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initial commit

Cailean Finn 1 year ago
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      Assets/Act-4 Azure.unity
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      Assets/Act-4 Azure.unity.meta
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# 3D models
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# Audio
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# Video
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# Fonts
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*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
# Images
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# Collapse Unity-generated files on GitHub
*.asset linguist-generated
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*.prefab linguist-generated
*.unity linguist-generated
*.aar filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
# ONNX Models
*.onnx filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text


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# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory
# Get latest from
# MemoryCaptures can get excessive in size.
# They also could contain extremely sensitive data
# Recordings can get excessive in size
# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin
# /[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools*
# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin
# Visual Studio cache directory
# Gradle cache directory
# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files
# Unity3D generated meta files
# Unity3D generated file on crash reports
# Builds
# Crashlytics generated file
# Packed Addressables
# Temporary auto-generated Android Assets
# Dlls


@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"version": "1.0",
"components": [

Assets/Act-4 Azure.unity

File diff suppressed because it is too large

Assets/Act-4 Azure.unity.meta

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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 39a7265aa0add1a4996e7a5f6b29bdb3
externalObjects: {}

Assets/Act-4 Barracuda.unity

File diff suppressed because it is too large

Assets/Act-4 Barracuda.unity.meta

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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 5deb965500846b64ab123fdbbbc2de24
externalObjects: {}


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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externalObjects: {}


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fileFormatVersion: 2
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folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}


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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 06c52c07402f7274cab64e484b1bddc9
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
using UnityEngine;
//using Windows.Kinect;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Avatar controller is the component that transfers the captured user motion to a humanoid model (avatar). Avatar controller classic allows manual assignment of model's rigged bones to the tracked body joints.
/// </summary>
public class AvatarControllerClassic : AvatarController
// Public variables that will get matched to bones. If empty, the Kinect will simply not track it.
public Transform Pelvis;
public Transform SpineNaval;
public Transform SpineChest;
public Transform Neck;
//public Transform Head;
public Transform ClavicleLeft;
public Transform ShoulderLeft;
public Transform ElbowLeft;
public Transform WristLeft;
public Transform ClavicleRight;
public Transform ShoulderRight;
public Transform ElbowRight;
public Transform WristRight;
public Transform HipLeft;
public Transform KneeLeft;
public Transform AnkleLeft;
//private Transform FootLeft = null;
public Transform HipRight;
public Transform KneeRight;
public Transform AnkleRight;
//private Transform FootRight = null;
[Tooltip("The body root node (optional).")]
public Transform BodyRoot;
// map the bones to the model.
protected override void MapBones()
bones[0] = Pelvis;
bones[1] = SpineNaval;
bones[2] = SpineChest;
bones[3] = Neck;
//bones[4] = Head;
bones[5] = ClavicleLeft;
bones[6] = ShoulderLeft;
bones[7] = ElbowLeft;
bones[8] = WristLeft;
bones[9] = ClavicleRight;
bones[10] = ShoulderRight;
bones[11] = ElbowRight;
bones[12] = WristRight;
bones[13] = HipLeft;
bones[14] = KneeLeft;
bones[15] = AnkleLeft;
//bones[16] = FootLeft;
bones[17] = HipRight;
bones[18] = KneeRight;
bones[19] = AnkleRight;
//bones[20] = FootRight;
// body root
bodyRoot = BodyRoot;


