--- title: AI x Body type: Publication year: 2022 image: aixbody.webp tags: [HPE, AI] date: 2024-06-07 showcase: - name: Exposed Torino Foto Festival year: 2024 location: Turin - name: Another Showcase Festival year: 2025 location: Rome credits: Cailean: CT Leon: Camera references: - title: some-title link: https://www.caileanfinn.ie draft: false --- This publication was created in collaboration with AIxDesign, as part of their AI Playground (S01) which ran from May 2022-February 2023. The text explores the evolution of human pose estimation and recognition technologies through tracing their historical development, their contemporary applications, and how artists and creative practitioners have employed such tools in their artistic process. (Article 📎)[https://nadiapiet.notion.site/AIxDesign-s-Guide-to-AI-x-Body-26ea1c78f253425a92f9269895ea6f46]