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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace PSXShaderKit
public class PSXPostProcessEffect : MonoBehaviour
private enum ColorEmulationMode
Off = 0,
Fullscreen_Customizable = 1,
Fullscreen_Accurate = 2,
PerObject_Accurate = 3
private enum DitheringMatrixSize
Dither2x2 = 0,
Dither4x4 = 1,
Dither4x4_PS1Pattern = 2
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
[Tooltip("Fakes a low-resolution look by changing how pixel values are sampled. Match with DitheringScale if using Fullscreen_Customizable color emulation.")]
private float _PixelationFactor = 1;
[Tooltip("Whether to dither per-material on your objects, or full-screen as a post-process effect. Per-object uses a console-accurate dithering pattern.")]
private ColorEmulationMode _ColorEmulationMode = ColorEmulationMode.PerObject_Accurate;
[Tooltip("The color depth, or amount of values per color channel. 256 is the console-accurate value to simulate a 24-bit color depth")]
private Vector3 _FullscreenColorDepth = new Vector3(256, 256, 256);
[Tooltip("The color depth of the dithered output. Dithering happens after the color depth above is applied. 32 is the console-accurate value for a 15 bit color depth but doesn't look too good in linear color space.")]
private Vector3 _FullscreenDitherDepth = new Vector3(32, 32, 32);
[Tooltip("The matrix size to use when dithering. 4x4 is higher quality with more patterns. The 4x4 matrix with the PS1 pattern is the most accurate but darkens the image compared to the rest.")]
private DitheringMatrixSize _DitheringMatrixSize = DitheringMatrixSize.Dither4x4_PS1Pattern;
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
[Tooltip("Scales the dithering pattern so that it's more visible at high resolutions. This will look weird as different pixels within the pattern will still have different values. " +
"The best way to make the dithering visible is to drop your rendering resolution and display your framebuffer with point filtering.")]
private float _DitheringScale = 1;
[Tooltip("The amount of rows of pixels that get affected by interlacing. 1 is console-accurate but only works on lower resolutions.")]
private int _InterlacingSize = 1;
private Shader _PostProcessShader;
private Material _PostProcessMaterial;
private Shader _PostProcessShaderAccurate;
private Material _PostProcessMaterialAccurate;
private Shader _PixelationShader;
private Material _PixelationMaterial;
private Shader _InterlacingShader;
private Material _InterlacingMaterial;
private RenderTexture _PreviousFrame;
private bool _IsFirstFrame = true;
void Start()
if (_PostProcessShader != null && _PostProcessShader.isSupported)
_PostProcessMaterial = new Material(_PostProcessShader);
if (_PixelationShader != null && _PixelationShader.isSupported)
_PixelationMaterial = new Material(_PixelationShader);
if (_PostProcessShaderAccurate != null && _PostProcessShaderAccurate.isSupported)
_PostProcessMaterialAccurate = new Material(_PostProcessShaderAccurate);
if (_InterlacingShader != null && _InterlacingShader.isSupported)
_InterlacingMaterial = new Material(_InterlacingShader);
_InterlacingSize = -1;
void OnValidate()
void UpdateValues()
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_PSX_ObjectDithering", _ColorEmulationMode == ColorEmulationMode.PerObject_Accurate ? 1 : 0);
void OnDisable()
_IsFirstFrame = true;
void ApplyPixelationEffect(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (_PixelationFactor >= 1.0f)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
FilterMode sourceFilterMode = source.filterMode;
source.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
_PixelationMaterial.SetFloat("_PixelationFactor", _PixelationFactor);
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, _PixelationMaterial);
source.filterMode = sourceFilterMode;
void ApplyDitheringEffect(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
switch (_ColorEmulationMode)
case ColorEmulationMode.Off:
case ColorEmulationMode.PerObject_Accurate:
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
switch (_ColorEmulationMode)
case ColorEmulationMode.Fullscreen_Customizable:
_PostProcessMaterial.SetVector("_ColorResolution", _FullscreenColorDepth);
_PostProcessMaterial.SetVector("_DitherResolution", _FullscreenDitherDepth);
_PostProcessMaterial.SetFloat("_DitheringScale", _DitheringScale);
switch (_DitheringMatrixSize)
case DitheringMatrixSize.Dither2x2:
_PostProcessMaterial.SetFloat("_HighResDitherMatrix", 0);
case DitheringMatrixSize.Dither4x4:
_PostProcessMaterial.SetFloat("_HighResDitherMatrix", 0.5f);
case DitheringMatrixSize.Dither4x4_PS1Pattern:
_PostProcessMaterial.SetFloat("_HighResDitherMatrix", 1.0f);
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, _PostProcessMaterial);
case ColorEmulationMode.Fullscreen_Accurate:
_PostProcessMaterialAccurate.SetFloat("_DitheringScale", _DitheringScale);
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, _PostProcessMaterialAccurate);
void ApplyInterlacingEffect(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
if (_InterlacingSize <= 0)
Graphics.Blit(source, destination);
_InterlacingMaterial.SetFloat("_InterlacedFrameIndex", Time.frameCount % 2);
_InterlacingMaterial.SetFloat("_InterlacingSize", _InterlacingSize);
_InterlacingMaterial.SetTexture("_PreviousFrame", _IsFirstFrame ? source : _PreviousFrame);
_IsFirstFrame = false;
Graphics.Blit(source, destination, _InterlacingMaterial);
if (_PreviousFrame)
_PreviousFrame = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.descriptor);
Graphics.Blit(source, _PreviousFrame); = destination;
void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
RenderTexture pixelationRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.descriptor);
pixelationRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
ApplyPixelationEffect(source, pixelationRT);
RenderTexture ditheringRT = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(source.descriptor);
ditheringRT.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
ApplyDitheringEffect(pixelationRT, ditheringRT);
ApplyInterlacingEffect(ditheringRT, destination);