from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from functools import partial from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from PIL import Image from torch import torch from shap_e.models.generation.perceiver import SimplePerceiver from shap_e.models.generation.transformer import Transformer from import DifferentiableProjectiveCamera from shap_e.models.nn.encoding import ( MultiviewPointCloudEmbedding, MultiviewPoseEmbedding, PosEmbLinear, ) from shap_e.models.nn.ops import PointSetEmbedding from shap_e.rendering.point_cloud import PointCloud from shap_e.rendering.view_data import ProjectiveCamera from shap_e.util.collections import AttrDict from .base import ChannelsEncoder class TransformerChannelsEncoder(ChannelsEncoder, ABC): """ Encode point clouds using a transformer model with an extra output token used to extract a latent vector. """ def __init__( self, *, device: torch.device, dtype: torch.dtype, param_shapes: Dict[str, Tuple[int]], params_proj: Dict[str, Any], d_latent: int = 512, latent_bottleneck: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, latent_warp: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, n_ctx: int = 1024, width: int = 512, layers: int = 12, heads: int = 8, init_scale: float = 0.25, latent_scale: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__( device=device, param_shapes=param_shapes, params_proj=params_proj, d_latent=d_latent, latent_bottleneck=latent_bottleneck, latent_warp=latent_warp, ) self.width = width self.device = device self.dtype = dtype self.n_ctx = n_ctx self.backbone = Transformer( device=device, dtype=dtype, n_ctx=n_ctx + self.latent_ctx, width=width, layers=layers, heads=heads, init_scale=init_scale, ) self.ln_pre = nn.LayerNorm(width, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.ln_post = nn.LayerNorm(width, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.register_parameter( "output_tokens", nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.latent_ctx, width, device=device, dtype=dtype)), ) self.output_proj = nn.Linear(width, d_latent, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.latent_scale = latent_scale @abstractmethod def encode_input(self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None) -> torch.Tensor: pass def encode_to_channels( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: h = self.encode_input(batch, options=options) h =[h, self.output_tokens[None].repeat(len(h), 1, 1)], dim=1) h = self.ln_pre(h) h = self.backbone(h) h = h[:, -self.latent_ctx :] h = self.ln_post(h) h = self.output_proj(h) return h class PerceiverChannelsEncoder(ChannelsEncoder, ABC): """ Encode point clouds using a perceiver model with an extra output token used to extract a latent vector. """ def __init__( self, *, device: torch.device, dtype: torch.dtype, param_shapes: Dict[str, Tuple[int]], params_proj: Dict[str, Any], min_unrolls: int, max_unrolls: int, d_latent: int = 512, latent_bottleneck: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, latent_warp: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, width: int = 512, layers: int = 12, xattn_layers: int = 1, heads: int = 8, init_scale: float = 0.25, # Training hparams inner_batch_size: Union[int, List[int]] = 1, data_ctx: int = 1, ): super().__init__( device=device, param_shapes=param_shapes, params_proj=params_proj, d_latent=d_latent, latent_bottleneck=latent_bottleneck, latent_warp=latent_warp, ) self.width = width self.device = device self.dtype = dtype if isinstance(inner_batch_size, int): inner_batch_size = [inner_batch_size] self.inner_batch_size = inner_batch_size self.data_ctx = data_ctx self.min_unrolls = min_unrolls self.max_unrolls = max_unrolls encoder_fn = lambda inner_batch_size: SimplePerceiver( device=device, dtype=dtype, n_ctx=self.data_ctx + self.latent_ctx, n_data=inner_batch_size, width=width, layers=xattn_layers, heads=heads, init_scale=init_scale, ) self.encoder = ( encoder_fn(self.inner_batch_size[0]) if len(self.inner_batch_size) == 1 else nn.ModuleList([encoder_fn(inner_bsz) for inner_bsz in self.inner_batch_size]) ) self.processor = Transformer( device=device, dtype=dtype, n_ctx=self.data_ctx + self.latent_ctx, layers=layers - xattn_layers, width=width, heads=heads, init_scale=init_scale, ) self.ln_pre = nn.LayerNorm(width, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.ln_post = nn.LayerNorm(width, device=device, dtype=dtype) self.register_parameter( "output_tokens", nn.Parameter(torch.randn(self.latent_ctx, width, device=device, dtype=dtype)), ) self.output_proj = nn.Linear(width, d_latent, device=device, dtype=dtype) @abstractmethod def get_h_and_iterator( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Iterable[Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple]]]: """ :return: a tuple of ( the initial output tokens of size [batch_size, data_ctx + latent_ctx, width], an iterator over the given data ) """ def encode_to_channels( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: h, it = self.get_h_and_iterator(batch, options=options) n_unrolls = self.get_n_unrolls() for _ in range(n_unrolls): data = next(it) if isinstance(data, tuple): for data_i, encoder_i in zip(data, self.encoder): h = encoder_i(h, data_i) else: h = self.encoder(h, data) h = self.processor(h) h = self.output_proj(self.ln_post(h[:, -self.latent_ctx :])) return h def get_n_unrolls(self): if n_unrolls = torch.randint( self.min_unrolls, self.max_unrolls + 1, size=(), device=self.device ) dist.broadcast(n_unrolls, 0) n_unrolls = n_unrolls.item() else: n_unrolls = self.max_unrolls return n_unrolls @dataclass class DatasetIterator: embs: torch.Tensor # [batch_size, dataset_size, *shape] batch_size: int def __iter__(self): self._reset() return self def __next__(self): _outer_batch_size, dataset_size, *_shape = self.embs.shape while True: start = self.idx self.idx += self.batch_size end = self.idx if end <= dataset_size: break self._reset() return self.embs[:, start:end] def _reset(self): self._shuffle() self.idx = 0 # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def _shuffle(self): outer_batch_size, dataset_size, *shape = self.embs.shape idx = torch.stack( [ torch.randperm(dataset_size, device=self.embs.device) for _ in range(outer_batch_size) ], dim=0, ) idx = idx.view(outer_batch_size, dataset_size, *([1] * len(shape))) idx = torch.broadcast_to(idx, self.embs.shape) self.embs = torch.gather(self.embs, 1, idx) class PointCloudTransformerChannelsEncoder(TransformerChannelsEncoder): """ Encode point clouds using a transformer model with an extra output token used to extract a latent vector. """ def __init__( self, *, input_channels: int = 6, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.input_channels = input_channels self.input_proj = nn.Linear( input_channels, self.width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ) def encode_input(self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None) -> torch.Tensor: _ = options points = batch.points h = self.input_proj(points.permute(0, 2, 1)) # NCL -> NLC return h class PointCloudPerceiverChannelsEncoder(PerceiverChannelsEncoder): """ Encode point clouds using a transformer model with an extra output token used to extract a latent vector. """ def __init__( self, *, cross_attention_dataset: str = "pcl", fps_method: str = "fps", # point cloud hyperparameters input_channels: int = 6, pos_emb: Optional[str] = None, # multiview hyperparameters image_size: int = 256, patch_size: int = 32, pose_dropout: float = 0.0, use_depth: bool = False, max_depth: float = 5.0, # point conv hyperparameters pointconv_radius: float = 0.5, pointconv_samples: int = 32, pointconv_hidden: Optional[List[int]] = None, pointconv_patch_size: int = 1, pointconv_stride: int = 1, pointconv_padding_mode: str = "zeros", use_pointconv: bool = False, # other hyperparameters **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) assert cross_attention_dataset in ( "pcl", "multiview", "dense_pose_multiview", "multiview_pcl", "pcl_and_multiview_pcl", "incorrect_multiview_pcl", "pcl_and_incorrect_multiview_pcl", ) assert fps_method in ("fps", "first") self.cross_attention_dataset = cross_attention_dataset self.fps_method = fps_method self.input_channels = input_channels self.input_proj = PosEmbLinear( pos_emb, input_channels, self.width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.use_pointconv = use_pointconv if use_pointconv: if pointconv_hidden is None: pointconv_hidden = [self.width] self.point_conv = PointSetEmbedding( n_point=self.data_ctx, radius=pointconv_radius, n_sample=pointconv_samples, d_input=self.input_proj.weight.shape[0], d_hidden=pointconv_hidden, patch_size=pointconv_patch_size, stride=pointconv_stride, padding_mode=pointconv_padding_mode, fps_method=fps_method, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) if