85 changed files with 14130 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory |
# |
# Get latest from |
# |
/[Ll]ibrary/ |
/[Tt]emp/ |
/[Oo]bj/ |
/[Bb]uild/ |
/[Bb]uilds/ |
/[Ll]ogs/ |
/[Uu]ser[Ss]ettings/ |
# MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size. |
# They also could contain extremely sensitive data |
/[Mm]emoryCaptures/ |
# Recordings can get excessive in size |
/[Rr]ecordings/ |
/[Ss]ample[Rr]ecordings/ |
# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin |
# /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools* |
# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin |
/[Aa]ssets/Plugins/Editor/JetBrains* |
# Visual Studio cache directory |
.vs/ |
# Gradle cache directory |
.gradle/ |
# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files |
ExportedObj/ |
.consulo/ |
*.csproj |
*.unityproj |
*.sln |
*.suo |
*.tmp |
*.user |
*.userprefs |
*.pidb |
*.booproj |
*.svd |
*.pdb |
*.mdb |
*.opendb |
*.VC.db |
# Unity3D generated meta files |
*.pidb.meta |
*.pdb.meta |
*.mdb.meta |
# Unity3D generated file on crash reports |
sysinfo.txt |
# Builds |
*.apk |
*.aab |
*.unitypackage |
*.app |
# Crashlytics generated file |
||| |
# Packed Addressables |
/[Aa]ssets/[Aa]ddressable[Aa]ssets[Dd]ata/*/*.bin* |
# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets |
/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa.meta |
/[Aa]ssets/[Ss]treamingAssets/aa/* |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
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m_Colors: |
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m_BuildTextureStacks: [] |
m_AllowLocking: 1 |
--- !u!114 &1249728964197349850 |
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
public class RenderText : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
int frame = 60; |
public int m_CaptureFrameRate; |
public Texture2D texture; |
public bool m_Record = false; |
int txt_W; |
int txt_H; |
public Material material; |
float x_FOV; |
float y_FOV; |
float y_Rotation; |
float x_Rotation; |
float y_Divide; |
float x_Divide; |
string m_Timestamp; |
GameObject m_CubeMapPrefab = null; |
List<Shader> m_ShaderList = new List<Shader>(); |
public enum ProjectionType |
{ |
Cropped, |
CroppedFOV, |
Squeezed, |
Gnomic |
} |
public ProjectionType m_ProjectionType = ProjectionType.Gnomic; |
private void Awake() |
{ |
SetupMatShaders(); |
} |
// Initial configuration for frame rate
private void Start() |
{ |
SetupFrameRateConfiguration(); |
} |
private void Update() |
{ |
ToggleRecording(); |
if (m_Record) |
{ |
for (int frameCount = 0; frameCount < 4; frameCount++) |
{ |
SetMaterialParametersBasedOnProjectionType(frameCount); |
} |
} |
frame++; |
} |
void SetMaterialParametersBasedOnProjectionType(int frameCount) |
{ |
var m_HeightY = 0f; |
if (frameCount == 0 || frameCount == 2) |
{ |
// Set Front & Back
if(m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Gnomic) |
{ |
txt_W = 8192; |
txt_H = 889; |
x_FOV = 1.5f; |
y_FOV = 0.2f; |
y_Rotation = 5.13f; |
x_Rotation = 0.25f; |
m_HeightY = 0.6f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[1]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Cropped) |
{ |
txt_W = 6750; |
txt_H = 1080;; |
y_Rotation = 4.8f; |
x_Rotation = 1f; |
y_Divide = 5.8f; |
x_Divide = 4f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.CroppedFOV) |
{ |
txt_W = 8192; |
txt_H = 889; |
y_Rotation = 4.8f; |
x_Rotation = 0f; |
y_Divide = 5.8f; |
x_Divide = 2.666f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Squeezed) |
{ |
txt_W = 6750; |
txt_H = 1080; |
y_Rotation = 0.7f; |
x_Rotation = 1f; |
y_Divide = 3f; |
x_Divide = 4f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// Set Left & right
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Gnomic) |
{ |
txt_W = 3510; |
txt_H = 1080; |
x_FOV = 0.9f; |
y_FOV = 0.3f; |
y_Rotation = 5.23f; |
x_Rotation = 0.25f; |
m_HeightY = 0.6f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[1]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Cropped) |
{ |
txt_W = 6750; |
txt_H = 1080; |
y_Rotation = 4.8f; |
x_Rotation = 1f; |
y_Divide = 5.8f; |
x_Divide = 4f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.CroppedFOV) |
{ |
txt_W = 3510; |
txt_H = 1080; |
y_Rotation = 4.8f; |
x_Rotation = 0f; |
y_Divide = 5.8f; |
x_Divide = 8f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Squeezed) |
{ |
txt_W = 6750; |
txt_H = 1080; |
y_Rotation = 0.7f; |
x_Rotation = 1f; |
y_Divide = 3f; |
x_Divide = 4f; |
m_HeightY = 0.5f; |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
} |
} |
CycleThroughOrientations(frameCount, m_HeightY); |
} |
void CycleThroughOrientations(int frameCount, float m_HeightY) |
{ |
if(m_ProjectionType != ProjectionType.CroppedFOV) |
{ |
material.SetFloat("_EquiRotation", x_Rotation * frameCount); |
} else |
{ |
if(frameCount == 0 || frameCount == 2) |
{ |
material.SetFloat("_EquiRotation", x_Rotation + frameCount); |
} else |
{ |
material.SetFloat("_EquiRotation", frameCount + 0.5f); |
} |
} |
material.SetFloat("_EquiRotationY", y_Rotation); |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Gnomic) |
{ |
material.SetFloat("_FOVScale_X", x_FOV); |
material.SetFloat("_FOVScale_Y", y_FOV); |
