""" Based on https://github.com/yanx27/Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch/blob/master/models/pointnet2_utils.py MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 benny Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from time import time import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F def timeit(tag, t): print("{}: {}s".format(tag, time() - t)) return time() def pc_normalize(pc): l = pc.shape[0] centroid = np.mean(pc, axis=0) pc = pc - centroid m = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(pc**2, axis=1))) pc = pc / m return pc def square_distance(src, dst): """ Calculate Euclid distance between each two points. src^T * dst = xn * xm + yn * ym + zn * zm; sum(src^2, dim=-1) = xn*xn + yn*yn + zn*zn; sum(dst^2, dim=-1) = xm*xm + ym*ym + zm*zm; dist = (xn - xm)^2 + (yn - ym)^2 + (zn - zm)^2 = sum(src**2,dim=-1)+sum(dst**2,dim=-1)-2*src^T*dst Input: src: source points, [B, N, C] dst: target points, [B, M, C] Output: dist: per-point square distance, [B, N, M] """ B, N, _ = src.shape _, M, _ = dst.shape dist = -2 * torch.matmul(src, dst.permute(0, 2, 1)) dist += torch.sum(src**2, -1).view(B, N, 1) dist += torch.sum(dst**2, -1).view(B, 1, M) return dist def index_points(points, idx): """ Input: points: input points data, [B, N, C] idx: sample index data, [B, S] Return: new_points:, indexed points data, [B, S, C] """ device = points.device B = points.shape[0] view_shape = list(idx.shape) view_shape[1:] = [1] * (len(view_shape) - 1) repeat_shape = list(idx.shape) repeat_shape[0] = 1 batch_indices = ( torch.arange(B, dtype=torch.long).to(device).view(view_shape).repeat(repeat_shape) ) new_points = points[batch_indices, idx, :] return new_points def farthest_point_sample(xyz, npoint, deterministic=False): """ Input: xyz: pointcloud data, [B, N, 3] npoint: number of samples Return: centroids: sampled pointcloud index, [B, npoint] """ device = xyz.device B, N, C = xyz.shape centroids = torch.zeros(B, npoint, dtype=torch.long).to(device) distance = torch.ones(B, N).to(device) * 1e10 if deterministic: farthest = torch.arange(0, B, dtype=torch.long).to(device) else: farthest = torch.randint(0, N, (B,), dtype=torch.long).to(device) batch_indices = torch.arange(B, dtype=torch.long).to(device) for i in range(npoint): centroids[:, i] = farthest centroid = xyz[batch_indices, farthest, :].view(B, 1, 3) dist = torch.sum((xyz - centroid) ** 2, -1) mask = dist < distance distance[mask] = dist[mask] farthest = torch.max(distance, -1)[1] return centroids def query_ball_point(radius, nsample, xyz, new_xyz): """ Input: radius: local region radius nsample: max sample number in local region xyz: all points, [B, N, 3] new_xyz: query points, [B, S, 3] Return: group_idx: grouped points index, [B, S, nsample] """ device = xyz.device B, N, C = xyz.shape _, S, _ = new_xyz.shape group_idx = torch.arange(N, dtype=torch.long).to(device).view(1, 1, N).repeat([B, S, 1]) sqrdists = square_distance(new_xyz, xyz) group_idx[sqrdists > radius**2] = N group_idx = group_idx.sort(dim=-1)[0][:, :, :nsample] group_first = group_idx[:, :, 0].view(B, S, 1).repeat([1, 1, nsample]) mask = group_idx == N group_idx[mask] = group_first[mask] return group_idx def sample_and_group( npoint, radius, nsample, xyz, points, returnfps=False, deterministic=False, fps_method: str = "fps", ): """ Input: npoint: radius: nsample: xyz: input points position data, [B, N, 3] points: input points data, [B, N, D] Return: new_xyz: sampled points position data, [B, npoint, nsample, 3] new_points: sampled points data, [B, npoint, nsample, 3+D] """ B, N, C = xyz.shape S = npoint if fps_method == "fps": fps_idx = farthest_point_sample(xyz, npoint, deterministic=deterministic) # [B, npoint, C] elif fps_method == "first": fps_idx = torch.arange(npoint)[None].repeat(B, 1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown FPS method: {fps_method}") new_xyz = index_points(xyz, fps_idx) idx = query_ball_point(radius, nsample, xyz, new_xyz) grouped_xyz = index_points(xyz, idx) # [B, npoint, nsample, C] grouped_xyz_norm = grouped_xyz - new_xyz.view(B, S, 1, C) if points is not None: grouped_points = index_points(points, idx) new_points = torch.cat( [grouped_xyz_norm, grouped_points], dim=-1 ) # [B, npoint, nsample, C+D] else: new_points = grouped_xyz_norm if returnfps: return new_xyz, new_points, grouped_xyz, fps_idx else: return new_xyz, new_points def sample_and_group_all(xyz, points): """ Input: xyz: input points position data, [B, N, 3] points: input points data, [B, N, D] Return: new_xyz: sampled points position data, [B, 1, 3] new_points: sampled points data, [B, 1, N, 3+D] """ device = xyz.device B, N, C = xyz.shape new_xyz = torch.zeros(B, 1, C).to(device) grouped_xyz = xyz.view(B, 1, N, C) if points is not None: new_points = torch.cat([grouped_xyz, points.view(B, 1, N, -1)], dim=-1) else: new_points = grouped_xyz return new_xyz, new_points class PointNetSetAbstraction(nn.Module): def __init__(self, npoint, radius, nsample, in_channel, mlp, group_all): super(PointNetSetAbstraction, self).