using tsne, vp-trees, and cosine similarity to search and visualise a dataset through affection mapping
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
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import qbs
import qbs.Process
import qbs.File
import qbs.FileInfo
import qbs.TextFile
import "../../../libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/qtcreator/ofApp.qbs" as ofApp
property string of_root: "../../.."
ofApp {
name: { return FileInfo.baseName(sourceDirectory) }
files: [
of.addons: [
// additional flags for the project. the of module sets some
// flags by default to add the core libraries, search paths...
// this flags can be augmented through the following properties:
of.pkgConfigs: [] // list of additional system pkgs to include
of.includePaths: [] // include search paths
of.cFlags: [] // flags passed to the c compiler
of.cxxFlags: [] // flags passed to the c++ compiler
of.linkerFlags: [] // flags passed to the linker
of.defines: [] // defines are passed as -D to the compiler
// and can be checked with #ifdef or #if in the code
of.frameworks: [] // osx only, additional frameworks to link with the project
of.staticLibraries: [] // static libraries
of.dynamicLibraries: [] // dynamic libraries
// other flags can be set through the cpp module:
// eg: this will enable ccache when compiling
// cpp.compilerWrapper: 'ccache'
name: "cpp"
// common rules that parse the include search paths, core libraries...
name: "of"
// dependency with the OF library
name: "openFrameworks"
property bool makeOF: true // use makfiles to compile the OF library
// will compile OF only once for all your projects
// otherwise compiled per project with qbs
property bool precompileOfMain: false // precompile ofMain.h
// faster to recompile when including ofMain.h
// but might use a lot of space per project
references: [FileInfo.joinPaths(of_root, "/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/qtcreator/openFrameworks.qbs")]