} else |
{ |
material.SetFloat("_DivideY", y_Divide); |
material.SetFloat("_DivideX", x_Divide); |
} |
m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position = new Vector3(m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.x, m_HeightY, m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.z); |
ExportTexture(frameCount); |
} |
private void ExportTexture(int frameCount) |
{ |
RenderTexture buffer = new RenderTexture( |
txt_W, |
txt_H, |
0, // No depth/stencil buffer
RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, // Standard colour format
RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB // No sRGB conversions
); |
texture = new Texture2D(txt_W, txt_H); |
Graphics.Blit(null, buffer, material); |
||| = buffer; // If not using a scene camera
texture.ReadPixels( |
new Rect(0, 0, txt_W, txt_H), // Capture the whole texture
0, 0, // Write starting at the top-left texel
false); // No mipmaps
// Create a timestamped folder in the /SampleRecordings directory
var recordingsDir = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "..", "SampleRecordings", "Projection", m_Timestamp); |
// Create the direction-specific folder if it doesn't exist
var directionFolder = ""; |
switch (frameCount) |
{ |
case 0: |
directionFolder = "SideB"; |
break; |
case 1: |
directionFolder = "SideA"; |
break; |
case 2: |
directionFolder = "SideD"; |
break; |
case 3: |
directionFolder = "SideC"; |
break; |
} |
var fullDirectionPath = Path.Combine(recordingsDir, directionFolder); |
if (!Directory.Exists(fullDirectionPath)) |
{ |
Directory.CreateDirectory(fullDirectionPath); |
} |
// Save the PNG file with a frame-specific name
var filePath = Path.Combine(fullDirectionPath, $"{directionFolder}_{frame:D4}.png"); |
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, texture.EncodeToPNG()); |
||| = null; |
RenderTexture.Destroy(texture); |
buffer.Release(); |
} |
private void SetupMatShaders() |
{ |
///material = this.GetComponent<RawImage>().material;
m_ShaderList.Add(Shader.Find("Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularSqueeze")); |
m_ShaderList.Add(Shader.Find("Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularGnomic")); |
material.shader = m_ShaderList[1]; |
} |
private void SetupFrameRateConfiguration() |
{ |
frame = 0; |
m_CubeMapPrefab = GameObject.Find("CubemapCamera"); |
Application.targetFrameRate = m_CaptureFrameRate; |
QualitySettings.vSyncCount = 0; |
Time.captureDeltaTime = 1.0f / m_CaptureFrameRate; |
} |
private void ToggleRecording() |
{ |
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.R)) |
{ |
m_Record = true; |
//Update Timestamp
m_Timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); |
} |
if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S)) |
{ |
m_Record = false; |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Playables; |
public class RotationScript : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
private void FixedUpdate() |
{ |
this.transform.Rotate(0, Time.fixedDeltaTime * 50, 0); |
} |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ |
using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.IO; |
using System.Reflection; |
using Unity.VisualScripting; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEditor.Recorder; |
using UnityEditor.Recorder.Input; |
using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition; |
using UnityEngine.UI; |
using UnityEngine.Windows.WebCam; |
public class ShaderManiuplation : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public enum EquilateralDirection |
{ |
Forward, |
Left, |
Backwards, |
Right |
} |
public enum ProjectionType |
{ |
Squeeze, |
Gnomic |
} |
List<Shader> m_ShaderList = new List<Shader>(); |
Material mat; |
public EquilateralDirection m_Direction = EquilateralDirection.Backwards; |
public ProjectionType m_ProjectionType = ProjectionType.Gnomic; |
GameObject m_CubeMapPrefab = null; |
// Game View Parameters
Type gameView; |
PropertyInfo selectedSizeIndex; |
EditorWindow window; |
private void OnEnable() |
{ |
SetupEditorSettings(); |
SetupMatShaders(); |
} |
void UpdateProjectionType() |
{ |
if(m_ShaderList != null && m_ShaderList.Count > 0) |
{ |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Squeeze) |
{ |
SetShaderSqueezed(21, 0.7f, 2.5f, 3f, 4f, 0.5f); |
} |
else if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Gnomic) |
{ |
SetShaderGnomic(28, 1.5f, 0.2f, 5.13f, 0.125f, 0.6f); |
} |
} |
} |
private void SetShaderSqueezed(int resolutionPreset, float yRotation, float xRotation, float yDivide, float xDivide, float cameraHeight) |
{ |
mat.shader = m_ShaderList[0]; |
mat.SetFloat("_EquiRotation", xRotation + SetDirection()); |
mat.SetFloat("_EquiRotationY", yRotation); |
mat.SetFloat("_DivideY", yDivide); |
mat.SetFloat("_DivideX", xDivide); |
ChangeGameViewResolution(resolutionPreset); |
m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position = new Vector3(m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.x, cameraHeight, m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.z); |
} |
private void SetShaderGnomic(int resolutionPreset, float xFOV, float yFOV, float yRotation, float xRotation, float cameraHeight) |
{ |
mat.shader = m_ShaderList[1]; |