__init__() self.npoint = npoint self.radius = radius self.nsample = nsample self.mlp_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.mlp_bns = nn.ModuleList() last_channel = in_channel for out_channel in mlp: self.mlp_convs.append(nn.Conv2d(last_channel, out_channel, 1)) self.mlp_bns.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel)) last_channel = out_channel self.group_all = group_all def forward(self, xyz, points): """ Input: xyz: input points position data, [B, C, N] points: input points data, [B, D, N] Return: new_xyz: sampled points position data, [B, C, S] new_points_concat: sample points feature data, [B, D', S] """ xyz = xyz.permute(0, 2, 1) if points is not None: points = points.permute(0, 2, 1) if self.group_all: new_xyz, new_points = sample_and_group_all(xyz, points) else: new_xyz, new_points = sample_and_group( self.npoint, self.radius, self.nsample, xyz, points, deterministic=not self.training ) # new_xyz: sampled points position data, [B, npoint, C] # new_points: sampled points data, [B, npoint, nsample, C+D] new_points = new_points.permute(0, 3, 2, 1) # [B, C+D, nsample,npoint] for i, conv in enumerate(self.mlp_convs): bn = self.mlp_bns[i] new_points = F.relu(bn(conv(new_points))) new_points = torch.max(new_points, 2)[0] new_xyz = new_xyz.permute(0, 2, 1) return new_xyz, new_points class PointNetSetAbstractionMsg(nn.Module): def __init__(self, npoint, radius_list, nsample_list, in_channel, mlp_list): super(PointNetSetAbstractionMsg, self).__init__() self.npoint = npoint self.radius_list = radius_list self.nsample_list = nsample_list self.conv_blocks = nn.ModuleList() self.bn_blocks = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(len(mlp_list)): convs = nn.ModuleList() bns = nn.ModuleList() last_channel = in_channel + 3 for out_channel in mlp_list[i]: convs.append(nn.Conv2d(last_channel, out_channel, 1)) bns.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channel)) last_channel = out_channel self.conv_blocks.append(convs) self.bn_blocks.append(bns) def forward(self, xyz, points): """ Input: xyz: input points position data, [B, C, N] points: input points data, [B, D, N] Return: new_xyz: sampled points position data, [B, C, S] new_points_concat: sample points feature data, [B, D', S] """ xyz = xyz.permute(0, 2, 1) if points is not None: points = points.permute(0, 2, 1) B, N, C = xyz.shape S = self.npoint new_xyz = index_points(xyz, farthest_point_sample(xyz, S, deterministic=not self.training)) new_points_list = [] for i, radius in enumerate(self.radius_list): K = self.nsample_list[i] group_idx = query_ball_point(radius, K, xyz, new_xyz) grouped_xyz = index_points(xyz, group_idx) grouped_xyz -= new_xyz.view(B, S, 1, C) if points is not None: grouped_points = index_points(points, group_idx) grouped_points = torch.cat([grouped_points, grouped_xyz], dim=-1) else: grouped_points = grouped_xyz grouped_points = grouped_points.permute(0, 3, 2, 1) # [B, D, K, S] for j in range(len(self.conv_blocks[i])): conv = self.conv_blocks[i][j] bn = self.bn_blocks[i][j] grouped_points = F.relu(bn(conv(grouped_points))) new_points = torch.max(grouped_points, 2)[0] # [B, D', S] new_points_list.append(new_points) new_xyz = new_xyz.permute(0, 2, 1) new_points_concat = torch.cat(new_points_list, dim=1) return new_xyz, new_points_concat class PointNetFeaturePropagation(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channel, mlp): super(PointNetFeaturePropagation, self).__init__() self.mlp_convs = nn.ModuleList() self.mlp_bns = nn.ModuleList() last_channel = in_channel for out_channel in mlp: self.mlp_convs.append(nn.Conv1d(last_channel, out_channel, 1)) self.mlp_bns.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(out_channel)) last_channel = out_channel def forward(self, xyz1, xyz2, points1, points2): """ Input: xyz1: input points position data, [B, C, N] xyz2: sampled input points position data, [B, C, S] points1: input points data, [B, D, N] points2: input points data, [B, D, S] Return: new_points: upsampled points data, [B, D', N] """ xyz1 = xyz1.permute(0, 2, 1) xyz2 = xyz2.permute(0, 2, 1) points2 = points2.permute(0, 2, 1) B, N, C = xyz1.shape _, S, _ = xyz2.shape if S == 1: interpolated_points = points2.repeat(1, N, 1) else: dists = square_distance(xyz1, xyz2) dists, idx = dists.sort(dim=-1) dists, idx = dists[:, :, :3], idx[:, :, :3] # [B, N, 3] dist_recip = 1.0 / (dists + 1e-8) norm = torch.sum(dist_recip, dim=2, keepdim=True) weight = dist_recip / norm interpolated_points = torch.sum( index_points(points2, idx) * weight.view(B, N, 3, 1), dim=2 ) if points1 is not None: points1 = points1.permute(0, 2, 1) new_points = torch.cat([points1, interpolated_points], dim=-1) else: new_points = interpolated_points new_points = new_points.permute(0, 2, 1) for i, conv in enumerate(self.mlp_convs): bn = self.mlp_bns[i] new_points = F.relu(bn(conv(new_points))) return new_points