a fork of shap-e for gc
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from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from shap_e.models.nn.camera import (
from shap_e.models.nn.meta import MetaModule
from shap_e.util.collections import AttrDict
class Renderer(MetaModule):
A rendering abstraction that can render rays and views by calling the
appropriate models. The models are instantiated outside but registered in
this module.
def render_views(
batch: AttrDict,
params: Optional[Dict] = None,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> AttrDict:
Returns a backproppable rendering of a view
:param batch: contains
- height: Optional[int]
- width: Optional[int]
- inner_batch_size or ray_batch_size: Optional[int] defaults to 4096 rays
And additionally, to specify poses with a default up direction:
- poses: [batch_size x *shape x 2 x 3] where poses[:, ..., 0, :] are the camera
positions, and poses[:, ..., 1, :] are the z-axis (toward the object) of
the camera frame.
- camera: DifferentiableCamera. Assumes the same camera position
across batch for simplicity. Could eventually support
batched cameras.
or to specify a batch of arbitrary poses:
- cameras: DifferentiableCameraBatch of shape [batch_size x *shape].
:param params: Meta parameters
:param options: Optional[Dict]
class RayRenderer(Renderer):
A rendering abstraction that can render rays and views by calling the
appropriate models. The models are instantiated outside but registered in
this module.
def render_rays(
batch: AttrDict,
params: Optional[Dict] = None,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> AttrDict:
:param batch: has
- rays: [batch_size x ... x 2 x 3] specify the origin and direction of each ray.
- radii (optional): [batch_size x ... x 1] the "thickness" of each ray.
:param options: Optional[Dict]
def render_views(
batch: AttrDict,
params: Optional[Dict] = None,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"),
) -> AttrDict:
output = render_views_from_rays(
return output
def forward(
batch: AttrDict,
params: Optional[Dict] = None,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
) -> AttrDict:
:param batch: must contain either
- rays: [batch_size x ... x 2 x 3] specify the origin and direction of each ray.
- poses: [batch_size x 2 x 3] where poses[:, 0] are the camera
positions, and poses[:, 1] are the z-axis (toward the object) of
the camera frame.
- camera: an instance of Camera that implements camera_rays
- cameras: DifferentiableCameraBatch of shape [batch_size x *shape].
For both of the above two options, these may be specified.
- height: Optional[int]
- width: Optional[int]
- ray_batch_size or inner_batch_size: Optional[int] defaults to 4096 rays
:param params: a dictionary of optional meta parameters.
:param options: A Dict of other hyperparameters that could be
related to rendering or debugging
:return: a dictionary containing
- channels: [batch_size, *shape, n_channels]
- distances: [batch_size, *shape, 1]
- transmittance: [batch_size, *shape, 1]
- aux_losses: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
if "rays" in batch:
for key in ["poses", "camera", "height", "width"]:
assert key not in batch
return self.render_rays(batch, params=params, options=options)
elif "poses" in batch or "cameras" in batch:
assert "rays" not in batch
if "poses" in batch:
assert "camera" in batch
assert "camera" not in batch
return self.render_views(batch, params=params, options=options)
raise NotImplementedError
def get_camera_from_batch(batch: AttrDict) -> Tuple[DifferentiableCamera, int, Tuple[int]]:
if "poses" in batch:
assert not "cameras" in batch
batch_size, *inner_shape, n_vecs, spatial_dim = batch.poses.shape
assert n_vecs == 2 and spatial_dim == 3
inner_batch_size = int(np.prod(inner_shape))
poses = batch.poses.view(batch_size * inner_batch_size, 2, 3)
position, direction = poses[:, 0], poses[:, 1]
camera = projective_camera_frame(position, direction, batch.camera)
elif "cameras" in batch:
assert not "camera" in batch
batch_size, *inner_shape = batch.cameras.shape
camera = batch.cameras.flat_camera
raise ValueError(f'neither "poses" nor "cameras" found in keys: {batch.keys()}')
if "height" in batch and "width" in batch:
camera = camera.resize_image(batch.width, batch.height)
return camera, batch_size, inner_shape
def append_tensor(val_list: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]], output: Optional[torch.Tensor]):
if val_list is None:
return [output]
return val_list + [output]
def render_views_from_rays(
render_rays: Callable[[AttrDict, AttrDict, AttrDict], AttrDict],
batch: AttrDict,
params: Optional[Dict] = None,
options: Optional[Dict] = None,
device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda"),
) -> AttrDict:
camera, batch_size, inner_shape = get_camera_from_batch(batch)
inner_batch_size = int(np.prod(inner_shape))
coords = get_image_coords(camera.width, camera.height).to(device)
coords = torch.broadcast_to(coords.unsqueeze(0), [batch_size * inner_batch_size, *coords.shape])
rays = camera.camera_rays(coords)
# mip-NeRF radii calculation from: https://github.com/google/mipnerf/blob/84c969e0a623edd183b75693aed72a7e7c22902d/internal/datasets.py#L193-L200
directions = rays.view(batch_size, inner_batch_size, camera.height, camera.width, 2, 3)[
..., 1, :
neighbor_dists = torch.linalg.norm(directions[:, :, :, 1:] - directions[:, :, :, :-1], dim=-1)
neighbor_dists = torch.cat([neighbor_dists, neighbor_dists[:, :, :, -2:-1]], dim=3)
radii = (neighbor_dists * 2 / np.sqrt(12)).view(batch_size, -1, 1)
rays = rays.view(batch_size, inner_batch_size * camera.height * camera.width, 2, 3)
if isinstance(camera, DifferentiableProjectiveCamera):
# Compute the camera z direction corresponding to every ray's pixel.
# Used for depth computations below.
z_directions = (
(camera.z / torch.linalg.norm(camera.z, dim=-1, keepdim=True))
.reshape([batch_size, inner_batch_size, 1, 3])
.repeat(1, 1, camera.width * camera.height, 1)
.reshape(1, inner_batch_size * camera.height * camera.width, 3)
ray_batch_size = batch.get("ray_batch_size", batch.get("inner_batch_size", 4096))
assert rays.shape[1] % ray_batch_size == 0
n_batches = rays.shape[1] // ray_batch_size
output_list = AttrDict(aux_losses=dict())
for idx in range(n_batches):
rays_batch = AttrDict(
rays=rays[:, idx * ray_batch_size : (idx + 1) * ray_batch_size],
radii=radii[:, idx * ray_batch_size : (idx + 1) * ray_batch_size],
output = render_rays(rays_batch, params=params, options=options)
if isinstance(camera, DifferentiableProjectiveCamera):
z_batch = z_directions[:, idx * ray_batch_size : (idx + 1) * ray_batch_size]
ray_directions = rays_batch.rays[:, :, 1]
z_dots = (ray_directions * z_batch).sum(-1, keepdim=True)
output.depth = output.distances * z_dots
output_list = output_list.combine(output, append_tensor)
def _resize(val_list: List[torch.Tensor]):
val = torch.cat(val_list, dim=1)
assert val.shape[1] == inner_batch_size * camera.height * camera.width
return val.view(batch_size, *inner_shape, camera.height, camera.width, -1)
def _avg(_key: str, loss_list: List[torch.Tensor]):
return sum(loss_list) / n_batches
output = AttrDict(
{name: _resize(val_list) for name, val_list in output_list.items() if name != "aux_losses"}
output.aux_losses = output_list.aux_losses.map(_avg)
return output