if (m_Direction == EquilateralDirection.Left || m_Direction == EquilateralDirection.Right) |
{ |
ChangeGameViewResolution(29); |
xFOV = 0.9f; |
yFOV = 0.3f; |
yRotation = 5.23f; |
} |
else |
{ |
ChangeGameViewResolution(resolutionPreset); |
} |
mat.SetFloat("_EquiRotation", xRotation + SetDirection()); |
mat.SetFloat("_EquiRotationY", yRotation); |
mat.SetFloat("_FOVScale_X", xFOV); |
mat.SetFloat("_FOVScale_Y", yFOV); |
m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position = new Vector3(m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.x, cameraHeight, m_CubeMapPrefab.transform.position.z); |
} |
private float SetDirection() |
{ |
float directionOffset = 0f; |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Gnomic) |
{ |
switch(m_Direction) |
{ |
case EquilateralDirection.Left: |
directionOffset = 0.25f; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Right: |
directionOffset = 0.75f; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Forward: |
directionOffset = 0; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Backwards: |
directionOffset = 0.5f; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (m_ProjectionType == ProjectionType.Squeeze) |
{ |
switch (m_Direction) |
{ |
case EquilateralDirection.Left: |
directionOffset = 1; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Right: |
directionOffset = 3; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Forward: |
directionOffset = 0; |
break; |
case EquilateralDirection.Backwards: |
directionOffset = 2; |
break; |
} |
} |
return directionOffset; |
} |
private void OnValidate() |
{ |
UpdateProjectionType(); |
} |
void ChangeGameViewResolution(int index) |
{ |
selectedSizeIndex.SetValue(window, index, null); |
} |
private void SetupEditorSettings() |
{ |
gameView = typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView"); |
selectedSizeIndex = gameView.GetProperty("selectedSizeIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic); |
window = EditorWindow.GetWindow(gameView); |
} |
private void SetupMatShaders() |
{ |
mat = this.GetComponent<RawImage>().material; |
m_ShaderList.Add(Shader.Find("Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularSqueeze")); |
m_ShaderList.Add(Shader.Find("Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularGnomic")); |
mat.shader = m_ShaderList[1]; |
m_CubeMapPrefab = GameObject.Find("CubemapCamera"); |
} |
} |
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reflectionProbeDecreaseResToFit: 1 |
skyReflectionSize: 1024 |
skyLightingOverrideLayerMask: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 0 |
supportFabricConvolution: 0 |
maxDirectionalLightsOnScreen: 16 |
maxPunctualLightsOnScreen: 512 |
maxAreaLightsOnScreen: 64 |
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maxPlanarReflectionOnScreen: 16 |
maxDecalsOnScreen: 512 |
maxLightsPerClusterCell: 16 |
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maxLocalVolumetricFogOnScreen: 64 |
hdShadowInitParams: |
maxShadowRequests: 128 |
directionalShadowsDepthBits: 16 |
punctualShadowFilteringQuality: 2 |
directionalShadowFilteringQuality: 2 |
areaShadowFilteringQuality: 0 |
punctualLightShadowAtlas: |
shadowAtlasResolution: 4096 |
shadowAtlasDepthBits: 16 |
useDynamicViewportRescale: 1 |
areaLightShadowAtlas: |
shadowAtlasResolution: 4096 |
shadowAtlasDepthBits: 16 |
useDynamicViewportRescale: 0 |
cachedPunctualLightShadowAtlas: 4096 |
cachedAreaLightShadowAtlas: 4096 |
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shadowResolutionDirectional: |
m_Values: 00020000000400000008000000100000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
shadowResolutionPunctual: |
m_Values: 00020000000400000008000000100000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
shadowResolutionArea: |
m_Values: 00020000000400000008000000100000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
maxDirectionalShadowMapResolution: 4096 |
maxPunctualShadowMapResolution: 4096 |
maxAreaShadowMapResolution: 4096 |
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maxScreenSpaceShadowSlots: 4 |
screenSpaceShadowBufferFormat: 48 |
decalSettings: |
drawDistance: 1000 |
atlasWidth: 2048 |
atlasHeight: 2048 |
transparentTextureResolution: |
m_Values: 000100000002000000040000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
perChannelMask: 1 |
postProcessSettings: |
m_LutSize: 32 |
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bufferFormat: 74 |
dynamicResolutionSettings: |
enabled: 0 |
useMipBias: 0 |
enableDLSS: 0 |
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fsrSharpness: 0.92 |
maxPercentage: 100 |
minPercentage: 100 |
dynResType: 1 |
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forcedPercentage: 100 |
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rayTracingHalfResThreshold: 50 |
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enabled: 1 |
checkerboardDepthBuffer: 1 |
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xrSettings: |
singlePass: 1 |
occlusionMesh: 1 |
cameraJitter: 0 |
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postProcessQualitySettings: |
NearBlurSampleCount: 030000000500000008000000 |
NearBlurMaxRadius: |
- 2 |
- 4 |
- 7 |
FarBlurSampleCount: 04000000070000000e000000 |
