using System; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace FullscreenEditor { /// Utility class for running async tasks within the main thread. public static class After { /// Wait for a condition to become true, then executes the callback. /// Function that will be called every frame that returns whether to invoke the callback or not. /// The callback to be called when the condition becomes true. /// Maximum time to wait in milliseconds before cancelling the callback. public static void Condition(Func condition, Action callback, double timeoutMs = 0d) { var update = new EditorApplication.CallbackFunction(() => { }); var timeoutsAt = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + (timeoutMs / 1000d); var stack = new StackFrame(1, true); update = () => { if (timeoutMs > 0d && EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup >= timeoutsAt) { EditorApplication.update -= update; Logger.Error("Condition timedout at {0}:{1}", stack.GetFileName(), stack.GetFileLineNumber()); return; } if (condition()) { EditorApplication.update -= update; callback(); } }; EditorApplication.update += update; } /// Wait for the given amount of editor frames, then executes the callback. /// The number of frames to wait for. /// The callback to be called after the specified frames. public static void Frames(int frames, Action callback) { var f = 0; Condition(() => f++ >= frames, callback); } /// Wait for the given time, then executes the callback. /// How long to wait until calling the callback, in milliseconds. /// The callback to be called after the specified time. public static void Milliseconds(double milliseconds, Action callback) { var end = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + (milliseconds / 1000f); Condition(() => EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup >= end, callback); } } }