Compare commits
20 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
0778d1134a | 5 months ago |
ac632ad4a4 | 5 months ago |
abbc55cded | 5 months ago |
67be65c338 | 5 months ago |
dc1a0048e3 | 5 months ago |
2fe1fc6a69 | 5 months ago |
9003780371 | 5 months ago |
3ce5ca0c14 | 5 months ago |
acf3174228 | 5 months ago |
1d53af5b0f | 5 months ago |
b78446bcf7 | 5 months ago |
99df9a29fb | 5 months ago |
d1c91b2ba8 | 5 months ago |
589734cce9 | 5 months ago |
5788a20a20 | 5 months ago |
ac3b55d497 | 5 months ago |
a84c188f0e | 5 months ago |
d859084ee3 | 5 months ago |
5104e7af27 | 5 months ago |
4eb21c1fa7 | 5 months ago |
21 changed files with 1204 additions and 123 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
{ |
"C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "enabled" |
} |
@ -1,2 +1,12 @@ |
ofxOpenCv |
ofxOpenCv |
ofxOsc |
ofxOsc |
ofxNetwork |
ofxNetwork |
ofxGui |
ofxGui |
ofxTSNE |
ofxTSNE |
ofxPiMapper |
ofxPiMapper |
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ |
#include "Map.h" |
#include "algorithm" |
Map::Map(){ |
} |
void Map::Setup(){ |
scale = 10000; |
isDebug = true; |
json_embeddings = ofLoadJson(jsonPath); |
if(!json_embeddings.is_array()){ |
ofLogError() << "JSON is not an array"; |
return; |
} else { |
std::cout << "JSON LOADED" << std::endl; |
SetupTSNE(); |
} |
mapFbo.allocate(ofGetWindowWidth() / 2, ofGetWindowHeight(), GL_RGB); |
fboImage.allocate(ofGetWindowWidth() / 2, ofGetWindowHeight(), OF_IMAGE_COLOR); |
Setup3D(); |
SetupNodes(); |
} |
void Map::Update(std::string& vp_img, bool& is_active){ |
time = ofGetElapsedTimef(); |
for(auto& n : nodes){ |
glm::vec2 offset = n.amplitude * sin(n.speed * time); |
n.offset = glm::vec3(offset.x, offset.y, 0); |
} |
std::cout << cam.getPosition() << std::endl; |
if(is_active){ |
has_reached = false; |
} |
if(!is_active) |
MoveCamera(vp_img); |
} |
void Map::Draw(){ |
mapFbo.begin(); |
cam.begin(); |
ofClear(0, 0, 0, 1); |
ofMatrix4x4 projectionMatrix = cam.getProjectionMatrix(); |
ofMatrix4x4 viewMatrix = cam.getModelViewMatrix(); |
ofMatrix4x4 mvpMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix; |
for (auto& n :sortedNodes){ |
glm::vec3 node_position = n->position + n->offset; |
if(isFrustum(node_position, 50)){ |
n->texture.getTexture().bind(); |
ofPushMatrix(); |
ofFill(); |
n->geom.setPosition(node_position); |
n->geom.draw(); |
ofPopMatrix(); |
n->texture.getTexture().unbind(); |
} |
} |
cam.end(); |
mapFbo.end(); |
mapFbo.readToPixels(fboPixels); |
fboImage.setFromPixels(fboPixels); |
} |
Setup texture for each node |
*/ |
void Map::SetupNodes(){ |
std::cout << "Setting up nodes.." << std::endl; |
for (auto& node : nodes){ |
ofImage img; |
ofPlanePrimitive plane; |
img.load("data/" + node.image_path); |
int imageW = img.getWidth() * 0.1; |
int imageH = img.getHeight() * 0.1; |
int maxWidth = 1; |
int maxHeight = 1; |
float aspectRatio = (float)imageW / (float)imageH; |
// Determine plane dimensions based on aspect ratio and constraints
float planeW, planeH; |
if (aspectRatio > (float)maxWidth / maxHeight) { |
// Image is wider relative to the max constraints
planeW = maxWidth; |
planeH = maxWidth / aspectRatio; |
} else { |
// Image is taller relative to the max constraints
planeH = maxHeight; |
planeW = maxHeight * aspectRatio; |
} |
// Ensure that dimensions do not exceed constraints
if (planeH > maxHeight) { |
planeH = maxHeight; |
planeW = maxHeight * aspectRatio; |
} |
if (planeW > maxWidth) { |
planeW = maxWidth; |
planeH = maxWidth / aspectRatio; |
} |
plane.set(imageW, imageH); |
plane.setPosition(node.position); |
plane.setResolution(10, 10); |
plane.mapTexCoordsFromTexture(img.getTexture()); |
img.getTexture().setTextureWrap(GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT); |
plane.setScale(1); |
node.geom = plane; |
node.texture = img; |
node.speed = glm::vec2(ofRandom(0.1, 0.5), ofRandom(0.1, 0.5)); |
node.amplitude = glm::vec2(ofRandom(1, 5), ofRandom(1, 5)); |
node.phase = glm::vec2(ofRandom(0, TWO_PI), ofRandom(0, TWO_PI)); |
} |
