dwelling act 4 (live motion cap w/ kinect azure)
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// This script can be used to control the system mouse - position of the mouse cursor and clicks
// Author: Akhmad Makhsadov
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
public class MouseControl
// Import function mouse_event() from WinApi
private static extern void mouse_event(MouseFlags dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, System.UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
// Flags needed to specify the mouse action
private enum MouseFlags
Move = 0x0001,
LeftDown = 0x0002,
LeftUp = 0x0004,
RightDown = 0x0008,
RightUp = 0x0010,
Absolute = 0x8000,
// public static int MouseXSpeedCoef = 45000; // Cursor rate in Х direction
// public static int MouseYSpeedCoef = 45000; // Cursor rate in Y direction
public struct RECT
public int Left; // x position of upper-left corner
public int Top; // y position of upper-left corner
public int Right; // x position of lower-right corner
public int Bottom; // y position of lower-right corner
//[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
static extern IntPtr GetActiveWindow();
enum GetWindow_Cmd : uint
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr GetWindow(IntPtr hWnd, GetWindow_Cmd uCmd);
static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, uint dwFlags);
private struct MONITORINFO
public int cbSize;
public RECT rcMonitor;
public RECT rcWork;
public uint dwFlags;
static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, ref MONITORINFO lpmi);
// private static int windowX = 0;
// private static int windowY = 0;
// private static int winSizeX = 0;
// private static int winSizeY = 0;
private static Vector2 monitorSize = Vector2.zero;
private static MONITORINFO monitorInfo = new MONITORINFO();
private static bool winRectPrinted = false;
// Public function to move the mouse cursor to the specified position
public static void MouseMove(Vector3 screenCoordinates, UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText)
int windowX = 0;
int windowY = 0;
int winSizeX = 0;
int winSizeY = 0;
bool isConvertToFullScreen = Screen.fullScreen;
IntPtr hWnd = GetActiveWindow();
hWnd = GetClosestWindow(hWnd, Screen.width, Screen.height);
if (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
RECT winRect;
if (GetWindowRect(hWnd, out winRect))
winSizeX = winRect.Right - winRect.Left;
winSizeY = winRect.Bottom - winRect.Top;
windowX = winRect.Left + (winSizeX - (int)Screen.width) / 2;
if (!isConvertToFullScreen)
windowY = winRect.Top + (winSizeY - (int)Screen.height + 36) / 2;
windowY = winRect.Top + (winSizeY - (int)Screen.height) / 2;
// get display resolution
if (monitorSize == Vector2.zero)
monitorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf (monitorInfo);
IntPtr hMonitoŕ = MonitorFromWindow (hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (!GetMonitorInfo (hMonitoŕ, ref monitorInfo))
monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Left = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Top = 0;
monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Right = Screen.currentResolution.width - 1;
monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Bottom = Screen.currentResolution.height - 1;
monitorInfo.rcWork.Left = monitorInfo.rcWork.Top = 0;
monitorInfo.rcWork.Right = Screen.currentResolution.width - 1;
monitorInfo.rcWork.Bottom = Screen.currentResolution.height - 1;
monitorSize.x = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Right - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Left + 1;
monitorSize.y = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Bottom - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.Top + 1;
if (!winRectPrinted)
Debug.Log (string.Format ("monSize: ({0}, {1})", monitorSize.x, monitorSize.y));
Debug.Log (string.Format ("scrSize: ({0}, {1})", Screen.width, Screen.height));
Debug.Log (string.Format ("winRect: ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})", winRect.Left, winRect.Top, winRect.Right, winRect.Bottom));
Debug.Log (string.Format ("winPos: ({0}, {1})", windowX, windowY));
winRectPrinted = true;
if (monitorSize == Vector2.zero)
monitorSize.x = Screen.currentResolution.width;
monitorSize.y = Screen.currentResolution.height;
int mouseX = 0;
int mouseY = 0;
float screenX = windowX + screenCoordinates.x * Screen.width;
float screenY = windowY + (1f - screenCoordinates.y) * Screen.height;
float screenRelX = screenX / monitorSize.x;
float screenRelY = screenY / monitorSize.y;
// if(debugText)
// {
// if(!debugText.text.Contains("ScrPos"))
// {
// string sDebug = string.Format("\nScrPos: ({0:F0}, {1:F0})", screenX, screenY);
// debugText.text += sDebug;
// //Debug.Log (sDebug);
// }
// }
mouseX = (int)(screenRelX * 65535);
mouseY = (int)(screenRelY * 65535);
mouseX = (int)(screenCoordinates.x * 65535);
mouseY = (int)((1f - screenCoordinates.y) * 65535);
mouse_event(MouseFlags.Absolute | MouseFlags.Move, mouseX, mouseY, 0, System.UIntPtr.Zero);
// find the closest matching child window to the screen size
private static IntPtr GetClosestWindow(IntPtr hWndMain, int scrWidth, int scrHeight)
if(hWndMain == IntPtr.Zero)
return hWndMain;
IntPtr hWnd = hWndMain;
RECT winRect;
if(GetWindowRect(hWndMain, out winRect))
int winSizeX = winRect.Right - winRect.Left;
int winSizeY = winRect.Bottom - winRect.Top;
int winDiff = Math.Abs(winSizeX - scrWidth) + Math.Abs(winSizeY - scrHeight);
IntPtr hWndChild = GetWindow(hWndMain, GetWindow_Cmd.GW_CHILD);
int winDiffMin = winDiff;
while(hWndChild != IntPtr.Zero)
if(GetWindowRect(hWndChild, out winRect))
winSizeX = winRect.Right - winRect.Left;
winSizeY = winRect.Bottom - winRect.Top;
winDiff = Math.Abs(winSizeX - scrWidth) + Math.Abs(winSizeY - scrHeight - 36);
if(scrWidth <= winSizeX && scrHeight <= winSizeY && winDiff <= winDiffMin)
hWnd = hWndChild;
winDiffMin = winDiff;
hWndChild = GetWindow(hWndChild, GetWindow_Cmd.GW_HWNDNEXT);
return hWnd;
// Public function to emulate a mouse button click (left button)
public static void MouseClick()
mouse_event(MouseFlags.LeftDown, 0, 0, 0, System.UIntPtr.Zero);
mouse_event(MouseFlags.LeftUp, 0, 0, 0, System.UIntPtr.Zero);
// Public function to emulate a mouse drag event (left button)
public static void MouseDrag()
mouse_event(MouseFlags.LeftDown, 0, 0, 0, System.UIntPtr.Zero);
// Public function to emulate a mouse release event (left button)
public static void MouseRelease()
mouse_event(MouseFlags.LeftUp, 0, 0, 0, System.UIntPtr.Zero);