self.cross_attention_dataset == "multiview": self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.pose_dropout = pose_dropout self.use_depth = use_depth self.max_depth = max_depth pos_ctx = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 self.register_parameter( "pos_emb", nn.Parameter( torch.randn( pos_ctx * self.inner_batch_size, self.width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) ), ) self.patch_emb = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=3 if not use_depth else 4, out_channels=self.width, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.camera_emb = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear( 3 * 4 + 1, self.width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype ), # input size is for origin+x+y+z+fov nn.GELU(), nn.Linear(self.width, 2 * self.width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype), ) elif self.cross_attention_dataset == "dense_pose_multiview": # The number of output features is halved, because a patch_size of # 32 ends up with a large patch_emb weight. self.view_pose_width = self.width // 2 self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.use_depth = use_depth self.max_depth = max_depth self.mv_pose_embed = MultiviewPoseEmbedding( posemb_version="nerf", n_channels=4 if self.use_depth else 3, out_features=self.view_pose_width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) pos_ctx = (image_size // patch_size) ** 2 # Positional embedding is unnecessary because pose information is baked into each pixel self.patch_emb = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.view_pose_width, out_channels=self.width, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) elif ( self.cross_attention_dataset == "multiview_pcl" or self.cross_attention_dataset == "incorrect_multiview_pcl" ): self.view_pose_width = self.width // 2 self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.max_depth = max_depth assert use_depth self.mv_pcl_embed = MultiviewPointCloudEmbedding( posemb_version="nerf", n_channels=3, out_features=self.view_pose_width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.patch_emb = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.view_pose_width, out_channels=self.width, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) elif ( self.cross_attention_dataset == "pcl_and_multiview_pcl" or self.cross_attention_dataset == "pcl_and_incorrect_multiview_pcl" ): self.view_pose_width = self.width // 2 self.image_size = image_size self.patch_size = patch_size self.max_depth = max_depth assert use_depth self.mv_pcl_embed = MultiviewPointCloudEmbedding( posemb_version="nerf", n_channels=3, out_features=self.view_pose_width, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) self.patch_emb = nn.Conv2d( in_channels=self.view_pose_width, out_channels=self.width, kernel_size=patch_size, stride=patch_size, device=self.device, dtype=self.dtype, ) def get_h_and_iterator( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Iterable]: """ :return: a tuple of ( the initial output tokens of size [batch_size, data_ctx + latent_ctx, width], an iterator over the given data ) """ options = AttrDict() if options is None else options # Build the initial query embeddings points = batch.points.permute(0, 2, 1) # NCL -> NLC if self.use_pointconv: points = self.input_proj(points).permute(0, 2, 1) # NLC -> NCL xyz = batch.points[:, :3] data_tokens = self.point_conv(xyz, points).permute(0, 2, 1) # NCL -> NLC else: fps_samples = self.sample_pcl_fps(points) data_tokens = self.input_proj(fps_samples) batch_size = points.shape[0] latent_tokens = self.output_tokens.unsqueeze(0).repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) h = self.ln_pre([data_tokens, latent_tokens], dim=1)) assert h.shape == (batch_size, self.data_ctx + self.latent_ctx, self.width) # Build the dataset embedding iterator dataset_fn = { "pcl": self.get_pcl_dataset, "multiview": self.get_multiview_dataset, "dense_pose_multiview": self.get_dense_pose_multiview_dataset, "pcl_and_multiview_pcl": self.get_pcl_and_multiview_pcl_dataset, "multiview_pcl": self.get_multiview_pcl_dataset, }[self.cross_attention_dataset] it = dataset_fn(batch, options=options) return h, it def sample_pcl_fps(self, points: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return sample_pcl_fps(points, data_ctx=self.data_ctx, method=self.fps_method) def