FarBlurMaxRadius: |
- 5 |
- 8 |
- 13 |
DoFResolution: 040000000200000001000000 |
DoFHighQualityFiltering: 000101 |
DoFPhysicallyBased: 000000 |
LimitManualRangeNearBlur: 000000 |
MotionBlurSampleCount: 04000000080000000c000000 |
BloomRes: 040000000200000002000000 |
BloomHighQualityFiltering: 000101 |
BloomHighQualityPrefiltering: 000001 |
ChromaticAberrationMaxSamples: 03000000060000000c000000 |
lightSettings: |
useContactShadow: |
m_Values: 000101 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: |
maximumLODLevel: |
m_Values: 000000000000000000000000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
lodBias: |
m_Values: |
- 1 |
- 1 |
- 1 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
lightingQualitySettings: |
AOStepCount: 040000000600000010000000 |
AOFullRes: 000001 |
AOMaximumRadiusPixels: 200000002800000050000000 |
AOBilateralUpsample: 000101 |
AODirectionCount: 010000000200000004000000 |
ContactShadowSampleCount: 060000000a00000010000000 |
SSRMaxRaySteps: 100000002000000040000000 |
SSGIRaySteps: 200000004000000080000000 |
SSGIDenoise: 010101 |
SSGIHalfResDenoise: 010000 |
SSGIDenoiserRadius: |
- 0.75 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
SSGISecondDenoise: 010101 |
RTAORayLength: |
- 0.5 |
- 3 |
- 20 |
RTAOSampleCount: 010000000200000008000000 |
RTAODenoise: 010101 |
RTAODenoiserRadius: |
- 0.25 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.65 |
RTGIRayLength: |
- 50 |
- 50 |
- 50 |
RTGIFullResolution: 000001 |
RTGIClampValue: |
- 0.5 |
- 0.8 |
- 1.5 |
RTGIRaySteps: 200000003000000040000000 |
RTGIDenoise: 010101 |
RTGIHalfResDenoise: 010000 |
RTGIDenoiserRadius: |
- 0.66 |
- 0.66 |
- 1 |
RTGISecondDenoise: 010101 |
RTRMinSmoothness: |
- 0.6 |
- 0.4 |
- 0 |
RTRSmoothnessFadeStart: |
- 0.7 |
- 0.5 |
- 0 |
RTRRayLength: |
- 50 |
- 50 |
- 50 |
RTRClampValue: |
- 0.8 |
- 1 |
- 1.2 |
RTRFullResolution: 000001 |
RTRRayMaxIterations: 200000003000000040000000 |
RTRDenoise: 010101 |
RTRDenoiserRadiusDimmer: |
- 0.75 |
- 0.75 |
- 1 |
RTRDenoiserAntiFlicker: |
- 1 |
- 1 |
- 1 |
Fog_ControlMode: 000000000000000000000000 |
Fog_Budget: |
- 0.25 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.75 |
Fog_DepthRatio: |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName0: Light LayerDefault |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName1: InteriorOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName2: ExteriorOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName3: LampsOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName4: Light Layer 4 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName5: Light Layer 5 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName6: Light Layer 6 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName7: Light Layer 7 |
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m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName1: Decal Layer 1 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName2: Decal Layer 2 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName3: Decal Layer 3 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName4: Decal Layer 4 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName5: Decal Layer 5 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName6: Decal Layer 6 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName7: Decal Layer 7 |
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overrides: 0 |
enableDeferredTileAndCluster: 0 |
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m_ObsoleteBakedOrCustomReflectionFrameSettingsMovedToDefaultSettings: |
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m_Values: 140000002800000050000000 |
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m_Id: With3Levels |
sssDownsampleSteps: |
m_Values: 000000000000000000000000 |
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m_Id: With3Levels |
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m_Values: 000100000002000000020000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
cubeReflectionResolution: |
m_Values: 000100000002000000040000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
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oldLightProbeSystem: 0 |
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skyLightingOverrideLayerMask: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_Bits: 0 |
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maxPunctualLightsOnScreen: 512 |
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maxPlanarReflectionOnScreen: 16 |
maxDecalsOnScreen: 512 |
maxLightsPerClusterCell: 16 |
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maxLocalVolumetricFogOnScreen: 64 |
hdShadowInitParams: |
maxShadowRequests: 128 |
directionalShadowsDepthBits: 16 |
punctualShadowFilteringQuality: 1 |
directionalShadowFilteringQuality: 1 |
areaShadowFilteringQuality: 0 |
punctualLightShadowAtlas: |
shadowAtlasResolution: 4096 |
shadowAtlasDepthBits: 16 |
useDynamicViewportRescale: 1 |
areaLightShadowAtlas: |
shadowAtlasResolution: 2048 |
shadowAtlasDepthBits: 16 |
useDynamicViewportRescale: 0 |
cachedPunctualLightShadowAtlas: 2048 |
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shadowResolutionDirectional: |