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 7b38f8c0e60334143a1b54003b3a0ae5
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Avatar scaler is the component that scales avatar's body, according to the user's body and bone sizes.
/// </summary>
public class AvatarScaler : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Whether the avatar is facing the player or not.")]
public bool mirroredAvatar = false;
[Tooltip("Minimum distance to the user.")]
public float minUserDistance = 1.0f;
[Tooltip("Body scale factor (incl. arms and legs) that may be used for fine tuning of model-scale.")]
[Range(0.0f, 2.0f)]
public float bodyScaleFactor = 1f;
[Tooltip("Body width scale factor that may be used for fine tuning of model-width scale.")]
[Range(0.0f, 2.0f)]
public float bodyWidthFactor = 0f;
[Tooltip("Additional scale factor for arms that may be used for fine tuning of model arm-scale.")]
[Range(0.0f, 2.0f)]
public float armScaleFactor = 0f;
[Tooltip("Additional scale factor for legs that may be used for fine tuning of model leg-scale.")]
[Range(0.0f, 2.0f)]
public float legScaleFactor = 0f;
[Tooltip("Whether the scale is updated continuously or just after the calibration pose.")]
public bool continuousScaling = true;
[Tooltip("Scale smoothing factor used in case of continuous scaling.")]
public float smoothFactor = 5f;
[Tooltip("Camera used to overlay the model over the background.")]
public Camera foregroundCamera;
[Tooltip("Plane used to render the color camera background.")]
private Transform backgroundPlane = null;
[Tooltip("Index of the depth sensor that generates the color camera background. 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
private int sensorIndex = 0;
// [Tooltip("Whether to put the clothing model hip and shoulder joints where the user joints are.")]
// public bool fixModelHipsAndShoulders = false;
[Tooltip("UI-Text to display the avatar-scaler debug messages.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText;
// used by category selector
public ulong currentUserId = 0;
// used by category selector
public bool scalerInited = false;
// class references
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private AvatarController avtController = null;
// model transforms for scaling
private Transform bodyScaleTransform;
//private Transform bodyHipsTransform;
private Transform leftShoulderScaleTransform;
private Transform leftElbowScaleTransform;
private Transform rightShoulderScaleTransform;
private Transform rightElbowScaleTransform;
private Transform leftHipScaleTransform;
private Transform leftKneeScaleTransform;
private Transform rightHipScaleTransform;
private Transform rightKneeScaleTransform;
private Vector3 modelBodyScale =;
private Vector3 modelLeftShoulderScale =;
private Vector3 modelLeftElbowScale =;
private Vector3 modelRightShoulderScale =;
private Vector3 modelRightElbowScale =;
private Vector3 modelLeftHipScale =;
private Vector3 modelLeftKneeScale =;
private Vector3 modelRightHipScale =;
private Vector3 modelRightKneeScale =;
// model bone sizes and original scales
private float modelBodyHeight = 0f;
private float modelBodyWidth = 0f;
private float modelLeftUpperArmLength = 0f;
private float modelLeftLowerArmLength = 0f;
private float modelRightUpperArmLength = 0f;
private float modelRightLowerArmLength = 0f;
private float modelLeftUpperLegLength = 0f;
private float modelLeftLowerLegLength = 0f;
private float modelRightUpperLegLength = 0f;
private float modelRightLowerLegLength = 0f;
// user bone sizes
private float userBodyHeight = 0f;
private float userBodyWidth = 0f;
private float leftUpperArmLength = 0f;
private float leftLowerArmLength = 0f;
private float rightUpperArmLength = 0f;
private float rightLowerArmLength = 0f;
private float leftUpperLegLength = 0f;
private float leftLowerLegLength = 0f;
private float rightUpperLegLength = 0f;
private float rightLowerLegLength = 0f;
// user bone scale factors
private float fScaleBodyHeight = 0f;
private float fScaleBodyWidth = 0f;
private float fScaleLeftUpperArm = 0f;
private float fScaleLeftLowerArm = 0f;
private float fScaleRightUpperArm = 0f;
private float fScaleRightLowerArm = 0f;
private float fScaleLeftUpperLeg = 0f;
private float fScaleLeftLowerLeg = 0f;
private float fScaleRightUpperLeg = 0f;
private float fScaleRightLowerLeg = 0f;
// background plane rectangle
private Rect planeRect = new Rect();
private bool planeRectSet = false;
// user body lengths
private bool gotUserBodySize = false;
private bool gotUserArmsSize = false;
private bool gotUserLegsSize = false;
// mesh renderer
private SkinnedMeshRenderer meshRenderer = null;
public void Start()
// get references to other components
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
avtController = gameObject.GetComponent<AvatarController>();
// get model transforms
Animator animatorComponent = GetComponent<Animator>();
AvatarController avatarController = GetComponent<AvatarController>();
// get mesh renderer
meshRenderer = GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
// use the root transform for body scale
bodyScaleTransform = transform;
if (animatorComponent && animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips))
//bodyHipsTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform (HumanBodyBones.Hips);
leftShoulderScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm);
leftElbowScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm);
rightShoulderScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm);
rightElbowScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm);
leftHipScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg);
leftKneeScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerLeg);
rightHipScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg);
rightKneeScaleTransform = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightLowerLeg);
else if (avatarController)
//bodyHipsTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.SpineBase, false));
leftShoulderScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, false));
leftElbowScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, false));
rightShoulderScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, false));
rightElbowScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, false));
leftHipScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, false));
leftKneeScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, false));
rightHipScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, false));
rightKneeScaleTransform = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, false));
// needed transforms could not be found
// get model bone scales
modelBodyScale = bodyScaleTransform ? bodyScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelLeftShoulderScale = leftShoulderScaleTransform ? leftShoulderScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelLeftElbowScale = leftElbowScaleTransform ? leftElbowScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelRightShoulderScale = rightShoulderScaleTransform ? rightShoulderScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelRightElbowScale = rightElbowScaleTransform ? rightElbowScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelLeftHipScale = leftHipScaleTransform ? leftHipScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelLeftKneeScale = leftKneeScaleTransform ? leftKneeScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelRightHipScale = rightHipScaleTransform ? rightHipScaleTransform.localScale :;
modelRightKneeScale = rightKneeScaleTransform ? rightKneeScaleTransform.localScale :;
if (animatorComponent && animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips))
GetModelBodyHeight(animatorComponent, ref modelBodyHeight, ref modelBodyWidth);
//Debug.Log (string.Format("MW: {0:F3}, MH: {1:F3}", modelBodyWidth, modelBodyHeight));
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm, HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm, ref modelLeftUpperArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerArm, HumanBodyBones.LeftHand, ref modelLeftLowerArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm, HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm, ref modelRightUpperArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.RightLowerArm, HumanBodyBones.RightHand, ref modelRightLowerArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg, HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerLeg, ref modelLeftUpperLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.LeftLowerLeg, HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot, ref modelLeftLowerLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg, HumanBodyBones.RightLowerLeg, ref modelRightUpperLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones.RightLowerLeg, HumanBodyBones.RightFoot, ref modelRightLowerLegLength);
scalerInited = true;
else if (avatarController)
GetModelBodyHeight(avatarController, ref modelBodyHeight, ref modelBodyWidth);
//Debug.Log (string.Format("MW: {0:F3}, MH: {1:F3}", modelBodyWidth, modelBodyHeight));
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, ref modelLeftUpperArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, ref modelLeftLowerArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, ref modelRightUpperArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, ref modelRightLowerArmLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, ref modelLeftUpperLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, ref modelLeftLowerLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, ref modelRightUpperLegLength);
GetModelBoneLength(avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, ref modelRightLowerLegLength);
scalerInited = true;
// update the scale immediately
public void Update()
if (scalerInited && kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
// get the plane rectangle to be used for object overlay
if (backgroundPlane && !planeRectSet)
planeRectSet = true;
planeRect.width = 10f * Mathf.Abs(backgroundPlane.localScale.x);
planeRect.height = 10f * Mathf.Abs(backgroundPlane.localScale.z);
planeRect.x = backgroundPlane.position.x - planeRect.width / 2f;
planeRect.y = backgroundPlane.position.y - planeRect.height / 2f;
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
// check user distance and hand positions
if (userId != 0 && minUserDistance > 0f)
Vector3 userPos = kinectManager.GetUserPosition(userId);
//bool lHandTracked = kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft);
//Vector3 lHandPos = lHandTracked ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft) :;
//bool rHandTracked = kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight);
//Vector3 rHandPos = rHandTracked ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight) :;
if (userPos.z < minUserDistance) // ||
//!lHandTracked || (lHandPos.z - userPos.z) <= -0.3f ||
//!rHandTracked || (rHandPos.z - userPos.z) <= -0.3f)
// don't scale the model
userId = 0;
//Debug.Log ("Avatar scaling skipped.");
if (userId != currentUserId)
currentUserId = userId;
if (userId != 0)
GetUserBodySize(true, true, true);
if (gotUserBodySize)
// show the mesh
if (meshRenderer && !meshRenderer.gameObject.activeSelf)
// scale avatar initially
ScaleAvatar(0f, true);
// hide the mesh
if (meshRenderer && meshRenderer.gameObject.activeSelf)
// consider the user as not tracked
currentUserId = 0;
// user not tracked
gotUserBodySize = gotUserArmsSize = gotUserLegsSize = false;
if (currentUserId != 0 && continuousScaling)
// scale avatar continuously
GetUserBodySize(true, true, true);
ScaleAvatar(smoothFactor, false);
// gets the the actual sizes of the user bones
public void GetUserBodySize(bool bBody, bool bArms, bool bLegs)
//KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
if (kinectManager == null)
if (bBody)
gotUserBodySize = GetUserBodyHeight(kinectManager, bodyScaleFactor, bodyWidthFactor, ref userBodyHeight, ref userBodyWidth);
if (bArms)
bool gotLeftArmSize = GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, armScaleFactor, ref leftUpperArmLength);
gotLeftArmSize &= GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, armScaleFactor, ref leftLowerArmLength);
bool gotRightArmSize = GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, armScaleFactor, ref rightUpperArmLength);
gotRightArmSize &= GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, armScaleFactor, ref rightLowerArmLength);
gotUserArmsSize = gotLeftArmSize | gotRightArmSize;
EqualizeBoneLength(ref leftUpperArmLength, ref rightUpperArmLength);
EqualizeBoneLength(ref leftLowerArmLength, ref rightLowerArmLength);
if (bLegs)
bool gotLeftLegSize = GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, legScaleFactor, ref leftUpperLegLength);
gotLeftLegSize &= GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, legScaleFactor, ref leftLowerLegLength);
bool gotRightLegSize = GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, legScaleFactor, ref rightUpperLegLength);
gotRightLegSize &= GetUserBoneLength(kinectManager, KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, legScaleFactor, ref rightLowerLegLength);
gotUserLegsSize = gotLeftLegSize | gotRightLegSize;
EqualizeBoneLength(ref leftUpperLegLength, ref rightUpperLegLength);
EqualizeBoneLength(ref leftLowerLegLength, ref rightLowerLegLength);
// scales the avatar as needed
public void ScaleAvatar(float fSmooth, bool bInitialScale)
// scale body
if (bodyScaleFactor > 0f && gotUserBodySize)
SetupBodyScale(bodyScaleTransform, modelBodyScale, modelBodyHeight, modelBodyWidth, userBodyHeight, userBodyWidth,
fSmooth, ref fScaleBodyHeight, ref fScaleBodyWidth);
if (avtController)
// recalibrate avatar position due to transform scale change
avtController.offsetCalibrated = false;
// set AC smooth-factor to 0 to prevent flickering (r618-issue)
if (avtController.smoothFactor != 0f)
avtController.smoothFactor = 0f;
// scale arms
if (/**bInitialScale &&*/ armScaleFactor > 0f && gotUserArmsSize)
float fLeftUpperArmLength = !mirroredAvatar ? leftUpperArmLength : rightUpperArmLength;
SetupBoneScale(leftShoulderScaleTransform, modelLeftShoulderScale, modelLeftUpperArmLength,
fLeftUpperArmLength, fScaleBodyHeight, fSmooth, ref fScaleLeftUpperArm);
float fLeftLowerArmLength = !mirroredAvatar ? leftLowerArmLength : rightLowerArmLength;
SetupBoneScale(leftElbowScaleTransform, modelLeftElbowScale, modelLeftLowerArmLength,
fLeftLowerArmLength, fScaleLeftUpperArm, fSmooth, ref fScaleLeftLowerArm);
float fRightUpperArmLength = !mirroredAvatar ? rightUpperArmLength : leftUpperArmLength;
SetupBoneScale(rightShoulderScaleTransform, modelRightShoulderScale, modelRightUpperArmLength,
fRightUpperArmLength, fScaleBodyHeight, fSmooth, ref fScaleRightUpperArm);
float fRightLowerArmLength = !mirroredAvatar ? rightLowerArmLength : leftLowerArmLength;
SetupBoneScale(rightElbowScaleTransform, modelRightElbowScale, modelLeftLowerArmLength,
fRightLowerArmLength, fScaleRightUpperArm, fSmooth, ref fScaleRightLowerArm);
// scale legs
if (/**bInitialScale &&*/ legScaleFactor > 0 && gotUserLegsSize)
float fLeftUpperLegLength = !mirroredAvatar ? leftUpperLegLength : rightUpperLegLength;
SetupBoneScale(leftHipScaleTransform, modelLeftHipScale, modelLeftUpperLegLength,
fLeftUpperLegLength, fScaleBodyHeight, fSmooth, ref fScaleLeftUpperLeg);
float fLeftLowerLegLength = !mirroredAvatar ? leftLowerLegLength : rightLowerLegLength;
SetupBoneScale(leftKneeScaleTransform, modelLeftKneeScale, modelLeftLowerLegLength,
fLeftLowerLegLength, fScaleLeftUpperLeg, fSmooth, ref fScaleLeftLowerLeg);
float fRightUpperLegLength = !mirroredAvatar ? rightUpperLegLength : leftUpperLegLength;
SetupBoneScale(rightHipScaleTransform, modelRightHipScale, modelRightUpperLegLength,
fRightUpperLegLength, fScaleBodyHeight, fSmooth, ref fScaleRightUpperLeg);
float fRightLowerLegLength = !mirroredAvatar ? rightLowerLegLength : leftLowerLegLength;
SetupBoneScale(rightKneeScaleTransform, modelRightKneeScale, modelRightLowerLegLength,
fRightLowerLegLength, fScaleRightUpperLeg, fSmooth, ref fScaleRightLowerLeg);
if (debugText != null)
string sDebug = string.Format("BW: {0:F2}/{1:F3}, BH: {2:F2}/{3:F3}\nLUA: {4:F3}, LLA: {5:F3}; RUA: {6:F3}, RLA: {7:F3}\nLUL: {8:F3}, LLL: {9:F3}; RUL: {10:F3}, RLL: {11:F3}",
userBodyWidth, fScaleBodyWidth, userBodyHeight, fScaleBodyHeight,
fScaleLeftUpperArm, fScaleLeftLowerArm,
fScaleRightUpperArm, fScaleRightLowerArm,
fScaleLeftUpperLeg, fScaleLeftLowerLeg,
fScaleRightUpperLeg, fScaleRightLowerLeg);
debugText.text = sDebug;
private bool GetModelBodyHeight(Animator animatorComponent, ref float height, ref float width)
height = 0f;
if (animatorComponent)
//Transform hipCenter = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips);
Transform leftUpperArm = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm);
Transform rightUpperArm = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm);
Transform leftUpperLeg = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg);
Transform rightUpperLeg = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg);
if (leftUpperArm && rightUpperArm && leftUpperLeg && rightUpperLeg)
Vector3 posShoulderCenter = (leftUpperArm.position + rightUpperArm.position) / 2f;
Vector3 posHipCenter = (leftUpperLeg.position + rightUpperLeg.position) / 2f; // hipCenter.position
//height = (posShoulderCenter.y - posHipCenter.y);
height = (posShoulderCenter - posHipCenter).magnitude;
width = (rightUpperArm.position - leftUpperArm.position).magnitude;
return true;
return false;
private bool GetModelBodyHeight(AvatarController avatarController, ref float height, ref float width)
height = 0f;
if (avatarController)
Transform leftUpperArm = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, false));
Transform rightUpperArm = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, false));
Transform leftUpperLeg = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, false));
Transform rightUpperLeg = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, false));
if (leftUpperArm && rightUpperArm && leftUpperLeg && rightUpperLeg)
Vector3 posShoulderCenter = (leftUpperArm.position + rightUpperArm.position) / 2f;
Vector3 posHipCenter = (leftUpperLeg.position + rightUpperLeg.position) / 2f; // hipCenter.position
//height = (posShoulderCenter.y - posHipCenter.y);
height = (posShoulderCenter - posHipCenter).magnitude;
width = (rightUpperArm.position - leftUpperArm.position).magnitude;
return true;
return false;
private bool GetModelBoneLength(Animator animatorComponent, HumanBodyBones baseJoint, HumanBodyBones endJoint, ref float length)
length = 0f;
if (animatorComponent)
Transform joint1 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(baseJoint);
Transform joint2 = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(endJoint);
if (joint1 && joint2)
length = (joint2.position - joint1.position).magnitude;
return true;
return false;
private bool GetModelBoneLength(AvatarController avatarController, KinectInterop.JointType baseJoint, KinectInterop.JointType endJoint, ref float length)
length = 0f;
if (avatarController)
Transform joint1 = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(baseJoint, false));
Transform joint2 = avatarController.GetBoneTransform(avatarController.GetBoneIndexByJoint(endJoint, false));
if (joint1 && joint2)
length = (joint2.position - joint1.position).magnitude;
return true;
return false;
private bool GetUserBodyHeight(KinectManager manager, float scaleFactor, float widthFactor, ref float height, ref float width)
height = 0f;
width = 0f;
Vector3 posHipLeft = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft);
Vector3 posHipRight = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight);
Vector3 posShoulderLeft = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft);
Vector3 posShoulderRight = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight);
if (posHipLeft != && posHipRight != &&
posShoulderLeft != && posShoulderRight !=
Vector3 posHipCenter = (posHipLeft + posHipRight) / 2f;
Vector3 posShoulderCenter = (posShoulderLeft + posShoulderRight) / 2f;
//height = (posShoulderCenter.y - posHipCenter.y) * scaleFactor;
height = (posShoulderCenter - posHipCenter).magnitude * scaleFactor;
width = (posShoulderRight - posShoulderLeft).magnitude * widthFactor;
return true;
return false;
private bool GetUserBoneLength(KinectManager manager, KinectInterop.JointType baseJoint, KinectInterop.JointType endJoint, float scaleFactor, ref float length)
length = 0f;
Vector3 vPos1 = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)baseJoint);
Vector3 vPos2 = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)endJoint);
if (vPos1 != && vPos2 !=
length = (vPos2 - vPos1).magnitude * scaleFactor;
return true;
return false;
private void EqualizeBoneLength(ref float boneLen1, ref float boneLen2)
if (boneLen1 < boneLen2)
boneLen1 = boneLen2;
boneLen2 = boneLen1;
private bool SetupBodyScale(Transform scaleTrans, Vector3 modelBodyScale, float modelHeight, float modelWidth, float userHeight, float userWidth,
float fSmooth, ref float heightScale, ref float widthScale)
if (modelHeight > 0f && userHeight > 0f)
heightScale = userHeight / modelHeight;
if (modelWidth > 0f && userWidth > 0f)
widthScale = userWidth / modelWidth;
widthScale = heightScale;
if (scaleTrans && heightScale > 0f && widthScale > 0f)
float depthScale = heightScale; // (heightScale + widthScale) / 2f;
Vector3 newLocalScale = new Vector3(modelBodyScale.x * widthScale, modelBodyScale.y * heightScale, modelBodyScale.z * depthScale);
if (fSmooth != 0f)
scaleTrans.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(scaleTrans.localScale, newLocalScale, fSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
scaleTrans.localScale = newLocalScale;
return true;
return false;
private bool SetupBoneScale(Transform scaleTrans, Vector3 modelBoneScale, float modelBoneLen, float userBoneLen, float parentScale, float fSmooth, ref float boneScale)
if (modelBoneLen > 0f && userBoneLen > 0f)
boneScale = userBoneLen / modelBoneLen;
float localScale = boneScale;
if (boneScale > 0f && parentScale > 0f)
localScale = boneScale / parentScale;
if (scaleTrans && localScale > 0f)
if (fSmooth != 0f)
scaleTrans.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(scaleTrans.localScale, modelBoneScale * localScale, fSmooth * Time.deltaTime);
scaleTrans.localScale = modelBoneScale * localScale;
return true;
return false;
public bool FixJointsBeforeScale()
Animator animatorComponent = GetComponent<Animator>();
KinectManager manager = KinectManager.Instance;
if (animatorComponent && modelBodyHeight > 0f && userBodyHeight > 0f)
Transform hipCenter = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips);
if ((hipCenter.localScale - > 0.01f)
return false;
Transform leftUpperLeg = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperLeg);
Transform rightUpperLeg = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperLeg);
Transform leftUpperArm = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm);
Transform rightUpperArm = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightUpperArm);
if (leftUpperArm && rightUpperArm && leftUpperLeg && rightUpperLeg)
Vector3 posHipCenter = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis);
Vector3 posHipLeft = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft);
Vector3 posHipRight = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight);
Vector3 posShoulderLeft = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft);
Vector3 posShoulderRight = GetJointPosition(manager, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight);
if (posHipCenter != && posHipLeft != && posHipRight != &&
posShoulderLeft != && posShoulderRight !=
SetupUnscaledJoint(hipCenter, leftUpperLeg, posHipCenter, (!mirroredAvatar ? posHipLeft : posHipRight), modelBodyHeight, userBodyHeight);
SetupUnscaledJoint(hipCenter, rightUpperLeg, posHipCenter, (!mirroredAvatar ? posHipRight : posHipLeft), modelBodyHeight, userBodyHeight);
SetupUnscaledJoint(hipCenter, leftUpperArm, posHipCenter, (!mirroredAvatar ? posShoulderLeft : posShoulderRight), modelBodyHeight, userBodyHeight);
SetupUnscaledJoint(hipCenter, rightUpperArm, posHipCenter, (!mirroredAvatar ? posShoulderRight : posShoulderLeft), modelBodyHeight, userBodyHeight);
// recalculate model joints
return true;
return false;
// gets the joint position in space
private Vector3 GetJointPosition(KinectManager manager, int joint)
Vector3 vPosJoint =;
if (manager.IsJointTracked(currentUserId, joint))
if (backgroundPlane && planeRectSet)
// get the plane overlay position
vPosJoint = manager.GetJointPosColorOverlay(currentUserId, joint, sensorIndex, planeRect);
vPosJoint.z = backgroundPlane.position.z;
else if (foregroundCamera)
// get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
Rect backgroundRect = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;
if (portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();
// get the color overlay position
vPosJoint = manager.GetJointPosColorOverlay(currentUserId, joint, sensorIndex, foregroundCamera, backgroundRect);
// else
if (vPosJoint ==
vPosJoint = manager.GetJointPosition(currentUserId, joint);
return vPosJoint;
// sets the joint position before scaling
private bool SetupUnscaledJoint(Transform hipCenter, Transform joint, Vector3 posHipCenter, Vector3 posJoint, float modelBoneLen, float userBoneLen)
float boneScale = 0f;
if (modelBoneLen > 0f && userBoneLen > 0f)
boneScale = userBoneLen / modelBoneLen;
//boneScale = 1f;
if (boneScale > 0f)
Vector3 posDiff = (posJoint - posHipCenter) / boneScale;
if (foregroundCamera == null && backgroundPlane == null)
posDiff.z = 0f; // ignore difference in z (non-overlay mode)
Vector3 posJointNew = hipCenter.position + posDiff;
joint.position = posJointNew;
return true;
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: de8f786bc13e05e4ebcbf32c68cf3515
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using System;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundColorCamDepthImage is component that displays the color camera aligned depth image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundColorCamDepthImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// reference to the kinectManager
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
// color-camera aligned frames
private ulong lastColorCamDepthFrameTime = 0;
// color-camera aligned texture and buffers
private RenderTexture depthImageTexture = null;
private Material depthImageMaterial = null;
private ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer depthHistBuffer = null;
// depth image hist data
protected int[] depthHistBufferData = null;
protected int[] equalHistBufferData = null;
protected int depthHistTotalPoints = 0;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if(sensorData != null)
// enable color camera aligned depth frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, true);
// create the output texture and needed buffers
depthImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(depthImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
depthImageMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Kinect/DepthHistImageShader"));
//int depthBufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight >> 1;
//depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
depthHistBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthHistBuffer, DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1, sizeof(int));
depthHistBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
equalHistBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
void OnDestroy()
if (depthImageTexture)
depthImageTexture = null;
if (depthImageBuffer != null)
depthImageBuffer = null;
if (depthHistBuffer != null)
depthHistBuffer = null;
if (sensorData != null)
// disable color camera aligned depth frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, false);
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
// check for new color camera aligned frames
if (backgroundImage && depthImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != depthImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != depthImageTexture.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
// enable color camera aligned depth frames
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // sensor data may be re-created after sensor-int restart
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, true);
// set background texture
backgroundImage.texture = depthImageTexture;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int colorImageWidth = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int colorImageHeight = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
// disable color camera aligned depth frames
if(sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, false);
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);
// checks for new color-camera aligned frames, and composes an updated body-index texture, if needed
private void UpdateTextureWithNewFrame()
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null || sensorData.colorCamDepthImage == null)
// get the updated depth frame
if (lastColorCamDepthFrameTime != sensorData.lastColorCamDepthFrameTime)
lastColorCamDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorCamDepthFrameTime;
if (depthImageTexture.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || depthImageTexture.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
depthImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(depthImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
Array.Clear(depthHistBufferData, 0, depthHistBufferData.Length);
Array.Clear(equalHistBufferData, 0, equalHistBufferData.Length);
depthHistTotalPoints = 0;
// get configured min & max distances
float minDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).minDepthDistance;
float maxDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).maxDepthDistance;
int depthMinDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int depthMaxDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
int frameLen = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < frameLen; i++)
int depth = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage[i];
int limDepth = (depth <= DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM) ? depth : 0;
if (limDepth > 0)
equalHistBufferData[0] = depthHistBufferData[0];
for (int i = 1; i < depthHistBufferData.Length; i++)
equalHistBufferData[i] = equalHistBufferData[i - 1] + depthHistBufferData[i];
// make depth 0 equal to the max-depth
equalHistBufferData[0] = equalHistBufferData[equalHistBufferData.Length - 1];
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage.Length >> 1;
if(depthImageBuffer == null || depthImageBuffer.count != depthBufferLength)
depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthImageBuffer, sensorData.colorCamDepthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (depthHistBuffer != null)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthHistBuffer, equalHistBufferData, equalHistBufferData.Length, sizeof(int));
depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.colorImageWidth);
depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.colorImageHeight);
depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", depthMinDistance);
depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", depthMaxDistance);
depthImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", depthImageBuffer);
depthImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_HistMap", depthHistBuffer);
depthImageMaterial.SetInt("_TotalPoints", depthHistTotalPoints);
Graphics.Blit(null, depthImageTexture, depthImageMaterial);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: bcdfb9864840151469f8a2a0ba31d093
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using System;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundColorCamInfraredImage is component that displays the color camera aligned infrared image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundColorCamInfraredImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// reference to the kinectManager
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
// color-camera aligned frames
private ulong lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime = 0;
// color-camera aligned texture and buffers
private RenderTexture infraredImageTexture = null;
private Material infraredImageMaterial = null;
private ComputeBuffer infraredImageBuffer = null;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if(sensorData != null)
// enable color camera aligned infrared frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, true, false);
// create the output texture and needed buffers
infraredImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(infraredImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
infraredImageMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Kinect/InfraredImageShader"));
//int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight >> 1;
//infraredImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(infraredImageBuffer, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
void OnDestroy()
if (infraredImageTexture)
infraredImageTexture = null;
if (infraredImageBuffer != null)
infraredImageBuffer = null;
if (sensorData != null)
// disable color camera aligned infrared frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, false, false);
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
// check for new color camera aligned frames
if (backgroundImage && infraredImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != infraredImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != infraredImageTexture.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
// enable color camera aligned infrared frames
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // sensor data may be re-created after sensor-int restart
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, true, false);
backgroundImage.texture = infraredImageTexture;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int colorImageWidth = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int colorImageHeight = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
// disable color camera aligned infrared frames
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(sensorData, false, false);
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);
// checks for new color-camera aligned frames, and composes an updated body-index texture, if needed
private void UpdateTextureWithNewFrame()
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null || sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage == null)
// get the updated infrared
if (lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime != sensorData.lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime)
lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorCamInfraredFrameTime;
if (infraredImageTexture.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || infraredImageTexture.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
infraredImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(infraredImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
int infraredBufferLength = sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage.Length >> 1;
if (infraredImageBuffer == null || infraredImageBuffer.count != infraredBufferLength)
infraredImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(infraredImageBuffer, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(infraredImageBuffer, sensorData.colorCamInfraredImage, infraredBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
float minInfraredValue = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).GetMinInfraredValue();
float maxInfraredValue = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).GetMaxInfraredValue();
infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.colorImageWidth);
infraredImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.colorImageHeight);
infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MinValue", minInfraredValue);
infraredImageMaterial.SetFloat("_MaxValue", maxInfraredValue);
infraredImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_InfraredMap", infraredImageBuffer);
Graphics.Blit(null, infraredImageTexture, infraredImageMaterial);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: db2e5a5269099984a990878f9ccceb23
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using System;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundColorCamUserImage is component that displays the color camera aligned user-body image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundColorCamUserImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. -1 means all players, 0 - the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = -1;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// reference to the kinectManager
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
// color-camera aligned frames
private ulong lastColorCamDepthFrameTime = 0;
private ulong lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime = 0;
// color-camera aligned texture and buffers
private RenderTexture bodyImageTexture = null;
private Material bodyImageMaterial = null;
private ComputeBuffer bodyIndexBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer bodyHistBuffer = null;
// body image hist data
protected int[] depthBodyBufferData = null;
protected int[] equalBodyBufferData = null;
protected int bodyHistTotalPoints = 0;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if(sensorData != null)
// enable color camera aligned depth & body-index frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, true);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, true);
// create the user texture and needed buffers
//bodyImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(bodyImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
bodyImageMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Kinect/UserHistImageShader"));
bodyHistBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(bodyHistBuffer, DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1, sizeof(int));
depthBodyBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
equalBodyBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
void OnDestroy()
if (bodyImageTexture)
bodyImageTexture = null;
if (bodyIndexBuffer != null)
bodyIndexBuffer = null;
if (depthImageBuffer != null)
depthImageBuffer = null;
if (bodyHistBuffer != null)
bodyHistBuffer = null;
if (sensorData != null)
// disable color camera aligned depth & body-index frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, false);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, false);
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
// check for new color camera aligned frames
if (backgroundImage && bodyImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != bodyImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != bodyImageTexture.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
// enable color camera aligned depth & body-index frames
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // sensor data may be re-created after sensor-int restart
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, true);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, true);
backgroundImage.texture = bodyImageTexture;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int colorImageWidth = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int colorImageHeight = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
if (sensorData != null)
// disable color camera aligned depth & body-index frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(sensorData, false);
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(sensorData, false);
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);
// checks for new color-camera aligned frames, and composes an updated body-index texture, if needed
private void UpdateTextureWithNewFrame()
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null || sensorData.colorCamBodyIndexImage == null || sensorData.colorCamDepthImage == null)
if (sensorData.colorImageWidth == 0 || sensorData.colorImageHeight == 0 || sensorData.lastColorCamDepthFrameTime == 0 || sensorData.lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime == 0)
// get body index frame
if (lastColorCamDepthFrameTime != sensorData.lastColorCamDepthFrameTime || lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime != sensorData.lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime)
lastColorCamDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorCamDepthFrameTime;
lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime = sensorData.lastColorCamBodyIndexFrameTime;
if(bodyImageTexture == null || bodyImageTexture.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || bodyImageTexture.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
bodyImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(bodyImageTexture, sensorData.colorImageWidth, sensorData.colorImageHeight);
Array.Clear(depthBodyBufferData, 0, depthBodyBufferData.Length);
Array.Clear(equalBodyBufferData, 0, equalBodyBufferData.Length);
bodyHistTotalPoints = 0;
// get configured min & max distances
float minDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).minDepthDistance;
float maxDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).maxDepthDistance;
int depthMinDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int depthMaxDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
int frameLen = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < frameLen; i++)
int depth = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage[i];
int limDepth = (depth >= depthMinDistance && depth <= depthMaxDistance) ? depth : 0;
if (/**rawBodyIndexImage[i] != 255 &&*/ limDepth > 0)
if (bodyHistTotalPoints > 0)
equalBodyBufferData[0] = depthBodyBufferData[0];
for (int i = 1; i < depthBodyBufferData.Length; i++)
equalBodyBufferData[i] = equalBodyBufferData[i - 1] + depthBodyBufferData[i];
int bodyIndexBufferLength = sensorData.colorCamBodyIndexImage.Length >> 2;
if (bodyIndexBuffer == null || bodyIndexBuffer.count != bodyIndexBufferLength)
bodyIndexBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(bodyIndexBuffer, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(bodyIndexBuffer, sensorData.colorCamBodyIndexImage, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.colorCamDepthImage.Length >> 1;
if(depthImageBuffer == null || depthImageBuffer.count != depthBufferLength)
depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthImageBuffer, sensorData.colorCamDepthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (bodyHistBuffer != null)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(bodyHistBuffer, equalBodyBufferData, equalBodyBufferData.Length, sizeof(int));
float minDist = minDistance; // kinectManager.minUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.minUserDistance : minDistance;
float maxDist = maxDistance; // kinectManager.maxUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.maxUserDistance : maxDistance;
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.colorImageWidth);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.colorImageHeight);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDist * 1000f));
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDist * 1000f));
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_BodyIndexMap", bodyIndexBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", depthImageBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_HistMap", bodyHistBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TotalPoints", bodyHistTotalPoints);
Color[] bodyIndexColors = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexColors();
if(playerIndex >= 0)
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
int bodyIndex = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId);
int numBodyIndices = bodyIndexColors.Length;
Color clrNone = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
for (int i = 0; i < numBodyIndices; i++)
if (i != bodyIndex)
bodyIndexColors[i] = clrNone;
bodyImageMaterial.SetColorArray("_BodyIndexColors", bodyIndexColors);
Graphics.Blit(null, bodyImageTexture, bodyImageMaterial);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 5460d666a1cb85f418682ed53b4b3d26
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Background color image is component that displays the color camera feed on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundColorImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// references
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
Texture imageTex = kinectManager.GetColorImageTex(sensorIndex);
if (backgroundImage && imageTex != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != imageTex.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != imageTex.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.texture = imageTex;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
//Debug.Log("aPos: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", aMin: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMin +
// ", aMax:" + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMax + ", pivot: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.pivot +
// ", size: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta);
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int colorImageWidth = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int colorImageHeight = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.colorImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if(sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if(backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 4c68913127bedcd4bbd001b610521305
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using System;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundDepthCamColorImage is component that displays the depth camera aligned color image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundDepthCamColorImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// reference to the kinectManager
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
//// depth-camera aligned frames
//private ulong lastDepthCamColorFrameTime = 0;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if(sensorData != null)
// enable depth camera aligned color frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableDepthCameraColorFrame(sensorData, true);
void OnDestroy()
if (sensorData != null)
// disable depth camera aligned color frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableDepthCameraColorFrame(sensorData, false);
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
if(sensorData.depthCamColorImageTexture == null)
// enable depth camera aligned color frames
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex); // sensor data may be re-created after sensor-int restart
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableDepthCameraColorFrame(sensorData, true);
if (backgroundImage && sensorData.depthCamColorImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != sensorData.depthCamColorImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != sensorData.depthCamColorImageTexture.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.texture = sensorData.depthCamColorImageTexture;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.depthImageScale;
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int colorImageWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
int colorImageHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
if (colorImageWidth == 0 || colorImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (colorImageWidth > colorImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * colorImageWidth / colorImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * colorImageHeight / colorImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.depthImageScale;
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
if (sensorData != null)
// disable depth camera aligned color frames
sensorData.sensorInterface.EnableDepthCameraColorFrame(sensorData, false);
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 0cf0a53458b5548acb078c1bc6d443c8
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Background depth image is component that displays the depth camera image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundDepthImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the depth image.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the depth image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// references
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
Texture imageTex = kinectManager.GetDepthImageTex(sensorIndex);
if (backgroundImage && imageTex != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != imageTex.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != imageTex.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.texture = imageTex;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
//Debug.Log("aPos: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", aMin: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMin +
// ", aMax:" + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMax + ", pivot: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.pivot +
// ", size: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta);
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int depthImageWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int depthImageHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (depthImageWidth == 0 || depthImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (depthImageWidth > depthImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * depthImageWidth / depthImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * depthImageHeight / depthImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 65268b386677b334bbfd2f6ec3e726fb
timeCreated: 1483707326
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Background infrared image is component that displays the infrared camera image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundInfraredImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the depth image.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the depth image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// references
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
Texture imageTex = kinectManager.GetInfraredImageTex(sensorIndex);
if (backgroundImage && imageTex != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != imageTex.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != imageTex.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.texture = imageTex;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.infraredImageScale; // kinectManager.GetInfraredImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int depthImageWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int depthImageHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (depthImageWidth == 0 || depthImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (depthImageWidth > depthImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * depthImageWidth / depthImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * depthImageHeight / depthImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.infraredImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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timeCreated: 1483707326
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
using com.rfilkov.components;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds filters user silhouettes, according to the bounds determined by the positions of the body joints.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Offset from the lowest body joint to the floor.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float offsetToFloor = 0.05f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the highest body joint to the top of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float headOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the leftmost body joint to the left end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float leftOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the rightmost body joint to the right end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float rightOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the frontmost body joint to the front end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float frontOffset = 0.2f;
[Tooltip("Offset from the backmost body joint to the back end of the body.")]
[Range(-0.1f, 0.4f)]
public float backOffset = 0.2f;
// foreground filter shader
private ComputeShader foregroundFilterShader = null;
private int foregroundFilterKernel = -1;
//private Vector4[] foregroundFilterPos = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMin = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxX = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxY = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosMaxZ = null;
private Vector4[] bodyPosDot = null;
// initializes background removal with shaders
public bool InitBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, int maxBodyCount)
foregroundFilterShader = Resources.Load("ForegroundFiltBodyShader") as ComputeShader;
foregroundFilterKernel = foregroundFilterShader != null ? foregroundFilterShader.FindKernel("FgFiltBody") : -1;
//foregroundFilterPos = new Vector4[KinectInterop.Constants.MaxBodyCount];
bodyPosMin = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxX = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxY = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosMaxZ = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
bodyPosDot = new Vector4[maxBodyCount];
return true;
// releases background removal shader resources
public void FinishBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (foregroundFilterShader != null)
foregroundFilterShader = null;
//foregroundFilterPos = null;
bodyPosMin = null;
bodyPosMaxX = null;
bodyPosMaxY = null;
bodyPosMaxZ = null;
bodyPosDot = null;
/// <summary>
/// Applies foreground filter by body bounds.
/// </summary>
public void ApplyForegroundFilterByBody(Texture vertexTexture, RenderTexture alphaTexture, int playerIndex, int sensorIndex, int maxBodyCount,
Matrix4x4 matKinectWorld, KinectManager kinectManager, Camera foregroundCamera)
Matrix4x4 matWorldKinect = matKinectWorld.inverse;
if (kinectManager != null && kinectManager.userManager != null)
List<ulong> alUserIds = null;
if (playerIndex < 0)
alUserIds = kinectManager.userManager.alUserIds;
alUserIds = new List<ulong>();
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
if (userId != 0)
int uCount = Mathf.Min(alUserIds.Count, maxBodyCount);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_NumBodies", uCount);
//if (uCount > 0)
// Debug.Log("playerIndex: " + playerIndex + ", uCount: " + uCount + ", userId: " + (uCount > 0 ? alUserIds[0] : 0));
// get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
Rect backgroundRect = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;
if (portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();
int jCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
for (int i = 0; i < uCount; i++)
ulong userId = alUserIds[i];
bool bSuccess = kinectManager.GetUserBoundingBox(userId, /**foregroundCamera*/ null, sensorIndex, backgroundRect,
out Vector3 pMin, out Vector3 pMax);
//Debug.Log("pMin: " + pMin + ", pMax: " + pMax);
if (bSuccess)
Vector3 posMin = new Vector3(pMin.x - leftOffset, pMin.y - offsetToFloor, pMin.z - frontOffset);
Vector3 posMaxX = new Vector3(pMax.x + rightOffset, posMin.y, posMin.z);
Vector3 posMaxY = new Vector3(posMin.x, pMax.y + headOffset, posMin.z);
Vector3 posMaxZ = new Vector3(posMin.x, posMin.y, pMax.z + backOffset);
//foregroundFilterDistXY[i] = new Vector4(xMin - 0.1f, xMax + 0.1f, yMin - offsetToFloor, yMax + 0.1f);
//foregroundFilterDistZ[i] = new Vector4(zMin - 0.2f, zMax + 0.0f, 0f, 0f);
bodyPosMin[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMin);
bodyPosMaxX[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxX) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosMaxY[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxY) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosMaxZ[i] = matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(posMaxZ) - (Vector3)bodyPosMin[i];
bodyPosDot[i] = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxX[i], bodyPosMaxX[i]), Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxY[i], bodyPosMaxY[i]), Vector3.Dot(bodyPosMaxZ[i], bodyPosMaxZ[i]));
//Debug.Log("pMin: " + (Vector3)posMin + ", pMaxX: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxX[i] + ", pMaxY: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxY[i] + ", pMaxZ: " + (Vector3)bodyPosMaxZ[i] + ", pDot: " + (Vector3)bodyPosDot[i]);
//string sMessage2 = string.Format("Xmin: {0:F1}; Xmax: {1:F1}", bodyPosMin[i].x, bodyPosMaxX[i].x);
//foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("BodyPos", foregroundFilterPos);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMin", bodyPosMin);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxX", bodyPosMaxX);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxY", bodyPosMaxY);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosMaxZ", bodyPosMaxZ);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVectorArray("_BodyPosDot", bodyPosDot);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_VertexTex", vertexTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_AlphaTex", alphaTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.Dispatch(foregroundFilterKernel, vertexTexture.width / 8, vertexTexture.height / 8, 1);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundRemovalByBodyIndex filters user silhouettes, according to the body index frames coming from the body tracking SDK.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalByBodyIndex : MonoBehaviour
// whether the color-bi-buffer is created or not
private bool bColorBiBufferCreated = false;
// foreground filter shader
private ComputeShader foregroundFilterShader = null;
private int foregroundFilterKernel = -1;
// current body indices
private int[] userBodyIndex = null;
// initializes background removal with shaders
public bool InitBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.colorImageWidth > 0 && sensorData.colorImageHeight > 0)
if(sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer == null)
int bufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight / 4;
sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(bufferLength, sizeof(uint));
bColorBiBufferCreated = true;
foregroundFilterShader = Resources.Load("ForegroundFiltBodyIndexShader") as ComputeShader;
foregroundFilterKernel = foregroundFilterShader != null ? foregroundFilterShader.FindKernel("FgFiltBodyIndex") : -1;
return true;
return false;
// releases background removal shader resources
public void FinishBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (bColorBiBufferCreated && sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer != null)
sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer = null;
/// <summary>
/// Applies foreground filter by body index.
/// </summary>
public void ApplyForegroundFilterByBodyIndex(RenderTexture alphaTexture, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData,
KinectManager kinectManager, int playerIndex, int maxBodyCount)
if (kinectManager != null && kinectManager.userManager != null && sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer != null)
List<ulong> alUserIds = null;
if (playerIndex < 0)
alUserIds = kinectManager.userManager.alUserIds; // new List<ulong>(); //
alUserIds = new List<ulong>();
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
if (userId != 0)
maxBodyCount = 5; // limit to 5 body indices in the shader, because SetInts() doesn't work correctly
if (userBodyIndex == null)
userBodyIndex = new int[maxBodyCount];
int uCount = Mathf.Min(alUserIds.Count, maxBodyCount);
for (int i = 0; i < uCount; i++)
ulong userId = alUserIds[i];
userBodyIndex[i] = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_TexResX", alphaTexture.width);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_TexResY", alphaTexture.height);
//foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_NumBodies", uCount);
//foregroundFilterShader.SetInts("_BodyIndices", userBodyIndex); // ComputeShader.SetInts() doesn't work correctly
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndexAll", playerIndex < 0 ? 1 : 0);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndex0", uCount > 0 ? userBodyIndex[0] : -1);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndex1", uCount > 1 ? userBodyIndex[1] : -1);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndex2", uCount > 2 ? userBodyIndex[2] : -1);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndex3", uCount > 3 ? userBodyIndex[3] : -1);
foregroundFilterShader.SetInt("_BodyIndex4", uCount > 4 ? userBodyIndex[4] : -1);
foregroundFilterShader.SetBuffer(foregroundFilterKernel, "_BodyIndexMap", sensorData.colorBodyIndexBuffer);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_AlphaTex", alphaTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.Dispatch(foregroundFilterKernel, alphaTexture.width / 8, alphaTexture.height / 8, 1);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundRemovalByDist filters part of the real environment, according to the given spatial limits.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalByDist : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Whether or not to apply the sensor pose to background removal estimation.")]
public bool applySensorPose = true;
[Tooltip("Horizontal limit - minimum, in meters.")]
[Range(-5f, 5f)]
public float xMin = -1.5f;
[Tooltip("Horizontal limit - maximum, in meters.")]
[Range(-5f, 5f)]
public float xMax = 1.5f;
[Tooltip("Vertical limit - minimum, in meters.")]
[Range(-5f, 5f)]
public float yMin = 0f;
[Tooltip("Vertical limit - maximum, in meters.")]
[Range(-5f, 5f)]
public float yMax = 3f;
[Tooltip("Distance limit - minimum, in meters.")]
[Range(0.5f, 10f)]
public float zMin = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Distance limit - maximum at the left end, in meters.")]
[Range(0.5f, 10f)]
public float zMaxLeft = 3f;
[Tooltip("Distance limit - maximum at the right end, in meters.")]
[Range(0.5f, 10f)]
public float zMaxRight = 3f;
// foreground filter shader
private ComputeShader foregroundFilterShader = null;
private int foregroundFilterKernel = -1;
void Start()
foregroundFilterShader = Resources.Load("ForegroundFiltDistShader") as ComputeShader;
foregroundFilterKernel = foregroundFilterShader != null ? foregroundFilterShader.FindKernel("FgFiltDist") : -1;
/// <summary>
/// Applies vertex filter by distance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vertexTexture">The vertex texture</param>
/// <param name="alphaTexture">The alpha texture</param>
public void ApplyVertexFilter(RenderTexture vertexTexture, RenderTexture alphaTexture, Matrix4x4 sensorWorldMatrix)
foregroundFilterShader.SetMatrix("_Transform", applySensorPose ? sensorWorldMatrix : Matrix4x4.identity);
//Matrix4x4 matWorldKinect = sensorWorldMatrix.inverse;
Vector3 posMin = new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMin); // matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMin));
Vector3 posMaxX = new Vector3(xMax, yMin, zMin) - posMin; // matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(xMax, yMin, zMin)) - posMin;
Vector3 posMaxY = new Vector3(xMin, yMax, zMin) - posMin; // matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(xMin, yMax, zMin)) - posMin;
Vector3 posMaxZLeft = new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMaxLeft) - posMin; // matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMaxRight)) - posMin;
Vector3 posMaxZRight = new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMaxRight) - posMin; // matWorldKinect.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(xMin, yMin, zMaxLeft)) - posMin;
Vector3 posMaxZ = (posMaxZLeft + posMaxZRight) / 2;
Vector3 posDot = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(posMaxX, posMaxX), Vector3.Dot(posMaxY, posMaxY), Vector3.Dot(posMaxZ, posMaxZ));
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMin", posMin);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMaxX", posMaxX);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMaxY", posMaxY);
//foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMaxZ", posMaxZ);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMaxZLeft", posMaxZLeft);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosMaxZRight", posMaxZRight);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_PosDot", posDot);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_VertexTex", vertexTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_AlphaTex", alphaTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.Dispatch(foregroundFilterKernel, vertexTexture.width / 8, vertexTexture.height / 8, 1);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 3fa7b39e46e63a24c9a12a224406a1f4
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// BackgroundRemovalByGreenScreen filters color camera data, according to its similarity or difference to the color of the green-screen.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalByGreenScreen : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The color of the 'green screen'.")]
public Color greenScreenColor =;
[Tooltip("Allowed similarity between the 'green screen' color and the texture color.")]
public float greenScreenColorRange = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Alpha values below this value will be set to fully transparent.")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float setAsTransparentBelow = 0f;
[Tooltip("Alpha values above this value will be set to fully opaque.")]
[Range(0f, 1f)]
public float setAsOpaqueAbove = 1f;
[Tooltip("Green screen rectangle in normalized coordinates (between 0 and 1).")]
public Rect greenScreenRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
// foreground filter shader
private ComputeShader foregroundFilterShader = null;
private int foregroundFilterKernel = -1;
// initializes background removal shaders
public bool InitBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.colorImageWidth > 0 && sensorData.colorImageHeight > 0)
foregroundFilterShader = Resources.Load("ForegroundFiltGreenScreenShader") as ComputeShader;
foregroundFilterKernel = foregroundFilterShader != null ? foregroundFilterShader.FindKernel("FgFiltFreenScreen") : -1;
return true;
return false;
//// releases background removal shader resources
//public void FinishBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
/// <summary>
/// Applies foreground filter by green screen.
/// </summary>
public void ApplyForegroundFilterByGreenScreen(RenderTexture alphaTexture, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData,
KinectManager kinectManager, RenderTexture colorTexture)
if (foregroundFilterShader != null && colorTexture != null && alphaTexture != null)
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_GreenScreenColor", greenScreenColor);
foregroundFilterShader.SetFloat("_GreenScreenColorRange", greenScreenColorRange);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_ColorTex", colorTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.SetTexture(foregroundFilterKernel, "_AlphaTex", alphaTexture);
foregroundFilterShader.SetFloat("_SetTranspBelow", setAsTransparentBelow);
foregroundFilterShader.SetFloat("_SetOpaqueAbove", setAsOpaqueAbove);
float xMin = sensorData.colorImageScale.x > 0 ? greenScreenRect.xMin * colorTexture.width : (1f - greenScreenRect.xMax) * colorTexture.width;
float yMin = sensorData.colorImageScale.y > 0 ? greenScreenRect.yMin * colorTexture.height : (1f - greenScreenRect.yMax) * colorTexture.height;
float xMax = sensorData.colorImageScale.x > 0 ? greenScreenRect.xMax * colorTexture.width : (1f - greenScreenRect.xMin) * colorTexture.width;
float yMax = sensorData.colorImageScale.y > 0 ? greenScreenRect.yMax * colorTexture.height : (1f - greenScreenRect.yMin) * colorTexture.height;
Vector4 vGreenScreenRect = new Vector4(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
foregroundFilterShader.SetVector("_GreenScreenRect", vGreenScreenRect);
foregroundFilterShader.Dispatch(foregroundFilterKernel, alphaTexture.width / 8, alphaTexture.height / 8, 1);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: db05d85cc2655464b934a2b1d7f5658c
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using com.rfilkov.components;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Background removal manager is the component that filters and renders user body silhouettes.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundRemovalManager : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. -1 means all players, 0 - the 1st player only, 1 - the 2nd player only, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = -1;
[Tooltip("RawImage used for displaying the foreground image.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage foregroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used for alignment of bodies to color camera image.")]
public Camera foregroundCamera;
[Tooltip("Resolution of the generated foreground textures.")]
private DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution foregroundImageResolution = DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.ColorCameraResolution;
[Tooltip("Whether only the alpha texture is needed.")]
public bool computeAlphaMaskOnly = false;
[Tooltip("Whether the alpha texture will be inverted or not..")]
public bool invertAlphaMask = false;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Whether to apply the median filter before the other filters.")]
public bool applyMedianFilter = false;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Number of iterations used by the alpha texture's erode filter 0.")]
[Range(0, 9)]
public int erodeIterations0 = 0; // 1
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Number of iterations used by the alpha texture's dilate filter 1.")]
[Range(0, 9)]
public int dilateIterations = 0; // 3;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Whether to apply the gradient filter.")]
private bool applyGradientFilter = true;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Number of iterations used by the alpha texture's erode filter 2.")]
[Range(0, 9)]
public int erodeIterations = 0; // 4;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Whether to apply the blur filter after at the end.")]
public bool applyBlurFilter = true;
[Tooltip("(Advanced) Color applied to the body contour after the filters.")]
public Color bodyContourColor =;
[Tooltip("UI-Text to display the BR-Manager debug messages.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText;
// max number of bodies to track
private const int MAX_BODY_COUNT = 10;
// primary sensor data structure
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
// sensor interface
private DepthSensorBase sensorInt = null;
// render texture resolution
private Vector2Int textureRes;
// Bool to keep track whether Kinect and BR library have been initialized
private bool bBackgroundRemovalInited = false;
private int lastColorW = 0, lastColorH = 0;
// The single instance of BackgroundRemovalManager
//private static BackgroundRemovalManager instance;
// last point cloud frame time
private ulong lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime = 0;
private ulong lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime = 0;
// render textures used by the shaders
private RenderTexture colorTexture = null;
private RenderTexture vertexTexture = null;
private RenderTexture alphaTexture = null;
private RenderTexture foregroundTexture = null;
// Materials used to apply the shaders
private Material medianFilterMat = null;
private Material erodeFilterMat = null;
private Material dilateFilterMat = null;
private Material gradientFilterMat = null;
private Material blurFilterMat = null;
private Material invertAlphaMat = null;
private Material foregroundMat = null;
// reference to filter-by-distance component
private BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds filterByBody = null;
private BackgroundRemovalByDist filterByDist = null;
private BackgroundRemovalByBodyIndex filterByBI = null;
private BackgroundRemovalByGreenScreen filterByGS = null;
// whether the textures are created or not
private bool bColorTextureCreated = false;
private bool bVertexTextureCreated = false;
///// <summary>
///// Gets the single BackgroundRemovalManager instance.
///// </summary>
///// <value>The BackgroundRemovalManager instance.</value>
//public static BackgroundRemovalManager Instance
// get
// {
// return instance;
// }
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the BackgroundRemovalManager was successfully initialized.
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c> if the BackgroundRemovalManager was successfully initialized; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
public bool IsBackgroundRemovalInited()
return bBackgroundRemovalInited;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the foreground image texture.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The foreground image texture.</returns>
public Texture GetForegroundTex()
return foregroundTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the alpha texture.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The alpha texture.</returns>
public Texture GetAlphaTex()
return alphaTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the color texture.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The color texture.</returns>
public Texture GetColorTex()
return colorTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the last background removal frame time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The last background removal time.</returns>
public ulong GetLastBackgroundRemovalTime()
return lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime;
//----------------------------------- end of public functions --------------------------------------//
//void Awake()
// instance = this;
public void Start()
// get sensor data
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex);
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null)
throw new Exception("Background removal cannot be started, because KinectManager is missing or not initialized.");
if(foregroundImage == null)
// look for a foreground image
foregroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
if (!foregroundCamera)
// by default - the main camera
foregroundCamera = Camera.main;
// try to get reference to other filter components
filterByBody = GetComponent<BackgroundRemovalByBodyBounds>();
if(filterByBody == null)
filterByDist = GetComponent<BackgroundRemovalByDist>();
if (filterByBody == null && filterByDist == null)
filterByBI = GetComponent<BackgroundRemovalByBodyIndex>();
if (filterByBody == null && filterByDist == null && filterByBI == null)
filterByGS = GetComponent<BackgroundRemovalByGreenScreen>();
if (filterByBody == null && filterByDist == null && filterByBI == null && filterByGS == null)
filterByBI = gameObject.AddComponent<BackgroundRemovalByBodyIndex>(); // fallback
//// Initialize the background removal
//bBackgroundRemovalInited = InitBackgroundRemoval(sensorData);
//if (bBackgroundRemovalInited)
// if (debugText != null)
// debugText.text = string.Empty;
// throw new Exception("Background removal could not be initialized.");
//bBackgroundRemovalInited = bSuccess;
catch (DllNotFoundException ex)
if (debugText != null)
debugText.text = "Please check the SDK installations.";
catch (Exception ex)
if (debugText != null)
debugText.text = ex.Message;
public void OnDestroy()
if (bBackgroundRemovalInited)
// finish background removal
bBackgroundRemovalInited = false;
//instance = null;
void Update()
if (sensorData == null)
if(!bBackgroundRemovalInited || lastColorW != sensorData.colorImageWidth || lastColorH != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
lastColorW = sensorData.colorImageWidth;
lastColorH = sensorData.colorImageHeight;
if (bBackgroundRemovalInited)
if(foregroundImage != null)
foregroundImage.texture = null;
//bBackgroundRemovalInited = false;
// dispose the used shaders & buffers, as well
if(sensorInt != null)
sensorInt.UpdateTransformedFrameTextures(sensorData, kinectManager);
bBackgroundRemovalInited = InitBackgroundRemoval(sensorData);
if (bBackgroundRemovalInited)
if (debugText != null)
debugText.text = string.Empty;
if (bBackgroundRemovalInited)
// update the background removal
// check for valid foreground image texture
if(foregroundImage != null && foregroundImage.texture == null)
foregroundImage.texture = foregroundTexture;
foregroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(sensorIndex);
foregroundImage.color = Color.white;
// initializes background removal with shaders
private bool InitBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null && KinectInterop.IsDirectX11Available())
if(filterByBody != null)
if (!filterByBody.InitBackgroundRemoval(sensorData, MAX_BODY_COUNT))
Debug.LogError("Could not init the background removal by body bounds!");
return false;
else if(filterByBI != null)
Debug.LogError("Could not init the background removal by body index!");
return false;
else if (filterByGS != null)
if (!filterByGS.InitBackgroundRemoval(sensorData))
Debug.LogError("Could not init the background removal by green screen!");
return false;
sensorInt = (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface;
// set the texture resolution
if (sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture == null && sensorInt.pointCloudVertexTexture == null)
sensorInt.pointCloudResolution = foregroundImageResolution;
textureRes = sensorInt.GetPointCloudTexResolution(sensorData);
if(sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture == null)
colorTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(colorTexture, textureRes.x, textureRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture = colorTexture;
bColorTextureCreated = true;
colorTexture = sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture;
bColorTextureCreated = false;
if (filterByBody != null || filterByDist != null)
if(sensorInt.pointCloudVertexTexture == null)
vertexTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(vertexTexture, textureRes.x, textureRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
sensorInt.pointCloudVertexTexture = vertexTexture;
bVertexTextureCreated = true;
vertexTexture = sensorInt.pointCloudVertexTexture;
bVertexTextureCreated = false;
alphaTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(alphaTexture, textureRes.x, textureRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
foregroundTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(foregroundTexture, textureRes.x, textureRes.y, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
Shader erodeShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/ErodeShader");
erodeFilterMat = new Material(erodeShader);
erodeFilterMat.SetFloat("_TexResX", (float)textureRes.x);
erodeFilterMat.SetFloat("_TexResY", (float)textureRes.y);
//sensorData.erodeBodyMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", sensorData.bodyIndexTexture);
Shader dilateShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/DilateShader");
dilateFilterMat = new Material(dilateShader);
dilateFilterMat.SetFloat("_TexResX", (float)textureRes.x);
dilateFilterMat.SetFloat("_TexResY", (float)textureRes.y);
//sensorData.dilateBodyMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", sensorData.bodyIndexTexture);
Shader gradientShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/GradientShader");
gradientFilterMat = new Material(gradientShader);
Shader medianShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/MedianShader");
medianFilterMat = new Material(medianShader);
//sensorData.medianBodyMaterial.SetFloat("_Amount", 1.0f);
Shader blurShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/BlurShader");
blurFilterMat = new Material(blurShader);
Shader invertShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/InvertShader");
invertAlphaMat = new Material(invertShader);
Shader foregroundShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/ForegroundShader");
foregroundMat = new Material(foregroundShader);
return true;
return false;
// releases background removal shader resources
private void FinishBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if(filterByBody != null)
else if(filterByBI != null)
if (sensorInt)
sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture = null;
sensorInt.pointCloudVertexTexture = null;
if (bColorTextureCreated && colorTexture)
colorTexture = null;
if (bVertexTextureCreated && vertexTexture)
vertexTexture = null;
if (alphaTexture)
alphaTexture = null;
foregroundTexture = null;
erodeFilterMat = null;
dilateFilterMat = null;
medianFilterMat = null;
blurFilterMat = null;
invertAlphaMat = null;
foregroundMat = null;
// computes current background removal texture
private bool UpdateBackgroundRemoval(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (bBackgroundRemovalInited && (lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime != sensorData.lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime ||
lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime != sensorData.lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime || filterByGS != null))
lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime;
lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime = sensorData.lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime;
//Debug.Log("BR Depth2SpaceFrameTime: " + lastDepth2SpaceFrameTime + " ColorBodyIndexBufferTime: " + lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime);
RenderTexture[] tempTextures = new RenderTexture[2];
tempTextures[0] = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(textureRes.x, textureRes.y, 0);
tempTextures[1] = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(textureRes.x, textureRes.y, 0);
RenderTexture[] tempGradTextures = null;
if (applyGradientFilter)
tempGradTextures = new RenderTexture[2];
tempGradTextures[0] = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(textureRes.x, textureRes.y, 0);
tempGradTextures[1] = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(textureRes.x, textureRes.y, 0);
// filter
if(filterByBody != null && sensorInt != null)
filterByBody.ApplyForegroundFilterByBody(vertexTexture, alphaTexture, playerIndex, sensorIndex, MAX_BODY_COUNT,
sensorInt.GetSensorToWorldMatrix(), kinectManager, foregroundCamera);
else if(filterByDist != null && sensorInt != null)
// filter by distance
filterByDist.ApplyVertexFilter(vertexTexture, alphaTexture, sensorInt.GetSensorToWorldMatrix());
else if(filterByBI != null)
// filter by body index
filterByBI.ApplyForegroundFilterByBodyIndex(alphaTexture, sensorData, kinectManager, playerIndex, MAX_BODY_COUNT);
else if (filterByGS != null)
// filter by green screen
filterByGS.ApplyForegroundFilterByGreenScreen(alphaTexture, sensorData, kinectManager, colorTexture);
//if(filterByBI == null)
// Graphics.Blit(vertexTexture, alphaTexture);
// median
if (applyMedianFilter)
ApplySimpleFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, medianFilterMat, tempTextures);
// Graphics.Blit(vertexTexture, alphaTexture);
// erode0
ApplyIterableFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, erodeFilterMat, erodeIterations0, tempTextures);
Graphics.CopyTexture(alphaTexture, tempGradTextures[0]);
// dilate
ApplyIterableFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, dilateFilterMat, dilateIterations, tempTextures);
if (applyGradientFilter)
//Graphics.Blit(alphaTexture, tempGradTextures[1]);
gradientFilterMat.SetTexture("_ErodeTex", tempGradTextures[0]);
ApplySimpleFilter(alphaTexture, tempGradTextures[1], gradientFilterMat, tempTextures);
// erode
ApplyIterableFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, erodeFilterMat, erodeIterations, tempTextures);
if (tempGradTextures != null)
Graphics.Blit(alphaTexture, tempGradTextures[0]);
// blur
ApplySimpleFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, blurFilterMat, tempTextures);
ApplySimpleFilter(alphaTexture, alphaTexture, invertAlphaMat, tempTextures);
foregroundMat.SetTexture("_ColorTex", colorTexture);
foregroundMat.SetTexture("_GradientTex", tempGradTextures[1]);
Color gradientColor = (erodeIterations0 != 0 || dilateIterations != 0 || erodeIterations != 0) ? bodyContourColor : Color.clear;
foregroundMat.SetColor("_GradientColor", gradientColor);
ApplySimpleFilter(alphaTexture, foregroundTexture, foregroundMat, tempTextures);
Graphics.CopyTexture(alphaTexture, foregroundTexture);
// cleanup
if (tempGradTextures != null)
//sensorData.usedColorBodyIndexBufferTime = sensorData.lastColorBodyIndexBufferTime;
return true;
// applies iterable filter to the source texture
private void ApplyIterableFilter(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination, Material filterMat, int numIterations, RenderTexture[] tempTextures)
if (!source || !destination || !filterMat || numIterations == 0)
Graphics.Blit(source, tempTextures[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
Graphics.Blit(tempTextures[i % 2], tempTextures[(i + 1) % 2], filterMat);
if ((numIterations % 2) == 0)
Graphics.Blit(tempTextures[0], destination);
Graphics.Blit(tempTextures[1], destination);
// applies simple filter to the source texture
private void ApplySimpleFilter(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination, Material filterMat, RenderTexture[] tempTextures)
if (!source || !destination || !filterMat)
Graphics.Blit(source, tempTextures[0], filterMat);
Graphics.Blit(tempTextures[0], destination);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: a559e12c3f373eb4c8d0e1096fec8a67
timeCreated: 1426178739
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Background static image is component that displays the static image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundStaticImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Image dimensions in pixels.")]
public Vector2Int imageSize =;
[Tooltip("Image scale in X and Y directions.")]
public Vector2 imageScale =;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the color camera feed.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the color image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
if(imageSize == && backgroundImage != null && backgroundImage.texture != null)
imageSize = new Vector2Int(backgroundImage.texture.width, backgroundImage.texture.height);
void Update()
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
if (backgroundImage && (lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(imageScale.x, imageScale.y, 1f);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
//Debug.Log("aPos: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", aMin: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMin +
// ", aMax:" + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMax + ", pivot: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.pivot +
// ", size: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta);
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int imageWidth = imageSize.x;
int imageHeight = imageSize.y;
if (imageWidth == 0 || imageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (imageWidth > imageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * imageWidth / imageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * imageHeight / imageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
//Vector2 imageScale = this.imageScale;
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//Debug.Log("imgSize: " + imageSize + ", camW: " + cameraWidth + ", camH: " + cameraHeight + ", sizeDelta: " + rectImage.sizeDelta + ", anchoredPosition: " + rectImage.anchoredPosition);
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: d93e8d33f3227485e88a407ecc3a14b0
timeCreated: 1481733120
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using System;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Background user-body image is component that displays the user-body image on RawImage texture, usually the scene background.
/// </summary>
public class BackgroundUserBodyImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. -1 means all players, 0 - the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = -1;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the user-body image.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the depth image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
// references
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector2 initialAnchorPos =;
// color-camera aligned frames
private ulong lastDepthFrameTime = 0;
private ulong lastBodyIndexFrameTime = 0;
// color-camera aligned texture and buffers
private RenderTexture bodyImageTexture = null;
private Material bodyImageMaterial = null;
private ComputeBuffer bodyIndexBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer bodyHistBuffer = null;
// body image hist data
protected int[] depthBodyBufferData = null;
protected int[] equalBodyBufferData = null;
protected int bodyHistTotalPoints = 0;
void Start()
if (backgroundImage == null)
backgroundImage = GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager != null ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if (sensorData != null)
// create the user texture and needed buffers
//bodyImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(bodyImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
bodyImageMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Kinect/UserHistImageShader"));
bodyHistBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(bodyHistBuffer, DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1, sizeof(int));
depthBodyBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
equalBodyBufferData = new int[DepthSensorBase.MAX_DEPTH_DISTANCE_MM + 1];
void OnDestroy()
if (bodyImageTexture)
bodyImageTexture = null;
if (bodyIndexBuffer != null)
bodyIndexBuffer = null;
if (depthImageBuffer != null)
depthImageBuffer = null;
if (bodyHistBuffer != null)
bodyHistBuffer = null;
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && sensorData != null)
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
// check for new depth and body-index frames
//Texture bodyImageTexture = kinectManager.GetUsersImageTex(sensorIndex);
if (backgroundImage && bodyImageTexture != null && (backgroundImage.texture == null ||
backgroundImage.texture.width != bodyImageTexture.width || backgroundImage.texture.height != bodyImageTexture.height ||
lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
backgroundImage.texture = bodyImageTexture;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int depthImageWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int depthImageHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight; // kinectManager.GetDepthImageHeight(sensorIndex);
if (depthImageWidth == 0 || depthImageHeight == 0)
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (depthImageWidth > depthImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * depthImageWidth / depthImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * depthImageHeight / depthImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = sensorData.depthImageScale; // (Vector2)kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = initialAnchorPos = anchorPos;
//if (backgroundImage)
// // update the anchor position, if needed
// if (sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
// {
// Vector2 updatedAnchorPos = initialAnchorPos + sensorData.sensorInterface.GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(sensorData);
// if (backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition != updatedAnchorPos)
// {
// backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = updatedAnchorPos;
// }
// }
// reset the background texture, if needed
if (backgroundImage && backgroundImage.texture != null)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
//RectTransform rectTransform = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
//Debug.Log("pivot: " + rectTransform.pivot + ", anchorPos: " + rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", \nanchorMin: " + rectTransform.anchorMin + ", anchorMax: " + rectTransform.anchorMax);
// checks for new color-camera aligned frames, and composes an updated body-index texture, if needed
private void UpdateTextureWithNewFrame()
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.sensorInterface == null || sensorData.bodyIndexImage == null || sensorData.depthImage == null)
if (sensorData.depthImageWidth == 0 || sensorData.depthImageHeight == 0 || sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime == 0 || sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime == 0)
// get body index frame
if (lastDepthFrameTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime || lastBodyIndexFrameTime != sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime)
lastDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
lastBodyIndexFrameTime = sensorData.lastBodyIndexFrameTime;
if (bodyImageTexture == null || bodyImageTexture.width != sensorData.depthImageWidth || bodyImageTexture.height != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
bodyImageTexture = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(bodyImageTexture, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
Array.Clear(depthBodyBufferData, 0, depthBodyBufferData.Length);
Array.Clear(equalBodyBufferData, 0, equalBodyBufferData.Length);
bodyHistTotalPoints = 0;
// get configured min & max distances
float minDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).minDepthDistance;
float maxDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).maxDepthDistance;
int depthMinDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
int depthMaxDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
int frameLen = sensorData.depthImage.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < frameLen; i++)
int depth = sensorData.depthImage[i];
int limDepth = (depth >= depthMinDistance && depth <= depthMaxDistance) ? depth : 0;
if (/**rawBodyIndexImage[i] != 255 &&*/ limDepth > 0)
if (bodyHistTotalPoints > 0)
equalBodyBufferData[0] = depthBodyBufferData[0];
for (int i = 1; i < depthBodyBufferData.Length; i++)
equalBodyBufferData[i] = equalBodyBufferData[i - 1] + depthBodyBufferData[i];
int bodyIndexBufferLength = sensorData.bodyIndexImage.Length >> 2;
if (bodyIndexBuffer == null || bodyIndexBuffer.count != bodyIndexBufferLength)
bodyIndexBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(bodyIndexBuffer, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(bodyIndexBuffer, sensorData.bodyIndexImage, bodyIndexBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImage.Length >> 1;
if (depthImageBuffer == null || depthImageBuffer.count != depthBufferLength)
depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (bodyHistBuffer != null)
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(bodyHistBuffer, equalBodyBufferData, equalBodyBufferData.Length, sizeof(int));
float minDist = minDistance; // kinectManager.minUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.minUserDistance : minDistance;
float maxDist = maxDistance; // kinectManager.maxUserDistance != 0f ? kinectManager.maxUserDistance : maxDistance;
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDist * 1000f));
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDist * 1000f));
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_BodyIndexMap", bodyIndexBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", depthImageBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetBuffer("_HistMap", bodyHistBuffer);
bodyImageMaterial.SetInt("_TotalPoints", bodyHistTotalPoints);
Color[] bodyIndexColors = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexColors();
if (playerIndex >= 0)
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
int bodyIndex = kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId);
int numBodyIndices = bodyIndexColors.Length;
Color clrNone = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
for (int i = 0; i < numBodyIndices; i++)
if (i != bodyIndex)
bodyIndexColors[i] = clrNone;
bodyImageMaterial.SetColorArray("_BodyIndexColors", bodyIndexColors);
Graphics.Blit(null, bodyImageTexture, bodyImageMaterial);


