from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple import torch from shap_e.models.nn.meta import MetaModule from shap_e.models.nn.utils import ArrayType, safe_divide, to_torch @dataclass class VolumeRange: t0: torch.Tensor t1: torch.Tensor intersected: torch.Tensor def __post_init__(self): assert self.t0.shape == self.t1.shape == self.intersected.shape def next_t0(self): """ Given convex volume1 and volume2, where volume1 is contained in volume2, this function returns the t0 at which rays leave volume1 and intersect with volume2 \\ volume1. """ return self.t1 * self.intersected.float() def extend(self, another: "VolumeRange") -> "VolumeRange": """ The ranges at which rays intersect with either one, or both, or none of the self and another are merged together. """ return VolumeRange( t0=torch.where(self.intersected, self.t0, another.t0), t1=torch.where(another.intersected, another.t1, self.t1), intersected=torch.logical_or(self.intersected, another.intersected), ) def partition(self, ts) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Partitions t0 and t1 into n_samples intervals. :param ts: [batch_size, *shape, n_samples, 1] :return: a tuple of ( lower: [batch_size, *shape, n_samples, 1] upper: [batch_size, *shape, n_samples, 1] delta: [batch_size, *shape, n_samples, 1] ) where ts \\in [lower, upper] deltas = upper - lower """ mids = (ts[..., 1:, :] + ts[..., :-1, :]) * 0.5 lower =[self.t0[..., None, :], mids], dim=-2) upper =[mids, self.t1[..., None, :]], dim=-2) delta = upper - lower assert lower.shape == upper.shape == delta.shape == ts.shape return lower, upper, delta class Volume(ABC): """ An abstraction of rendering volume. """ @abstractmethod def intersect( self, origin: torch.Tensor, direction: torch.Tensor, t0_lower: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, epsilon: float = 1e-6, ) -> VolumeRange: """ :param origin: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param direction: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param t0_lower: Optional [batch_size, *shape, 1] lower bound of t0 when intersecting this volume. :param params: Optional meta parameters in case Volume is parametric :param epsilon: to stabilize calculations :return: A tuple of (t0, t1, intersected) where each has a shape [batch_size, *shape, 1]. If a ray intersects with the volume, `o + td` is in the volume for all t in [t0, t1]. If the volume is bounded, t1 is guaranteed to be on the boundary of the volume. """ class BoundingBoxVolume(MetaModule, Volume): """ Axis-aligned bounding box defined by the two opposite corners. """ def __init__( self, *, bbox_min: ArrayType, bbox_max: ArrayType, min_dist: float = 0.0, min_t_range: float = 1e-3, device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"), ): """ :param bbox_min: the left/bottommost corner of the bounding box :param bbox_max: the other corner of the bounding box :param min_dist: all rays should start at least this distance away from the origin. """ super().__init__() self.bbox_min = to_torch(bbox_min).to(device) self.bbox_max = to_torch(bbox_max).to(device) self.min_dist = min_dist self.min_t_range = min_t_range self.bbox = torch.stack([self.bbox_min, self.bbox_max]) assert self.bbox.shape == (2, 3) assert self.min_dist >= 0.0 assert self.min_t_range > 0.0 self.device = device def intersect( self, origin: torch.Tensor, direction: torch.Tensor, t0_lower: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, epsilon=1e-6, ) -> VolumeRange: """ :param origin: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param direction: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param t0_lower: Optional [batch_size, *shape, 1] lower bound of t0 when intersecting this volume. :param params: Optional meta parameters in case Volume is parametric :param epsilon: to stabilize calculations :return: A tuple of (t0, t1, intersected) where each has a shape [batch_size, *shape, 1]. If a ray intersects with the volume, `o + td` is in the volume for all t in [t0, t1]. If the volume is bounded, t1 is guaranteed to be on the boundary of the volume. """ batch_size, *shape, _ = origin.shape ones = [1] * len(shape) bbox = self.bbox.view(1, *ones, 2, 3) ts = safe_divide(bbox - origin[..., None, :], direction[..., None, :], epsilon=epsilon) # Cases to think about: # # 1. t1 <= t0: the ray does not pass through the AABB. # 2. t0 < t1 <= 0: the ray intersects but the BB is behind the origin. # 3. t0 <= 0 <= t1: the ray starts from inside the BB # 4. 0 <= t0 < t1: the ray is not inside and intersects with the BB twice. # # 1 and 4 are clearly handled from t0 < t1 below. # Making t0 at least min_dist (>= 0) takes care of 2 and 3. t0 = ts.min(dim=-2).values.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values.clamp(self.min_dist) t1 = ts.max(dim=-2).values.min(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values assert t0.shape == t1.shape == (batch_size, *shape, 1) if t0_lower is not None: assert t0.shape == t0_lower.shape t0 = torch.maximum(t0, t0_lower) intersected = t0 + self.min_t_range < t1 t0 = torch.where(intersected, t0, torch.zeros_like(t0)) t1 = torch.where(intersected, t1, torch.ones_like(t1)) return VolumeRange(t0=t0, t1=t1, intersected=intersected) class UnboundedVolume(MetaModule, Volume): """ Originally used in NeRF. Unbounded volume but with a limited visibility when rendering (e.g. objects that are farther away than the max_dist from the ray origin are not considered) """ def __init__( self, *, max_dist: float, min_dist: float = 0.0, min_t_range: float = 1e-3, device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"), ): super().__init__() self.max_dist = max_dist self.min_dist = min_dist self.min_t_range = min_t_range assert self.min_dist >= 0.0 assert self.min_t_range > 0.0 self.device = device def intersect( self, origin: torch.Tensor, direction: torch.Tensor, t0_lower: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> VolumeRange: """ :param origin: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param direction: [batch_size, *shape, 3] :param t0_lower: Optional [batch_size, *shape, 1] lower bound of t0 when intersecting this volume. :param params: Optional meta parameters in case Volume is parametric :param epsilon: to stabilize calculations :return: A tuple of (t0, t1, intersected) where each has a shape [batch_size, *shape, 1]. If a ray intersects with the volume, `o + td` is in the volume for all t in [t0, t1]. If the volume is bounded, t1 is guaranteed to be on the boundary of the volume. """ batch_size, *shape, _ = origin.shape t0 = torch.zeros(batch_size, *shape, 1, dtype=origin.dtype, device=origin.device) if t0_lower is not None: t0 = torch.maximum(t0, t0_lower) t1 = t0 + self.max_dist t0 = t0.clamp(self.min_dist) return VolumeRange(t0=t0, t1=t1, intersected=t0 + self.min_t_range < t1) class SphericalVolume(MetaModule, Volume): """ Used in NeRF++ but will not be used probably unless we want to reproduce their results. """ def __init__( self, *, radius: float, center: ArrayType = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), min_dist: float = 0.0, min_t_range: float = 1e-3, device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"), ): super().__init__() self.radius = radius = to_torch(center).to(device) self.min_dist = min_dist self.min_t_range = min_t_range assert self.min_dist >= 0.0 assert self.min_t_range > 0.0 self.device = device def intersect( self, origin: torch.Tensor, direction: torch.Tensor, t0_lower: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, params: Optional[Dict] = None, epsilon=1e-6, ) -> VolumeRange: raise NotImplementedError