m_Values: 80000000000100000002000000040000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
shadowResolutionPunctual: |
m_Values: 00010000000200000004000000080000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
shadowResolutionArea: |
m_Values: 00010000000200000004000000080000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With4Levels |
maxDirectionalShadowMapResolution: 1024 |
maxPunctualShadowMapResolution: 2048 |
maxAreaShadowMapResolution: 2048 |
supportScreenSpaceShadows: 0 |
maxScreenSpaceShadowSlots: 4 |
screenSpaceShadowBufferFormat: 48 |
decalSettings: |
drawDistance: 1000 |
atlasWidth: 2048 |
atlasHeight: 2048 |
transparentTextureResolution: |
m_Values: 000100000002000000040000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
perChannelMask: 1 |
postProcessSettings: |
m_LutSize: 32 |
lutFormat: 48 |
bufferFormat: 74 |
dynamicResolutionSettings: |
enabled: 0 |
useMipBias: 0 |
enableDLSS: 0 |
DLSSPerfQualitySetting: 0 |
DLSSInjectionPoint: 0 |
DLSSUseOptimalSettings: 0 |
DLSSSharpness: 0 |
fsrOverrideSharpness: 0 |
fsrSharpness: 0.92 |
maxPercentage: 100 |
minPercentage: 100 |
dynResType: 1 |
upsampleFilter: 1 |
forceResolution: 0 |
forcedPercentage: 100 |
lowResTransparencyMinimumThreshold: 0 |
rayTracingHalfResThreshold: 50 |
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enabled: 1 |
checkerboardDepthBuffer: 1 |
upsampleType: 1 |
xrSettings: |
singlePass: 1 |
occlusionMesh: 1 |
cameraJitter: 0 |
allowMotionBlur: 0 |
postProcessQualitySettings: |
NearBlurSampleCount: 030000000400000004000000 |
NearBlurMaxRadius: |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 3 |
FarBlurSampleCount: 040000000500000005000000 |
FarBlurMaxRadius: |
- 5 |
- 6 |
- 6 |
DoFResolution: 040000000400000002000000 |
DoFHighQualityFiltering: 000100 |
DoFPhysicallyBased: 000000 |
LimitManualRangeNearBlur: 000000 |
MotionBlurSampleCount: 04000000080000000c000000 |
BloomRes: 040000000200000002000000 |
BloomHighQualityFiltering: 000101 |
BloomHighQualityPrefiltering: 000001 |
ChromaticAberrationMaxSamples: 03000000060000000c000000 |
lightSettings: |
useContactShadow: |
m_Values: 000101 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: |
maximumLODLevel: |
m_Values: 000000000000000000000000 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
lodBias: |
m_Values: |
- 1 |
- 1 |
- 1 |
m_SchemaId: |
m_Id: With3Levels |
lightingQualitySettings: |
AOStepCount: 030000000400000006000000 |
AOFullRes: 000000 |
AOMaximumRadiusPixels: 180000002000000020000000 |
AOBilateralUpsample: 000000 |
AODirectionCount: 010000000100000002000000 |
ContactShadowSampleCount: 04000000060000000a000000 |
SSRMaxRaySteps: 080000001000000020000000 |
SSGIRaySteps: 200000004000000080000000 |
SSGIDenoise: 010101 |
SSGIHalfResDenoise: 010000 |
SSGIDenoiserRadius: |
- 0.75 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
SSGISecondDenoise: 010101 |
RTAORayLength: |
- 0.5 |
- 3 |
- 20 |
RTAOSampleCount: 010000000200000008000000 |
RTAODenoise: 010101 |
RTAODenoiserRadius: |
- 0.25 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.65 |
RTGIRayLength: |
- 50 |
- 50 |
- 50 |
RTGIFullResolution: 000001 |
RTGIClampValue: |
- 0.5 |
- 0.8 |
- 1.5 |
RTGIRaySteps: 200000003000000040000000 |
RTGIDenoise: 010101 |
RTGIHalfResDenoise: 010000 |
RTGIDenoiserRadius: |
- 0.66 |
- 0.66 |
- 1 |
RTGISecondDenoise: 010101 |
RTRMinSmoothness: |
- 0.6 |
- 0.4 |
- 0 |
RTRSmoothnessFadeStart: |
- 0.7 |
- 0.5 |
- 0 |
RTRRayLength: |
- 50 |
- 50 |
- 50 |
RTRClampValue: |
- 0.8 |
- 1 |
- 1.2 |
RTRFullResolution: 000001 |
RTRRayMaxIterations: 200000003000000040000000 |
RTRDenoise: 010101 |
RTRDenoiserRadiusDimmer: |
- 0.75 |
- 0.75 |
- 1 |
RTRDenoiserAntiFlicker: |
- 1 |
- 1 |
- 1 |
Fog_ControlMode: 000000000000000000000000 |
Fog_Budget: |
- 0.125 |
- 0.25 |
- 0.5 |
Fog_DepthRatio: |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
- 0.5 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName0: Light LayerDefault |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName1: InteriorOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName2: ExteriorOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName3: LampsOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName4: ReflectionsOnly |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName5: Light Layer 5 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName6: Light Layer 6 |
m_ObsoleteLightLayerName7: Light Layer 7 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName0: Decal Layer default |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName1: Decal Layer 1 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName2: Decal Layer 2 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName3: Decal Layer 3 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName4: Decal Layer 4 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName5: Decal Layer 5 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName6: Decal Layer 6 |
m_ObsoleteDecalLayerName7: Decal Layer 7 |
m_ObsoleteSupportRuntimeDebugDisplay: 0 |
allowShaderVariantStripping: 1 |
enableSRPBatcher: 1 |
availableMaterialQualityLevels: -1 |
m_DefaultMaterialQualityLevel: 4 |
diffusionProfileSettings: {fileID: 0} |
