We use [rembg](https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg) to segment the foreground object. If the input image already has an alpha mask, please specify the `no_rembg` flag:
We use [rembg](https://github.com/danielgatis/rembg) to segment the foreground object. If the input image already has an alpha mask, please specify the `no_rembg` flag:
By default, our script exports a `.obj` mesh with vertex colors, please specify the `--export_texmap` flag if you hope to export a mesh with a texture map instead (this will cost longer time):
By default, our script exports a `.obj` mesh with vertex colors, please specify the `--export_texmap` flag if you hope to export a mesh with a texture map instead (this will cost longer time):
Please use a different `.yaml` config file in the [configs](./configs) directory if you hope to use other reconstruction model variants. For example, using the `instant-nerf-large` model for generation:
Please use a different `.yaml` config file in the [configs](./configs) directory if you hope to use other reconstruction model variants. For example, using the `instant-nerf-large` model for generation:
**Note:** When using the `NeRF` model variants for image-to-3D generation, exporting a mesh with texture map by specifying `--export_texmap` may cost long time in the UV unwarping step since the default iso-surface extraction resolution is `256`. You can set a lower iso-surface extraction resolution in the config file.
**Note:** When using the `NeRF` model variants for image-to-3D generation, exporting a mesh with texture map by specifying `--export_texmap` may cost long time in the UV unwarping step since the default iso-surface extraction resolution is `256`. You can set a lower iso-surface extraction resolution in the config file.