get_pcl_dataset( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict[str, Any]] = None, inner_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable: _ = options if inner_batch_size is None: inner_batch_size = self.inner_batch_size[0] points = batch.points.permute(0, 2, 1) # NCL -> NLC dataset_emb = self.input_proj(points) assert dataset_emb.shape[1] >= inner_batch_size return iter(DatasetIterator(dataset_emb, batch_size=inner_batch_size)) def get_multiview_dataset( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None, inner_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable: _ = options if inner_batch_size is None: inner_batch_size = self.inner_batch_size[0] dataset_emb = self.encode_views(batch) batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width = dataset_emb.shape assert num_views >= inner_batch_size it = iter(DatasetIterator(dataset_emb, batch_size=inner_batch_size)) def gen(): while True: examples = next(it) assert examples.shape == (batch_size, self.inner_batch_size, n_patches, self.width) views = examples.reshape(batch_size, -1, width) + self.pos_emb yield views return gen() def get_dense_pose_multiview_dataset( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None, inner_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterable: _ = options if inner_batch_size is None: inner_batch_size = self.inner_batch_size[0] dataset_emb = self.encode_dense_pose_views(batch) batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width = dataset_emb.shape assert num_views >= inner_batch_size it = iter(DatasetIterator(dataset_emb, batch_size=inner_batch_size)) def gen(): while True: examples = next(it) assert examples.shape == (batch_size, inner_batch_size, n_patches, self.width) views = examples.reshape(batch_size, -1, width) yield views return gen() def get_pcl_and_multiview_pcl_dataset( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None, use_distance: bool = True, ) -> Iterable: _ = options pcl_it = self.get_pcl_dataset( batch, options=options, inner_batch_size=self.inner_batch_size[0] ) multiview_pcl_emb = self.encode_multiview_pcl(batch, use_distance=use_distance) batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width = multiview_pcl_emb.shape assert num_views >= self.inner_batch_size[1] multiview_pcl_it = iter( DatasetIterator(multiview_pcl_emb, batch_size=self.inner_batch_size[1]) ) def gen(): while True: pcl = next(pcl_it) multiview_pcl = next(multiview_pcl_it) assert multiview_pcl.shape == ( batch_size, self.inner_batch_size[1], n_patches, self.width, ) yield pcl, multiview_pcl.reshape(batch_size, -1, width) return gen() def get_multiview_pcl_dataset( self, batch: AttrDict, options: Optional[AttrDict] = None, inner_batch_size: Optional[int] = None, use_distance: bool = True, ) -> Iterable: _ = options if inner_batch_size is None: inner_batch_size = self.inner_batch_size[0] multiview_pcl_emb = self.encode_multiview_pcl(batch, use_distance=use_distance) batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width = multiview_pcl_emb.shape assert num_views >= inner_batch_size multiview_pcl_it = iter(DatasetIterator(multiview_pcl_emb, batch_size=inner_batch_size)) def gen(): while True: multiview_pcl = next(multiview_pcl_it) assert multiview_pcl.shape == ( batch_size, inner_batch_size, n_patches, self.width, ) yield multiview_pcl.reshape(batch_size, -1, width) return gen() def encode_views(self, batch: AttrDict) -> torch.Tensor: """ :return: [batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width] """ all_views = self.views_to_tensor(batch.views).to(self.device) if self.use_depth: all_views =[all_views, self.depths_to_tensor(batch.depths)], dim=2) all_cameras = self.cameras_to_tensor(batch.cameras).to(self.device) batch_size, num_views, _, _, _ = all_views.shape views_proj = self.patch_emb( all_views.reshape([batch_size * num_views, *all_views.shape[2:]]) ) views_proj = ( views_proj.reshape([batch_size, num_views, self.width, -1]) .permute(0, 1, 3, 2) .contiguous() ) # [batch_size x num_views x n_patches x width] # [batch_size, num_views, 1, 2 * width] camera_proj = self.camera_emb(all_cameras).reshape( [batch_size, num_views, 1, self.width * 2] ) pose_dropout = self.pose_dropout if else 0.0 mask = torch.rand(batch_size, 1, 1, 1, device=views_proj.device) >= pose_dropout camera_proj = torch.where(mask, camera_proj, torch.zeros_like(camera_proj)) scale, shift = camera_proj.chunk(2, dim=3) views_proj = views_proj * (scale + 1.0) + shift return views_proj def encode_dense_pose_views(self, batch: AttrDict) -> torch.Tensor: """ :return: [batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width] """ all_views = self.views_to_tensor(batch.views).to(self.device) if self.use_depth: depths = self.depths_to_tensor(batch.depths) all_views =[all_views, depths], dim=2) dense_poses, _ = self.dense_pose_cameras_to_tensor(batch.cameras) dense_poses = dense_poses.permute(0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3) position, direction = dense_poses[:, :, 0], dense_poses[:, :, 1] all_view_poses = self.mv_pose_embed(all_views, position, direction) batch_size, num_views, _, _, _ = all_view_poses.shape views_proj = self.patch_emb( all_view_poses.reshape([batch_size * num_views, *all_view_poses.shape[2:]]) ) views_proj = ( views_proj.reshape([batch_size, num_views, self.width, -1]) .permute(0, 1, 3, 2) .contiguous() ) # [batch_size x num_views x n_patches x width] return views_proj def encode_multiview_pcl(self, batch: AttrDict, use_distance: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """ :return: [batch_size, num_views, n_patches, width] """ all_views = self.views_to_tensor(batch.views).to(self.device) depths = self.raw_depths_to_tensor(batch.depths) all_view_alphas = self.view_alphas_to_tensor(batch.view_alphas).to(self.device) mask = all_view_alphas >= 0.999 dense_poses, camera_z = self.dense_pose_cameras_to_tensor(batch.cameras) dense_poses = dense_poses.permute(0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3) origin, direction = dense_poses[:, :, 0], dense_poses[:, :, 1] if use_distance: ray_depth_factor = torch.sum(direction * camera_z[..., None, None], dim=2, keepdim=True) depths = depths / ray_depth_factor position = origin + depths * direction all_view_poses = self.mv_pcl_embed(all_views, origin, position, mask) batch_size, num_views, _, _, _ = all_view_poses.shape views_proj = self.patch_emb( all_view_poses.reshape([batch_size * num_views, *all_view_poses.shape[2:]]) ) views_proj = ( views_proj.reshape([batch_size, num_views, self.width, -1]) .permute(0, 1, 3, 2) .contiguous() ) # [batch_size x num_views x n_patches x width] return views_proj def views_to_tensor(self, views: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[Image.Image]]]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns a [batch x num_views x 3 x size x size] tensor in the range [-1, 1]. """ if isinstance(views, torch.Tensor): return views tensor_batch = [] num_views = len(views[0]) for inner_list in views: assert len(inner_list) == num_views inner_batch = [] for img in inner_list: img = img.resize((self.image_size,) * 2).convert("RGB") inner_batch.append( torch.from_numpy(np.array(img)).to(device=self.device, dtype=torch.float32) / 127.5 - 1 ) tensor_batch.append(torch.stack(inner_batch, dim=0)) return torch.stack(tensor_batch, dim=0).permute(0, 1, 4, 2, 3) def depths_to_tensor( self, depths: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[Image.Image]]] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns a [batch x num_views x 1 x size x size] tensor in the range [-1, 1]. """ if isinstance(depths, torch.Tensor): return depths tensor_batch = [] num_views = len(depths[0]) for inner_list in depths: assert len(inner_list) == num_views inner_batch = [] for arr in inner_list: tensor = torch.from_numpy(arr).clamp(max=self.max_depth) / self.max_depth tensor = tensor * 2 - 1 tensor = F.interpolate( tensor[None, None], (self.image_size,) * 2, mode="nearest", ) inner_batch.append(, dtype=torch.float32)) tensor_batch.append(, dim=0)) return torch.stack(tensor_batch, dim=0) def view_alphas_to_tensor( self, view_alphas: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[Image.Image]]] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns a [batch x num_views x 1 x size x size] tensor in the range [0, 1]. """ if isinstance(view_alphas, torch.Tensor): return view_alphas tensor_batch = [] num_views = len(view_alphas[0]) for inner_list in view_alphas: assert len(inner_list) == num_views inner_batch = [] for img in inner_list: tensor = ( torch.from_numpy(np.array(img)).to(device=self.device, dtype=torch.float32) / 255.0 ) tensor = F.interpolate( tensor[None, None], (self.image_size,) * 2, mode="nearest", ) inner_batch.append(tensor) tensor_batch.append(, dim=0)) return torch.stack(tensor_batch, dim=0) def