m_VolumeProfile: {fileID: 0} |
virtualTexturingSettings: |
streamingCpuCacheSizeInMegaBytes: 256 |
streamingMipPreloadTexturesPerFrame: 0 |
streamingPreloadMipCount: 1 |
streamingGpuCacheSettings: |
- format: 0 |
sizeInMegaBytes: 128 |
m_UseRenderGraph: 1 |
m_Version: 24 |
m_ObsoleteFrameSettings: |
overrides: 0 |
enableShadow: 0 |
enableContactShadows: 0 |
enableShadowMask: 0 |
enableSSR: 0 |
enableSSAO: 0 |
enableSubsurfaceScattering: 0 |
enableTransmission: 0 |
enableAtmosphericScattering: 0 |
enableVolumetrics: 0 |
enableReprojectionForVolumetrics: 0 |
enableLightLayers: 0 |
enableExposureControl: 1 |
diffuseGlobalDimmer: 0 |
specularGlobalDimmer: 0 |
shaderLitMode: 0 |
enableDepthPrepassWithDeferredRendering: 0 |
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//Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' |
Shader "Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularGnomic" { |
Properties{ |
_MainTex("Cubemap (RGB)", CUBE) = "" {} |
_EquiRotation("Rotation X", Float) = 1.0 |
_EquiRotationY("Rotation Y", Float) = 1.0 |
_FOVScale_X("FOV X", Float) = 0.45 |
_FOVScale_Y("FOV Y", Float) = 0.1 |
} |
Subshader{ |
Pass { |
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off |
Fog { Mode off } |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#define PI 3.141592653589793 |
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179587 |
#define PI_2 1.570796326794897 |
struct v2f { |
float4 pos : POSITION; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
samplerCUBE _MainTex; |
float _EquiRotation; |
float _EquiRotationY; |
float _FOVScale_X; |
float _FOVScale_Y; |
v2f vert(appdata_img v) |
{ |
v2f o; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
o.uv = v.texcoord.xy; |
return o; |
} |
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR |
{ |
float2 q = i.uv; |
float2 cp = (float2(PI + _EquiRotation,PI_2) * 2.0 - 1.0) * float2(PI, PI_2); // [-PI, PI], [-PI_2, PI_2] |
// Convert screen coord in gnomonic mapping to spherical coord in [PI/2, PI] |
float2 convertedScreenCoord = (q.xy * 2.0 - 1.0) * float2(_FOVScale_X, _FOVScale_Y) * float2(PI, PI_2); |
float x = convertedScreenCoord.x; |
float y = convertedScreenCoord.y; |
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float c = atan(rou); |
float sin_c = sin( c ); |
float cos_c = cos( c ); |
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float lon = cp.x + atan2(x * sin_c, rou * cos(cp.y) * cos_c - y * sin(cp.y) * sin_c); |
lat = (lat / PI_2 + 1.0) * 1.0; |
lon = (lon / PI + 1.0) * 0.5; //[0, 1] |
float2 final = float2(lon, lat) * float2(TWOPI, PI); |
final.x = final.x; |
final.y = final.y + _EquiRotationY; |
float3 unit = float3(0,0,0); |
unit.x = sin(final.y) * sin(final.x) * -1; |
unit.y = cos(final.y * -1); |
unit.z = sin(final.y) * cos(final.x) * -1; |
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit); |
} |
} |
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Fallback Off |
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using System; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using Unity.VisualScripting; |
using UnityEngine; |
[ExecuteInEditMode] |
public class CubemapRender : MonoBehaviour |
{ |
public RenderTexture cubeMap4K; |
public RenderTexture cubeMap1K; |
public Material mat; |
[Header("4K Rendering")] |
public bool m_4k = false; |
int faceMask = 63; |
Camera cam; |
void Start() |
{ |
cam = GetComponent<Camera>(); |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
if (cubeMap1K != null && cubeMap4K != null) |
{ |
// Render the scene to the cubemap
if (m_4k) |
{ |
cam.RenderToCubemap(cubeMap4K, faceMask); |
mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", cubeMap4K); |
} |
else |
{ |
mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", cubeMap1K); |
cam.RenderToCubemap(cubeMap1K, faceMask); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
// Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' |
Shader "Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangular" { |
Properties{ |
_MainTex("Cubemap (RGB)", CUBE) = "" {} |
} |
Subshader{ |
Pass { |
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off |
Fog { Mode off } |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest |
//#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_nicest |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#define PI 3.141592653589793 |
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179587 |
struct v2f { |
float4 pos : POSITION; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
samplerCUBE _MainTex; |
v2f vert(appdata_img v) |
{ |
v2f o; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
o.uv = v.texcoord.xy * float2(TWOPI, PI); |
return o; |
} |
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR |
{ |
float3 unit = float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); |
float theta = i.uv.y; |
float phi = i.uv.x; |
unit.x = sin(phi) * sin(theta) * -1; |
unit.y = cos(theta) * -1; |
unit.z = cos(phi) * sin(theta) * -1; |
// Exclude the top and bottom regions based on UV coordinates |
if (i.uv.y > PI/3.5 && i.uv.y < PI - PI/3.5) |
{ |
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit); |
} |
else |
{ |
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit); |
