import copy import inspect from typing import Any, Callable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import torch from pytorch3d.renderer import ( BlendParams, DirectionalLights, FoVPerspectiveCameras, MeshRasterizer, MeshRenderer, RasterizationSettings, SoftPhongShader, TexturesVertex, ) from pytorch3d.renderer.utils import TensorProperties from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes from shap_e.models.nn.checkpoint import checkpoint from .blender.constants import BASIC_AMBIENT_COLOR, BASIC_DIFFUSE_COLOR, UNIFORM_LIGHT_DIRECTION from .torch_mesh import TorchMesh from .view_data import ProjectiveCamera # Using a lower value like 1e-4 seems to result in weird issues # for our high-poly meshes. DEFAULT_RENDER_SIGMA = 1e-5 DEFAULT_RENDER_GAMMA = 1e-4 def render_images( image_size: int, meshes: Meshes, cameras: Any, lights: Any, sigma: float = DEFAULT_RENDER_SIGMA, gamma: float = DEFAULT_RENDER_GAMMA, max_faces_per_bin=100000, faces_per_pixel=50, bin_size=None, use_checkpoint: bool = False, ) -> torch.Tensor: if use_checkpoint: # Decompose all of our arguments into a bunch of tensor lists # so that autograd can keep track of what the op depends on. verts_list = meshes.verts_list() faces_list = meshes.faces_list() assert isinstance(meshes.textures, TexturesVertex) assert isinstance(lights, BidirectionalLights) textures = meshes.textures.verts_features_padded() light_vecs, light_fn = _deconstruct_tensor_props(lights) camera_vecs, camera_fn = _deconstruct_tensor_props(cameras) def ckpt_fn( *args: torch.Tensor, num_verts=len(verts_list), num_light_vecs=len(light_vecs), num_camera_vecs=len(camera_vecs), light_fn=light_fn, camera_fn=camera_fn, faces_list=faces_list ): args = list(args) verts_list = args[:num_verts] del args[:num_verts] light_vecs = args[:num_light_vecs] del args[:num_light_vecs] camera_vecs = args[:num_camera_vecs] del args[:num_camera_vecs] textures = args.pop(0) meshes = Meshes(verts=verts_list, faces=faces_list, textures=TexturesVertex(textures)) lights = light_fn(light_vecs) cameras = camera_fn(camera_vecs) return render_images( image_size=image_size, meshes=meshes, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma, max_faces_per_bin=max_faces_per_bin, faces_per_pixel=faces_per_pixel, bin_size=bin_size, use_checkpoint=False, ) result = checkpoint(ckpt_fn, (*verts_list, *light_vecs, *camera_vecs, textures), (), True) else: raster_settings_soft = RasterizationSettings( image_size=image_size, blur_radius=np.log(1.0 / 1e-4 - 1.0) * sigma, faces_per_pixel=faces_per_pixel, max_faces_per_bin=max_faces_per_bin, bin_size=bin_size, perspective_correct=False, ) renderer = MeshRenderer( rasterizer=MeshRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings_soft), shader=SoftPhongShader( device=meshes.device, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, blend_params=BlendParams(sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma, background_color=(0, 0, 0)), ), ) result = renderer(meshes) return result def _deconstruct_tensor_props( props: TensorProperties, ) -> Tuple[List[torch.Tensor], Callable[[List[torch.Tensor]], TensorProperties]]: vecs = [] names = [] other_props = {} for k in dir(props): if k.startswith("__"): continue v = getattr(props, k) if inspect.ismethod(v): continue if torch.is_tensor(v): vecs.append(v) names.append(k) else: other_props[k] = v def recreate_fn(vecs_arg): other = type(props)(device=props.device) for k, v in other_props.items(): setattr(other, k, copy.deepcopy(v)) for name, vec in zip(names, vecs_arg): setattr(other, name, vec) return other return vecs, recreate_fn def convert_meshes(raw_meshes: Sequence[TorchMesh], default_brightness=0.8) -> Meshes: meshes = Meshes( verts=[mesh.verts for mesh in raw_meshes], faces=[mesh.faces for mesh in raw_meshes] ) rgbs = [] for mesh in raw_meshes: if mesh.vertex_channels and all(k in mesh.vertex_channels for k in "RGB"): rgbs.append(torch.stack([mesh.vertex_channels[k] for k in "RGB"], axis=-1)) else: rgbs.append( torch.ones( len(mesh.verts) * default_brightness, 3, device=mesh.verts.device, dtype=mesh.verts.dtype, ) ) meshes.textures = TexturesVertex(verts_features=rgbs) return meshes def convert_cameras( cameras: Sequence[ProjectiveCamera], device: torch.device ) -> FoVPerspectiveCameras: Rs = [] Ts = [] for camera in cameras: assert ( camera.width == camera.height and camera.x_fov == camera.y_fov ), "viewports must be square" assert camera.x_fov == cameras[0].x_fov, "all cameras must have same field-of-view" R = np.stack([-camera.x, -camera.y, camera.z], axis=0).T T = -R.T @ camera.origin Rs.append(R) Ts.append(T) return FoVPerspectiveCameras( R=np.stack(Rs, axis=0), T=np.stack(Ts, axis=0), fov=cameras[0].x_fov, degrees=False, device=device, ) def convert_cameras_torch( origins: torch.Tensor, xs: torch.Tensor, ys: torch.Tensor, zs: torch.Tensor, fov: float ) -> FoVPerspectiveCameras: Rs = [] Ts = [] for origin, x, y, z in zip(origins, xs, ys, zs): R = torch.stack([-x, -y, z], axis=0).T T = -R.T @ origin Rs.append(R) Ts.append(T) return FoVPerspectiveCameras( R=torch.stack(Rs, dim=0), T=torch.stack(Ts, dim=0), fov=fov, degrees=False, device=origins.device, ) def blender_uniform_lights( batch_size: int, device: torch.device, ambient_color: Union[float, Tuple[float]] = BASIC_AMBIENT_COLOR, diffuse_color: Union[float, Tuple[float]] = BASIC_DIFFUSE_COLOR, specular_color: Union[float, Tuple[float]] = 0.0, ) -> "BidirectionalLights": """ Create a light that attempts to match the light used by the Blender renderer when run with `--light_mode basic`. """ if isinstance(ambient_color, float): ambient_color = (ambient_color,) * 3 if isinstance(diffuse_color, float): diffuse_color = (diffuse_color,) * 3 if isinstance(specular_color, float): specular_color = (specular_color,) * 3 return BidirectionalLights( ambient_color=(ambient_color,) * batch_size, diffuse_color=(diffuse_color,) * batch_size, specular_color=(specular_color,) * batch_size, direction=(UNIFORM_LIGHT_DIRECTION,) * batch_size, device=device, ) class BidirectionalLights(DirectionalLights): """ Adapted from here, but effectively shines the light in both positive and negative directions: """ def diffuse(self, normals, points=None) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.maximum( super().diffuse(normals, points=points), super().diffuse(-normals, points=points) ) def specular(self, normals, points, camera_position, shininess) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.maximum( super().specular(normals, points, camera_position, shininess), super().specular(-normals, points, camera_position, shininess), )