std::cout << "Finished setting up nodes!" << std::endl; |
} |
Setup TSNE - reads JSON, converts to points, creates nodes & hashmap |
*/ |
void Map::SetupTSNE(){ |
for (const auto& entry: json_embeddings) { |
if (entry.contains("vector") && entry["vector"].is_array()) { |
Node n; |
n.foldername = entry["folder"]; |
n.image_path = entry["image"]; |
n.isLost = entry["lost"].get<int>(); |
std::vector<float> emb; |
for (const auto& value: entry["vector"]){ |
if(value.is_number()){ |
emb.push_back(value.get<float>()); |
} else { |
ofLogError() << "Vector value is not a number"; |
} |
} |
n.emotion_vector = emb; |
nodes.push_back(n); |
embeddings.push_back(emb); |
} |
} |
std::cout << nodes.size() << std::endl; |
points =, dims, perplexity, theta, normalise, runManually); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); i++){ |
const auto& vec = points[i]; |
auto& n = nodes[i]; |
n.position = (glm::vec3(vec[0] * scale, vec[1] * scale, vec[2] * scale)); |
node_hash_map[n.image_path] = &n; |
} |
// Instead of sorting nodes, just create a sorted reference list
for (auto& node : nodes) { |
sortedNodes.push_back(&node); // Pointers to the original nodes
} |
SortNodes(); // Sort the references for rendering
} |
Setup 3D environment |
*/ |
void Map::Setup3D(){ |
cam.setFov(20); |
cam.removeAllInteractions(); |
} |
Query hashmap |
*/ |
bool Map::SearchMap(std::string& search_string){ |
std::string t = search_string; |
if(node_hash_map.find(t) != node_hash_map.end()){ |
Node* n = node_hash_map[t]; |
std::cout << n->foldername << std::endl; |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
/* search if image is in the hashmap -> if true, move to its position */ |
void Map::MoveCamera(std::string& vp_img){ |
if(SearchMap(vp_img)){ |
Node* n = node_hash_map[vp_img]; |
glm::vec3 cur_pos(cam.getPosition().x, cam.getPosition().y, cam.getPosition().z); |
glm::vec3 target_pos((n->position.x), (n->position.y), (n->position.z) + 100); |
glm::vec3 dir = target_pos - cur_pos; |
float dist = glm::length(dir); |
dir = glm::normalize(dir); |
accel = dir * 0.02f; |
vel += accel; |
// Define minimum and maximum velocities based on distance
const float minVelocity = 0.01f; // Minimum velocity when close to the target
const float maxVelocityDistance = 1000.0f; // Distance at which max velocity is applied
const float maxVelocity = 50.0f; // Maximum velocity
// Scale max velocity based on distance
float dynamicMaxVelocity = glm::clamp(dist / maxVelocityDistance * maxVelocity, minVelocity, maxVelocity); |
// Clamp the velocity to the range [-dynamicMaxVelocity, dynamicMaxVelocity]
float velocityLength = glm::length(vel); |
if (velocityLength > dynamicMaxVelocity) { |
vel = glm::normalize(vel) * dynamicMaxVelocity; |
} |
// Update position
glm::vec3 newPosition = cur_pos + vel; |
if(cam.getPosition() == target_pos){ |
has_reached = true; |
} |
if(!has_reached){ |
cam.setPosition(target_pos); |
} |
std::cout << "velocity " << vel << std::endl; |
std::cout << "target " << target_pos << std::endl; |
std::cout << "new position " << cam.getPosition() << std::endl; |
} |
} |
void Map::buttonPressed(int key){ |
if(key==OF_KEY_LEFT){ |
z_adj -= 1; |
} else { |
z_adj += 1; |
} |
} |
Sort nodes by z position, for draw calls (lowest -> highest) |
*/ |
void Map::SortNodes(){ |
std::sort(sortedNodes.begin(), sortedNodes.end(), [](const Node* a, const Node* b){ |
return a->position.z < b->position.z; // Sorting by z-position
}); |
} |
bool Map::isFrustum(const glm::vec3& position, float radius){ |
float box_w = 2000; |
float box_h = 2000; |
glm::vec3 cam_position = cam.getPosition(); |
float left = cam_position.x - box_w / 2.0f; |
float right = cam_position.x + box_w / 2.0f; |
float top = cam_position.y + box_h / 2.0f; |
float bottom = cam_position.y - box_h / 2.0f; |
// Check if the object (with radius) is within the bounding box
if (position.x + radius < left || position.x - radius > right) return false; |
if (position.y + radius < bottom || position.y - radius > top) return false; |
// Z-depth doesn't matter in this approach, so we're ignoring it
