dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BodyDataRecorderPlayer is the component that can be used for recording and replaying of body-data files.
/// </summary>
public class BodyDataRecorderPlayer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Path to the file used to record or replay the recorded data.")]
public string filePath = "BodyRecording.txt";
[Tooltip("UI-Text to display information messages.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.Text infoText;
[Tooltip("Whether to start playing the recorded data, right after the scene start.")]
public bool playAtStart = false;
// singleton instance of the class
private static BodyDataRecorderPlayer instance = null;
// whether it is recording or playing saved data at the moment
private bool isRecording = false;
private bool isPlaying = false;
// reference to the KM
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
// time variables used for recording and playing
private ulong liRelTime = 0;
private float fStartTime = 0f;
private float fCurrentTime = 0f;
private int fCurrentFrame = 0;
// player variables
private StreamReader fileReader = null;
private float fPlayTime = 0f;
private string sPlayLine = string.Empty;
private Vector3 sensorSpaceScale = Vector3.one;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the singleton BodyDataRecorderPlayer instance.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The KinectRecorderPlayer instance.</value>
public static BodyDataRecorderPlayer Instance
return instance;
// starts recording
public void StartRecording()
if (isRecording)
isRecording = true;
// avoid recording an playing at the same time
if (isPlaying && isRecording)
isPlaying = false;
Debug.Log("Playing stopped.");
// stop recording if there is no file name specified
if (filePath.Length == 0)
isRecording = false;
Debug.LogError("No file to save.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "No file to save.";
else if(filePath.IndexOf('/') < 0 && filePath.IndexOf('\\') < 0)
string saveFolder = ".";
string saveFolder = Application.persistentDataPath;
if (saveFolder.Length > 0 && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '/' && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '\\')
saveFolder += "/";
filePath = saveFolder + filePath;
if (isRecording)
Debug.Log("Recording started. File: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Recording...";
// delete the old csv file
if (filePath.Length > 0 && File.Exists(filePath))
// initialize times
fStartTime = fCurrentTime = Time.time;
fCurrentFrame = 0;
//return isRecording;
// starts playing
public void StartPlaying()
if (isPlaying)
isPlaying = true;
// avoid recording an playing at the same time
if (isRecording && isPlaying)
isRecording = false;
Debug.Log("Recording stopped.");
if (filePath.Length > 0 && filePath.IndexOf('/') < 0 && filePath.IndexOf('\\') < 0)
string saveFolder = ".";
string saveFolder = Application.persistentDataPath;
if (saveFolder.Length > 0 && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '/' && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '\\')
saveFolder += "/";
filePath = saveFolder + filePath;
// stop playing if there is no file name specified
if (filePath.Length == 0 || !File.Exists(filePath))
isPlaying = false;
Debug.LogError("File not found: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "File not found: " + filePath;
if (isPlaying)
Debug.Log("Playing started. File: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Playing...";
// initialize times
fStartTime = fCurrentTime = Time.time;
fCurrentFrame = -1;
// open the file and read a line
fileReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
// enable the play mode
if (kinectManager)
//return isPlaying;
// stops recording or playing
public void StopRecordingOrPlaying()
if (isRecording)
isRecording = false;
string sSavedTimeAndFrames = string.Format("{0:F3}s., {1} frames.", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime), fCurrentFrame);
Debug.Log("Recording stopped @ " + sSavedTimeAndFrames);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Recording stopped @ " + sSavedTimeAndFrames;
if (isPlaying)
// restore the space scale
if(sensorData != null)
sensorData.sensorSpaceScale = sensorSpaceScale;
// close the file, if it is playing
isPlaying = false;
Debug.Log("Playing stopped.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Playing stopped.";
//if (infoText != null)
// infoText.text = "Say: 'Record' to start the recorder, or 'Play' to start the player.";
// returns if file recording is in progress at the moment
public bool IsRecording()
return isRecording;
// returns if file-play is in progress at the moment
public bool IsPlaying()
return isPlaying;
// ----- end of public functions -----
void Awake()
instance = this;
void Start()
//if (infoText != null)
// infoText.text = "Say: 'Record' to start the recorder, or 'Play' to start the player.";
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(0) : null;
sensorSpaceScale = sensorData != null ? sensorData.sensorSpaceScale : Vector3.one;
if (!kinectManager)
Debug.Log("KinectManager not found, probably not initialized.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "KinectManager not found, probably not initialized.";
if (playAtStart)
void Update()
if (isRecording)
// save the body frame, if any
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && liRelTime != kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTimestamp())
liRelTime = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTimestamp();
string sBodyFrame = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameData(ref fCurrentTime, ';');
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
if (sBodyFrame.Length > 0)
using (StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(filePath))
string sRelTime = string.Format(invCulture, "{0:F3}", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime));
writer.WriteLine(sRelTime + "|" + sBodyFrame);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = string.Format("Recording @ {0}s., frame {1}.", sRelTime, fCurrentFrame);
string sRelTime = string.Format(invCulture, "{0:F3}", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime));
Debug.Log(sRelTime + "|" + sBodyFrame);
if (isPlaying)
// wait for the right time
fCurrentTime = Time.time;
float fRelTime = fCurrentTime - fStartTime;
if (sPlayLine != null && fRelTime >= fPlayTime)
// then play the line
if (kinectManager && sPlayLine.Length > 0)
// and read the next line
if (sPlayLine == null)
// finish playing, if we reached the EOF
void OnDestroy()
// don't forget to release the resources
isRecording = isPlaying = false;
// reads a line from the file
private bool ReadLineFromFile()
if (fileReader == null)
return false;
// read a line
sPlayLine = fileReader.ReadLine();
if (sPlayLine == null)
return false;
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
System.Globalization.NumberStyles numFloat = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;
// extract the unity time and the body frame
char[] delimiters = { '|' };
string[] sLineParts = sPlayLine.Split(delimiters);
if (sLineParts.Length >= 2)
float.TryParse(sLineParts[0], numFloat, invCulture, out fPlayTime);
sPlayLine = sLineParts[1];
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = string.Format("Playing @ {0:F3}s., frame {1}.", fPlayTime, fCurrentFrame);
return true;
return false;
// close the file and disable the play mode
private void CloseFile()
// close the file
if (fileReader != null)
fileReader = null;
// disable the play mode
if (kinectManager)