//return fixed4(0, 0, 0, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Fallback Off |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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externalObjects: {} |
defaultTextures: [] |
nonModifiableTextures: [] |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ |
// //Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' |
Shader "Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularCropped" { |
Properties{ |
_MainTex("Cubemap (RGB)", CUBE) = "" {} |
_EquiRotation("Value", Float) = 1.0 |
_EquiRotationY("Value", Float) = 1.0 |
} |
Subshader{ |
Pass { |
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off |
Fog { Mode off } |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest |
//#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_nicest |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#define PI 3.141592653589793 |
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179587 |
struct v2f { |
float4 pos : POSITION; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
samplerCUBE _MainTex; |
float _EquiRotation; |
float _EquiRotationY; |
// Vertex shader |
v2f vert(appdata_img v) { |
v2f o; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
// Convert from 3D coordinates to spherical coordinates |
float theta = atan2(-v.vertex.x, v.vertex.z); |
float phi = acos(-v.vertex.y / length(v.vertex)); // Note the negative sign for Y |
// Spherical Rotation is between (-1, 1), so you can add +0.5 to the shader to rotate it! |
// Map spherical coordinates to UV coordinates for the positive X face |
o.uv = float2((theta / TWOPI) + _EquiRotation, (phi / (PI/3)) + _EquiRotationY); |
return o; |
} |
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR { |
float3 unit = float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); |
// Adjust UV for negative X face with equirectangular distortion |
float phi = i.uv.y * PI/2; |
float theta = (i.uv.x * PI); |
unit.x = sin(phi) * cos(theta); |
unit.y = -cos(phi); |
unit.z = sin(phi) * sin(theta); |
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit); |
} |
} |
} |
Fallback Off |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
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//Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' |
Shader "Conversion/CubemapToEquirectangularSqueeze" { |
Properties{ |
_MainTex("Cubemap (RGB)", CUBE) = "" {} |
_EquiRotation("Value", Float) = 1.0 |
_EquiRotationY("Value", Float) = 1.0 |
_DivideY("Divide Y", Float) = 2 |
_DivideX("Divide X", Float) = 4 |
} |
Subshader{ |
Pass { |
ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off |
Fog { Mode off } |
#pragma vertex vert |
#pragma fragment frag |
#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest |
//#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_nicest |
#include "UnityCG.cginc" |
#define PI 3.141592653589793 |
#define TWOPI 6.283185307179587 |
struct v2f { |
float4 pos : POSITION; |
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; |
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samplerCUBE _MainTex; |
float _EquiRotation; |
float _EquiRotationY; |
float _DivideY; |
float _DivideX; |
v2f vert(appdata_img v) |
{ |
v2f o; |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
o.uv = v.texcoord.xy * float2(TWOPI/_DivideX, PI/_DivideY); |
return o; |
} |
fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR |
{ |
float theta = i.uv.y + ((_EquiRotationY * PI/2)); |
float phi = i.uv.x + ((_EquiRotation * TWOPI/4)); |
float3 unit = float3(0,0,0); |
unit.x = sin(phi) * sin(theta) * -1; |
unit.y = cos(theta) * -1; |
unit.z = cos(phi) * sin(theta) * -1; |
return texCUBE(_MainTex, unit); |
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--- !u!30 &1 |
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--- !u!114 &1 |
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--- !u!13 &1 |
InputManager: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
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altPositiveButton: d |
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sensitivity: 3 |
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invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
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descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: down |
positiveButton: up |
altNegativeButton: s |
altPositiveButton: w |
gravity: 3 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 3 |
snap: 1 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire1 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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positiveButton: left ctrl |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: mouse 0 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire2 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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positiveButton: left alt |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: mouse 1 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire3 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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positiveButton: left shift |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: mouse 2 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Jump |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: space |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse X |