return true; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ |
#ifndef _MAP |
#define _MAP |
#include "ofMain.h" |
#include "ofxOsc.h" |
#include "ofxTSNE.h" |
struct Node { |
glm::vec2 speed; |
glm::vec2 amplitude; |
glm::vec2 phase; |
glm::vec3 offset; |
ofImage texture; |
ofPlanePrimitive geom; |
glm::vec3 position; |
std::string image_path; |
std::string foldername; |
std::vector<float> emotion_vector; |
int isLost; |
}; |
class Map { |
public: |
Methods |
*/ |
Map(); |
void Setup(); |
void Update(std::string& vp_img, bool& is_active); |
void Draw(); |
void SetupNodes(); |
void SetupTSNE(); |
void Setup3D(); |
bool SearchMap(std::string& search_string); |
void SortNodes(); |
void MoveCamera(std::string& vp_img); |
bool isFrustum(const glm::vec3& position, float radius); |
void buttonPressed(int key); |
Variables |
*/ |
bool isDebug; |
float time; |
ofFbo mapFbo; |
std::vector<Node> nodes; |
std::vector<Node*> sortedNodes; |
float scale; |
ofxTSNE tsne; |
vector<vector<double>> points; |
vector<vector<float>> embeddings; |
int dims = 3; |
float perplexity = 20; |
float theta = 0.2; |
bool normalise = true; |
bool runManually = false; |
ofJson json_embeddings; |
std::string jsonPath = "data/json/embeddings.json"; |
std::unordered_map<std::string, Node*> node_hash_map; |
3D Variables |
*/ |
ofLight light; |
ofEasyCam cam; |
float zoom; |
glm::vec3 accel; |
glm::vec3 vel; |
float z_adj = 0; |
bool has_reached = false; |
ofImage fboImage; |
ofPixels fboPixels; |
private: |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
#include "ofMain.h" |
#include "Onnx.h" |
#include "Yolo.h" |
class ModelThread : public ofThread |
{ |
public: |
ofImage* img; |
ofFbo* fbo; |
Onnx* model; |
Yolo* yolo; |
std::vector<types::BoxfWithLandmarks>* detected_faces; |
std::string model_type; |
// emotional recognition model
std::vector<ofImage>* croppedFaces; |
float* emotional_data; |
~ModelThread(){ |
stop(); |
waitForThread(false); |
} |
void setup(ofImage* _img, ofFbo* _fbo, Onnx* _model){ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); |
this->img = _img; |
this->fbo = _fbo; |
this->model = _model; |
this->model_type = "depth"; |
} |
void setupYolo(ofImage* _img, std::vector<types::BoxfWithLandmarks>* _detected_faces, Onnx* _model, Yolo* _yolo){ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); |
this->img = _img; |
this->detected_faces = _detected_faces; |
this->model_type = "yolo"; |
this->model = _model; |
this->yolo = _yolo; |
} |
void start(){ |
startThread(); |
} |
void stop(){ |
stopThread(); |
condition.notify_all(); |
} |
void threadedFunction(){ |
while(isThreadRunning()){ |
if(model_type == "depth"){ |
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); |
inferDepthImage(fbo, img, model); |
condition.wait(lock); |
} else if(model_type == "yolo") { |
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex); |
inferYolo(); |
condition.wait(lock); |
} |
} |
} |
void update(){ |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex); |
condition.notify_one(); |
} |
void inferYolo(){ |
auto output_tensors_face = model->Run(*img); |
auto output_faces = output_tensors_face.front().GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetShape(); |
unsigned int num_anchors = output_faces[1]; // Number of anchors
float* output_face_ptr = output_tensors_face.front().GetTensorMutableData<float>(); |
yolo->ParseOutput(output_face_ptr, *detected_faces, num_anchors); |
} |
void inferDepthImage(ofFbo* fbo, ofImage* img, Onnx* model){ |
auto output_tensors = model->Run(*img); |
float* output_ptr = output_tensors.front().GetTensorMutableData<float>(); |
size_t num_elements = output_tensors.front().GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetElementCount(); |
float min_value = model->ReduceMin(output_ptr, num_elements); |
float max_value = model->ReduceMax(output_ptr, num_elements); |
model->Normalize(output_ptr, num_elements, min_value, max_value); |
model->DataToFbo(output_ptr, 518, 518, *fbo); |
} |
protected: |
