dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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using com.rfilkov.components;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds filters user silhouettes, according to the bounds determined by the positions of the body joints.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Offset from the lowest body joint to the floor.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float offsetToFloor = 0.05f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the highest body joint to the top of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float headOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the leftmost body joint to the left end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float leftOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the rightmost body joint to the right end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float rightOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the frontmost body joint to the front end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float frontOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the backmost body joint to the back end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float backOffset = 0.2f;
// foreground filter shader
private ComputeShader foregroundFilterShader = null;
private int foregroundFilterKernel = -1;
//private Vector4[] foregroundFilterPos = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMin = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxX = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxY = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxZ = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosDot = null;
// initializes background removal with shaders
public bool InitBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, int maxBodyCount)
foregroundFilterShader = Resources.Load("ForegroundFiltBodyShader") as ComputeShader;
foregroundFilterKernel = foregroundFilterShader != null ? foregroundFilterShader.FindKernel("FgFiltBody") : -1;
//foregroundFilterPos = new Vector4[KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount];
bodyPosMin = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxX = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxY = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxZ = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosDot = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
return true;
// releases background removal shader resources
public void FinishBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (foregroundFilterShader != null)
foregroundFilterShader = null;
//foregroundFilterPos = null;
bodyPosMin = null;
bodyPosMaxX = null;
bodyPosMaxY = null;
bodyPosMaxZ = null;
bodyPosDot = null;
/// <summary>
/// Applies foreground filter by body bounds.
/// </summary>
public void ApplyForegroundFilterByBody(Texture vertexTexture, RenderTexture alphaTexture, int playerIndex, int sensorIndex, int maxBodyCount,
Matrix4x4 matKinectWorld, KinectManager kinectManager, Camera foregroundCamera)
Matrix4x4 matWorldKinect = matKinectWorld.inverse;
if (kinectManager != null && kinectManager.userManager != null)
List<ulong> alUserIds = null;
if (playerIndex < 0)
alUserIds = kinectManager.userManager.alUserIds;
alUserIds = new List<ulong>();
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
if (userId != 0)
int uCount = Mathf.Min(alUserIds.Count, maxBodyCount);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_NumBodies", uCount);
//if (uCount > 0)
// Debug.Log("playerIndex: " + playerIndex + ", uCount: " + uCount + ", userId: " + (uCount > 0 ? alUserIds[0] : 0));
// get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
Rect backgroundRect = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;
if (portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();
int jCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
for (int i = 0; i < uCount; i++)
ulong userId = alUserIds[i];
bool bSuccess = kinectManager.GetUserBoundingBox(userId, /**foregroundCamera*/ null, sensorIndex, backgroundRect,
out Vector3 pMin, out Vector3 pMax);
//Debug.Log("pMin: " + pMin + ", pMax: " + pMax);
if (bSuccess)
Vector3 posMin = new Vector3(pMin.x - leftOffset, pMin.y - offsetToFloor, pMin.z - frontOffset);
Vector3 posMaxX = new Vector3(pMax.x + rightOffset, posMin.y, posMin.z);
Vector3 posMaxY = new Vector3(posMin.x, pMax.y + headOffset, posMin.z);
Vector3 posMaxZ = new Vector3(posMin.x, posMin.y, pMax.z + backOffset);
//foregroundFilterDistXY[i] = new Vector4(xMin - 0.1f, xMax + 0.1f, yMin - offsetToFloor, yMax + 0.1f);
//foregroundFilterDistZ[i] = new Vector4(zMin - 0.2f, zMax + 0.0f, 0f, 0f);
bodyPosMin[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMin);
bodyPosMaxX[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxX) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosMaxY[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxY) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosMaxZ[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxZ) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosDot[i] = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxX[i], bodyPosMaxX[i]), Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxY[i], bodyPosMaxY[i]), Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxZ[i], bodyPosMaxZ[i]));
//Debug.Log("pMin: " + (Vector3)posMin + ", pMaxX: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxX[i] + ", pMaxY: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxY[i] + ", pMaxZ: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxZ[i] + ", pDot: " + (Vector3)bodyPosDot[i]);
//string sMessage2 = string.Format("Xmin: {0:F1}; Xmax: {1:F1}", bodyPosMin[i].x, bodyPosMaxX[i].x);
//foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("BodyPos", foregroundFilterPos);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMin", bodyPosMin);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxX", bodyPosMaxX);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxY", bodyPosMaxY);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxZ", bodyPosMaxZ);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosDot", bodyPosDot);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_VertexTex", vertexTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_AlphaTex", alphaTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.Dispatch(foregroundFilterKernel, vertexTexture.width / 8, vertexTexture.height / 8, 1);