager.UserWasRemoved(userId, uidIndex); // update userIds of the avatar controllers //RefreshAvatarUserIds(); // fire event userManager.FireOnUserRemoved(userId, uidIndex); } } } }