std::condition_variable condition; |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
#include "QuadSource.h" |
void QuadSource::setup(){ |
// name
name = "test"; |
// allocate size
allocate(1512, 1080); |
} |
void QuadSource::update(){ |
} |
void QuadSource::draw(){ |
// Fill FBO with our quads
ofClear(0); |
//ofBackground(255, 120, 10);
fbo_in->draw(0, 0); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
#ifndef _QUADSOURCE |
#define _QUADSOURCE |
#include "ofMain.h" |
#include "FboSource.h" |
class QuadSource : public ofx::piMapper::FboSource{ |
public: |
void setup(); |
void update(); |
void draw(); |
std::vector<ofRectangle> quads; |
std::vector<float> quad_speeds; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
#include "Request.h" |
/* setup http server */ |
void Request::setup(std::string ip, int port, std::string page){ |
std::cout << "Initialising HTTP Server" << std::endl; |
req.method = ofHttpRequest::POST; |
req.url = "http://" + ip + ":" + ofToString(port) + "/" + page; |
req.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; |
} |
/* send a request to vp_server & return frame/video/folder */ |
VPResp Request::query(Vector7D& in){ |
VPResp vp_resp; |
try { |
req.body = "{\"vector\": [" + |
ofToString(in.angry) + "," + |
ofToString(in.disgust) + "," + |
ofToString(in.fear) + "," + |
ofToString(in.happy) + "," + |
ofToString(in.sad) + "," + |
ofToString(in.surprise) + "," + |
ofToString(in.neutral) + "]}"; |
auto resp = http.handleRequest(req); |
json_resp = ofJson::parse(; |
vp_resp.folder = json_resp["folder"]; |
vp_resp.image = json_resp["image"]; |
||| = json_resp["video"]; |
vp_resp.frame = json_resp["frame"]; |
vp_resp.lost = json_resp["lost"]; |
past_vp_resp = vp_resp; |
return vp_resp; |
} catch (exception e) { |
// Some issue happening here when plugging in controllers, or when they initially connect
return past_vp_resp; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
#ifndef _REQUEST |
#define _REQUEST |
#include "ofMain.h" |
/* emotional embedding */ |
struct Vector7D { |
float angry; |
float disgust; |
float fear; |
float happy; |
float sad; |
float surprise; |
float neutral; |
bool operator!=(const Vector7D &other) const { |
return angry != other.angry || |
disgust != other.disgust || |
fear != other.fear || |
happy != other.happy || |
sad != other.sad || |
surprise != other.surprise || |
neutral != other.neutral; |
} |
}; |
/* Vantage point query structure */ |
struct VPResp{ |
std::string folder; |
std::string video; |
std::string image; |
std::string frame; |
int lost; |
}; |
class Request{ |
public: |
void setup(std::string ip, int port, std::string page); |
VPResp query(Vector7D& in); |
ofHttpRequest req; |
ofURLFileLoader http; |
ofJson json_resp; |
VPResp past_vp_resp; |
}; |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ |
#include "Server.h" |
void Server::start(){ |
std::cout << "Initialising TCP sever" << std::endl; |
server.setup(port); |
osc_sender.setup(OSC_HOST, OSC_PORT); |
http.setup(http_ip, http_port, http_page); |
is_active = true; |
previous_embedding = embedding; |
last_change_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
} |
void Server::update(){ |
for ( int i = 0; i < server.getLastID(); i++){ |
if (server.isClientConnected(i)) { |
const int buffer_size = 8; |
char buffer[buffer_size]; |
int bytes_recieved = server.receiveRawBytes(i, buffer, buffer_size); |
if (bytes_recieved == buffer_size){ |
float value; |
int id; |
memcpy(&value, buffer, sizeof(float)); |
memcpy(&id, buffer + sizeof(float), sizeof(int)); |
std::string ip_address = server.getClientIP(i); |
addOrUpdateClient(id, value, ip_address); |
} |
} |
} |
updateEmbedding(); |
checkActivity(); |
sendOSCMessage(); |
if(debug){ |
printClients(); |
} |
} |
void Server::addOrUpdateClient(int client_id, float value, const std::string& ip_address){ |
ClientInfo client; |
client.ip_address = ip_address; |
client.value = value; |
clients[client_id] = client; |
} |
void Server::updateEmbedding(){ |
for(const auto& c : clients){ |
const ClientInfo& info = c.second; |