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: df3491a43e1ff0f4d84b03fdfd277aad
timeCreated: 1483707326
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// BodyDataRecorderPlayer is the component that can be used for recording and replaying of body-data files.
/// </summary>
public class BodyDataRecorderPlayer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Path to the file used to record or replay the recorded data.")]
public string filePath = "BodyRecording.txt";
[Tooltip("UI-Text to display information messages.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.Text infoText;
[Tooltip("Whether to start playing the recorded data, right after the scene start.")]
public bool playAtStart = false;
// singleton instance of the class
private static BodyDataRecorderPlayer instance = null;
// whether it is recording or playing saved data at the moment
private bool isRecording = false;
private bool isPlaying = false;
// reference to the KM
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
// time variables used for recording and playing
private ulong liRelTime = 0;
private float fStartTime = 0f;
private float fCurrentTime = 0f;
private int fCurrentFrame = 0;
// player variables
private StreamReader fileReader = null;
private float fPlayTime = 0f;
private string sPlayLine = string.Empty;
private Vector3 sensorSpaceScale =;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the singleton BodyDataRecorderPlayer instance.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The KinectRecorderPlayer instance.</value>
public static BodyDataRecorderPlayer Instance
return instance;
// starts recording
public void StartRecording()
if (isRecording)
isRecording = true;
// avoid recording an playing at the same time
if (isPlaying && isRecording)
isPlaying = false;
Debug.Log("Playing stopped.");
// stop recording if there is no file name specified
if (filePath.Length == 0)
isRecording = false;
Debug.LogError("No file to save.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "No file to save.";
else if(filePath.IndexOf('/') < 0 && filePath.IndexOf('\\') < 0)
string saveFolder = ".";
string saveFolder = Application.persistentDataPath;
if (saveFolder.Length > 0 && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '/' && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '\\')
saveFolder += "/";
filePath = saveFolder + filePath;
if (isRecording)
Debug.Log("Recording started. File: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Recording...";
// delete the old csv file
if (filePath.Length > 0 && File.Exists(filePath))
// initialize times
fStartTime = fCurrentTime = Time.time;
fCurrentFrame = 0;
//return isRecording;
// starts playing
public void StartPlaying()
if (isPlaying)
isPlaying = true;
// avoid recording an playing at the same time
if (isRecording && isPlaying)
isRecording = false;
Debug.Log("Recording stopped.");
if (filePath.Length > 0 && filePath.IndexOf('/') < 0 && filePath.IndexOf('\\') < 0)
string saveFolder = ".";
string saveFolder = Application.persistentDataPath;
if (saveFolder.Length > 0 && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '/' && saveFolder[saveFolder.Length - 1] != '\\')
saveFolder += "/";
filePath = saveFolder + filePath;
// stop playing if there is no file name specified
if (filePath.Length == 0 || !File.Exists(filePath))
isPlaying = false;
Debug.LogError("File not found: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "File not found: " + filePath;
if (isPlaying)
Debug.Log("Playing started. File: " + filePath);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Playing...";
// initialize times
fStartTime = fCurrentTime = Time.time;
fCurrentFrame = -1;
// open the file and read a line
fileReader = new StreamReader(filePath);
// enable the play mode
if (kinectManager)
//return isPlaying;
// stops recording or playing
public void StopRecordingOrPlaying()
if (isRecording)
isRecording = false;
string sSavedTimeAndFrames = string.Format("{0:F3}s., {1} frames.", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime), fCurrentFrame);
Debug.Log("Recording stopped @ " + sSavedTimeAndFrames);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Recording stopped @ " + sSavedTimeAndFrames;
if (isPlaying)
// restore the space scale
if(sensorData != null)
sensorData.sensorSpaceScale = sensorSpaceScale;
// close the file, if it is playing
isPlaying = false;
Debug.Log("Playing stopped.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "Playing stopped.";
//if (infoText != null)
// infoText.text = "Say: 'Record' to start the recorder, or 'Play' to start the player.";
// returns if file recording is in progress at the moment
public bool IsRecording()
return isRecording;
// returns if file-play is in progress at the moment
public bool IsPlaying()
return isPlaying;
// ----- end of public functions -----
void Awake()
instance = this;
void Start()
//if (infoText != null)
// infoText.text = "Say: 'Record' to start the recorder, or 'Play' to start the player.";
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(0) : null;
sensorSpaceScale = sensorData != null ? sensorData.sensorSpaceScale :;
if (!kinectManager)
Debug.Log("KinectManager not found, probably not initialized.");
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = "KinectManager not found, probably not initialized.";
if (playAtStart)
void Update()
if (isRecording)
// save the body frame, if any
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && liRelTime != kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTimestamp())
liRelTime = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTimestamp();
string sBodyFrame = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameData(ref fCurrentTime, ';');
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
if (sBodyFrame.Length > 0)
using (StreamWriter writer = File.AppendText(filePath))
string sRelTime = string.Format(invCulture, "{0:F3}", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime));
writer.WriteLine(sRelTime + "|" + sBodyFrame);
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = string.Format("Recording @ {0}s., frame {1}.", sRelTime, fCurrentFrame);
string sRelTime = string.Format(invCulture, "{0:F3}", (fCurrentTime - fStartTime));
Debug.Log(sRelTime + "|" + sBodyFrame);
if (isPlaying)
// wait for the right time
fCurrentTime = Time.time;
float fRelTime = fCurrentTime - fStartTime;
if (sPlayLine != null && fRelTime >= fPlayTime)
// then play the line
if (kinectManager && sPlayLine.Length > 0)
// and read the next line
if (sPlayLine == null)
// finish playing, if we reached the EOF
void OnDestroy()
// don't forget to release the resources
isRecording = isPlaying = false;
// reads a line from the file
private bool ReadLineFromFile()
if (fileReader == null)
return false;
// read a line
sPlayLine = fileReader.ReadLine();
if (sPlayLine == null)
return false;
System.Globalization.CultureInfo invCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
System.Globalization.NumberStyles numFloat = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float;
// extract the unity time and the body frame
char[] delimiters = { '|' };
string[] sLineParts = sPlayLine.Split(delimiters);
if (sLineParts.Length >= 2)
float.TryParse(sLineParts[0], numFloat, invCulture, out fPlayTime);
sPlayLine = sLineParts[1];
if (infoText != null)
infoText.text = string.Format("Playing @ {0:F3}s., frame {1}.", fPlayTime, fCurrentFrame);
return true;
return false;
// close the file and disable the play mode
private void CloseFile()
// close the file
if (fileReader != null)
fileReader = null;
// disable the play mode
if (kinectManager)


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: d8a2276ae0c75c9439e36365c3e7554d
timeCreated: 1438963698
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
using UnityEngine;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Body slice enum.
/// </summary>
public enum BodySlice
WIDTH = 1,
TORSO_1 = 2,
TORSO_2 = 3,
TORSO_3 = 4,
TORSO_4 = 5,
TORSO_5 = 6,
/// <summary>
/// Data structure used by the body slicer.
/// </summary>
public struct BodySliceData
public BodySlice sliceType;
public bool isSliceValid;
public float diameter;
public int depthPointsLength;
public int colorPointsLength;
// public ushort[] depths;
public Vector2 startDepthPoint;
public Vector2 endDepthPoint;
public Vector2 startColorPoint;
public Vector2 endColorPoint;
public Vector3 startKinectPoint;
public Vector3 endKinectPoint;
/// <summary>
/// Body slicer is component that estimates the user height from the depth data, as well as several other body sizes.
/// </summary>
public class BodySlicer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Camera used to estimate the overlay positions of 3D-objects over the background. By default it is the main camera.")]
public Camera foregroundCamera;
[Tooltip("Whether the sensor is in portrait mode or not.")]
public bool portraitMode = false;
[Tooltip("Whether the body height should estimated or not.")]
public bool estimateBodyHeight = true;
[Tooltip("Whether the body width should estimated or not.")]
public bool estimateBodyWidth = false;
[Tooltip("Whether the body slices should estimated or not.")]
public bool estimateBodySlices = false;
[Tooltip("Whether the slicing should be done on all updates, or only after the user calibration.")]
public bool continuousSlicing = false;
[Tooltip("Whether the detected body slices should be displayed on the screen.")]
public bool displayBodySlices = false;
private ulong calibratedUserId;
private byte userBodyIndex;
// The singleton instance of BodySlicer
//private static BodySlicer instance = null;
private KinectManager kinectManager;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData;
private ulong lastDepthFrameTime;
// body slice data
private BodySliceData[] bodySlices = new BodySliceData[(int)BodySlice.COUNT];
// depth image resolution
private int depthImageWidth;
private int depthImageHeight;
// depth scale
private Vector3 depthScale =;
// screen rectangle taken by the foreground image (in pixels)
private Rect foregroundImgRect;
///// <summary>
///// Gets the singleton BodySlicer instance.
///// </summary>
///// <value>The singleton BodySlicer instance.</value>
//public static BodySlicer Instance
// get
// {
// return instance;
// }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the height of the user.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The user height.</returns>
public float getUserHeight()
return getSliceWidth(BodySlice.HEIGHT);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the slice width.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The slice width.</returns>
/// <param name="slice">Slice.</param>
public float getSliceWidth(BodySlice slice)
int iSlice = (int)slice;
if (bodySlices[iSlice].isSliceValid)
return bodySlices[iSlice].diameter;
return 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the body slice count.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The body slice count.</returns>
public int getBodySliceCount()
return bodySlices != null ? bodySlices.Length : 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the body slice data.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The body slice data.</returns>
/// <param name="slice">Slice.</param>
public BodySliceData getBodySliceData(BodySlice slice)
return bodySlices[(int)slice];
/// <summary>
/// Gets the calibrated user ID.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The calibrated user ID.</returns>
public ulong getCalibratedUserId()
return calibratedUserId;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the last frame time.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The last frame time.</returns>
public ulong getLastFrameTime()
return lastDepthFrameTime;
void Awake()
//instance = this;
void Start()
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
if(kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
depthImageWidth = kinectManager.GetDepthImageWidth(sensorIndex);
depthImageHeight = kinectManager.GetDepthImageHeight(sensorIndex);
depthScale = kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
if (foregroundCamera == null)
// by default use the main camera
foregroundCamera = Camera.main;
void Update()
if (!kinectManager || !kinectManager.IsInitialized() || sensorData == null)
// calculate the foreground rectangle
foregroundImgRect = kinectManager.GetForegroundRectDepth(sensorIndex, foregroundCamera);
// get required player
ulong userId = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex);
if (calibratedUserId == 0)
if (userId != 0)
if (calibratedUserId != userId)
else if (continuousSlicing)
void OnRenderObject()
if (displayBodySlices)
// draws a body slice line
private void DrawBodySlice(BodySliceData bodySlice)
if (bodySlice.isSliceValid && bodySlice.startDepthPoint != && bodySlice.endDepthPoint !=
float rectX = foregroundImgRect.xMin;
float rectY = foregroundImgRect.yMin;
float scaleX = foregroundImgRect.width / depthImageWidth;
float scaleY = foregroundImgRect.height / depthImageHeight;
float x1 = rectX + (depthScale.x >= 0f ? bodySlice.startDepthPoint.x : depthImageWidth - bodySlice.startDepthPoint.x) * scaleX;
float y1 = rectY + (depthScale.y >= 0f ? bodySlice.startDepthPoint.y : depthImageHeight - bodySlice.startDepthPoint.y) * scaleY;
float x2 = rectX + (depthScale.x >= 0f ? bodySlice.endDepthPoint.x : depthImageWidth - bodySlice.endDepthPoint.x) * scaleX;
float y2 = rectY + (depthScale.y >= 0f ? bodySlice.endDepthPoint.y : depthImageHeight - bodySlice.endDepthPoint.y) * scaleY;
KinectInterop.DrawLine((int)x1, (int)y1, (int)x2, (int)y2, 2f,;
public void OnCalibrationSuccess(ulong userId)
calibratedUserId = userId;
// estimate body slices
void OnUserLost(ulong userId)
calibratedUserId = 0;
// invalidate the body slice data
for (int i = 0; i < bodySlices.Length; i++)
bodySlices[i].isSliceValid = false;
// estimates the body slice data for the given user
public bool EstimateBodySlices(ulong userId)
if (userId <= 0)
userId = calibratedUserId;
if (!kinectManager || userId == 0)
return false;
userBodyIndex = (byte)kinectManager.GetBodyIndexByUserId(userId);
if (userBodyIndex == 255)
return false;
bool bSliceSuccess = false;
if (sensorData.bodyIndexImage != null && sensorData.depthImage != null &&
sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime != lastDepthFrameTime)
lastDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
bSliceSuccess = true;
Vector2 pointPelvis = kinectManager.MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis, false));
if (estimateBodyHeight)
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.HEIGHT] = !portraitMode ? GetUserHeightParams(pointPelvis) : GetUserWidthParams(pointPelvis);
if (estimateBodyWidth)
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.WIDTH] = !portraitMode ? GetUserWidthParams(pointPelvis) : GetUserHeightParams(pointPelvis);
if (estimateBodySlices && kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis) && kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Neck))
Vector2 point1 = pointPelvis;
Vector2 point2 = kinectManager.MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(sensorIndex, kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Neck, false));
Vector2 sliceDir = (point2 - point1) / 4f;
bool sliceOnX = !portraitMode ? true : false;
bool sliceOnY = !portraitMode ? false : true;
Vector2 vSlicePoint = point1;
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.TORSO_1] = GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice.TORSO_1, vSlicePoint, sliceOnX, sliceOnY, -1);
vSlicePoint += sliceDir;
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.TORSO_2] = GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice.TORSO_2, vSlicePoint, sliceOnX, sliceOnY, -1);
vSlicePoint += sliceDir;
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.TORSO_3] = GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice.TORSO_3, vSlicePoint, sliceOnX, sliceOnY, -1);
vSlicePoint += sliceDir;
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.TORSO_4] = GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice.TORSO_4, vSlicePoint, sliceOnX, sliceOnY, -1);
vSlicePoint = point2;
bodySlices[(int)BodySlice.TORSO_5] = GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice.TORSO_5, vSlicePoint, sliceOnX, sliceOnY, -1);
return bSliceSuccess;
// creates body slice data for user height
private BodySliceData GetUserHeightParams(Vector2 pointSpineBase)
int depthLength = sensorData.depthImage.Length;
int depthWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
int depthHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
Vector2 posTop = new Vector2(0, depthHeight);
for (int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < depthLength; i++)
if (sensorData.bodyIndexImage[i] == userBodyIndex)
//if (posTop.y > y)
posTop = new Vector2(x, y);
if (x >= depthWidth)
x = 0;
Vector2 posBottom = new Vector2(0, -1);
for (int i = depthLength - 1, x = depthWidth - 1, y = depthHeight - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (sensorData.bodyIndexImage[i] == userBodyIndex)
//if (posBottom.y < y)
posBottom = new Vector2(x, y);
if (x < 0)
x = depthWidth - 1;
BodySliceData sliceData = new BodySliceData();
sliceData.sliceType = BodySlice.HEIGHT;
sliceData.isSliceValid = false;
if (posBottom.y >= 0)
sliceData.startDepthPoint = posTop;
sliceData.endDepthPoint = posBottom;
sliceData.depthPointsLength = (int)posBottom.y - (int)posTop.y + 1;
int index1 = (int)posTop.y * depthWidth + (int)posTop.x;
ushort depth1 = sensorData.depthImage[index1];
sliceData.startKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1, true);
int index2 = (int)posBottom.y * depthWidth + (int)posBottom.x;
ushort depth2 = sensorData.depthImage[index2];
sliceData.endKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2, true);
sliceData.startColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1);
sliceData.endColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2);
if (sliceData.startColorPoint.y < 0)
sliceData.startColorPoint.y = 0;
if (sliceData.endColorPoint.y >= sensorData.colorImageHeight)
sliceData.endColorPoint.y = sensorData.colorImageHeight - 1;
sliceData.colorPointsLength = (int)sliceData.endColorPoint.y - (int)sliceData.startColorPoint.y + 1;
// correct x-positions of depth points
sliceData.startDepthPoint.x = pointSpineBase.x;
sliceData.endDepthPoint.x = pointSpineBase.x;
sliceData.diameter = (sliceData.endKinectPoint - sliceData.startKinectPoint).magnitude;
sliceData.isSliceValid = true;
return sliceData;
// creates body slice data for user width
private BodySliceData GetUserWidthParams(Vector2 pointSpineBase)
int depthLength = sensorData.depthImage.Length;
int depthWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
//int depthHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
Vector2 posLeft = new Vector2(depthWidth, 0);
Vector2 posRight = new Vector2(-1, 0);
for (int i = 0, x = 0, y = 0; i < depthLength; i++)
if (sensorData.bodyIndexImage[i] == userBodyIndex)
if (posLeft.x > x)
posLeft = new Vector2(x, y);
if (posRight.x < x)
posRight = new Vector2(x, y);
if (x >= depthWidth)
x = 0;
BodySliceData sliceData = new BodySliceData();
sliceData.sliceType = BodySlice.WIDTH;
sliceData.isSliceValid = false;
if (posRight.x >= 0)
sliceData.startDepthPoint = posLeft;
sliceData.endDepthPoint = posRight;
sliceData.depthPointsLength = (int)posRight.x - (int)posLeft.x + 1;
int index1 = (int)posLeft.y * depthWidth + (int)posLeft.x;
ushort depth1 = sensorData.depthImage[index1];
sliceData.startKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1, true);
int index2 = (int)posRight.y * depthWidth + (int)posRight.x;
ushort depth2 = sensorData.depthImage[index2];
sliceData.endKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2, true);
sliceData.startColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1);
sliceData.endColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2);
if (sliceData.startColorPoint.x < 0)
sliceData.startColorPoint.x = 0;
if (sliceData.endColorPoint.x >= sensorData.colorImageWidth)
sliceData.endColorPoint.x = sensorData.colorImageWidth - 1;
sliceData.colorPointsLength = (int)sliceData.endColorPoint.x - (int)sliceData.startColorPoint.x + 1;
// correct y-positions of depth points
sliceData.startDepthPoint.y = pointSpineBase.y;
sliceData.endDepthPoint.y = pointSpineBase.y;
sliceData.diameter = (sliceData.endKinectPoint - sliceData.startKinectPoint).magnitude;
sliceData.isSliceValid = true;
return sliceData;
// creates body slice data for the given body slice
private BodySliceData GetBodySliceParams(BodySlice sliceType, Vector2 middlePoint, bool bSliceOnX, bool bSliceOnY, int maxDepthLength)
BodySliceData sliceData = new BodySliceData();
sliceData.sliceType = sliceType;
sliceData.isSliceValid = false;
sliceData.depthPointsLength = 0;
if (!kinectManager || middlePoint ==
return sliceData;
if (!bSliceOnX && !bSliceOnY)
return sliceData;
middlePoint.x = Mathf.FloorToInt(middlePoint.x + 0.5f);
middlePoint.y = Mathf.FloorToInt(middlePoint.y + 0.5f);
int depthWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
int depthHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
int indexMid = (int)middlePoint.y * depthWidth + (int)middlePoint.x;
byte userIndex = sensorData.bodyIndexImage[indexMid];
if (userIndex != userBodyIndex)
return sliceData;
sliceData.startDepthPoint = middlePoint;
sliceData.endDepthPoint = middlePoint;
int indexDiff1 = 0;
int indexDiff2 = 0;
if (bSliceOnX)
// min-max
int minIndex = (int)middlePoint.y * depthWidth;
int maxIndex = (int)(middlePoint.y + 1) * depthWidth;
// horizontal left
int stepIndex = -1;
indexDiff1 = TrackSliceInDirection(indexMid, stepIndex, minIndex, maxIndex, userIndex);
// horizontal right
stepIndex = 1;
indexDiff2 = TrackSliceInDirection(indexMid, stepIndex, minIndex, maxIndex, userIndex);
else if (bSliceOnY)
// min-max
int minIndex = 0;
int maxIndex = depthHeight * depthWidth;
// vertical up
int stepIndex = -depthWidth;
indexDiff1 = TrackSliceInDirection(indexMid, stepIndex, minIndex, maxIndex, userIndex);
// vertical down
stepIndex = depthWidth;
indexDiff2 = TrackSliceInDirection(indexMid, stepIndex, minIndex, maxIndex, userIndex);
// calculate depth length
sliceData.depthPointsLength = indexDiff1 + indexDiff2 + 1;
// check for max length (used by upper legs)
if (maxDepthLength > 0 && sliceData.depthPointsLength > maxDepthLength)
if (indexDiff1 > indexDiff2)
indexDiff1 = indexDiff2;
indexDiff2 = indexDiff1;
sliceData.depthPointsLength = indexDiff1 + indexDiff2 + 1;
// set start and end depth points
if (bSliceOnX)
sliceData.startDepthPoint.x -= indexDiff1;
sliceData.endDepthPoint.x += indexDiff2;
else if (bSliceOnY)
sliceData.startDepthPoint.y -= indexDiff1;
sliceData.endDepthPoint.y += indexDiff2;
// start point
int index1 = (int)sliceData.startDepthPoint.y * depthWidth + (int)sliceData.startDepthPoint.x;
ushort depth1 = sensorData.depthImage[index1];
sliceData.startKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1, true);
// end point
int index2 = (int)sliceData.endDepthPoint.y * depthWidth + (int)sliceData.endDepthPoint.x;
ushort depth2 = sensorData.depthImage[index2];
sliceData.endKinectPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2, true);
sliceData.startColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.startDepthPoint, depth1);
sliceData.endColorPoint = kinectManager.MapDepthPointToColorCoords(sensorIndex, sliceData.endDepthPoint, depth2);
if (sliceData.startColorPoint.x < 0)
sliceData.startColorPoint.x = 0;
if (sliceData.endColorPoint.x >= sensorData.colorImageWidth)
sliceData.endColorPoint.x = sensorData.colorImageWidth - 1;
sliceData.colorPointsLength = (int)sliceData.endColorPoint.x - (int)sliceData.startColorPoint.x + 1;
// diameter
sliceData.diameter = (sliceData.endKinectPoint - sliceData.startKinectPoint).magnitude;
sliceData.isSliceValid = true;
return sliceData;
// determines the number of points in the given direction
private int TrackSliceInDirection(int index, int stepIndex, int minIndex, int maxIndex, byte userIndex)
int indexDiff = 0;
int errCount = 0;
index += stepIndex;
while (index >= minIndex && index < maxIndex)
if (sensorData.bodyIndexImage[index] != userIndex)
if (errCount > 0) // allow 0 error(s)
errCount = 0;
index += stepIndex;
return indexDiff;


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: ff0269bc02f81454bb8fbc41688637a4
timeCreated: 1468761285
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
using static com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// Cubeman controller transfers the captured user motion to a cubeman model.
/// </summary>
public class CubemanController : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Whether the cubeman is allowed to move vertically or not.")]
public bool verticalMovement = true;
[Tooltip("Whether the cubeman is facing the player or not.")]
public bool mirroredMovement = false;
[Tooltip("Scene object that will be used to represent the sensor's position and rotation in the scene.")]
public Transform sensorTransform;
[Tooltip("Rate at which the cubeman will move through the scene.")]
public float moveRate = 1f;
public GameObject Pelvis;
public GameObject SpineNaval;
public GameObject SpineChest;
public GameObject Neck;
public GameObject Head;
public GameObject ClavicleLeft;
public GameObject ShoulderLeft;
public GameObject ElbowLeft;
public GameObject WristLeft;
public GameObject HandLeft;
public GameObject ClavicleRight;
public GameObject ShoulderRight;
public GameObject ElbowRight;
public GameObject WristRight;
public GameObject HandRight;
public GameObject HipLeft;
public GameObject KneeLeft;
public GameObject AnkleLeft;
public GameObject FootLeft;
public GameObject HipRight;
public GameObject KneeRight;
public GameObject AnkleRight;
public GameObject FootRight;
public GameObject Nose;
public GameObject EyeLeft;
public GameObject EarLeft;
public GameObject EyeRight;
public GameObject EarRight;
public GameObject HandtipLeft;
public GameObject ThumbLeft;
public GameObject HandtipRight;
public GameObject ThumbRight;
[Tooltip("Line renderer to draw the skeleton lines.")]
public LineRenderer skeletonLine;
//public LineRenderer debugLine;
[Tooltip("UI Text to display debug information.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.Text debugInfo;
private GameObject[] bones;
private LineRenderer[] lines;
private LineRenderer lineTLeft;
private LineRenderer lineTRight;
private LineRenderer lineFLeft;
private LineRenderer lineFRight;
private Vector3 initialPosition;
private Quaternion initialRotation;
private Vector3 initialPosUser =;
private Vector3 initialPosOffset =;
private ulong initialPosUserID = 0;
private ulong lastBodyTimestamp = 0;
void Start()
//store bones in a list for easier access
bones = new GameObject[]
// array holding the skeleton lines
lines = new LineRenderer[bones.Length];
initialPosition = transform.position;
initialRotation = transform.rotation;
void Update()
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
// get 1st player
ulong userID = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex) : 0;
if (userID == 0)
initialPosUserID = 0;
initialPosOffset =;
initialPosUser =;
// reset the pointman position and rotation
if (transform.position != initialPosition)
transform.position = initialPosition;
if (transform.rotation != initialRotation)
transform.rotation = initialRotation;
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
bones[i].transform.localPosition =;
bones[i].transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
if (lines[i] != null)
// set the position in space
Vector3 posPointMan = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetUserPosition(userID) : kinectManager.GetUserKinectPosition(userID, true);
if (sensorTransform)
posPointMan = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posPointMan);
Vector3 posPointManMP = new Vector3(posPointMan.x, posPointMan.y, !mirroredMovement ? -posPointMan.z : posPointMan.z);
// store the initial position
if (initialPosUserID != userID)
initialPosUserID = userID;
//initialPosOffset = transform.position - (verticalMovement ? posPointMan * moveRate : new Vector3(posPointMan.x, 0, posPointMan.z) * moveRate);
initialPosOffset = posPointMan;
initialPosUser = initialPosition;
if (verticalMovement)
initialPosUser.y = 0f; // posPointManMP.y provides the vertical position in this case
Vector3 relPosUser = (posPointMan - initialPosOffset);
relPosUser.z = !mirroredMovement ? -relPosUser.z : relPosUser.z;
transform.position = verticalMovement ? initialPosUser + posPointManMP * moveRate :
initialPosUser + new Vector3(posPointManMP.x, 0, posPointManMP.z) * moveRate;
//Debug.Log (userID + ", pos: " + posPointMan + ", ipos: " + initialPosUser + ", rpos: " + posPointManMP + ", tpos: " + transform.position);
//Vector3 rotPelvis = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(userID, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis, true).eulerAngles;
//if(rotPelvis.y > 90 && rotPelvis.y < 270)
// Debug.Log($"Time: {DateTime.Now.ToString("")} - pelRot: {rotPelvis}");
ulong bodyTimestamp = kinectManager.GetBodyFrameTime(0);
if (lastBodyTimestamp != bodyTimestamp)
BodyData bodyData = kinectManager.GetUserBodyData(userID);
JointData pelvis = bodyData.joint[(int)JointType.Pelvis];
JointData neck = bodyData.joint[(int)JointType.Neck];
if (debugInfo != null)
debugInfo.text = $"Pelvis: {GetJointDataString(pelvis)}, Neck: {GetJointDataString(neck)}";
lastBodyTimestamp = bodyTimestamp;
// update the local positions of the bones
for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
if (bones[i] != null)
int joint = !mirroredMovement ? i : (int)KinectInterop.GetMirrorJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)i);
if (joint < 0)
if (kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userID, joint))
Vector3 posJoint = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userID, joint) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userID, joint, true);
if (sensorTransform)
posJoint = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posJoint);
posJoint.z = !mirroredMovement ? -posJoint.z : posJoint.z;
Quaternion rotJoint = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(userID, joint, !mirroredMovement);
rotJoint = initialRotation * rotJoint;
posJoint -= posPointManMP;
if (mirroredMovement)
posJoint.x = -posJoint.x;
posJoint.z = -posJoint.z;
bones[i].transform.localPosition = posJoint;
bones[i].transform.rotation = rotJoint;
if (lines[i] == null && skeletonLine != null)
lines[i] = Instantiate(skeletonLine) as LineRenderer;
lines[i].transform.parent = transform;
int parJoint = (int)kinectManager.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)joint);
if (lines[i] != null)
Vector3 posJoint2 = bones[i].transform.position;
parJoint = !mirroredMovement ? parJoint : (int)KinectInterop.GetMirrorJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)parJoint);
Vector3 posParent = bones[parJoint].transform.position;
//Vector3 dirFromParent = kinectManager.GetJointDirection(userID, joint, false, false);
//dirFromParent.z = !mirroredMovement ? -dirFromParent.z : dirFromParent.z;
//Vector3 posParent = posJoint2 - dirFromParent;
//Vector3 posParent = !sensorTransform ? kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userID, parJoint) : kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userID, parJoint, true);
//if (sensorTransform)
// posParent = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(posParent);
//posParent.z = !mirroredMovement ? -posParent.z : posParent.z;
lines[i].SetPosition(0, posParent);
lines[i].SetPosition(1, posJoint2);
if (lines[i] != null)
// returns the joint data string
private string GetJointDataString(JointData jd)
return $"{jd.trackingState.ToString()[0]} {jd.position.ToString("F2")}";


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// DepthIrFilterImage filters the sensor's IR image with the raw depth. The resulting image is displayed on the given RawImage.
/// </summary>
public class DepthIrFilterImage : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Index of the used depth sensor. 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("RawImage used to display the depth filtered IR image.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
[Tooltip("Camera used to display the background image. Set it, if you'd like to allow background image to resize, to match the depth image's aspect ratio.")]
public Camera backgroundCamera;
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Material depthFilterMat = null;
private RenderTexture depthFilterTex = null;
private ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer = null;
private ulong lastDepthFrameTime = 0;
// last camera rect width & height
private float lastCamRectW = 0;
private float lastCamRectH = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets depth filtered IR texture.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Depth filtered IR texture.</returns>
public Texture GetDepthFilterIrTex()
return depthFilterTex;
/// <summary>
/// Gets depth filtered IR material.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Depth filtered IR material.</returns>
public Material GetDepthFilterIrMat()
return depthFilterMat;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the maximum IR value, used to convert the raw IR values to texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="maxIrValue">Max IR value.</param>
public void SetMaxIrValue(float maxIrValue)
kinectManager.SetSensorMinMaxIrValues(sensorIndex, 0, maxIrValue);
void Start()
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
Shader depthFilterShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/DepthIrFilterShader");
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex);
if (depthFilterShader != null && sensorData != null)
depthFilterMat = new Material(depthFilterShader);
void OnDestroy()
if (depthImageBuffer != null)
depthImageBuffer = null;
if(depthFilterTex != null)
depthFilterTex = null;
if (backgroundImage)
backgroundImage.texture = null;
void LateUpdate()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && depthFilterMat != null)
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.infraredImageTexture != null && sensorData.depthImage != null &&
lastDepthFrameTime != sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime)
lastDepthFrameTime = sensorData.lastDepthFrameTime;
int depthBufferLength = (sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight) >> 1;
if (depthImageBuffer == null || depthImageBuffer.count != depthBufferLength)
depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (depthFilterTex == null || depthFilterTex.width != sensorData.depthImageWidth || depthFilterTex.height != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
depthFilterTex = KinectInterop.CreateRenderTexture(depthFilterTex, sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
if (backgroundImage)
backgroundImage.texture = depthFilterTex;
backgroundImage.rectTransform.localScale = kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
backgroundImage.color = Color.white;
float minDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).minDepthDistance;
float maxDistance = ((DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface).maxDepthDistance;
depthFilterMat.SetInt("_TexResX", sensorData.depthImageWidth);
depthFilterMat.SetInt("_TexResY", sensorData.depthImageHeight);
depthFilterMat.SetInt("_MinDepth", (int)(minDistance * 1000f));
depthFilterMat.SetInt("_MaxDepth", (int)(maxDistance * 1000f));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
depthFilterMat.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", depthImageBuffer);
depthFilterMat.SetTexture("_IrTex", sensorData.infraredImageTexture);
Graphics.Blit(null, depthFilterTex, depthFilterMat);
// check for resolution change
float cameraWidth = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.width : 0f;
float cameraHeight = backgroundCamera ? backgroundCamera.pixelRect.height : 0f;
if (backgroundImage && (lastCamRectW != cameraWidth || lastCamRectH != cameraHeight))
SetImageResolution(cameraWidth, cameraHeight);
// sets new image resolution
private void SetImageResolution(float cameraWidth, float cameraHeight)
lastCamRectW = cameraWidth;
lastCamRectH = cameraHeight;
//Debug.Log("aPos: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition + ", aMin: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMin +
// ", aMax:" + backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchorMax + ", pivot: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.pivot +
// ", size: " + backgroundImage.rectTransform.sizeDelta);
if (backgroundCamera != null)
// adjust image's size and position to match the stream aspect ratio
int depthImageWidth = kinectManager.GetDepthImageWidth(sensorIndex);
int depthImageHeight = kinectManager.GetDepthImageHeight(sensorIndex);
RectTransform rectImage = backgroundImage.rectTransform;
float rectWidth = (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x) ? cameraWidth * (rectImage.anchorMax.x - rectImage.anchorMin.x) : rectImage.sizeDelta.x;
float rectHeight = (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y) ? cameraHeight * (rectImage.anchorMax.y - rectImage.anchorMin.y) : rectImage.sizeDelta.y;
if (depthImageWidth > depthImageHeight)
rectWidth = rectHeight * depthImageWidth / depthImageHeight;
rectHeight = rectWidth * depthImageHeight / depthImageWidth;
Vector2 pivotOffset = (rectImage.pivot - new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)) * 2f;
Vector2 imageScale = (Vector2)kinectManager.GetDepthImageScale(sensorIndex);
Vector2 anchorPos = rectImage.anchoredPosition + pivotOffset * imageScale * new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.x != rectImage.anchorMax.x)
rectWidth = -(cameraWidth - rectWidth);
if (rectImage.anchorMin.y != rectImage.anchorMax.y)
rectHeight = -(cameraHeight - rectHeight);
rectImage.sizeDelta = new Vector2(rectWidth, rectHeight);
rectImage.anchoredPosition = anchorPos;


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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: f44231b5677b1c3488a66da7d3bd995c
timeCreated: 1463267447
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


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fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 50bc3aae16556ef4da4f40d878f1e934
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}


@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Type of body-spin filter.
/// </summary>
public enum BodySpinType : int { None = 0, FixBodySpinAndLegCross = 1, FixBodySpinOnly = 2, FixLegCrossOnly = 3 }
/// <summary>
/// Detects and corrects body-spins caused by wrong body-part recognitions.
/// </summary>
public class BodySpinFilter
// criteria to block body spinning
public FACING_DIRECTION isForwardFacing = FACING_DIRECTION.FORWARD_ONLY; // whether the user is always facing to/against the camera. otherwise uses MAX_SPIN_TIME
public bool tryRecoverPose = false; // whether to try to recover the correct pose, or restore the last correct pose
public float maxSpinTime = 0.5f; // in seconds, in case it's not set as always-forward/backward-facing
private const float MIN_ANGLE_COS = 0f; // cos(a) used for spin detection
private bool _fixBodySpin = true; // whether to fix the temporary body-spin issue
private bool _fixLegCross = true; // whether to fix the leg-cross issue
//private const bool FIX_JOINT_ANGLE = false; // whether to fix the incorrect angles at knee and ankle joints
// history data
private BodyHistoryData[] history = null;
private Dictionary<ulong, Vector3> userRightDir = new Dictionary<ulong, Vector3>();
// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public BodySpinFilter()
// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public BodySpinFilter(BodySpinType bodySpinType)
case BodySpinType.None:
_fixBodySpin = false;
_fixLegCross = false;
case BodySpinType.FixBodySpinAndLegCross:
_fixBodySpin = true;
_fixLegCross = true;
case BodySpinType.FixBodySpinOnly:
_fixBodySpin = true;
_fixLegCross = false;
case BodySpinType.FixLegCrossOnly:
_fixBodySpin = false;
_fixLegCross = true;
// Resets the filter to default values.
public void Reset(ulong userId = 0)
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
int maxBodyCount = 10; // kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount();
int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
if(userId == 0)
// create the history data
history = new BodyHistoryData[maxBodyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < maxBodyCount; i++)
history[i] = new BodyHistoryData(jointCount);
// clean the history of the given user only
if (userRightDir.ContainsKey(userId))
for (int i = 0; i < maxBodyCount; i++)
if (history[i].userId == userId)
history[i].userId = 0;
history[i].lastTimestamp = 0;
history[i].lastUpdateTime = 0;
history[i].frameCount = 0;
//Debug.Log("Removed history for userId " + userId + ", index: " + i);
// Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, long bodyTimestamp, Matrix4x4 s2wMatrix, Vector3 spaceScale)
if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
// get body index
int bodyIndex = GetUserIndex(bodyData.liTrackingID);
if (bodyIndex < 0)
bodyIndex = GetFreeIndex();
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
history[bodyIndex].userId = bodyData.liTrackingID;
Vector3 lShPos = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].position;
Vector3 rShPos = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].position;
Vector3 curDirLR = (rShPos - lShPos).normalized;
var dotRight = Vector3.Dot(curDirLR, Vector3.right);
userRightDir[bodyData.liTrackingID] = dotRight >= 0f ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left;
//Debug.Log($"Created history for userId: {history[bodyIndex].userId}, index: {bodyIndex}, time: {DateTime.UtcNow}, dotR: {dotRight:F3}, rDir: {userRightDir[bodyData.liTrackingID]}");
// filter
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, bodyTimestamp, s2wMatrix, spaceScale);
// free unused history - moved to sensor-int
// Update the filter for all body joints
private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, long bodyTimestamp, Matrix4x4 s2wMatrix, Vector3 spaceScale)
//long nowTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
long deltaTicks = bodyTimestamp - history[bodyIndex].lastTimestamp;
float deltaTime = deltaTicks * 0.0000001f;
// w2s matrix
Matrix4x4 w2sMatrix = s2wMatrix.inverse;
if (_fixBodySpin)
bool isBodyOK = CheckJointPair(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, deltaTime, bodyTimestamp);
SaveAllJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, bodyTimestamp);
if ((!tryRecoverPose) && history[bodyIndex].frameCount > 0)
RestoreAllJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex);
SwapAllJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, bodyTimestamp);
SwapAllJointsZpos(ref bodyData, s2wMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
Vector3 hipPosL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].position;
Vector3 hipPosR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].position;
Vector3 hipsDir = hipPosR - hipPosL;
// check and fix leg-crossing issues
if (_fixLegCross)
// check for and fix invalid l-r directions between legs
CheckAndFixLegPair(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, bodyTimestamp);
CheckAndFixLegPair(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, bodyTimestamp);
CheckAndFixLegPair(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, bodyTimestamp);
CheckAndFixLegPair(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, bodyTimestamp);
CheckAndFixLegInwardDir(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, hipsDir, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
CheckAndFixLegInwardDir(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, -hipsDir, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
//CheckAndFixLegInwardDir(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, hipsDir, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
//CheckAndFixLegInwardDir(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, -hipsDir, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
////check and fix knee &ankle angles
// CheckAndFixLegJointAngle(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, -hipsDir, 35f, 180f, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
// CheckAndFixLegJointAngle(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, -hipsDir, 35f, 180f, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
// CheckAndFixLegJointAngle(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, hipsDir, 45f, 135f, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
// CheckAndFixLegJointAngle(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, hipsDir, 45f, 135f, w2sMatrix, spaceScale, bodyTimestamp);
// update body root positions
bodyData.position = bodyData.joint[0].position;
bodyData.kinectPos = bodyData.joint[0].kinectPos;
////if (!isBodyOK)
// string sSwap = (!isBodyOK ? "1" : "0") + (isHipsSwap ? "1" : "0") +
// (isKneesSwap ? "1" : "0") + (isAnklesSwap ? "1" : "0") + (isFeetSwap ? "1" : "0");
// Vector3 shL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].position;
// Vector3 shR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].position;
// Vector3 hipL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft].position;
// Vector3 hipR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight].position;
// Vector3 kneeL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft].position;
// Vector3 kneeR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight].position;
// Vector3 ankleL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft].position;
// Vector3 ankleR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight].position;
// Vector3 footL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft].position;
// Vector3 footR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight].position;
// Vector3 neck = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Neck].position;
// Vector3 head = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head].position;
// Vector3 nose = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Nose].position;
// Debug.Log($" ts: {bodyTimestamp}, dt: {deltaTime:F6}, swap: {sSwap}, shL: {shL}, shR: {shR}, hipL: {hipL}, hipR: {hipR}, kneeL: {kneeL}, kneeR: {kneeR}, ankleL: {ankleL}, ankleR: {ankleR}, footL: {footL}, footR: {footR}, neck: {neck}, head: {head}, nose: {nose}\n");
// check the given joint pair for spinning rotation
private bool CheckJointPair(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, int jointL, int jointR, float deltaTime, long bodyTimestamp)
bool isPairOK = true;
Vector3 curPosL = bodyData.joint[jointL].position;
Vector3 curPosR = bodyData.joint[jointR].position;
Vector3 curDirLR = curPosR - curPosL;
//curDirLR.z = -curDirLR.z;
// update the saved right-dir, if needed
if (isForwardFacing == FACING_DIRECTION.FORWARD_AND_BACKWARD && deltaTime > maxSpinTime)
var dotRight = Vector3.Dot(curDirLR, Vector3.right);
userRightDir[bodyData.liTrackingID] = dotRight >= 0f ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left;
//Debug.Log($"Updated r-dir for userId: {bodyData.liTrackingID}, dotR: {dotRight:F3}, rDir: {userRightDir[bodyData.liTrackingID]}");
// right direction
Vector3 prevDirLR = Vector3.right;
switch (isForwardFacing)
prevDirLR = userRightDir[bodyData.liTrackingID];
prevDirLR = Vector3.right;
prevDirLR = Vector3.left;
Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown value for IS_FORWARD_FACING: {isForwardFacing}");
// check for different directions
float dotPrevCur = Vector3.Dot(prevDirLR, curDirLR.normalized);
if (curDirLR != && prevDirLR != && dotPrevCur < MIN_ANGLE_COS &&
(isForwardFacing != FACING_DIRECTION.FORWARD_AND_BACKWARD || deltaTime <= maxSpinTime))
isPairOK = false;
// string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
// Debug.Log($"check LR for uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID} - {isPairOK}, dot: {dotPrevCur:F3}, dt: {deltaTime:F3}, time: {curTime}, ts: {bodyTimestamp}, cpL: {curPosL}, cpR: {curPosR}, cDir: {curDirLR:F2}, pDir: {prevDirLR:F2}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
return isPairOK;
// saves all joints to history
private void SaveAllJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, long bodyTimestamp)
int jointCount = bodyData.joint.Length;
for(int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++)
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastPosition = bodyData.joint[j].position;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastKinectPos = bodyData.joint[j].kinectPos;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastTrackingState = bodyData.joint[j].trackingState;
history[bodyIndex].lastTimestamp = (long)bodyData.bodyTimestamp;
history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
//string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
//Debug.Log($" saved joints - uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID} time: {curTime}, ts: {bodyTimestamp}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// restores all joints from history
private void RestoreAllJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex)
int jointCount = bodyData.joint.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < jointCount; j++)
bodyData.joint[j].position = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastPosition;
bodyData.joint[j].kinectPos = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastKinectPos;
bodyData.joint[j].trackingState = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[j].lastTrackingState;
// restore body timestamp
bodyData.bodyTimestamp = (ulong)history[bodyIndex].lastTimestamp;
// prevent history clean ups
history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
//string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
//Debug.Log($" restored joints - uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID}, ts: {history[bodyIndex].lastTimestamp}, time: {curTime}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// swaps all left & right joints
private void SwapAllJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, long bodyTimestamp)
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ClavicleLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ClavicleRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EyeLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EyeRight, bodyIndex);
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EarLeft, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.EarRight, bodyIndex);
//string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
//Debug.Log($" swapped joints - uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID}, ts: {bodyData.bodyTimestamp}, time: {curTime}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// restores all joints from history
private void SwapAllJointsZpos(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, Matrix4x4 s2wMatrix, Vector3 spaceScale, long bodyTimestamp)
float pelPosZ = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis].kinectPos.z;
int jointCount = bodyData.joint.Length;
for (int j = 1; j < jointCount; j++)
int joint = j;
Vector3 kinectPos = bodyData.joint[joint].kinectPos;
float jointDiffZ = kinectPos.z - pelPosZ;
kinectPos.z -= 2 * jointDiffZ;
bodyData.joint[joint].kinectPos = kinectPos;
bodyData.joint[joint].position = s2wMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3(kinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, kinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, kinectPos.z));
//string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
//Debug.Log($" swapZpos joints - uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID}, ts: {bodyTimestamp}, time: {curTime}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// checks the given leg pair for incorrect direction, and fixes it if needed
private void CheckAndFixLegPair(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, int jointL, int jointR, long bodyTimestamp)
bool isPairOK = true;
Vector3 legPosL = bodyData.joint[jointL].position;
Vector3 legPosR = bodyData.joint[jointR].position;
Vector3 legDirLR = legPosR - legPosL;
legDirLR.z = -legDirLR.z;
Vector3 shPosL = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft].position;
Vector3 shPosR = bodyData.joint[(int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight].position;
Vector3 shDirLR = shPosR - shPosL;
shDirLR.z = -shDirLR.z;
// check for different directions
float dotShLeg = Vector3.Dot(shDirLR.normalized, legDirLR.normalized);
if (legDirLR != && shDirLR != && dotShLeg < 0f)
isPairOK = false;
//if (jointL == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft)
// string curTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
// Debug.Log($"time: {curTime}, dot: {dotPrevCur:F3}, lpL: {legPosL}, lpR: {legPosR}, lDir: {legDirLR}, pDir: {hipDirLR}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
if (!isPairOK)
// fix the issue
SwapJointsData(ref bodyData, jointL, jointR, bodyIndex);
//Debug.Log($" swapping {(KinectInterop.JointType)jointL}-{(KinectInterop.JointType)jointR} for uID: {bodyData.liTrackingID}, ts: {bodyTimestamp}, shDir: {shDirLR}, legDir: {legDirLR}, dot: {dotShLeg:F3}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// swaps the positional data of two joints
private void SwapJointsData(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int jointL, int jointR, int bodyIndex)
KinectInterop.TrackingState trackingStateL = bodyData.joint[jointL].trackingState;
Vector3 kinectPosL = bodyData.joint[jointL].kinectPos;
Vector3 positionL = bodyData.joint[jointL].position;
KinectInterop.TrackingState trackingStateR = bodyData.joint[jointR].trackingState;
Vector3 kinectPosR = bodyData.joint[jointR].kinectPos;
Vector3 positionR = bodyData.joint[jointR].position;
bodyData.joint[jointL].trackingState = trackingStateR;
bodyData.joint[jointL].kinectPos = kinectPosR;
bodyData.joint[jointL].position = positionR;
bodyData.joint[jointR].trackingState = trackingStateL;
bodyData.joint[jointR].kinectPos = kinectPosL;
bodyData.joint[jointR].position = positionL;
//// checks the given leg joint for incorrect angle, and fixes it if needed
//private void CheckAndFixLegJointAngle(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int midJoint, Vector3 hipsDir, float minAngle, float maxAngle,
// Matrix4x4 w2sMatrix, Vector3 spaceScale, long bodyTimestamp)
// int parJoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint);
// int nextJoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetNextJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint);
// if(bodyData.joint[midJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked ||
// bodyData.joint[parJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked ||
// bodyData.joint[nextJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
// {
// return;
// }
// Vector3 midJointPos = bodyData.joint[midJoint].position;
// Vector3 parJointPos = bodyData.joint[parJoint].position;
// Vector3 nextJointPos = bodyData.joint[nextJoint].position;
// Vector3 parJointDir = parJointPos - midJointPos;
// Vector3 nextJointDir = nextJointPos - midJointPos;
// // check the angle
// float dirAngle = Vector3.SignedAngle(parJointDir.normalized, nextJointDir.normalized, hipsDir.normalized);
// //Debug.Log($" {(KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint} for uID {bodyData.liTrackingID} - dirs-angle: {dirAngle:F1}, parDir: {parJointDir}, nextDir: {nextJointDir}, hipsDir: {hipsDir}, min: {minAngle}, max: {maxAngle}");
// if (parJointDir != && nextJointDir != && hipsDir != &&
// (dirAngle < minAngle || dirAngle > maxAngle))
// {
// Vector3 crossDir = Vector3.Cross(parJointDir.normalized, nextJointDir.normalized);
// float turnAngle = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(dirAngle, minAngle)) < Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(dirAngle, maxAngle)) ? minAngle : maxAngle;
// Quaternion turnRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(turnAngle, crossDir.normalized);
// Vector3 newJointDir = turnRotation * parJointDir;
// newJointDir *= nextJointDir.magnitude / parJointDir.magnitude; // scale
// Vector3 newJointPos = midJointPos + newJointDir;
// bodyData.joint[nextJoint].position = newJointPos;
// Vector3 newKinectPos = w2sMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(newJointPos);
// bodyData.joint[nextJoint].kinectPos = new Vector3(newKinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, newKinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, newKinectPos.z);
// Debug.Log($" fix angle @ {(KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint} for uID {bodyData.liTrackingID} - old: {dirAngle:F1} new: {turnAngle:F1}, ts: {bodyTimestamp}, newDir: {newJointDir}, newPos: {newJointPos}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// }
// checks the given leg joint for incorrect (inward) direction, and fixes it if needed
private void CheckAndFixLegInwardDir(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int midJoint, Vector3 hipsDir, Matrix4x4 w2sMatrix, Vector3 spaceScale, long bodyTimestamp)
int parJoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint);
if (bodyData.joint[midJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked ||
bodyData.joint[parJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
Vector3 midJointPos = bodyData.joint[midJoint].position;
Vector3 parJointPos = bodyData.joint[parJoint].position;
Vector3 parJointDir = midJointPos - parJointPos;
Vector3 hipsBackDir = Vector3.Cross(hipsDir.normalized, parJointDir.normalized);
float dotJointDir = Vector3.Dot(hipsDir.normalized, parJointDir.normalized);
if(dotJointDir > 0f)
// fix the joint position
Vector3 newJointDir = Vector3.Cross(hipsBackDir.normalized, hipsDir.normalized);
newJointDir *= parJointDir.magnitude;
Vector3 newJointPos = parJointPos + newJointDir;
bodyData.joint[midJoint].position = newJointPos;
Vector3 newKinectPos = w2sMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(newJointPos);
bodyData.joint[midJoint].kinectPos = new Vector3(newKinectPos.x * spaceScale.x, newKinectPos.y * spaceScale.y, newKinectPos.z);
//Debug.Log($" fix inward @ {(KinectInterop.JointType)midJoint} for uID {bodyData.liTrackingID} - dot: {dotJointDir:F3} ts: {bodyTimestamp}, oldDir: {parJointDir}, newDir: {newJointDir}, newPos: {newJointPos}\n"); // System.IO.File.AppendAllText(logFilename,
// returns the history index for the given user, or -1 if not found
private int GetUserIndex(ulong userId)
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == userId)
return i;
return -1;
// returns the 1st free history index, or -1 if not found
private int GetFreeIndex()
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// frees history indices that were unused for long time
public void CleanUpUserHistory()
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
long timeNow = dtNow.Ticks;
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId != 0 && history[i].lastUpdateTime != 0 && (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) >= 10000000)
//Debug.Log("Removing history for userId " + history[i].userId + ", index: " + i + ", time: " + dtNow + ", not used since: " + (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) + " ticks");
history[i].userId = 0;
history[i].lastTimestamp = 0;
history[i].lastUpdateTime = 0;
history[i].frameCount = 0;
// body history data used by the filter
private struct BodyHistoryData
public ulong userId;
public long lastTimestamp;
public long lastUpdateTime;
public JointHistoryData[] jointHistory;
public uint frameCount;
public BodyHistoryData(int jointCount)
userId = 0;
lastTimestamp = 0;
lastUpdateTime = 0;
jointHistory = new JointHistoryData[jointCount];
frameCount = 0;
// joint history data used by the filter
private struct JointHistoryData
// last joint position
public Vector3 lastPosition;
// last sensor position
public Vector3 lastKinectPos;
// last tracking state
public KinectInterop.TrackingState lastTrackingState;


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guid: 017113e2f305e944e9954ff2c290c874
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Filter to correct the joint orientations to constraint to the range of plausible human motion.
/// </summary>
public class BoneOrientationConstraints
// constraint types
public enum CT { None = 0, LimA = 1, LimST = 2, LimH = 3 }
// list of joint constraints
private readonly List<BoneOrientationConstraint> jointConstraints = new List<BoneOrientationConstraint>();
private UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText;
private long frameNum = 0;
//private float currentTime = 0f;
// Initializes a new instance of the BoneOrientationConstraints class.
public BoneOrientationConstraints()
public void SetDebugText(UnityEngine.UI.Text debugText)
this.debugText = debugText;
// AddDefaultConstraints - Adds a set of default joint constraints for normal human poses.
// This is a reasonable set of constraints for plausible human bio-mechanics.
public void AddDefaultConstraints()
// SpineNaval
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineNaval, CT.LimST, Vector3.up, 5f, 0f);
// SpineChest
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.SpineChest, CT.LimST, Vector3.up, 5f, 0f);
// Neck
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Neck, CT.LimST, Vector3.up, 10f, 10f);
// Head
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head, CT.LimST, Vector3.up, 50f, 80f);
// ShoulderLeft, ShoulderRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderLeft, CT.LimST, Vector3.left, 180f, 180f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.ShoulderRight, CT.LimST, Vector3.right, 180f, 180f);
// ElbowLeft, ElbowRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft, CT.LimST, Vector3.left, 180f, 180f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowRight, CT.LimST, Vector3.right, 180f, 180f);
// WristLeft, WristRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristLeft, CT.LimST, Vector3.left, 60f, 40f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.WristRight, CT.LimST, Vector3.right, 60f, 40f);
// HandLeft, HandRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft, CT.LimH, Vector3.forward, -5f, -80f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight, CT.LimH, Vector3.forward, 5f, 80f);
// HipLeft, HipRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipLeft, CT.LimST, Vector3.down, 120f, 0f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.HipRight, CT.LimST, Vector3.down, 120f, 0f);
// KneeLeft, KneeRight
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft, CT.LimH, Vector3.right, 0f, 150f);
AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight, CT.LimH, Vector3.right, 0f, 150f);
//// AnkleLeft, AnkleRight
////AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, CT.LimST, Vector3.forward, 30f, 0f);
////AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, CT.LimST, Vector3.forward, 30f, 0f);
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, CT.LimA, Vector3.forward, -5f, 5f); // lat
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, CT.LimA, Vector3.right, -10f, 10f); // sag
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleLeft, CT.LimA, Vector3.up, -30f, 30f); // rot
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, CT.LimA, Vector3.forward, -5f, 5f); // lat
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, CT.LimA, Vector3.right, -10f, 10f); // sag
//AddBoneOrientationConstraint((int)KinectInterop.JointType.AnkleRight, CT.LimA, Vector3.up, -30f, 30f); // rot
// Apply the orientation constraints
public void Constrain(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
for (int i = 0; i < jointConstraints.Count; i++)
BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];
if (jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Pelvis || bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation == Quaternion.identity)
if (kinectManager.ignoreZCoordinates && (jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeLeft || jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.KneeRight))
if (bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
int prevJoint = (int)KinectInterop.GetParentJoint((KinectInterop.JointType)jc.thisJoint);
if (bodyData.joint[prevJoint].trackingState == KinectInterop.TrackingState.NotTracked)
Quaternion rotParentN = bodyData.joint[prevJoint].normalRotation;
//Quaternion rotDefaultN = Quaternion.identity; // Quaternion.FromToRotation(KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[prevJoint], KinectInterop.JointBaseDir[jc.thisJoint]);
//rotParentN = rotParentN * rotDefaultN;
Quaternion rotJointN = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation;
Quaternion rotLocalN = Quaternion.Inverse(rotParentN) * rotJointN;
Vector3 eulerAnglesN = rotLocalN.eulerAngles;
bool isConstrained = false;
//string sDebug = string.Empty;
for (int a = 0; a < jc.axisConstrainrs.Count; a++)
AxisOrientationConstraint ac = jc.axisConstrainrs[a];
Quaternion rotLimited = rotLocalN;
switch (ac.consType)
case 0:
case CT.LimA:
eulerAnglesN = LimitAngles(eulerAnglesN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax);
rotLimited = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAnglesN);
case CT.LimST:
rotLimited = LimitSwing(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin);
rotLimited = LimitTwist(rotLimited, ac.axis, ac.angleMax);
case CT.LimH:
float lastAngle = bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle;
rotLimited = LimitHinge(rotLocalN, ac.axis, ac.angleMin, ac.angleMax, ref lastAngle);
bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].lastAngle = lastAngle;
throw new Exception("Undefined constraint type found: " + (int)ac.consType);
if (rotLimited != rotLocalN)
rotLocalN = rotLimited;
isConstrained = true;
//if (sDebug.Length > 0)
// if (debugText != null && jc.thisJoint == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ElbowLeft)
// {
// // debugText.text = sDebug;
// }
// Debug.Log(sDebug);
if (isConstrained)
rotJointN = rotParentN * rotLocalN;
Vector3 eulerJoint = rotJointN.eulerAngles;
Vector3 eulerJointM = new Vector3(eulerJoint.x, -eulerJoint.y, -eulerJoint.z);
Quaternion rotJointM = Quaternion.Euler(eulerJointM);
// put it back into the bone orientations
bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].normalRotation = rotJointN;
bodyData.joint[jc.thisJoint].mirroredRotation = rotJointM;
// find the bone constraint structure for given joint
// returns the structure index in the list, or -1 if the bone structure is not found
private int FindBoneOrientationConstraint(int thisJoint)
for (int i = 0; i < jointConstraints.Count; i++)
if (jointConstraints[i].thisJoint == thisJoint)
return i;
return -1;
// AddJointConstraint - Adds a joint constraint to the system.
private void AddBoneOrientationConstraint(int thisJoint, CT consType, Vector3 axis, float angleMin, float angleMax)
int index = FindBoneOrientationConstraint(thisJoint);
BoneOrientationConstraint jc = index >= 0 ? jointConstraints[index] : new BoneOrientationConstraint(thisJoint);
if (index < 0)
index = jointConstraints.Count;
AxisOrientationConstraint constraint = new AxisOrientationConstraint(consType, axis, angleMin, angleMax);
jointConstraints[index] = jc;
private Vector3 LimitAngles(Vector3 eulerAngles, Vector3 axis, float limitMin, float limitMax)
int iAxis = (axis.x != 0f) ? 0 : (axis.y != 0f) ? 1 : (axis.z != 0f) ? 2 : -1;
if (iAxis >= 0)
float angle = eulerAngles[iAxis];
if (angle > 180f)
angle = angle - 360f;
float newAngle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, limitMin, limitMax);
if (newAngle < 0f)
newAngle += 360f;
eulerAngles[iAxis] = newAngle;
return eulerAngles;
private Quaternion LimitSwing(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 axis, float limit)
if (rotation == Quaternion.identity)
return rotation;
if (limit >= 180f)
return rotation;
Vector3 swingAxis = rotation * axis;
Quaternion swingRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(axis, swingAxis);
Quaternion limSwingRot = Quaternion.RotateTowards(Quaternion.identity, swingRot, limit);
Quaternion backRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(swingAxis, limSwingRot * axis);
return backRot * rotation;
private Quaternion LimitTwist(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 axis, float limit)
limit = Mathf.Clamp(limit, 0f, 180f);
if (limit >= 180f)
return rotation;
Vector3 orthoAxis = new Vector3(axis.y, axis.z, axis.x);
Vector3 orthoTangent = orthoAxis;
Vector3 normal = rotation * axis;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref orthoTangent);
Vector3 rotOrthoTangent = rotation * orthoAxis;
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref normal, ref rotOrthoTangent);
Quaternion fixedRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(rotOrthoTangent, orthoTangent) * rotation;
if (limit <= 0f)
return fixedRot;
return Quaternion.RotateTowards(fixedRot, rotation, limit);
private Quaternion LimitHinge(Quaternion rotation, Vector3 axis, float limitMin, float limitMax, ref float lastAngle)
if (limitMin == 0f && limitMax == 0f)
return Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, axis);
Quaternion rotOnAxis = Quaternion.FromToRotation(rotation * axis, axis) * rotation; // limit-1
Quaternion lastRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lastAngle, axis);
Quaternion rotAdded = rotOnAxis * Quaternion.Inverse(lastRotation);
float rotAngle = Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion.identity, rotAdded);
Vector3 secAxis = new Vector3(axis.z, axis.x, axis.y);
Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(secAxis, axis);
if (Vector3.Dot(rotAdded * secAxis, cross) > 0f)
rotAngle = -rotAngle;
rotAngle = Mathf.Clamp(lastAngle + rotAngle, limitMin, limitMax);
return Quaternion.AngleAxis(rotAngle, axis);
private struct BoneOrientationConstraint
public int thisJoint;
public List<AxisOrientationConstraint> axisConstrainrs;
public BoneOrientationConstraint(int thisJoint)
this.thisJoint = thisJoint;
axisConstrainrs = new List<AxisOrientationConstraint>();
private struct AxisOrientationConstraint
public CT consType;
public Vector3 axis;
public float angleMin;
public float angleMax;
public AxisOrientationConstraint(CT consType, Vector3 axis, float angleMin, float angleMax)
this.consType = consType;
this.axis = axis;
// Set the min and max rotations in degrees
this.angleMin = angleMin;
this.angleMax = angleMax;


