dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using FullscreenEditor.Linux;
using FullscreenEditor.Windows;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace FullscreenEditor {
internal static class MenuItems {
[MenuItem(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH, true)]
[MenuItem(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH, true)]
private static bool SetCheckMarks() {
Menu.SetChecked(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH, FullscreenPreferences.ToolbarVisible);
Menu.SetChecked(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH, FullscreenPreferences.FullscreenOnPlayEnabled);
return true;
[MenuItem(Shortcut.TOOLBAR_PATH, false, 0)]
private static void Toolbar() {
FullscreenPreferences.ToolbarVisible.Value = !FullscreenPreferences.ToolbarVisible;
[MenuItem(Shortcut.FULLSCREEN_ON_PLAY_PATH, false, 0)]
private static void FullscreenOnPlay() {
FullscreenPreferences.FullscreenOnPlayEnabled.Value = !FullscreenPreferences.FullscreenOnPlayEnabled;
[MenuItem(Shortcut.CURRENT_VIEW_PATH, false, 100)]
private static void CVMenuItem() {
var focusedView = FullscreenUtility.IsLinux ?
EditorWindow.focusedWindow : // Linux does not support View fullscreen, only EditorWindow
if (!focusedView || focusedView is PlaceholderWindow)
if (focusedView is EditorWindow)
Fullscreen.ToggleFullscreen(focusedView as EditorWindow);
[MenuItem(Shortcut.GAME_VIEW_PATH, false, 100)]
private static void GVMenuItem() {
var gameView = FindCandidateForFullscreen(Types.PlayModeView ?? Types.GameView, FullscreenUtility.GetMainGameView());
Fullscreen.ToggleFullscreen(Types.GameView, gameView);
[MenuItem(Shortcut.SCENE_VIEW_PATH, false, 100)]
private static void SVMenuItem() {
var sceneView = FindCandidateForFullscreen<SceneView>(SceneView.lastActiveSceneView);
[MenuItem(Shortcut.MAIN_VIEW_PATH, false, 100)]
private static void MVMenuItem() {
var mainView = FullscreenUtility.GetMainView();
if (FullscreenUtility.IsLinux) {
if (wmctrl.IsInstalled)
Logger.Warning("wmctrl not installed, cannot fullscreen main view. Install it using 'sudo apt-get install wmctrl'");
if (!mainView) {
Logger.Error("No Main View found, this should not happen");
[MenuItem(Shortcut.MOSAIC_PATH, true, 100)]
private static bool MosaicValidate() {
return FullscreenRects.ScreenCount >= 2;
[MenuItem(Shortcut.MOSAIC_PATH, false, 100)]
private static void MosaicMenuItem() {
var openFullscreens = Fullscreen.GetAllFullscreen();
if (openFullscreens.Length > 0) {
foreach (var fs in openFullscreens)
var displays = DisplayInfo
.Where(d => (d.displayDevice.StateFlags & DisplayDeviceStateFlags.AttachedToDesktop) != 0)
for (var i = 0; i < displays.Count && i < 8; i++) {
var targetDisplay = FullscreenPreferences.MosaicMapping.Value[i];
if (targetDisplay < 0) {
continue; // -1 means none
var candidate = FindCandidateForFullscreen(Types.GameView, FullscreenUtility.GetMainGameView());
if (candidate) {
candidate = EditorWindow.Instantiate(candidate);
var fs = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<FullscreenWindow>();
var rect = displays[i].UnityCorrectedArea;
fs.OpenWindow(rect, Types.GameView, candidate, true);
var gameView = fs.ActualViewPyramid.Window;
FullscreenUtility.SetGameViewDisplayTarget(gameView, targetDisplay);
[MenuItem(Shortcut.CLOSE_ALL_FULLSCREEN, false, 250)]
private static void CloseAll() {
foreach (var fs in Fullscreen.GetAllFullscreen())
[MenuItem(Shortcut.CLOSE_ALL_FULLSCREEN, true, 250)]
private static bool CloseAllValidate() {
return Fullscreen.GetAllFullscreen().Length > 0;
[MenuItem(Shortcut.PREFERENCES_PATH, false, 1000)]
private static void OpenPreferences() {
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
var windowType = ReflectionUtility.FindClass("UnityEditor.SettingsWindow");
windowType.InvokeMethod("Show", SettingsScope.User, "Preferences/Fullscreen Editor");
var windowType = ReflectionUtility.FindClass("UnityEditor.PreferencesWindow");
After.Frames(3, () => {
var window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(windowType);
var sections = window.GetFieldValue<IList>("m_Sections").Cast<object>().ToList();
var index = sections.FindIndex(section => section.GetFieldValue<GUIContent>("content").text == "Fullscreen");
window.SetPropertyValue("selectedSectionIndex", index);
private static T FindCandidateForFullscreen<T>(T mainCandidate = null) where T : EditorWindow {
return FindCandidateForFullscreen(typeof(T), mainCandidate) as T;
private static EditorWindow FindCandidateForFullscreen(Type type, EditorWindow mainCandidate = null) {
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if (!type.IsOfType(typeof(EditorWindow)))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type, type must inherit from UnityEditor.EditorWindow", "type");
if (mainCandidate && !mainCandidate.IsOfType(type))
throw new ArgumentException("Main candidate type must match the type argument or be null", "mainCandidate");
// if (mainCandidate && !Fullscreen.GetFullscreenFromView(mainCandidate))
if (mainCandidate)
return mainCandidate; // Our candidate is not null and is not fullscreened either
return Resources // Returns the first window of our type that is not in fullscreen
.FirstOrDefault(window => !Fullscreen.GetFullscreenFromView(window));