using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using com.rfilkov.kinect; namespace com.rfilkov.components { /// /// UserSkeletonCollider creates colliders for the joints and bones of the given user, so they can interact with the physical objects in the scene. /// public class UserSkeletonCollider : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")] public int playerIndex = 0; [Tooltip("Radius of the sphere and capsule colliders, in meters.")] [Range(0f, 0.1f)] public float colliderRadius = 0.02f; [Tooltip("Scene object that will be used to represent the sensor's position and rotation in the scene.")] public Transform sensorTransform; [Tooltip("Depth sensor index, if this components uses sensor transform - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")] public int sensorIndex = 0; [Tooltip("Whether to follow the sensor's depth or color camera pose, if this components uses sensor transform.")] public ReferencePose referencePose = ReferencePose.DepthCameraPose; public enum ReferencePose : int { DepthCameraPose = 0, ColorCameraPose = 1 }; //[Tooltip("Body scale factors in X,Y,Z directions.")] //private Vector3 scaleFactors =; //public UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText; private GameObject[] joints = null; //private LineRenderer[] lines = null; private GameObject[] lines = null; private CapsuleCollider[] lineColliders = null; //private Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.identity; // reference to KM KinectManager kinectManager = null; void Start() { kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance; if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount(); // array holding the skeleton joints joints = new GameObject[jointCount]; for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; i++) { string sColObjectName = ((KinectInterop.JointType)i).ToString() + "JointCollider"; joints[i] = new GameObject(sColObjectName); joints[i].transform.parent = transform; SphereCollider collider = joints[i].AddComponent(); collider.radius = colliderRadius; joints[i].SetActive(false); } // array holding the skeleton lines lines = new GameObject[jointCount]; lineColliders = new CapsuleCollider[jointCount]; } // always mirrored //initialRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f)); } void Update() { if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized()) { int jointsCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount(); // overlay all joints in the skeleton if (kinectManager.IsUserDetected(playerIndex)) { ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex); for (int i = 0; i < jointsCount; i++) { int joint = i; if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, joint)) { Vector3 posJoint = GetJointPosition(userId, joint); // !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, joint) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, joint, true); //posJoint = new Vector3(posJoint.x * scaleFactors.x, posJoint.y * scaleFactors.y, posJoint.z * scaleFactors.z); if (sensorTransform) { posJoint = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posJoint); } if (joints != null) { // overlay the joint if (posJoint != { joints[i].SetActive(true); joints[i].transform.position = posJoint; } else { joints[i].SetActive(false); } } if (lines[i] == null) { string sColObjectName = ((KinectInterop.JointType)i).ToString() + "BoneCollider"; lines[i] = new GameObject(sColObjectName); lines[i].transform.parent = transform; CapsuleCollider collider = lines[i].AddComponent(); collider.radius = colliderRadius; lineColliders[i] = collider; lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (lines[i] != null) { // overlay the line to the parent joint int jointParent = (int)kinectManager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)joint); Vector3 posParent =; if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, jointParent)) { posParent = GetJointPosition(userId, jointParent); // !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, jointParent) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, jointParent, true); //posJoint = new Vector3(posJoint.x * scaleFactors.x, posJoint.y * scaleFactors.y, posJoint.z * scaleFactors.z); if (sensorTransform) { posParent = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posParent); } } if (posJoint != && posParent != { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); Vector3 dirFromParent = posJoint - posParent; lines[i].transform.position = posParent + dirFromParent / 2f; lines[i].transform.up = /**transform.rotation * */ dirFromParent.normalized; if(lineColliders[i] != null) { lineColliders[i].height = dirFromParent.magnitude; } } else { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } else { if (joints != null) { joints[i].SetActive(false); } if (lines[i] != null) { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } else { // user not found - hide all colliders for (int i = 0; i < jointsCount; i++) { if (joints != null) { joints[i].SetActive(false); } if (lines[i] != null) { lines[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } } // returns body joint position private Vector3 GetJointPosition(ulong userId, int joint) { Vector3 posJoint =; if (sensorTransform) { int bodyIndex = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId); posJoint = kinectManager.GetSensorJointKinectPosition(sensorIndex, bodyIndex, joint, true); if(referencePose == ReferencePose.ColorCameraPose) { KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); if(sensorData != null) { Vector3 spaceScale = sensorData.sensorSpaceScale; float u2mScale = sensorData.unitToMeterFactor; float m2uScale = 1f / u2mScale; posJoint = new Vector3(posJoint.x * spaceScale.x * m2uScale, posJoint.y * spaceScale.y * m2uScale, posJoint.z * spaceScale.z * m2uScale); posJoint = kinectManager.SensorTransformPoint(sensorIndex, sensorData.depth2ColorExtr, posJoint); posJoint = new Vector3(posJoint.x * spaceScale.x * u2mScale, posJoint.y * spaceScale.y * u2mScale, posJoint.z * spaceScale.z * u2mScale); } } } else { posJoint = kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, joint); } return posJoint; } } }