raw_depths_to_tensor( self, depths: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[Image.Image]]] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns a [batch x num_views x 1 x size x size] tensor """ if isinstance(depths, torch.Tensor): return depths tensor_batch = [] num_views = len(depths[0]) for inner_list in depths: assert len(inner_list) == num_views inner_batch = [] for arr in inner_list: tensor = torch.from_numpy(arr).clamp(max=self.max_depth) tensor = F.interpolate( tensor[None, None], (self.image_size,) * 2, mode="nearest", ) inner_batch.append(, dtype=torch.float32)) tensor_batch.append(, dim=0)) return torch.stack(tensor_batch, dim=0) def cameras_to_tensor( self, cameras: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[ProjectiveCamera]]] ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Returns a [batch x num_views x 3*4+1] tensor of camera information. """ if isinstance(cameras, torch.Tensor): return cameras outer_batch = [] for inner_list in cameras: inner_batch = [] for camera in inner_list: inner_batch.append( np.array( [ *camera.x, *camera.y, *camera.z, *camera.origin, camera.x_fov, ] ) ) outer_batch.append(np.stack(inner_batch, axis=0)) return torch.from_numpy(np.stack(outer_batch, axis=0)).float() def dense_pose_cameras_to_tensor( self, cameras: Union[torch.Tensor, List[List[ProjectiveCamera]]] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Returns a tuple of (rays, z_directions) where - rays: [batch, num_views, height, width, 2, 3] tensor of camera information. - z_directions: [batch, num_views, 3] tensor of camera z directions. """ if isinstance(cameras, torch.Tensor): raise NotImplementedError for inner_list in cameras: assert len(inner_list) == len(cameras[0]) camera = cameras[0][0] flat_camera = DifferentiableProjectiveCamera( origin=torch.from_numpy( np.stack( [cam.origin for inner_list in cameras for cam in inner_list], axis=0, ) ).to(self.device), x=torch.from_numpy( np.stack( [cam.x for inner_list in cameras for cam in inner_list], axis=0, ) ).to(self.device), y=torch.from_numpy( np.stack( [cam.y for inner_list in cameras for cam in inner_list], axis=0, ) ).to(self.device), z=torch.from_numpy( np.stack( [cam.z for inner_list in cameras for cam in inner_list], axis=0, ) ).to(self.device), width=camera.width, height=camera.height, x_fov=camera.x_fov, y_fov=camera.y_fov, ) batch_size = len(cameras) * len(cameras[0]) coords = ( flat_camera.image_coords() .to(flat_camera.origin.device) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(batch_size, 1, 1) ) rays = flat_camera.camera_rays(coords) return ( rays.view(len(cameras), len(cameras[0]), camera.height, camera.width, 2, 3).to( self.device ), flat_camera.z.view(len(cameras), len(cameras[0]), 3).to(self.device), ) def sample_pcl_fps(points: torch.Tensor, data_ctx: int, method: str = "fps") -> torch.Tensor: """ Run farthest-point sampling on a batch of point clouds. :param points: batch of shape [N x num_points]. :param data_ctx: subsample count. :param method: either 'fps' or 'first'. Using 'first' assumes that the points are already sorted according to FPS sampling. :return: batch of shape [N x min(num_points, data_ctx)]. """ n_points = points.shape[1] if n_points == data_ctx: return points if method == "first": return points[:, :data_ctx] elif method == "fps": batch = points.cpu().split(1, dim=0) fps = [sample_fps(x, n_samples=data_ctx) for x in batch] return, dim=0).to(points.device) else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported farthest-point sampling method: {method}") def sample_fps(example: torch.Tensor, n_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: """ :param example: [1, n_points, 3 + n_channels] :return: [1, n_samples, 3 + n_channels] """ points = example.cpu().squeeze(0).numpy() coords, raw_channels = points[:, :3], points[:, 3:] n_points, n_channels = raw_channels.shape assert n_samples <= n_points channels = {str(idx): raw_channels[:, idx] for idx in range(n_channels)} max_points = min(32768, n_points) fps_pcl = ( PointCloud(coords=coords, channels=channels) .random_sample(max_points) .farthest_point_sample(n_samples) ) fps_channels = np.stack([fps_pcl.channels[str(idx)] for idx in range(n_channels)], axis=1) fps = np.concatenate([fps_pcl.coords, fps_channels], axis=1) fps = torch.from_numpy(fps).unsqueeze(0) assert fps.shape == (1, n_samples, 3 + n_channels) return fps