If you are looking at this from IntelliJ IDEA you can start by expanding the _project_ tab on the left. You will find a template program in `src/main/kotlin/TemplateProgram.kt` and a live-coding example in `src/main/kotlin/TemplateLiveProgram.kt`.
-`./gradlew run` runs the TemplateProgram (Use `gradlew.bat run` under Windows)
-`./gradlew shadowJar` creates an executable platform specific jar file with all dependencies. Run the resulting program by typing `java -jar build/libs/openrndr-template-1.0.0-all.jar` in a terminal from the project root.
-`./gradlew jpackageZip` creates a zip with a stand-alone executable for the current platform (works with Java 14 only)
To create a runnable jar for a platform different from your current platform, use `./gradlew jar -PtargetPlatform=<platform>`, where `<platform>` is either `windows`, `macos`, `linux-x64`, or `linux-arm64`.
The openrndr-template depends on various packages including the core [openrndr](https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr/) and the [orx](https://github.com/openrndr/orx/) extensions. The version numbers of these dependencies are specified in your [libs.versions.toml](gradle/libs.versions.toml) file. If you want to learn about file format visit the [Gradle documentation](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/platforms.html#sub:conventional-dependencies-toml) website.
Switch to the [next-version branch](https://github.com/openrndr/openrndr-template/tree/next-version) or enter these version numbers in your toml file. They can look like "0.4.3" or "0.4.3-alpha4". Use the complete string, as in: