@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ void Bullet::setup(vector<Node>& _nodes){ |
} |
} |
shader.load("shaders/vertex_snap"); |
shader.load("shaders/vertex_snap"); |
std::cout << workerThreads.size() << std::endl; |
} |
} |
void Bullet::update(bool& is_controller_active, Node& chosen_node) { |
void Bullet::update(bool& is_controller_active, Node& chosen_node) { |
@ -35,97 +33,57 @@ void Bullet::update(bool& is_controller_active, Node& chosen_node) { |
cameraBounds = getCameraBounds(camera); |
cameraBounds = getCameraBounds(camera); |
world.update(); |
world.update(); |
// static bool was_controller_active = false;
updateRepulsionNode(); |
// static float transition_timer = 0.0f;
cameraBounds = getCameraBounds(camera); |
// static glm::vec3 start_pos;
world.update(); |
float d_time = ofGetLastFrameTime(); |
// glm::vec3 current_pos = camera.getPosition();
glm::vec3 target_pos = chosen_node.collider->getPosition(); |
// float deltaTime = ofGetLastFrameTime();
glm::vec3 current_pos = camera.getPosition(); |
glm::vec3 dir = current_pos - target_pos; |
// // Detect transition from controller to inactive
float dist = glm::length(dir); |
// if (is_controller_active != was_controller_active) {
glm::vec3 norm_dir = glm::normalize(dir); |
// if (!is_controller_active) {
// // Starting transition to new node
if (is_controller_active) { |
// transition_timer = 0.0f;
if (glm::length(camera_velocity) > 0.0f) { |
// start_pos = current_pos;
glm::vec3 decel_dir = -glm::normalize(camera_velocity); |
// }
camera_velocity += decel_dir * DECELERATION * d_time; |
// }
if (glm::length(camera_velocity) < 0.01f) { |
camera_velocity = glm::vec3(0.0f); |
// if (!is_controller_active && &chosen_node != current_target_node) {
} |
// current_target_node = &chosen_node;
} |
// }
} else { |
float distance_factor = glm::min(dist / 50.0f, 1.0f); |
// // Update camera physics
float current_acceleration = ACCELERATION * distance_factor; |
// if (is_controller_active) {
// // Decelerate over 2 seconds
camera_velocity += -norm_dir * current_acceleration * d_time; |
// float deceleration_rate = 0.5f; // 1/2 = 2 seconds
// camera_velocity = camera_velocity * (1.0f - deceleration_rate * deltaTime);
if (dist < 5.0f) { |
float decel_factor = dist / 5.0f; |
// if (glm::length(camera_velocity) < 0.01f) {
camera_velocity *= (1.0f - (1.0f - decel_factor) * d_time * 10.0f); |
// camera_velocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);
} |
// }
float mag = glm::length(camera_velocity); |
// // Keep base zoom when controller is active
if (mag > MAX_VELOCITY) { |
// current_zoom = current_zoom + (0.03f - current_zoom) * deltaTime * 5.0f;
camera_velocity = glm::normalize(camera_velocity) * MAX_VELOCITY; |
// } else {
} |
// glm::vec3 target_position = current_target_node->collider->getPosition();
// Smoothed zoom based on velocity
// // Transition period (zooming out and in)
float vel_magnitude = glm::length(camera_velocity); |
// if (transition_timer < 10.0f) { // 2 second transition
static float current_zoom = 0.02f; // Store current zoom
// transition_timer += deltaTime;
float target_zoom = ofMap(vel_magnitude, 0, MAX_VELOCITY, 0.02, 0.3, true); |
// float progress = transition_timer / 2.0f;
// Smooth lerp to target zoom
// // Zoom curve (out and in)
current_zoom = current_zoom + (target_zoom - current_zoom) * 0.1f; |
// float zoomProgress;
camera.setScale(current_zoom); |
// if (progress < 0.5f) {
} |
// // Zoom out during first half
// zoomProgress = progress * 2.0f;
camera.setPosition(current_pos + camera_velocity * d_time); |
// float targetZoom = glm::mix(0.03f, 0.6f, zoomProgress);
// current_zoom = current_zoom + (targetZoom - current_zoom) * deltaTime * 5.0f;
if (glm::length(current_pos - target_pos) < 0.01f) { |
// } else {
camera.setPosition(target_pos); |