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descriptiveNegativeName: |
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positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse Y |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 1 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Mouse ScrollWheel |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0.1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 1 |
axis: 2 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Horizontal |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0.19 |
sensitivity: 1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 2 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Vertical |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0.19 |
sensitivity: 1 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 1 |
type: 2 |
axis: 1 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire1 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 0 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire2 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 1 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Fire3 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 2 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Jump |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: joystick button 3 |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Submit |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: return |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 0 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Submit |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: enter |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: space |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Cancel |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: escape |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Enable Debug Button 1 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: left ctrl |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 8 |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Enable Debug Button 2 |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: backspace |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 9 |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Reset |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: left alt |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 |
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dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Debug Next |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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altPositiveButton: joystick button 5 |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Debug Previous |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
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altPositiveButton: joystick button 4 |
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dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Validate |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: return |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 0 |
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dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
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m_Name: Debug Persistent |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: right shift |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 2 |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Multiplier |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: |
positiveButton: left shift |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: joystick button 3 |
gravity: 0 |
dead: 0 |
sensitivity: 0 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Horizontal |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: left |
positiveButton: right |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Vertical |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: down |
positiveButton: up |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 0 |
axis: 0 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Vertical |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: down |
positiveButton: up |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 2 |
axis: 6 |
joyNum: 0 |
- serializedVersion: 3 |
m_Name: Debug Horizontal |
descriptiveName: |
descriptiveNegativeName: |
negativeButton: left |
positiveButton: right |
altNegativeButton: |
altPositiveButton: |
gravity: 1000 |
dead: 0.001 |
sensitivity: 1000 |
snap: 0 |
invert: 0 |
type: 2 |
axis: 5 |
joyNum: 0 |
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- name: Not Walkable |
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- name: Jump |
cost: 2 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
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cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
- name: |
cost: 1 |
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Reference in new issue