dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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#pragma kernel EstimatePointCloudPosOfs
uint2 PointCloudRes;
//float2 SpaceScale;
float3 ImuUpVector;
uint MinDepth;
uint MaxDepth;
StructuredBuffer<float> SpaceTable;
StructuredBuffer<uint> DepthMap;
RWStructuredBuffer<float3> PointCloudPos;
RWStructuredBuffer<float> PointCloudOfs;
RWStructuredBuffer<bool> PointCloudMask;
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void EstimatePointCloudPosOfs(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint i = id.x + id.y * PointCloudRes.x;
uint depth2 = DepthMap[i >> 1];
uint depth = i & 1 != 0 ? depth2 >> 16 : depth2 & 0xffff;
depth = (depth >= MinDepth && depth <= MaxDepth) * depth;
float fDepth = (float)depth / 1000.0;
bool mask = depth != 0;
float3 pos = float3(SpaceTable[i * 3] * fDepth, SpaceTable[i * 3 + 1] * fDepth, fDepth);
float ofs = dot(ImuUpVector, pos) * mask;
PointCloudPos[i] = pos;
PointCloudOfs[i] = ofs;
PointCloudMask[i] = mask;