// // Zoom in during second half
camera_velocity = glm::vec3(0.0f); |
// zoomProgress = (1.0f - progress) * 2.0f;
} |
// float targetZoom = glm::mix(0.03f, 0.6f, zoomProgress);
// current_zoom = current_zoom + (targetZoom - current_zoom) * deltaTime * 5.0f;
// }
// // Move towards target during transition
// glm::vec3 ideal_pos = glm::mix(start_pos, target_position, progress);
// camera_velocity = (ideal_pos - current_pos) / deltaTime;
// } else {
// // After transition, follow node with spring physics
// float k = 2.0f;
// float damping = 3.0f;
// glm::vec3 displacement = target_position - current_pos;
// glm::vec3 spring_force = k * displacement;
// camera_velocity = camera_velocity + spring_force * deltaTime;
// camera_velocity = camera_velocity * (1.0f - damping * deltaTime);
// // Optional: Velocity-based zoom after transition
// float speed = glm::length(camera_velocity);
// float maxSpeed = 25.0f;
// float speedFactor = glm::min(speed / maxSpeed, 1.0f);
// float targetZoom = glm::mix(0.03f, 0.15f, speedFactor); // smaller zoom range for following
// current_zoom = current_zoom + (targetZoom - current_zoom) * deltaTime * 5.0f;
// }
// // Clamp velocity to maximum speed
// float maxSpeed = 25.0f;
// float currentSpeed = glm::length(camera_velocity);
// if (currentSpeed > maxSpeed) {
// camera_velocity = (camera_velocity / currentSpeed) * maxSpeed;
// }
// }
// camera.setScale(current_zoom);
// // Update position using velocity
// glm::vec3 new_position = current_pos + camera_velocity * deltaTime;
// camera.setPosition(new_position);
// was_controller_active = is_controller_active;
} |
} |
void Bullet::draw(){ |
void Bullet::draw(){ |
@ -194,7 +152,7 @@ void Bullet::draw(){ |
ss << "Camera Position: " << camera.getPosition() << std::endl; |
ss << "Camera Position: " << camera.getPosition() << std::endl; |
ss << "Camera Scale: " << camera.getScale() << std::endl; |
ss << "Camera Scale: " << camera.getScale() << std::endl; |
ss << "Camera Bounds: " << cameraBounds.z << std::endl; |
ss << "Camera Bounds: " << cameraBounds.z << std::endl; |
ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); |
ofSetColor(ofColor::blue); |
ofDrawBitmapString(ss.str().c_str(), 20, 20); |
ofDrawBitmapString(ss.str().c_str(), 20, 20); |
now = false; |
now = false; |
} |
} |
@ -242,36 +200,6 @@ void Bullet::workerThreadFunction(int threadId) { |
} |
} |
void Bullet::updateShapeBatch(size_t start, size_t end) { |
void Bullet::updateShapeBatch(size_t start, size_t end) { |
// for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shapeMutex);
// glm::vec3 pos = nodes[i].collider->getPosition();
// glm::vec3 direction = glm::vec3(0, 0, -5) - pos;
// float dist_sq = glm::length(direction);
// glm::vec3 norm_dir = glm::normalize(direction);
// nodes[i].collider->applyCentralForce(1.0 * norm_dir);
// if(now){
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shapeMutex);
// nodes[i].collider->applyCentralForce(glm::vec3(ofRandom(-1, 1), ofRandom(-1, 1), ofRandom(-1, 1)));
// }
// if (dist_sq > FORCE_RADIUS_SQ){
// glm::vec3 norm_dir = glm::normalize(direction);
// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shapeMutex);
// nodes[i].collider->applyCentralForce(0.001 * direction);
// }
// btVector3 vel = nodes[i].collider->getRigidBody()->getLinearVelocity();
// float vel_mag = vel.length();
// if (vel_mag > 1.0f) { // Cap at magnitude 1
// vel.normalize(); // Normalize the velocity
// vel *= 1.0f; // Scale to cap
// nodes[i].collider->getRigidBody()->setLinearVelocity(vel); // Set the capped velocity
// }
for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) { |
for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) { |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shapeMutex); |
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(shapeMutex); |