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guid: 24a68b3ab03e9e24d8fb673f4f8d107a
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
// predefined smoothing types
public enum SmoothingType : int { None, Default, Light, Medium, Aggressive }
/// <summary>
/// Parameters used for smoothing of the body-joint positions between frames.
/// </summary>
public class SmoothParameters
public float smoothing;
public float correction;
public float prediction;
public float jitterRadius;
public float maxDeviationRadius;
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of a Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter. The double exponential
/// smooths the curve and predicts. There is also noise jitter removal. And maximum
/// prediction bounds. The parameters are commented in the Init function.
/// </summary>
public class JointPositionsFilter
// The history data.
//private JointHistoryData[,] history;
private BodyHistoryData[] history;
// The smoothing parameters for this filter.
private SmoothParameters smoothParameters;
private SmoothingType smoothingType = SmoothingType.Default;
// True when the filter parameters are initialized.
private bool init;
// userId to index
private Dictionary<ulong, int> dictUserIdToIndex = new Dictionary<ulong, int>();
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public JointPositionsFilter()
init = false;
// Initialize the filter with a default set of TransformSmoothParameters.
public void Init()
// Specify some defaults
Init(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.05f, 0.04f);
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the filter with a set of manually specified TransformSmoothParameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="smoothingValue">Smoothing = [0..1], lower values is closer to the raw data and more noisy.</param>
/// <param name="correctionValue">Correction = [0..1], higher values correct faster and feel more responsive.</param>
/// <param name="predictionValue">Prediction = [0..n], how many frames into the future we want to predict.</param>
/// <param name="jitterRadiusValue">JitterRadius = The deviation distance in m that defines jitter.</param>
/// <param name="maxDeviationRadiusValue">MaxDeviation = The maximum distance in m that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data.</param>
public void Init(float smoothingValue, float correctionValue, float predictionValue, float jitterRadiusValue, float maxDeviationRadiusValue)
this.smoothingType = SmoothingType.Default;
smoothParameters = new SmoothParameters();
smoothParameters.smoothing = smoothingValue; // How much soothing will occur. Will lag when too high
smoothParameters.correction = correctionValue; // How much to correct back from prediction. Can make things springy
smoothParameters.prediction = predictionValue; // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = jitterRadiusValue; // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = maxDeviationRadiusValue; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high
// Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = Math.Max(0.0001f, this.smoothParameters.jitterRadius);
init = true;
// Initialize the filter with a set of SmoothParameters.
public void Init(SmoothParameters smoothParameters)
this.smoothingType = SmoothingType.Default;
this.smoothParameters = smoothParameters;
init = true;
// Initialize the filter with a set of SmoothParameters.
public void Init(SmoothingType smoothingType)
this.smoothingType = smoothingType;
smoothParameters = new SmoothParameters();
switch (smoothingType)
case SmoothingType.Light:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.3f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.35f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.35f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.15f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.15f;
case SmoothingType.Medium:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.1f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.1f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.1f;
case SmoothingType.Aggressive:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.7f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.3f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 1.0f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 1.0f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 1.0f;
//case SmoothingType.Default:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.05f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.04f;
init = true;
// Resets the filter to default values.
public void Reset(ulong userId = 0)
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
int maxBodyCount = 10; // kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount();
int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
if (userId == 0)
//history = new JointHistoryData[kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount(), kinectManager.GetJointCount()];
history = new BodyHistoryData[maxBodyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < maxBodyCount; i++)
history[i] = new BodyHistoryData(jointCount);
// clean the history of the given user only
for (int i = 0; i < maxBodyCount; i++)
if (history[i].userId == userId)
history[i].userId = 0;
history[i].lastUpdateTime = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < history[i].jointHistory.Length; j++)
history[i].jointHistory[j].frameCount = 0;
//Debug.Log("Removed pos history for userId " + userId + ", index: " + i);
//Debug.Log("BodyCount: " + kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount() + ", JointCount: " + kinectManager.GetJointCount());
//// Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
//public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyData[] alTrackedBodies)
// if (!init)
// {
// // initialize with by-default parameters
// Init();
// }
// if (smoothingType == SmoothingType.None)
// return;
// SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new SmoothParameters();
// tempSmoothingParams.smoothing = this.smoothParameters.smoothing;
// tempSmoothingParams.correction = this.smoothParameters.correction;
// tempSmoothingParams.prediction = this.smoothParameters.prediction;
// int bodyCount = alTrackedBodies != null ? alTrackedBodies.Length : 0;
// for (int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++)
// {
// if (alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].bIsTracked)
// {
// FilterBodyJoints(ref alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex], /**bodyIndex*/ alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].iBodyIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
// }
// }
// Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
if (!init)
// initialize with by-default parameters
if (smoothingType == SmoothingType.None)
SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new SmoothParameters();
tempSmoothingParams.smoothing = smoothParameters.smoothing;
tempSmoothingParams.correction = smoothParameters.correction;
tempSmoothingParams.prediction = smoothParameters.prediction;
if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
// get body index
int bodyIndex = GetUserIndex(bodyData.liTrackingID);
if (bodyIndex < 0)
bodyIndex = GetFreeIndex();
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
history[bodyIndex].userId = bodyData.liTrackingID;
//Debug.Log("Created history for userId: " + history[bodyIndex].userId + ", index: " + bodyIndex + ", time: " + DateTime.UtcNow);
// filter
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
// free unused history
// Update the filter for all body joints
private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
long lastUpdateTime = history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime;
for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointCount; jointIndex++)
//// If not tracked, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius
//// Always filter end joints highly as they are more noisy
//if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight)
////|| jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head)
// tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius = smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
// tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;
bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].position, bodyIndex, jointIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
bodyData.position = bodyData.joint[0].position;
//Debug.Log(" updated pos history for userId: " + history[bodyIndex].userId + ", index: " + bodyIndex + ", time: " + history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime + " (" + lastUpdateTime + ")");
// Update the filter for one joint
private Vector3 FilterJoint(Vector3 rawPosition, int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, SmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
Vector3 filteredPosition;
Vector3 diffVec;
Vector3 trend;
float diffVal;
float diffFactor;
Vector3 prevFilteredPosition = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].filteredPosition;
Vector3 prevTrend = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].trend;
Vector3 prevRawPosition = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].rawPosition;
bool jointIsValid = (rawPosition !=;
// If joint is invalid, reset the filter
if (!jointIsValid)
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount = 0;
// Initial start values
if (history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount == 0)
filteredPosition = rawPosition;
trend =;
else if (history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount == 1)
filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
diffVec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
trend = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
// First apply jitter filter
diffVec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
diffVal = Math.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);
diffFactor = diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius;
if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)
filteredPosition = (rawPosition * diffFactor) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - diffFactor));
filteredPosition = rawPosition;
// Now the double exponential smoothing filter
filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.smoothing)) + ((prevFilteredPosition + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.smoothing);
diffVec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
trend = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
// Predict into the future to reduce latency
Vector3 predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.prediction);
// Check that we are not too far away from raw data
diffVec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);
diffFactor = smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal;
if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius)
predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * diffFactor) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - diffFactor));
// Save the data from this frame
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].rawPosition = rawPosition;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].filteredPosition = filteredPosition;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].trend = trend;
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime = dtNow.Ticks;
return predictedPosition;
// returns the history index for the given user, or -1 if not found
private int GetUserIndex(ulong userId)
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == userId)
return i;
return -1;
// returns the 1st free history index, or -1 if not found
private int GetFreeIndex()
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// frees history indices that were unused for long time
public void CleanUpUserHistory()
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
long timeNow = dtNow.Ticks;
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId != 0 && (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) >= 10000000)
//Debug.Log("Removed pos history for userId " + history[i].userId + ", index: " + i + ", time: " + dtNow + ", not used since: " + (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) + " ticks");
history[i].userId = 0;
history[i].lastUpdateTime = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < history[i].jointHistory.Length; j++)
history[i].jointHistory[j].frameCount = 0;
// body history data used by the filter
private struct BodyHistoryData
public ulong userId;
public long lastUpdateTime;
public JointHistoryData[] jointHistory;
public BodyHistoryData(int jointCount)
userId = 0;
lastUpdateTime = 0;
jointHistory = new JointHistoryData[jointCount];
// joint history data used by the filter
private struct JointHistoryData
// Gets or sets Historical Position.
public Vector3 rawPosition;
// Gets or sets Historical Filtered Position.
public Vector3 filteredPosition;
// Gets or sets Historical Trend.
public Vector3 trend;
// Gets or sets Historical FrameCount.
public uint frameCount;


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 31507b0aadcf2ce48bbb4b902f62ada7
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of a Holt Double Exponential Smoothing filter. The double exponential
/// smooths the curve and predicts. There is also noise jitter removal. And maximum
/// prediction bounds. The parameters are commented in the Init function.
/// </summary>
public class JointVelocitiesFilter
// The history data.
//private VelocityHistoryData[,] history;
private BodyHistoryData[] history;
// The smoothing parameters for this filter.
private SmoothParameters smoothParameters;
private SmoothingType smoothingType = SmoothingType.Default;
// True when the filter parameters are initialized.
private bool init;
// userId to index
private Dictionary<ulong, int> dictUserIdToIndex = new Dictionary<ulong, int>();
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
public JointVelocitiesFilter()
init = false;
// Initialize the filter with a default set of TransformSmoothParameters.
public void Init()
// Specify some defaults
Init(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.05f, 0.04f);
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the filter with a set of manually specified TransformSmoothParameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="smoothingValue">Smoothing = [0..1], lower values is closer to the raw data and more noisy.</param>
/// <param name="correctionValue">Correction = [0..1], higher values correct faster and feel more responsive.</param>
/// <param name="predictionValue">Prediction = [0..n], how many frames into the future we want to predict.</param>
/// <param name="jitterRadiusValue">JitterRadius = The deviation distance in m that defines jitter.</param>
/// <param name="maxDeviationRadiusValue">MaxDeviation = The maximum distance in m that filtered positions are allowed to deviate from raw data.</param>
public void Init(float smoothingValue, float correctionValue, float predictionValue, float jitterRadiusValue, float maxDeviationRadiusValue)
smoothParameters = new SmoothParameters();
smoothParameters.smoothing = smoothingValue; // How much soothing will occur. Will lag when too high
smoothParameters.correction = correctionValue; // How much to correct back from prediction. Can make things springy
smoothParameters.prediction = predictionValue; // Amount of prediction into the future to use. Can over shoot when too high
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = jitterRadiusValue; // Size of the radius where jitter is removed. Can do too much smoothing when too high
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = maxDeviationRadiusValue; // Size of the max prediction radius Can snap back to noisy data when too high
// Check for divide by zero. Use an epsilon of a 10th of a millimeter
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = Math.Max(0.0001f, smoothParameters.jitterRadius);
init = true;
// Initialize the filter with a set of TransformSmoothParameters.
public void Init(SmoothParameters smoothParameters)
this.smoothingType = SmoothingType.Default;
this.smoothParameters = smoothParameters;
init = true;
// Initialize the filter with a set of SmoothParameters.
public void Init(SmoothingType smoothingType)
this.smoothingType = smoothingType;
smoothParameters = new SmoothParameters();
switch (smoothingType)
case SmoothingType.Light:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.3f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.35f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.35f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.15f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.15f;
case SmoothingType.Medium:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.1f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.1f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.1f;
case SmoothingType.Aggressive:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.7f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.3f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 1.0f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 1.0f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 1.0f;
//case SmoothingType.Default:
smoothParameters.smoothing = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.correction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.prediction = 0.5f;
smoothParameters.jitterRadius = 0.05f;
smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius = 0.04f;
init = true;
// Resets the filter to default values.
public void Reset()
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
int maxBodyCount = 10; // kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount();
int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
//history = new JointHistoryData[kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount(), kinectManager.GetJointCount()];
history = new BodyHistoryData[maxBodyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < maxBodyCount; i++)
history[i] = new BodyHistoryData(jointCount);
//Debug.Log("BodyCount: " + kinectManager.GetMaxBodyCount() + ", JointCount: " + kinectManager.GetJointCount());
//// Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
//public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyData[] alTrackedBodies)
// if (init == false)
// {
// Init(); // initialize with default parameters
// }
// SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new SmoothParameters();
// tempSmoothingParams.smoothing = smoothParameters.smoothing;
// tempSmoothingParams.correction = smoothParameters.correction;
// tempSmoothingParams.prediction = smoothParameters.prediction;
// int bodyCount = alTrackedBodies != null ? alTrackedBodies.Length : 0;
// for (int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++)
// {
// if (alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].bIsTracked)
// {
// FilterBodyJoints(ref alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex], /**bodyIndex*/ alTrackedBodies[bodyIndex].iBodyIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
// }
// }
// Update the filter with a new frame of data and smooth.
public void UpdateFilter(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData)
if (!init)
// initialize with by-default parameters
if (smoothingType == SmoothingType.None)
SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams = new SmoothParameters();
tempSmoothingParams.smoothing = smoothParameters.smoothing;
tempSmoothingParams.correction = smoothParameters.correction;
tempSmoothingParams.prediction = smoothParameters.prediction;
if (bodyData.bIsTracked)
// get body index
int bodyIndex = GetUserIndex(bodyData.liTrackingID);
if (bodyIndex < 0)
bodyIndex = GetFreeIndex();
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
history[bodyIndex].userId = bodyData.liTrackingID;
//Debug.Log("Created history for userId: " + history[bodyIndex].userId + ", index: " + bodyIndex + ", time: " + DateTime.UtcNow);
// filter
if (bodyIndex >= 0)
FilterBodyJoints(ref bodyData, bodyIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
// free unused history
// Update the filter for all body joints
private void FilterBodyJoints(ref KinectInterop.BodyData bodyData, int bodyIndex, SmoothParameters tempSmoothingParams)
KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
int jointCount = kinectManager.GetJointCount();
long lastUpdateTime = history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime;
for (int jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointCount; jointIndex++)
//// If not tracked, we smooth a bit more by using a bigger jitter radius
//// Always filter end joints highly as they are more noisy
//if (bodyData.joint[jointIndex].trackingState != KinectInterop.TrackingState.Tracked ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.FootRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.HandtipRight ||
// jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbLeft || jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.ThumbRight)
////|| jointIndex == (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head)
// tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius = smoothParameters.jitterRadius * 2.0f;
// tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius * 2.0f;
tempSmoothingParams.jitterRadius = smoothParameters.jitterRadius;
tempSmoothingParams.maxDeviationRadius = smoothParameters.maxDeviationRadius;
bodyData.joint[jointIndex].posVel = FilterJoint(bodyData.joint[jointIndex].posVel, bodyIndex, jointIndex, tempSmoothingParams);
//Debug.Log(" updated vel history for userId: " + history[bodyIndex].userId + ", index: " + bodyIndex + ", time: " + history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime + " (" + lastUpdateTime + ")");
// Update the filter for one joint
private Vector3 FilterJoint(Vector3 rawVelocity, int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, SmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
Vector3 filteredVelocity;
Vector3 diffVec;
Vector3 trend;
float diffVal;
Vector3 prevFilteredVelocity = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].filteredVelocity;
Vector3 prevTrend = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].trend;
Vector3 prevRawVelocity = history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].rawVelocity;
bool jointIsValid = (rawVelocity !=;
// If joint is invalid, reset the filter
if (!jointIsValid)
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount = 0;
// Initial start values
if (history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount == 0)
filteredVelocity = rawVelocity;
trend =;
else if (history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].frameCount == 1)
filteredVelocity = (rawVelocity + prevRawVelocity) * 0.5f;
diffVec = filteredVelocity - prevFilteredVelocity;
trend = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
// First apply jitter filter
diffVec = rawVelocity - prevFilteredVelocity;
diffVal = Math.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);
if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)
filteredVelocity = (rawVelocity * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredVelocity * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.jitterRadius)));
filteredVelocity = rawVelocity;
// Now the double exponential smoothing filter
filteredVelocity = (filteredVelocity * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.smoothing)) + ((prevFilteredVelocity + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.smoothing);
diffVec = filteredVelocity - prevFilteredVelocity;
trend = (diffVec * smoothingParameters.correction) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.correction));
// Predict into the future to reduce latency
Vector3 predictedVelocity = filteredVelocity + (trend * smoothingParameters.prediction);
// Check that we are not too far away from raw data
diffVec = predictedVelocity - rawVelocity;
diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffVec.magnitude);
if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius)
predictedVelocity = (predictedVelocity * (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawVelocity * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.maxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));
// Save the data from this frame
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].rawVelocity = rawVelocity;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].filteredVelocity = filteredVelocity;
history[bodyIndex].jointHistory[jointIndex].trend = trend;
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
history[bodyIndex].lastUpdateTime = dtNow.Ticks;
return predictedVelocity;
// returns the history index for the given user, or -1 if not found
private int GetUserIndex(ulong userId)
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == userId)
return i;
return -1;
// returns the 1st free history index, or -1 if not found
private int GetFreeIndex()
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// frees history indices that were unused for long time
public void CleanUpUserHistory()
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
long timeNow = dtNow.Ticks;
for (int i = 0; i < history.Length; i++)
if (history[i].userId != 0 && (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) >= 10000000)
//Debug.Log("Removed vel history for userId " + history[i].userId + ", index: " + i + ", time: " + dtNow + ", not used since: " + (timeNow - history[i].lastUpdateTime) + " ticks");
history[i].userId = 0;
history[i].lastUpdateTime = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < history[i].jointHistory.Length; j++)
history[i].jointHistory[j].frameCount = 0;
// body history data used by the filter
private struct BodyHistoryData
public ulong userId;
public long lastUpdateTime;
public VelocityHistoryData[] jointHistory;
public BodyHistoryData(int jointCount)
userId = 0;
lastUpdateTime = 0;
jointHistory = new VelocityHistoryData[jointCount];
// velocity history data used by the filter
private struct VelocityHistoryData
// Gets or sets Historical Velocity.
public Vector3 rawVelocity;
// Gets or sets Historical Filtered Velocity.
public Vector3 filteredVelocity;
// Gets or sets Historical Trend.
public Vector3 trend;
// Gets or sets Historical FrameCount.
public uint frameCount;


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 732d87a0d677e4845a26771e56b5c7d6
timeCreated: 1491826911
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
using System;
namespace AHRS
/// <summary>
/// MahonyAHRS class. Madgwick's implementation of Mayhony's AHRS algorithm.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// See:
/// </remarks>
public class MahonyAHRS
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the sample period.
/// </summary>
public float SamplePeriod { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the algorithm proportional gain.
/// </summary>
public float Kp { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the algorithm integral gain.
/// </summary>
public float Ki { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Quaternion output.
/// </summary>
public float[] Quaternion { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Error squared.
/// </summary>
public float E2 { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the integral error.
/// </summary>
private float[] eInt { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MadgwickAHRS"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="samplePeriod">
/// Sample period.
/// </param>
public MahonyAHRS(float samplePeriod)
: this(samplePeriod, 1f, 0f)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MadgwickAHRS"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="samplePeriod">
/// Sample period.
/// </param>
/// <param name="kp">
/// Algorithm proportional gain.
/// </param>
public MahonyAHRS(float samplePeriod, float kp)
: this(samplePeriod, kp, 0f)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MadgwickAHRS"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="samplePeriod">
/// Sample period.
/// </param>
/// <param name="kp">
/// Algorithm proportional gain.
/// </param>
/// <param name="ki">
/// Algorithm integral gain.
/// </param>
public MahonyAHRS(float samplePeriod, float kp, float ki)
SamplePeriod = samplePeriod;
Kp = kp;
Ki = ki;
Quaternion = new float[] { 1f, 0f, 0f, 0f };
eInt = new float[] { 0f, 0f, 0f };
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm AHRS update method. Requires only gyroscope and accelerometer data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gx">
/// Gyroscope x axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="gy">
/// Gyroscope y axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="gz">
/// Gyroscope z axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="ax">
/// Accelerometer x axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="ay">
/// Accelerometer y axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="az">
/// Accelerometer z axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="mx">
/// Magnetometer x axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="my">
/// Magnetometer y axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="mz">
/// Magnetometer z axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// Optimised for minimal arithmetic.
/// </remarks>
public void Update(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az, float mx, float my, float mz)
float q1 = Quaternion[0], q2 = Quaternion[1], q3 = Quaternion[2], q4 = Quaternion[3]; // short name local variable for readability
float norm;
float hx, hy, bx, bz;
float vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz;
float ex, ey, ez;
float pa, pb, pc;
// Auxiliary variables to avoid repeated arithmetic
float q1q1 = q1 * q1;
float q1q2 = q1 * q2;
float q1q3 = q1 * q3;
float q1q4 = q1 * q4;
float q2q2 = q2 * q2;
float q2q3 = q2 * q3;
float q2q4 = q2 * q4;
float q3q3 = q3 * q3;
float q3q4 = q3 * q4;
float q4q4 = q4 * q4;
// Normalise accelerometer measurement
norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
if (norm == 0f) return; // handle NaN
norm = 1 / norm; // use reciprocal for division
ax *= norm;
ay *= norm;
az *= norm;
// Normalise magnetometer measurement
norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(mx * mx + my * my + mz * mz);
if (norm == 0f) return; // handle NaN
norm = 1 / norm; // use reciprocal for division
mx *= norm;
my *= norm;
mz *= norm;
// Reference direction of Earth's magnetic field
hx = 2f * mx * (0.5f - q3q3 - q4q4) + 2f * my * (q2q3 - q1q4) + 2f * mz * (q2q4 + q1q3);
hy = 2f * mx * (q2q3 + q1q4) + 2f * my * (0.5f - q2q2 - q4q4) + 2f * mz * (q3q4 - q1q2);
bx = (float)Math.Sqrt((hx * hx) + (hy * hy));
bz = 2f * mx * (q2q4 - q1q3) + 2f * my * (q3q4 + q1q2) + 2f * mz * (0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3);
// Estimated direction of gravity and magnetic field
vx = 2f * (q2q4 - q1q3);
vy = 2f * (q1q2 + q3q4);
vz = q1q1 - q2q2 - q3q3 + q4q4;
wx = 2f * bx * (0.5f - q3q3 - q4q4) + 2f * bz * (q2q4 - q1q3);
wy = 2f * bx * (q2q3 - q1q4) + 2f * bz * (q1q2 + q3q4);
wz = 2f * bx * (q1q3 + q2q4) + 2f * bz * (0.5f - q2q2 - q3q3);
// Error is cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
ex = (ay * vz - az * vy) + (my * wz - mz * wy);
ey = (az * vx - ax * vz) + (mz * wx - mx * wz);
ez = (ax * vy - ay * vx) + (mx * wy - my * wx);
if (Ki > 0f)
eInt[0] += ex; // accumulate integral error
eInt[1] += ey;
eInt[2] += ez;
eInt[0] = 0.0f; // prevent integral wind up
eInt[1] = 0.0f;
eInt[2] = 0.0f;
// error squared
E2 = ex * ex + ey * ey + ez * ez;
// Apply feedback terms
gx = gx + Kp * ex + Ki * eInt[0];
gy = gy + Kp * ey + Ki * eInt[1];
gz = gz + Kp * ez + Ki * eInt[2];
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
pa = q2;
pb = q3;
pc = q4;
q1 = q1 + (-q2 * gx - q3 * gy - q4 * gz) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q2 = pa + (q1 * gx + pb * gz - pc * gy) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q3 = pb + (q1 * gy - pa * gz + pc * gx) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q4 = pc + (q1 * gz + pa * gy - pb * gx) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
// Normalise quaternion
norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3 + q4 * q4);
norm = 1.0f / norm;
Quaternion[0] = q1 * norm;
Quaternion[1] = q2 * norm;
Quaternion[2] = q3 * norm;
Quaternion[3] = q4 * norm;
/// <summary>
/// Algorithm IMU update method. Requires only gyroscope and accelerometer data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gx">
/// Gyroscope x axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="gy">
/// Gyroscope y axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="gz">
/// Gyroscope z axis measurement in radians/s.
/// </param>
/// <param name="ax">
/// Accelerometer x axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="ay">
/// Accelerometer y axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
/// <param name="az">
/// Accelerometer z axis measurement in any calibrated units.
/// </param>
public void Update(float gx, float gy, float gz, float ax, float ay, float az)
float q1 = Quaternion[0], q2 = Quaternion[1], q3 = Quaternion[2], q4 = Quaternion[3]; // short name local variable for readability
float norm;
float vx, vy, vz;
float ex, ey, ez;
float pa, pb, pc;
// Normalise accelerometer measurement
norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);
if (norm == 0f) return; // handle NaN
norm = 1 / norm; // use reciprocal for division
ax *= norm;
ay *= norm;
az *= norm;
// Estimated direction of gravity
vx = 2.0f * (q2 * q4 - q1 * q3);
vy = 2.0f * (q1 * q2 + q3 * q4);
vz = q1 * q1 - q2 * q2 - q3 * q3 + q4 * q4;
// Error is cross product between estimated direction and measured direction of gravity
ex = (ay * vz - az * vy);
ey = (az * vx - ax * vz);
ez = (ax * vy - ay * vx);
if (Ki > 0f)
eInt[0] += ex; // accumulate integral error
eInt[1] += ey;
eInt[2] += ez;
eInt[0] = 0.0f; // prevent integral wind up
eInt[1] = 0.0f;
eInt[2] = 0.0f;
// error squared
E2 = ex * ex + ey * ey + ez * ez;
// Apply feedback terms
gx = gx + Kp * ex + Ki * eInt[0];
gy = gy + Kp * ey + Ki * eInt[1];
gz = gz + Kp * ez + Ki * eInt[2];
// Integrate rate of change of quaternion
pa = q2;
pb = q3;
pc = q4;
q1 = q1 + (-q2 * gx - q3 * gy - q4 * gz) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q2 = pa + (q1 * gx + pb * gz - pc * gy) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q3 = pb + (q1 * gy - pa * gz + pc * gx) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
q4 = pc + (q1 * gz + pa * gy - pb * gx) * (0.5f * SamplePeriod);
// Normalise quaternion
norm = (float)Math.Sqrt(q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3 + q4 * q4);
norm = 1.0f / norm;
Quaternion[0] = q1 * norm;
Quaternion[1] = q2 * norm;
Quaternion[2] = q3 * norm;
Quaternion[3] = q4 * norm;


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// This component makes the game object follow the position and rotation of the sensor.
/// </summary>
public class FollowSensorTransform : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc.")]
public int sensorIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Smooth factor used for the game object movement and rotation.")]
public float smoothFactor = 0f;
[Tooltip("Whether to follow the sensor's depth or color camera pose.")]
public ReferencePose referencePose = ReferencePose.DepthCameraPose;
public enum ReferencePose : int { DepthCameraPose = 0, ColorCameraPose = 1 };
// reference to the KinectManager
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
// sensor position and rotation
Vector3 sensorWorldPos =;
Quaternion sensorWorldRot = Quaternion.identity;
void Start()
// get reference to KinectManager
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
sensorData = kinectManager ? kinectManager.GetSensorData(sensorIndex) : null;
void Update()
if(kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
Transform sensorTrans = kinectManager.GetSensorTransform(sensorIndex);
if(sensorTrans != null)
sensorWorldPos = sensorTrans.position;
sensorWorldRot = sensorTrans.rotation;
if (referencePose != ReferencePose.DepthCameraPose && sensorData != null && sensorData.sensorInterface != null)
Matrix4x4 sensorTransMat = Matrix4x4.identity;
sensorTransMat.SetTRS(sensorTrans.position, sensorTrans.rotation,;
Matrix4x4 sensorToRefMat = sensorData.sensorInterface.GetDepthToColorCameraMatrix();
sensorTransMat = sensorTransMat * sensorToRefMat;
sensorWorldPos = sensorTransMat.GetColumn(3);
sensorWorldRot = sensorTransMat.rotation;
if (smoothFactor != 0f)
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, sensorWorldPos, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, sensorWorldRot, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
transform.position = sensorWorldPos;
transform.rotation = sensorWorldRot;


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 9a17e9eb7ba629243bfc955c820d04a1
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// FollowUserJointPose makes the game object's transform follow the given user's joint pose.
/// </summary>
public class FollowUserJointPose : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Depth sensor index - 0 is the 1st one, 1 - the 2nd one, etc. -1 means the sensor doesn't matter")]
private int sensorIndex = -1;
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by this component. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("The sensor's joint we want to follow.")]
public KinectInterop.JointType followJoint = KinectInterop.JointType.Head;
[Tooltip("Whether the joint view is mirrored or not.")]
public bool mirroredView = false;
[Tooltip("Whether to move the object's transform.")]
public bool moveTransform = true;
[Tooltip("Whether to rotate the object's transform.")]
public bool rotateTransform = true;
[Tooltip("Scene object that will be used to represent the sensor's position and rotation in the scene.")]
public Transform sensorTransform;
[Tooltip("Offset of the object to the joint's position.")]
public Vector3 positionOffset =;
[Tooltip("Scale factor of the joint position.")]
public Vector3 motionScale =;
[Tooltip("Scale factor of the joint rotation.")]
private Vector3 rotationFactor =;
[Tooltip("Smooth factor used for object's position and rotation smoothing.")]
public float smoothFactor = 10f;
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private Vector3 vPosJoint =;
private Quaternion qRotJoint = Quaternion.identity;
void Start()
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
initialRotation = transform.rotation;
//initialRotation = mirroredView ? Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f) : Quaternion.identity;
void Update()
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized())
if (sensorIndex >= 0 || kinectManager.IsUserDetected(playerIndex))
ulong userId = sensorIndex < 0 ? kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(playerIndex) : (ulong)playerIndex;
if (sensorIndex >= 0 || kinectManager.IsJointTracked(userId, followJoint))
if (sensorTransform != null)
if (sensorIndex < 0)
vPosJoint = kinectManager.GetJointKinectPosition(userId, followJoint, true);
vPosJoint = kinectManager.GetSensorJointKinectPosition(sensorIndex, (int)userId, followJoint, true);
if (sensorIndex < 0)
vPosJoint = kinectManager.GetJointPosition(userId, followJoint);
vPosJoint = kinectManager.GetSensorJointPosition(sensorIndex, (int)userId, followJoint);
if (positionOffset !=
vPosJoint += positionOffset;
if (sensorTransform)
vPosJoint = sensorTransform.TransformPoint(vPosJoint);
if(motionScale !=
vPosJoint = new Vector3(vPosJoint.x * motionScale.x, vPosJoint.y * motionScale.y, vPosJoint.z * motionScale.z);
if (sensorIndex < 0)
qRotJoint = kinectManager.GetJointOrientation(userId, followJoint, !mirroredView);
qRotJoint = kinectManager.GetSensorJointOrientation(sensorIndex, (int)userId, followJoint, !mirroredView);
qRotJoint = initialRotation * qRotJoint;
if(rotationFactor !=
qRotJoint = Quaternion.Euler(rotationFactor) * qRotJoint;
if (moveTransform || rotateTransform)
if (smoothFactor != 0f)
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, vPosJoint, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, qRotJoint, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
transform.position = vPosJoint;
transform.rotation = qRotJoint;


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: c98460a12114096448a40a69ef6b30e8
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// ForegroundBlendRenderer provides volumetric rendering and lighting of the real environment, filtered by the background-removal manager.
/// </summary>
public class ForegroundBlendRenderer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Reference to background removal manager. If left to None, it looks up the first available BR-manager in the scene.")]
public BackgroundRemovalManager backgroundRemovalManager = null;
[Tooltip("Depth value in meters, used for invalid depth points.")]
public float invalidDepthValue = 0f;
[Tooltip("Whether to maximize the rendered object on the screen, or not.")]
public bool maximizeOnScreen = true;
[Tooltip("Whether to apply per-pixel lighting on the foreground, or not.")]
public bool applyLighting = false;
[Tooltip("Camera used to scale the mesh, to fill the camera's background. If left empty, it will default to the main camera in the scene.")]
public Camera foregroundCamera;
[Tooltip("Background image (if any) that needs to be overlayed by this blend renderer.")]
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage backgroundImage;
// references to KM and data
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private DepthSensorBase sensorInt = null;
private Material matRenderer = null;
// depth image buffer (in depth camera resolution)
private ComputeBuffer depthImageBuffer = null;
// textures
private Texture alphaTex = null;
private Texture colorTex = null;
// lighting
private FragmentLighting lighting = new FragmentLighting();
// saved screen width & height
private int lastScreenW = 0;
private int lastScreenH = 0;
private int lastColorW = 0;
private int lastColorH = 0;
private float lastAnchorPos = 0f;
private Vector3 initialScale =;
// distances
private float distToBackImage = 0f;
private float distToTransform = 0f;
void Start()
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
initialScale = transform.localScale;
if (backgroundRemovalManager == null)
backgroundRemovalManager = FindObjectOfType<BackgroundRemovalManager>();
// get distance to back image
Canvas canvas = backgroundImage.canvas;
if (canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceCamera)
distToBackImage = canvas.planeDistance;
distToBackImage = 0f;
// get distance to transform
distToTransform = transform.localPosition.z;
// set renderer material
Renderer meshRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
if (meshRenderer)
Shader blendShader = Shader.Find("Kinect/ForegroundBlendShader");
if(blendShader != null)
matRenderer = new Material(blendShader);
meshRenderer.material = matRenderer;
// get sensor data
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && backgroundRemovalManager && backgroundRemovalManager.enabled)
sensorData = kinectManager.GetSensorData(backgroundRemovalManager.sensorIndex);
sensorInt = sensorData != null ? (DepthSensorBase)sensorData.sensorInterface : null;
if (foregroundCamera == null)
foregroundCamera = Camera.main;
// find scene lights
Light[] sceneLights = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
lighting.SetLightsAndBounds(sceneLights, transform.position, new Vector3(20f, 20f, 20f));
//Debug.Log("sceneLights: " + sceneLights.Length);
//for(int i = 0; i < sceneLights.Length; i++)
// Debug.Log(i.ToString() + " - " + sceneLights[i].name + " - " + sceneLights[i].type);
void OnDestroy()
if (sensorData != null && sensorData.colorDepthBuffer != null)
sensorData.colorDepthBuffer = null;
if (depthImageBuffer != null)
//depthImageCopy = null;
depthImageBuffer = null;
// release lighting resources
void Update()
if (matRenderer == null || sensorData == null || sensorInt == null)
if(alphaTex == null || alphaTex.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || alphaTex.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
// alpha texture
alphaTex = backgroundRemovalManager.GetAlphaTex();
if(alphaTex != null)
matRenderer.SetTexture("_AlphaTex", alphaTex);
if(colorTex == null || colorTex.width != sensorData.colorImageWidth || colorTex.height != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
// color texture
colorTex = !backgroundRemovalManager.computeAlphaMaskOnly ? backgroundRemovalManager.GetForegroundTex() : alphaTex; // sensorInt.pointCloudColorTexture
if (colorTex != null)
matRenderer.SetInt("_TexResX", colorTex.width);
matRenderer.SetInt("_TexResY", colorTex.height);
matRenderer.SetTexture("_ColorTex", colorTex);
if (colorTex == null || alphaTex == null /**|| foregroundCamera == null*/)
if (sensorInt.pointCloudResolution == DepthSensorBase.PointCloudResolution.DepthCameraResolution)
int depthBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight / 2;
if (depthImageBuffer == null || depthImageBuffer.count != depthBufferLength)
//int depthImageLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
//depthImageCopy = new ushort[depthImageLength];
depthImageBuffer = KinectInterop.CreateComputeBuffer(depthImageBuffer, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
matRenderer.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", depthImageBuffer);
//Debug.Log("Created depthImageBuffer with len: " + depthBufferLength);
if (depthImageBuffer != null && sensorData.depthImage != null)
//KinectInterop.CopyBytes(sensorData.depthImage, sizeof(ushort), depthImageCopy, sizeof(ushort));
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(depthImageBuffer, sensorData.depthImage, depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
//Debug.Log("ForegroundBlendRenderer DepthFrameTime: " + lastDepthFrameTime);
int bufferLength = sensorData.colorImageWidth * sensorData.colorImageHeight / 2;
if (sensorData.colorDepthBuffer == null || sensorData.colorDepthBuffer.count != bufferLength)
sensorData.colorDepthBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(bufferLength, sizeof(uint));
matRenderer.SetBuffer("_DepthMap", sensorData.colorDepthBuffer);
//Debug.Log("Created colorDepthBuffer with len: " + bufferLength);
//Debug.Log("ForegroundBlendRenderer ColorDepthBufferTime: " + sensorData.lastColorDepthBufferTime);
matRenderer.SetFloat("_DepthDistance", 0f);
matRenderer.SetFloat("_InvDepthVal", invalidDepthValue);
int curScreenW = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelWidth : Screen.width;
int curScreenH = foregroundCamera ? foregroundCamera.pixelHeight : Screen.height;
if (lastScreenW != curScreenW || lastScreenH != curScreenH || lastColorW != sensorData.colorImageWidth || lastColorH != sensorData.colorImageHeight)
ScaleRendererTransform(curScreenW, curScreenH);
Vector2 anchorPos = backgroundImage ? backgroundImage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition :;
float curAnchorPos = anchorPos.x + anchorPos.y; // Mathf.Abs(anchorPos.x) + Mathf.Abs(anchorPos.y);
if (Mathf.Abs(curAnchorPos - lastAnchorPos) >= 20f)
//Debug.Log("anchorPos: " + anchorPos + ", curAnchorPos: " + curAnchorPos + ", lastAnchorPos: " + lastAnchorPos + ", diff: " + Mathf.Abs(curAnchorPos - lastAnchorPos));
CenterRendererTransform(anchorPos, curAnchorPos);
// update lighting parameters
lighting.UpdateLighting(matRenderer, applyLighting);
// scales the renderer's transform properly
private void ScaleRendererTransform(int curScreenW, int curScreenH)
lastScreenW = curScreenW;
lastScreenH = curScreenH;
lastColorW = sensorData.colorImageWidth;
lastColorH = sensorData.colorImageHeight;
Vector3 localScale =; // transform.localScale;
if (maximizeOnScreen && foregroundCamera)
float objectZ = distToTransform; // transform.localPosition.z; // the transform should be a child of the camera
float screenW = foregroundCamera.pixelWidth;
float screenH = foregroundCamera.pixelHeight;
if (backgroundImage)
PortraitBackground portraitBack = backgroundImage.gameObject.GetComponent<PortraitBackground>();
if (portraitBack != null)
Rect backRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();
screenW = backRect.width;
screenH = backRect.height;
Vector3 vLeft = foregroundCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0f, screenH / 2f, objectZ));
Vector3 vRight = foregroundCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenW, screenH / 2f, objectZ));
float distLeftRight = (vRight - vLeft).magnitude;
Vector3 vBottom = foregroundCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenW / 2f, 0f, objectZ));
Vector3 vTop = foregroundCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenW / 2f, screenH, objectZ));
float distBottomTop = (vTop - vBottom).magnitude;
localScale.x = distLeftRight / initialScale.x;
localScale.y = distBottomTop / initialScale.y;
//Debug.Log("ForegroundRenderer scale: " + localScale + ", screenW: " + screenW + ", screenH: " + screenH + ", objZ: " + objectZ +
// "\nleft: " + vLeft + ", right: " + vRight + ", bottom: " + vBottom + ", vTop: " + vTop +
// "\ndH: " + distLeftRight + ", dV: " + distBottomTop + ", initialScale: " + initialScale);
// scale according to color-tex resolution
//localScale.y = localScale.x * colorTex.height / colorTex.width;
// apply color image scale
Vector3 colorImageScale = kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(backgroundRemovalManager.sensorIndex);
if (colorImageScale.x < 0f)
localScale.x = -localScale.x;
if (colorImageScale.y < 0f)
localScale.y = -localScale.y;
transform.localScale = localScale;
// centers the renderer's transform, according to the background image
private void CenterRendererTransform(Vector2 anchorPos, float curAnchorPos)
lastAnchorPos = curAnchorPos;
if (foregroundCamera && distToBackImage > 0f)
float objectZ = distToTransform; // transform.localPosition.z; // the transform should be a child of the camera
float screenW = sensorData.colorImageWidth; // foregroundCamera.pixelWidth;
float screenH = sensorData.colorImageHeight; // foregroundCamera.pixelHeight;
Vector2 screenCenter = new Vector2(screenW / 2f, screenH / 2f);
Vector2 anchorScaled = new Vector2(anchorPos.x * distToTransform / distToBackImage, anchorPos.y * distToTransform / distToBackImage);
Vector3 vCenter = foregroundCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(screenCenter.x + anchorScaled.x, screenCenter.y + anchorScaled.y, objectZ));
transform.position = vCenter;
//Vector3 vLocalPos = transform.localPosition;
//string sLocalPos = string.Format("({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3})", vLocalPos.x, vLocalPos.y, vLocalPos.z);
//Debug.Log("ForegroundRenderer anchor: " + anchorPos + ", screenW: " + screenW + ", screenH: " + screenH + ", objZ: " + objectZ + ", localPos: " + sLocalPos);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// ForegroundToRawImage sets the texture of the RawImage-component to be the BRM's foreground texture.
/// </summary>
public class ForegroundToRawImage : MonoBehaviour
private RawImage rawImage;
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
private BackgroundRemovalManager backManager = null;
void Start()
rawImage = GetComponent<RawImage>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
backManager = FindObjectOfType<BackgroundRemovalManager>();
void Update()
if (rawImage && rawImage.texture == null)
if (kinectManager && backManager && backManager.enabled /**&& backManager.IsBackgroundRemovalInitialized()*/)
rawImage.texture = backManager.GetForegroundTex(); // user's foreground texture
rawImage.rectTransform.localScale = kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(backManager.sensorIndex);
rawImage.color = Color.white;
//else if (rawImage && rawImage.texture != null)
// if (KinectManager.Instance == null)
// {
// rawImage.texture = null;
// rawImage.color = Color.clear;
// }
void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused)
// fix for app pause & restore (UWP)
if (isPaused && rawImage && rawImage.texture != null)
rawImage.texture = null;
rawImage.color = Color.clear;


@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 0ca948b232bd1ce48b254bb84048cbab
timeCreated: 1505645515
licenseType: Store
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// ForegroundToRenderer sets the texture of the Renderer-component to be the BRM's foreground texture.
/// </summary>
public class ForegroundToRenderer : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Reference to background removal manager. If left to None, it looks up the first available BR-manager in the scene.")]
public BackgroundRemovalManager backgroundRemovalManager = null;
// component references
private Renderer thisRenderer = null;
private KinectManager kinectManager = null;
void Start()
thisRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();
kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;
if(backgroundRemovalManager == null)
backgroundRemovalManager = FindObjectOfType<BackgroundRemovalManager>();
if (kinectManager && kinectManager.IsInitialized() && backgroundRemovalManager && backgroundRemovalManager.enabled)
Vector3 localScale = transform.localScale;
localScale.z = localScale.x * kinectManager.GetColorImageHeight(backgroundRemovalManager.sensorIndex) / kinectManager.GetColorImageWidth(backgroundRemovalManager.sensorIndex);
//localScale.x = -localScale.x;
// apply color image scale
Vector3 colorImageScale = kinectManager.GetColorImageScale(backgroundRemovalManager.sensorIndex);
if (colorImageScale.x > 0f)
localScale.x = -localScale.x;
if (colorImageScale.y > 0f)
localScale.z = -localScale.z;
transform.localScale = localScale;
void Update()
if (thisRenderer && thisRenderer.material.mainTexture == null)
if (kinectManager && backgroundRemovalManager && backgroundRemovalManager.enabled /**&& backManager.IsBackgroundRemovalInitialized()*/)
thisRenderer.material.mainTexture = backgroundRemovalManager.GetForegroundTex();
//Debug.Log("BR-manager: " + backroundRemovalManager + ", user index: " + backroundRemovalManager.playerIndex);
//else if (thisRenderer && thisRenderer.material.mainTexture != null)
// if (KinectManager.Instance == null)
// {
// thisRenderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = null;
// }
void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused)
// fix for app pause & restore (UWP)
if (isPaused && thisRenderer && thisRenderer.material.mainTexture != null)
thisRenderer.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = null;


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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
public class FragmentLighting
// lighting structures
private Light[] sceneLights = null;
private Bounds lightBounds;
private Vector4[] dirLightData = new Vector4[2];
public struct PointLight
public Vector4 color;
public float range;
public Vector3 pos;
private const int SIZE_POINT_LIGHT = 32;
private const int MAX_POINT_LIGHTS = 8;
private PointLight[] pointLights = new PointLight[MAX_POINT_LIGHTS];
private ComputeBuffer pointLightsBuffer = null;
private int pointLightsNumber = 0;
public struct SpotLight
public Vector4 color;
public Vector3 pos;
public Vector4 dir;
public Vector4 pars;
private const int SIZE_SPOT_LIGHT = 60;
private const int MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS = 8;
public SpotLight[] spotLights = new SpotLight[MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS];
private ComputeBuffer spotLightsBuffer = null;
private int spotLightsNumber = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the scene lights and lighted volume bounds.
/// </summary>
public void SetLightsAndBounds(Light[] sceneLights, Vector3 centerPos, Vector3 sizeBounds)
this.sceneLights = sceneLights;
this.lightBounds = new Bounds(centerPos, sizeBounds);
/// <summary>
/// Releases the used native resources.
/// </summary>
public void ReleaseResources()
if (pointLightsBuffer != null)
pointLightsBuffer = null;
if (spotLightsBuffer != null)
spotLightsBuffer = null;
/// <summary>
/// Updates the lighting parameters of the material.
/// </summary>
public void UpdateLighting(Material matRenderer, bool bApplyLighting)
matRenderer.SetInt("_ApplyLights", bApplyLighting ? 1 : 0);
matRenderer.SetInt("_ApplyShadows", 0);
matRenderer.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0);
ApplyLighting(matRenderer, bApplyLighting);
// applies the current lights
private void ApplyLighting(Material matRenderer, bool bApplyLighting)
const float interiorCone = 0.1f; // interior cone of the spotlight
dirLightData[1] =;
int pi = 0;
int si = 0;
foreach (Light light in sceneLights)
if (!light.gameObject.activeInHierarchy || !light.enabled)
if (light.type == LightType.Directional || Vector3.Distance(, light.transform.position) < (light.range + lightBounds.extents.x))
if (light.type != LightType.Directional && light.shadows != LightShadows.None)
light.shadows = LightShadows.None;
if (light.type == LightType.Point)
pointLights[pi].color = light.color * light.intensity;
pointLights[pi].pos = light.gameObject.transform.position;
pointLights[pi].range = light.range;
else if (light.type == LightType.Spot)
Vector3 vLightFwd = light.gameObject.transform.forward.normalized;
spotLights[si].color = light.color * light.intensity;
spotLights[si].pos = light.gameObject.transform.position;
spotLights[si].dir = new Vector4(vLightFwd.x, vLightFwd.y, vLightFwd.z, Mathf.Cos((light.spotAngle / 2.0f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
spotLights[si].pars = new Vector4(light.spotAngle, light.intensity, 1.0f / light.range, interiorCone);
else if (light.type == LightType.Directional)
Vector3 vLightFwd = light.gameObject.transform.forward.normalized;
dirLightData[0] = new Vector4(vLightFwd.x, vLightFwd.y, vLightFwd.z, 0);
dirLightData[1] = light.color * light.intensity;
if (pointLightsBuffer == null)
pointLightsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MAX_POINT_LIGHTS, SIZE_POINT_LIGHT);
matRenderer.SetBuffer("_PointLights", pointLightsBuffer);
if (spotLightsBuffer == null)
spotLightsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS, SIZE_SPOT_LIGHT);
matRenderer.SetBuffer("_SpotLights", spotLightsBuffer);
pointLightsNumber = pi;
spotLightsNumber = si;
matRenderer.SetInt("_PointLightsNumber", pointLightsNumber);
matRenderer.SetInt("_SpotLightsNumber", spotLightsNumber);
matRenderer.SetVectorArray("_DirectionalLights", dirLightData);


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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// HmdHeadMover moves the avatar model, according to the camera position reported by the HMD tracker.
/// Don't forget to enable the 'External root motion'-setting of the AvatarController-component in this case.
/// </summary>
public class HmdHeadMover : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The transform that needs to be followed by the avatar's head, usually the eye-camera position reported by the HMD tracker. When left empty, it defaults to the main camera's position.")]
public Transform targetTransform;
[Tooltip("The transform of the avatar's head. When left empty, it defaults to the head position, as reported by Animator-component.")]
private Transform headTransform;
[Tooltip("Whether the avatar's feet must stick to the ground.")]
public bool groundedFeet = false;
[Tooltip("The transform of the avatar's left toes, if grounding is enabled.")]
private Transform leftToes;
[Tooltip("The transform of the avatar's right toes, if grounding is enabled.")]
private Transform rightToes;
// grounder constants and variables
//private const int raycastLayers = ~2; // Ignore Raycast
private const float maxFootDistanceGround = 0.02f; // maximum distance from lower foot to the ground
private const float maxFootDistanceTime = 0.02f; // 0.2f; // maximum allowed time, the lower foot to be distant from the ground
//private Transform leftFoot, rightFoot;
private float fFootDistanceInitial = 0f;
private float fFootDistance = 0f;
private float fFootDistanceTime = 0f;
void Start()
// if the target transform is not set, use the camera transform
if (targetTransform == null && Camera.main != null)
targetTransform = Camera.main.transform;
void LateUpdate()
// move the head and body to the target
// moves the avatar's head to the target, and the rest of its body too
private void MoveHeadToTarget()
if (headTransform == null)
Animator animatorComponent = GetComponent<Animator>();
headTransform = animatorComponent ? animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head) : null;
if (!targetTransform || !headTransform)
Transform trans = headTransform.transform;
Vector3 posTrans = targetTransform.position;
while (trans.parent != null)
Transform transParent = trans.parent;
Vector3 dirParent = transParent.position - trans.position;
posTrans += dirParent;
trans = transParent;
if (groundedFeet)
// keep the current correction
float fLastTgtY = posTrans.y;
posTrans.y += fFootDistance;
float fNewDistance = GetDistanceToGround();
float fNewDistanceTime = Time.time;
// Debug.Log(string.Format("PosY: {0:F2}, LastY: {1:F2}, TgrY: {2:F2}, NewDist: {3:F2}, Corr: {4:F2}, Time: {5:F2}", bodyRoot != null ? bodyRoot.position.y : transform.position.y,
// fLastTgtY, targetPos.y, fNewDistance, fFootDistance, fNewDistanceTime));
if (Mathf.Abs(fNewDistance) >= 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(fNewDistance - fFootDistanceInitial) >= maxFootDistanceGround)
if ((fNewDistanceTime - fFootDistanceTime) >= maxFootDistanceTime)
fFootDistance += (fNewDistance - fFootDistanceInitial);
fFootDistanceTime = fNewDistanceTime;
posTrans.y = fLastTgtY + fFootDistance;
// Debug.Log(string.Format(" >> change({0:F2})! - Corr: {1:F2}, LastY: {2:F2}, TgrY: {3:F2} at time {4:F2}",
// (fNewDistance - fFootDistanceInitial), fFootDistance, fLastTgtY, targetPos.y, fFootDistanceTime));
fFootDistanceTime = fNewDistanceTime;
// set root transform position
if (trans)
trans.position = posTrans;
// Vector3 posDiff = targetTransform.position - headTransform.position;
// transform.position += posDiff;
//Debug.Log("PosTrans: " + posTrans + ", Transofrm: " + transform.position);
// returns the lower distance distance from left or right foot to the ground, or 1000f if no LF/RF transforms are found
private float GetDistanceToGround()
if (leftToes == null && rightToes == null)
Animator animatorComponent = GetComponent<Animator>();
if (animatorComponent)
leftToes = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftToes);
rightToes = animatorComponent.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightToes);
float fDistMin = 1000f;
float fDistLeft = leftToes ? GetTransformDistanceToGround(leftToes) : fDistMin;
float fDistRight = rightToes ? GetTransformDistanceToGround(rightToes) : fDistMin;
fDistMin = Mathf.Abs(fDistLeft) < Mathf.Abs(fDistRight) ? fDistLeft : fDistRight;
if (fDistMin == 1000f)
fDistMin = 0f; // fFootDistanceInitial;
// Debug.Log (string.Format ("LFootY: {0:F2}, Dist: {1:F2}, RFootY: {2:F2}, Dist: {3:F2}, Min: {4:F2}", leftToes ? leftToes.position.y : 0f, fDistLeft,
// rightToes ? rightToes.position.y : 0f, fDistRight, fDistMin));
return fDistMin;
// returns distance from the given transform to the underlying object.
private float GetTransformDistanceToGround(Transform trans)
if (!trans)
return 0f;
// RaycastHit hit;
// if(Physics.Raycast(trans.position, Vector3.down, out hit, 2f, raycastLayers))
// {
// return -hit.distance;
// }
// else if(Physics.Raycast(trans.position, Vector3.up, out hit, 2f, raycastLayers))
// {
// return hit.distance;
// }
// else
// {
// if (trans.position.y < 0)
// return -trans.position.y;
// else
// return 1000f;
// }
return -trans.position.y;


