a fork of shap-e for gc
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

243 lines
9.3 KiB

import random
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import blobfile as bf
import numpy as np
from shap_e.rendering.view_data import ViewData
from .ply_util import write_ply
COLORS = frozenset(["R", "G", "B", "A"])
def preprocess(data, channel):
if channel in COLORS:
return np.round(data * 255.0)
return data
class PointCloud:
An array of points sampled on a surface. Each point may have zero or more
channel attributes.
:param coords: an [N x 3] array of point coordinates.
:param channels: a dict mapping names to [N] arrays of channel values.
coords: np.ndarray
channels: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
def from_rgbd(cls, vd: ViewData, num_views: Optional[int] = None) -> "PointCloud":
Construct a point cloud from the given view data.
The data must have a depth channel. All other channels will be stored
in the `channels` attribute of the result.
Pixels in the rendered views are not converted into points in the cloud
if they have infinite depth or less than 1.0 alpha.
channel_names = vd.channel_names
if "D" not in channel_names:
raise ValueError(f"view data must have depth channel")
depth_index = channel_names.index("D")
all_coords = []
all_channels = defaultdict(list)
if num_views is None:
num_views = vd.num_views
for i in range(num_views):
camera, channel_values = vd.load_view(i, channel_names)
flat_values = channel_values.reshape([-1, len(channel_names)])
# Create an array of integer (x, y) image coordinates for Camera methods.
image_coords = camera.image_coords()
# Select subset of pixels that have meaningful depth/color.
image_mask = np.isfinite(flat_values[:, depth_index])
if "A" in channel_names:
image_mask = image_mask & (flat_values[:, channel_names.index("A")] >= 1 - 1e-5)
image_coords = image_coords[image_mask]
flat_values = flat_values[image_mask]
# Use the depth and camera information to compute the coordinates
# corresponding to every visible pixel.
camera_rays = camera.camera_rays(image_coords)
camera_origins = camera_rays[:, 0]
camera_directions = camera_rays[:, 1]
depth_dirs = camera.depth_directions(image_coords)
ray_scales = flat_values[:, depth_index] / np.sum(
camera_directions * depth_dirs, axis=-1
coords = camera_origins + camera_directions * ray_scales[:, None]
for j, name in enumerate(channel_names):
if name != "D":
all_channels[name].append(flat_values[:, j])
if len(all_coords) == 0:
return cls(coords=np.zeros([0, 3], dtype=np.float32), channels={})
return cls(
coords=np.concatenate(all_coords, axis=0),
channels={k: np.concatenate(v, axis=0) for k, v in all_channels.items()},
def load(cls, f: Union[str, BinaryIO]) -> "PointCloud":
Load the point cloud from a .npz file.
if isinstance(f, str):
with bf.BlobFile(f, "rb") as reader:
return cls.load(reader)
obj = np.load(f)
keys = list(obj.keys())
return PointCloud(
channels={k: obj[k] for k in keys if k != "coords"},
def save(self, f: Union[str, BinaryIO]):
Save the point cloud to a .npz file.
if isinstance(f, str):
with bf.BlobFile(f, "wb") as writer:
np.savez(f, coords=self.coords, **self.channels)
def write_ply(self, raw_f: BinaryIO):
np.stack([self.channels[x] for x in "RGB"], axis=1)
if all(x in self.channels for x in "RGB")
else None
def random_sample(self, num_points: int, **subsample_kwargs) -> "PointCloud":
Sample a random subset of this PointCloud.
:param num_points: maximum number of points to sample.
:param subsample_kwargs: arguments to self.subsample().
:return: a reduced PointCloud, or self if num_points is not less than
the current number of points.
if len(self.coords) <= num_points:
return self
indices = np.random.choice(len(self.coords), size=(num_points,), replace=False)
return self.subsample(indices, **subsample_kwargs)
def farthest_point_sample(
self, num_points: int, init_idx: Optional[int] = None, **subsample_kwargs
) -> "PointCloud":
Sample a subset of the point cloud that is evenly distributed in space.
First, a random point is selected. Then each successive point is chosen
such that it is furthest from the currently selected points.
The time complexity of this operation is O(NM), where N is the original
number of points and M is the reduced number. Therefore, performance
can be improved by randomly subsampling points with random_sample()
before running farthest_point_sample().
:param num_points: maximum number of points to sample.
:param init_idx: if specified, the first point to sample.
:param subsample_kwargs: arguments to self.subsample().
:return: a reduced PointCloud, or self if num_points is not less than
the current number of points.
if len(self.coords) <= num_points:
return self
init_idx = random.randrange(len(self.coords)) if init_idx is None else init_idx
indices = np.zeros([num_points], dtype=np.int64)
indices[0] = init_idx
sq_norms = np.sum(self.coords**2, axis=-1)
def compute_dists(idx: int):
# Utilize equality: ||A-B||^2 = ||A||^2 + ||B||^2 - 2*(A @ B).
return sq_norms + sq_norms[idx] - 2 * (self.coords @ self.coords[idx])
cur_dists = compute_dists(init_idx)
for i in range(1, num_points):
idx = np.argmax(cur_dists)
indices[i] = idx
# Without this line, we may duplicate an index more than once if
# there are duplicate points, due to rounding errors.
cur_dists[idx] = -1
cur_dists = np.minimum(cur_dists, compute_dists(idx))
return self.subsample(indices, **subsample_kwargs)
def subsample(self, indices: np.ndarray, average_neighbors: bool = False) -> "PointCloud":
if not average_neighbors:
return PointCloud(
channels={k: v[indices] for k, v in self.channels.items()},
new_coords = self.coords[indices]
neighbor_indices = PointCloud(coords=new_coords, channels={}).nearest_points(self.coords)
# Make sure every point points to itself, which might not
# be the case if points are duplicated or there is rounding
# error.
neighbor_indices[indices] = np.arange(len(indices))
new_channels = {}
for k, v in self.channels.items():
v_sum = np.zeros_like(v[: len(indices)])
v_count = np.zeros_like(v[: len(indices)])
np.add.at(v_sum, neighbor_indices, v)
np.add.at(v_count, neighbor_indices, 1)
new_channels[k] = v_sum / v_count
return PointCloud(coords=new_coords, channels=new_channels)
def select_channels(self, channel_names: List[str]) -> np.ndarray:
data = np.stack([preprocess(self.channels[name], name) for name in channel_names], axis=-1)
return data
def nearest_points(self, points: np.ndarray, batch_size: int = 16384) -> np.ndarray:
For each point in another set of points, compute the point in this
pointcloud which is closest.
:param points: an [N x 3] array of points.
:param batch_size: the number of neighbor distances to compute at once.
Smaller values save memory, while larger values may
make the computation faster.
:return: an [N] array of indices into self.coords.
norms = np.sum(self.coords**2, axis=-1)
all_indices = []
for i in range(0, len(points), batch_size):
batch = points[i : i + batch_size]
dists = norms + np.sum(batch**2, axis=-1)[:, None] - 2 * (batch @ self.coords.T)
all_indices.append(np.argmin(dists, axis=-1))
return np.concatenate(all_indices, axis=0)
def combine(self, other: "PointCloud") -> "PointCloud":
assert self.channels.keys() == other.channels.keys()
return PointCloud(
coords=np.concatenate([self.coords, other.coords], axis=0),
k: np.concatenate([v, other.channels[k]], axis=0) for k, v in self.channels.items()