float val = std::round(info.value * 100.0f) / 100.0f; |
switch(c.first){ |
case 0: |
embedding.angry = val; |
break; |
case 1: |
embedding.disgust = val; |
break; |
case 2: |
embedding.fear = val; |
break; |
case 3: |
embedding.happy = val; |
break; |
case 4: |
embedding.sad = val; |
break; |
case 5: |
embedding.surprise = val; |
break; |
case 6: |
embedding.neutral = val; |
embedding.fear = ofRandom(0.1, 0.6); |
embedding.angry = ofRandom(0.01, 0.99); |
embedding.happy = ofRandom(0.01, 0.99); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
void Server::printClients(){ |
for( const auto& c : clients){ |
int id = c.first; |
const ClientInfo& info = c.second; |
std::cout << "id: " << id |
<< ", value: " << info.value |
<< ", IP: " << info.ip_address << std::endl; |
} |
std::cout << is_active << std::endl; |
} |
/* check if the controllers are in use */ |
void Server::checkActivity(){ |
if (previous_embedding.neutral != embedding.neutral) { // Check if embedding has changed
last_change_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); // Reset the timer if there is a change
previous_embedding = embedding; // Update the previous embedding to the current one
is_active = true; |
sendHttpRequest(); |
} else { |
// Calculate the time since the last change
auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); |
auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(now - last_change_time).count(); |
if (duration >= 2) { |
is_active = false; |
} |
} |
} |
/* send osc msg, check if audio file exists and it is different to the past audiofile */ |
void Server::sendOSCMessage(){ |
std::vector<ofxOscMessage> messages; |
ofxOscMessage me_0; |
ofxOscMessage me_1; |
ofxOscMessage me_2; |
ofxOscMessage me_3; |
ofxOscMessage me_file; |
std::string audio_file = vp_resp.folder; |
// Check if file exists in a given dir
ofFile file("/home/cailean/Desktop/rave/all_wav_files/" + audio_file + ".wav"); |
if(!is_active && (audio_file != past_audio_file) && file.exists()){ |
me_file.setAddress("/emote/filename"); |
me_file.addStringArg(audio_file + ".wav"); |
messages.push_back(me_file); |
past_audio_file = audio_file; |
} |
me_0.setAddress("/emote/0"); |
me_0.addFloatArg(embedding.neutral); |
messages.push_back(me_0); |
me_1.setAddress("/emote/1"); |
me_1.addFloatArg(embedding.neutral); |
messages.push_back(me_1); |
me_2.setAddress("/emote/2"); |
me_2.addFloatArg(embedding.neutral); |
messages.push_back(me_2); |
me_3.setAddress("/emote/3"); |
me_3.addFloatArg(embedding.neutral); |
messages.push_back(me_3); |
for (auto& msg : messages){ |
osc_sender.sendMessage(msg, false); |
} |
} |
/* sends request to http server if is_active = true */ |
void Server::sendHttpRequest(){ |
vp_resp = http.query(embedding); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
#ifndef _SERVER |
#define _SERVER |
#include "ofMain.h" |
#include "ofxNetwork.h" |
#include "Request.h" |
#include <unordered_map> |
#include <chrono> |
#include "ofxOsc.h" |
#define OSC_HOST "" |
#define OSC_PORT 9002 |
struct ClientInfo { |
float value; |
std::string ip_address; |
}; |
class Server{ |
public: |
Server(int port, Vector7D& _embedding, bool debug, std::string _http_ip, int _http_port, std::string _http_page) |
: port(port), embedding(_embedding), debug(debug), http_ip(_http_ip), http_port(_http_port), http_page(_http_page) {} |
void start(); |
void update(); |
void addOrUpdateClient(int client_id, float value, const std::string& ip_address); |
void printClients(); |
void updateEmbedding(); |
void checkActivity(); |
void sendHttpRequest(); |
void sendOSCMessage(); |
int port; |
ofxTCPServer server; |
std::unordered_map<int, ClientInfo> clients; |
bool debug; |
bool is_active; |
Vector7D& embedding; |
Request http; |
std::string http_ip; |
int http_port; |
std::string http_page; |
VPResp vp_resp; |
private: |
Vector7D previous_embedding; |
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> last_change_time; |
ofxOscSender osc_sender; |
std::string past_audio_file; |
}; |
#endif |
Reference in new issue