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icon: {instanceID: 0}


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using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace com.rfilkov.components
/// <summary>
/// InteractionInputModule is the input module that can be used as component of the Unity-UI EventSystem.
/// </summary>
public class InteractionInputModule : PointerInputModule, InteractionListenerInterface
[Tooltip("Index of the player, tracked by the respective InteractionManager. 0 means the 1st player, 1 - the 2nd one, 2 - the 3rd one, etc.")]
public int playerIndex = 0;
[Tooltip("Whether the left hand interaction is allowed by the respective InteractionManager.")]
public bool leftHandInteraction = true;
[Tooltip("Whether the right hand interaction is allowed by the respective InteractionManager.")]
public bool rightHandInteraction = true;
[Tooltip("Whether to process the hand cursor movements (i.e for hovering ui-elements), or not.")]
public bool processCursorMovement = false;
//private bool m_isLeftHand = false;
private bool m_leftHandGrip = false;
private bool m_rightHandGrip = false;
private Vector3 m_handCursorPos =;
private Vector2 m_lastCursorPos =;
private PointerEventData.FramePressState m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged;
private readonly MouseState m_MouseState = new MouseState();
// interaction manager for the same player
private InteractionManager intManager;
// The single instance of InteractionInputModule
//private static InteractionInputModule instance;
///// <summary>
///// Gets the single InteractionInputModule instance.
///// </summary>
///// <value>The InteractionInputModule instance.</value>
//public static InteractionInputModule Instance
// get
// {
// return instance;
// }
//protected InteractionInputModule()
// instance = this;
protected override void Awake()
intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction);
private bool m_ForceModuleActive;
public bool forceModuleActive
get { return m_ForceModuleActive; }
set { m_ForceModuleActive = value; }
public override bool IsModuleSupported()
return m_ForceModuleActive || intManager != null;
public override bool ShouldActivateModule()
if (!base.ShouldActivateModule())
return false;
if (intManager == null)
intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction);
//bool shouldActivate |= (InteractionManager.Instance != null && InteractionManager.Instance.IsInteractionInited());
bool shouldActivate = m_ForceModuleActive || (m_framePressState != PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged);
if (!shouldActivate && processCursorMovement && intManager &&
(intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary() || intManager.IsRightHandPrimary()))
bool bIsLeftHand = intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary();
// check for cursor pos change
Vector2 handCursorPos = bIsLeftHand ? intManager.GetLeftHandScreenPos() : intManager.GetRightHandScreenPos();
if (handCursorPos != m_lastCursorPos)
m_lastCursorPos = handCursorPos;
shouldActivate = true;
return shouldActivate;
// public override void ActivateModule()
// {
// base.ActivateModule();
// var toSelect = eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject;
// if (toSelect == null)
// toSelect = eventSystem.firstSelectedGameObject;
// eventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(toSelect, GetBaseEventData());
// }
// public override void DeactivateModule()
// {
// base.DeactivateModule();
// ClearSelection();
// }
public override void Process()
if (intManager == null)
intManager = InteractionManager.GetInstance(playerIndex, leftHandInteraction, rightHandInteraction);
private void CheckGrippedCursorPosition()
if (intManager)
bool bIsLeftHand = intManager.IsLeftHandPrimary();
// check for gripped hand
bool bHandGrip = bIsLeftHand ? m_leftHandGrip : m_rightHandGrip;
// check for cursor pos change
Vector2 handCursorPos = bIsLeftHand ? intManager.GetLeftHandScreenPos() : intManager.GetRightHandScreenPos();
if (bHandGrip && handCursorPos != (Vector2)m_handCursorPos)
// emulate new press
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed;
m_handCursorPos = handCursorPos;
else if (processCursorMovement)
m_handCursorPos = handCursorPos;
protected void ProcessInteractionEvent()
// Emulate mouse data
var mouseData = GetMousePointerEventData(0);
var leftButtonData = mouseData.GetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left).eventData;
// Process the interaction data
protected override MouseState GetMousePointerEventData(int id)
// Populate the left button...
PointerEventData leftData;
var created = GetPointerData(kMouseLeftId, out leftData, true);
Vector2 handPos = new Vector2(m_handCursorPos.x * Screen.width, m_handCursorPos.y * Screen.height);
if (created)
leftData.position = handPos;
} = handPos - leftData.position;
leftData.position = handPos;
//leftData.scrollDelta = 0f;
leftData.button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Left;
eventSystem.RaycastAll(leftData, m_RaycastResultCache);
var raycast = FindFirstRaycast(m_RaycastResultCache);
leftData.pointerCurrentRaycast = raycast;
m_MouseState.SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton.Left, m_framePressState, leftData);
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.NotChanged;
return m_MouseState;
/// <summary>
/// Process the current hand press or release event.
/// </summary>
protected void ProcessHandPressRelease(MouseButtonEventData data)
var pointerEvent = data.buttonData;
var currentOverGo = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
// PointerDown notification
if (data.PressedThisFrame())
pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = true; =;
pointerEvent.dragging = false;
pointerEvent.useDragThreshold = true;
pointerEvent.pressPosition = pointerEvent.position;
pointerEvent.pointerPressRaycast = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast;
DeselectIfSelectionChanged(currentOverGo, pointerEvent);
// search for the control that will receive the press
// if we can't find a press handler set the press
// handler to be what would receive a click.
var newPressed = ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerDownHandler);
// didnt find a press handler... search for a click handler
if (newPressed == null)
newPressed = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IPointerClickHandler>(currentOverGo);
//Debug.Log("Pressed: " + newPressed);
float time = Time.unscaledTime;
if (newPressed == pointerEvent.lastPress)
var diffTime = time - pointerEvent.clickTime;
if (diffTime < 0.3f)
pointerEvent.clickCount = 1;
pointerEvent.clickTime = time;
pointerEvent.clickCount = 1;
pointerEvent.pointerPress = newPressed;
pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = currentOverGo;
pointerEvent.clickTime = time;
// Save the drag handler as well
pointerEvent.pointerDrag = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IDragHandler>(currentOverGo);
if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.initializePotentialDrag);
// PointerUp notification
if (data.ReleasedThisFrame())
// Debug.Log("Executing pressup on: " + pointer.pointerPress);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerUpHandler);
// see if we mouse up on the same element that we clicked on...
var pointerUpHandler = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IPointerClickHandler>(currentOverGo);
// PointerClick and Drop events
if (pointerEvent.pointerPress != null && pointerEvent.pointerPress == pointerUpHandler && pointerEvent.eligibleForClick)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerClickHandler);
else if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null && pointerEvent.dragging)
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.dropHandler);
pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = false;
pointerEvent.pointerPress = null;
pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = null;
if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null && pointerEvent.dragging)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.endDragHandler);
pointerEvent.dragging = false;
pointerEvent.pointerDrag = null;
// redo pointer enter / exit to refresh state
// so that if we moused over somethign that ignored it before
// due to having pressed on something else
// it now gets it.
if (currentOverGo != pointerEvent.pointerEnter)
HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, null);
HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, currentOverGo);
public void HandGripDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, bool isHandInteracting, Vector3 handScreenPos)
if (userIndex != playerIndex || !isHandInteracting)
bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand);
if (!bHandValid)
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed;
//m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand;
m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos;
if (!isRightHand)
m_leftHandGrip = true;
m_rightHandGrip = true;
public void HandReleaseDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, bool isHandInteracting, Vector3 handScreenPos)
if (userIndex != playerIndex || !isHandInteracting)
bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand);
if (!bHandValid)
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Released;
//m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand;
m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos;
if (!isRightHand)
m_leftHandGrip = false;
m_rightHandGrip = false;
public bool HandClickDetected(ulong userId, int userIndex, bool isRightHand, Vector3 handScreenPos)
if (userIndex != playerIndex)
return false;
bool bHandValid = (leftHandInteraction && !isRightHand) || (rightHandInteraction && isRightHand);
if (!bHandValid)
return false;
StartCoroutine(EmulateMouseClick(isRightHand, handScreenPos));
return true;
private IEnumerator EmulateMouseClick(bool isRightHand, Vector3 handScreenPos)
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Pressed;
//m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand;
m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
m_framePressState = PointerEventData.FramePressState.Released;
//m_isLeftHand = !isRightHand;
m_handCursorPos = handScreenPos;
yield return null;


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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Descriptor of the sensor interface.
/// </summary>
public class DepthSensorDescriptor
/// <summary>
/// Sensor type.
/// </summary>
public string sensorType;
/// <summary>
/// Full path to the sensor interface.
/// </summary>
public string sensorInterface;
/// <summary>
/// Settings of the sensor interface.
/// </summary>
public string sensorIntSettings;
/// <summary>
/// Sensor interface version.
/// </summary>
public string sensorIntVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Transform position.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 transformPos;
/// <summary>
/// Transform rotation.
/// </summary>
public Vector3 transformRot;
/// <summary>
/// Full class path to the depth predictor.
/// </summary>
public string depthPredictor;
/// <summary>
/// Full class path to the body tracking predictor.
/// </summary>
public string bodyTrackingPredictor;
/// <summary>
/// Full class path to the body segmentation predictor.
/// </summary>
public string bodySegmentationPredictor;


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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// DepthSensorInterface is the template for all sensor-interface implementations.
/// </summary>
public interface DepthSensorInterface
// returns the depth sensor platform
KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform GetSensorPlatform();
// returns the device-id of the currently opened sensor
string GetSensorDeviceId();
// returns the type of sensor interface settings
System.Type GetSensorSettingsType();
// returns sensor interface settings
DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings GetSensorSettings(DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings settings);
// sets sensor interface settings
void SetSensorSettings(DepthSensorBase.BaseSensorSettings settings);
// returns the list of available sensors, controlled by this sensor interface
List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo> GetAvailableSensors();
// opens the given sensor and inits needed resources. returns new sensor-data object
KinectInterop.SensorData OpenSensor(KinectManager kinectManager, KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags, bool bSyncDepthAndColor, bool bSyncBodyAndDepth);
// closes the sensor and frees used resources
void CloseSensor(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// enables or disables the pose stream
void EnablePoseStream(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool bEnable);
// enables or disables synchronization of frames between the master & sub sensors
bool EnableSensorSync(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool bEnable);
// returns true if the sensor is master, false if it's standalone or subordinate
bool IsSensorMaster();
// checks if the given sensor frame timestamp is synched with the master or not
bool IsSensorFrameSynched(ulong frameTime, ulong masterTime);
// set minimum & maximum infrared values, used in IR texture generation
void SetMinMaxInfraredValues(float minValue, float maxValue);
// initializes the secondary sensor data, after sensor initialization
void InitSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager);
// checks whether the sensor data is valid. can wait for valid data, as in case of the net-interface
bool IsSensorDataValid();
// returns the body tracker orientation angle (Z-angle), in degrees
float GetBodyTrackerOrientationAngle();
// polls data frames in the sensor-specific thread
void PollSensorFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// polls coordinate transformation frames and data in the sensor-specific thread
void PollCoordTransformFrames(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// post-processes the sensor data after polling
void PollSensorFrameTimes(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// updates sensor data, if needed
// returns true if update is successful, false otherwise
bool UpdateSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, bool isPlayMode);
// updates transformed frame textures, if needed
// returns true if update is successful, false otherwise
bool UpdateTransformedFrameTextures(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager);
// updates the selected sensor textures, if needed
// returns true if update is successful, false otherwise
bool UpdateSensorTextures(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager, ulong prevDepthFrameTime, ulong prevIrFrameTime);
// returns sensor transform. Please note transform updates depend on the getPoseFrames-KM setting.
Transform GetSensorTransform();
// returns depth-to-color-camera matrix
Matrix4x4 GetDepthToColorCameraMatrix();
// returns sensor-to-world matrix
Matrix4x4 GetSensorToWorldMatrix();
// sets sensor-to-world matrix
void SetSensorToWorldMatrix(Vector3 sensorWorldPosition, Quaternion sensorWorldRotation, bool isUpdateTransform);
// sets sensor-to-world matrix
void SetSensorToWorldMatrix(Matrix4x4 mSensor2World, bool isUpdateTransform);
// returns the depth camera space table
Vector3[] GetDepthCameraSpaceTable(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// returns the color camera space table
Vector3[] GetColorCameraSpaceTable(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// returns depth camera space coordinates for the given depth image point
Vector3 MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal);
// returns depth image coordinates for the given depth camera space point
Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos);
// returns color camera space coordinates for the given color image point
Vector3 MapColorPointToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos, ushort depthVal);
// returns color image coordinates for the given color camera space point
Vector2 MapSpacePointToColorCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos);
// returns color image coordinates for the given depth image point
Vector2 MapDepthPointToColorCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal);
// returns depth image coordinates for the given color image point
Vector2 MapColorPointToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 colorPos, int minDist, int maxDist);
// returns the anchor position of the background raw image
Vector2 GetBackgroundImageAnchorPos(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// returns the resolution in pixels of the point-cloud textures
Vector2Int GetPointCloudTexResolution(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// returns the net-sensor-data for network exchange
KinectInterop.NetSensorData GetNetSensorData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// sets the local sensor data from the network exchange data
void SetNetSensorData(KinectInterop.NetSensorData netSensorData, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager);
// returns the sensor pose data for network exchange
KinectInterop.NetPoseData GetSensorNetPoseData(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData);
// sets the local sensor pose data from the network exchange data
void SetSensorNetPoseData(KinectInterop.NetPoseData netPoseData, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, KinectManager kinectManager);
// enables or disables depth camera color frame processing
void EnableDepthCameraColorFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool isEnable);
// returns the latest depth camera color frame texture along with the last frame time
Texture GetDepthCameraColorFrameTexture(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref Texture2D copyToTex2D, ref ulong frameTime);
// enables or disables color camera depth frame processing
void EnableColorCameraDepthFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool isEnable);
// returns the latest color camera depth frame along with the last frame time. the returned data is ushort array.
ushort[] GetColorCameraDepthFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref ushort[] copyToFrame, ref ulong frameTime);
// returns the latest color camera depth frame along with the last frame time. the returned data frame is byte array.
byte[] GetColorCameraDepthFrameBytes(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref byte[] copyToFrame, ref ulong frameTime);
// enables or disables color camera infrared frame processing
void EnableColorCameraInfraredFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool isEnableRawData, bool isEnableTexture);
// returns the latest color camera infrared frame along with the last frame time. the returned data is ushort array.
ushort[] GetColorCameraInfraredFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref ushort[] copyToFrame, ref ulong frameTime);
// returns the latest color camera infrared frame texture along with the last frame time
Texture GetColorCameraInfraredFrameTexture(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref Texture2D copyToTex2D, ref ulong frameTime);
// enables or disables color camera body-index frame processing
void EnableColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool isEnable);
// returns the latest color camera body-index frame along with the last frame time
byte[] GetColorCameraBodyIndexFrame(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, ref byte[] copyToFrame, ref ulong frameTime);


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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// DummyK4AInterface is dummy sensor-interface to the Azure Kinect sensors.
/// </summary>
public class DummyK4AInterface : DepthSensorBase
public override KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform GetSensorPlatform()
return KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.DummyK4A;
public override List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo> GetAvailableSensors()
List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo> alSensorInfo = new List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo>();
KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo sensorInfo = new KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo();
sensorInfo.sensorId = "DummyK4A";
sensorInfo.sensorName = "Dummy Kinect-for-Azure";
sensorInfo.sensorCaps = KinectInterop.FrameSource.TypeAll;
return alSensorInfo;
public override KinectInterop.SensorData OpenSensor(KinectManager kinectManager, KinectInterop.FrameSource dwFlags, bool bSyncDepthAndColor, bool bSyncBodyAndDepth)
// save initial parameters
base.OpenSensor(kinectManager, dwFlags, bSyncDepthAndColor, bSyncBodyAndDepth);
List<KinectInterop.SensorDeviceInfo> alSensors = GetAvailableSensors();
if (deviceIndex < 0 || deviceIndex >= alSensors.Count)
return null;
sensorDeviceId = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorId;
sensorPlatform = KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.DummyK4A;
KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = new KinectInterop.SensorData();
sensorData.sensorIntPlatform = sensorPlatform;
sensorData.sensorId = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorId;
sensorData.sensorName = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorName;
sensorData.sensorCaps = alSensors[deviceIndex].sensorCaps;
sensorData.colorImageWidth = 1920; // 1080p
sensorData.colorImageHeight = 1080;
sensorData.depthImageWidth = 640; // NFOV Unbinned
sensorData.depthImageHeight = 576;
sensorData.depthCamIntr = JsonUtility.FromJson<KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics>(jsonDepthCamIntr);
sensorData.colorCamIntr = JsonUtility.FromJson<KinectInterop.CameraIntrinsics>(jsonColorCamIntr);
sensorData.depth2ColorExtr = JsonUtility.FromJson<KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics>(jsonDepth2ColorExtr);
sensorData.color2DepthExtr = JsonUtility.FromJson<KinectInterop.CameraExtrinsics>(jsonColor2DepthExtr);
float[] r = sensorData.depth2ColorExtr.rotation;
float[] t = sensorData.depth2ColorExtr.translation;
depth2colorCamMat = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(r[0], r[3], r[6], 0), new Vector4(r[1], r[4], r[7], 0), new Vector4(r[2], r[5], r[8], 0), new Vector4(t[0] * 0.001f, t[1] * 0.001f, t[2] * 0.001f, 1));
//Debug.Log("Depth2colorCamMat Pos: " + (Vector3)depth2colorCamMat.GetColumn(3) + ", Rot: " + depth2colorCamMat.rotation.eulerAngles);
// flip color & depth image vertically
sensorData.colorImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f);
sensorData.depthImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f);
sensorData.infraredImageScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f);
sensorData.sensorSpaceScale = new Vector3(-1f, -1f, 1f);
sensorData.unitToMeterFactor = 0.001f;
// depth camera offset & matrix z-flip
sensorRotOffset =; // new Vector3(6f, 0f, 0f); // the depth camera is tilted 6 degrees downwards
sensorRotFlipZ = true;
sensorRotIgnoreY = true;
// color camera data & intrinsics
sensorData.colorImageFormat = TextureFormat.BGRA32;
sensorData.colorImageStride = 4; // 4 bytes per pixel
Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " DummyK4A-sensor opened");
return sensorData;
public override void CloseSensor(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData)
if (consoleLogMessages)
Debug.Log("D" + deviceIndex + " DummyK4A-sensor closed");
private const string jsonDepthCamIntr = "{ \"cameraType\": 0, \"width\": 640, \"height\": 576, \"ppx\": 319.3891296386719, \"ppy\": 339.0096435546875," +
"\"fx\": 505.0830078125, \"fy\": 505.2060546875, \"distType\": 4, \"distCoeffs\": [0.45811858773231509,-0.09587264806032181,-0.008291528560221196,0.7999407649040222,-0.01724848523736,-0.03864333778619766]," +
"\"codx\": 0.0, \"cody\": 0.0, \"p2\": -0.00007324512989725918, \"p1\": -0.00015797713422216475, \"maxRadius\": 0.0, \"hFOV\": 64.7133560180664, \"vFOV\": 59.371849060058597 }";
private const string jsonColorCamIntr = "{ \"cameraType\": 1, \"width\": 1920, \"height\": 1080, \"ppx\": 953.6868286132813, \"ppy\": 553.8844604492188," +
"\"fx\": 903.1810913085938, \"fy\": 903.4053955078125, \"distType\": 4, \"distCoeffs\": [0.8302328586578369,-2.98026442527771,1.6583690643310547,0.7071738839149475,-2.815004825592041,1.5919547080993653]," +
"\"codx\": 0.0, \"cody\": 0.0, \"p2\": -0.0001697207917459309, \"p1\": 0.0007688929326832295, \"maxRadius\": 0.0, \"hFOV\": 93.49346160888672, \"vFOV\": 61.73675537109375 }";
private const string jsonDepth2ColorExtr = "{ \"rotation\": [0.9999944567680359,0.003319731680676341,-0.00013891232083551586,-0.0032980330288410188," +
"0.9968001842498779,0.07986554503440857,0.00040359998820349574,-0.07986464351415634,0.9968056082725525]," +
"\"translation\": [-31.988178253173829,-2.296376943588257,4.040627956390381] }";
private const string jsonColor2DepthExtr = "{ \"rotation\": [1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]," +
"\"translation\": [0.0,0.0,0.0] }";


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icon: {instanceID: 0}


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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


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fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
using Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// Kinect4AzureSyncher synhronizes the captures received from master and sub k4a-devices.
/// </summary>
public class Kinect4AzureSyncher
// data for each sensor
private class SyncherSensorData
public long expDelay;
public long capTimestamp;
public Capture capture;
public long pushCapTimestamp;
public Capture pushCapture;
public long btTimestamp;
// max allowed timestamp error
private const long MAX_TIME_ERROR = 100000; // 10000; // 1000;
// available sensor interfaces
private List<Kinect4AzureInterface> sensorInts = new List<Kinect4AzureInterface>();
private List<KinectInterop.SensorData> sensorDatas = new List<KinectInterop.SensorData>();
private List<long> expectedDelays = new List<long>();
// number of sensors and index of the master
private int numSensors = 0;
private int iMaster = -1; // index of the master interface
// master play time
private long masterPlayTime = 0;
private object masterPlayLock = new object();
// syncher sensor data
private SyncherSensorData[] syncherData = null;
// syncher lock object
private object syncherLock = new object();
public Kinect4AzureSyncher()
// initializes the syncher for the given sensor interface
public int StartSyncherForSensor(Kinect4AzureInterface sensorInt, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, bool isMaster, long expectedDelay)
if (sensorInt == null)
return -1;
int sensorIndex = numSensors;
if (iMaster >= 0)
throw new Exception("Master index already set at " + iMaster + ". Current interface index is " + sensorIndex + ". Multiple masters are not supported.");
iMaster = sensorIndex;
//Debug.Log("Started syncher for sensor D" + sensorInt.deviceIndex + ", delay: " + expectedDelay + ", index: " + sensorIndex + ", master: " + iMaster);
return sensorIndex;
// releases the resources taken by the syncher data
public void StopSyncher()
for (int i = numSensors - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (syncherData != null && syncherData[i] != null)
if (syncherData[i].capture != null)
syncherData[i].capture = null;
if (syncherData[i].pushCapture != null)
syncherData[i].pushCapture = null;
//Debug.Log("Stopped syncher for " + numSensors + " sensors.");
// sets master device play time
public void SetMasterPlayTime(long playTime)
masterPlayTime = playTime;
// returns the latest master play time
public long GetMasterPlayTime()
long playTime = 0;
playTime = masterPlayTime;
return playTime;
// returns the master index, or -1 if no master is set
public int GetMasterIndex()
return iMaster;
// checks if the given frame time is synched or not
public bool IsSensorFrameSynched(int sensorIndex, ulong frameTime, ulong masterTime)
if(syncherData != null && sensorIndex >= 0 && sensorIndex < syncherData.Length)
long expTime = (long)masterTime + syncherData[sensorIndex].expDelay;
long subError = (long)frameTime - expTime;
if (frameTime != 0 && subError >= -MAX_TIME_ERROR && subError <= MAX_TIME_ERROR)
return true;
return false;
// updates the sensor capture
public void UpdateCapture(int sensorIndex, long capTimestamp, Capture capture)
if (capture == null)
if (capTimestamp == 0)
//Debug.Log("Ignoring capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + capTimestamp);
lock (syncherLock)
if (syncherData == null || numSensors != syncherData.Length || syncherData[sensorIndex] == null)
// dispose current capture
if (syncherData[sensorIndex].capture != null)
//Debug.Log("Disposing capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + syncherData[sensorIndex].capTimestamp);
syncherData[sensorIndex].capture = null;
// set new capture
//Debug.Log("Setting capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + capTimestamp);
syncherData[sensorIndex].capTimestamp = capTimestamp;
syncherData[sensorIndex].capture = capture;
// check for synched captures
bool bAllSynched = numSensors > 1 && iMaster >= 0 && syncherData[iMaster] != null && syncherData[iMaster].capTimestamp != 0;
if (bAllSynched)
long masterTime = syncherData[iMaster].capTimestamp;
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
if (syncherData[i] == null || syncherData[i].capTimestamp == 0)
bAllSynched = false;
long subTime = syncherData[i].capTimestamp;
long expTime = masterTime + syncherData[i].expDelay;
long subError = subTime - expTime;
if (i != iMaster && (subTime == 0 || subError < -MAX_TIME_ERROR || subError > MAX_TIME_ERROR))
bAllSynched = false;
if (bAllSynched)
//Debug.Log("Synched captures. Index: " + sensorIndex + " MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].capTimestamp);
// process synched sensor captures
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
Kinect4AzureInterface sensorInt = sensorInts[i];
KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i];
//Debug.Log(" Processing capture " + i + ". Timestamp: " + syncherData[i].capTimestamp);
sensorInt.ProcessSensorCapture(sensorData, syncherData[i].capture);
syncherData[i].capture = null;
//Debug.Log("Captures not synched. Index: " + sensorIndex + " ThisTime: " + syncherData[sensorIndex].capTimestamp +
// ", MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].capTimestamp + ", diff: " + (syncherData[iMaster].capTimestamp - syncherData[sensorIndex].capTimestamp));
// updates the push bt-capture
public void UpdatePushBtCapture(int sensorIndex, long capTimestamp, Capture capture)
if (capture == null || capture.Depth == null)
if (capTimestamp == 0)
//Debug.Log("Ignoring push-capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + capTimestamp);
lock (syncherLock)
if (syncherData == null || numSensors != syncherData.Length || syncherData[sensorIndex] == null)
// dispose current capture
if (syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapture != null)
//Debug.Log("Disposing push-capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapTimestamp);
syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapture = null;
// set new capture
//Debug.Log("Setting push-capture for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + capTimestamp);
syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapTimestamp = capTimestamp;
syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapture = capture;
// check for synched captures
bool bAllSynched = numSensors > 1 && iMaster >= 0 && syncherData[iMaster] != null && syncherData[iMaster].pushCapTimestamp != 0;
if (bAllSynched)
long masterTime = syncherData[iMaster].pushCapTimestamp;
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
if (syncherData[i] == null || syncherData[i].pushCapTimestamp == 0)
bAllSynched = false;
long subTime = syncherData[i].pushCapTimestamp;
long expTime = masterTime + syncherData[i].expDelay;
long subError = subTime - expTime;
if (i != iMaster && (subTime == 0 || subError < -MAX_TIME_ERROR || subError > MAX_TIME_ERROR))
bAllSynched = false;
if (bAllSynched)
//Debug.Log("Synched push-captures. Index: " + sensorIndex + " MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].pushCapTimestamp);
// process synched sensor captures
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
Kinect4AzureInterface sensorInt = sensorInts[i];
KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i];
//Debug.Log(" Processing push capture " + i + ". Timestamp: " + syncherData[i].pushCapTimestamp);
sensorInt.PushBodyFrame(sensorData, syncherData[i].pushCapture, true);
syncherData[i].pushCapture = null;
//Debug.Log("Push-captures not synched. Index: " + sensorIndex + " ThisTime: " + syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapTimestamp +
// ", MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].pushCapTimestamp + ", diff: " + (syncherData[iMaster].pushCapTimestamp - syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapTimestamp));
// updates the body tracking frame
public void UpdateBtFrame(int sensorIndex, long frameTimestamp)
if(frameTimestamp == 0)
//Debug.Log("Ignoring bt-frame for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + frameTimestamp);
lock (syncherLock)
if(syncherData == null || numSensors != syncherData.Length || syncherData[sensorIndex] == null)
// set new frame
//Debug.Log("Setting bt-frame for syncher index " + sensorIndex + ". Timestamp: " + frameTimestamp);
syncherData[sensorIndex].btTimestamp = frameTimestamp;
// check for synched body frames
bool bAllSynched = numSensors > 1 && iMaster >= 0 && syncherData[iMaster] != null && syncherData[iMaster].btTimestamp != 0;
if (bAllSynched)
long masterTime = syncherData[iMaster].btTimestamp;
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
if(syncherData[i] == null || syncherData[i].btTimestamp == 0)
bAllSynched = false;
long subTime = syncherData[i].btTimestamp;
long expTime = masterTime + syncherData[i].expDelay;
long subError = subTime - expTime;
if (i != iMaster && (subTime == 0 || subError < -MAX_TIME_ERROR || subError > MAX_TIME_ERROR))
bAllSynched = false;
if (bAllSynched)
//Debug.Log("Synched bt-frames. Index: " + sensorIndex + " MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].btTimestamp);
// process synched body frames
for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++)
Kinect4AzureInterface sensorInt = sensorInts[i];
KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = sensorDatas[i];
//Debug.Log(" Processing bt-frame " + i + ". Timestamp: " + syncherData[i].btTimestamp);
sensorInt.ProcessBodyFrame(sensorData, IntPtr.Zero, true);
//Debug.Log("Bt-frames not synched. Index: " + sensorIndex + " ThisTime: " + syncherData[sensorIndex].btTimestamp +
// ", MasterTime: " + syncherData[iMaster].btTimestamp + ", diff: " + (syncherData[iMaster].btTimestamp - syncherData[sensorIndex].btTimestamp));
// creates and returns syncher data, as needed
private SyncherSensorData CreateSyncherData(int sensorIndex)
if(syncherData == null || numSensors != syncherData.Length)
syncherData = new SyncherSensorData[numSensors];
if(syncherData[sensorIndex] == null)
syncherData[sensorIndex] = new SyncherSensorData();
syncherData[sensorIndex].expDelay = expectedDelays[sensorIndex];
syncherData[sensorIndex].capture = null;
syncherData[sensorIndex].pushCapture = null;
return syncherData[sensorIndex];


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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using com.rfilkov.kinect;
namespace com.rfilkov.kinect
/// <summary>
/// KinectFloorDetector is based on the 'Azure Kinect Floor Plane Detection Sample' that demonstrates one way to estimate the floor plane.
/// </summary>
public class KinectFloorDetector
/// <summary>
/// Smoothing factor used for sensor position and rotation update.
/// </summary>
public float smoothFactor = 5f;
// reference to the sensor data
private KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData = null;
private Vector3 spaceScale =;
private ulong lastDepthFrameTime = 0;
// IMU data
private Vector3 imuUpVector =;
//private Transform imuVectorTrans = null;
// data buffers
private Vector3[] depth2SpaceTable = null;
private int depth2SpaceWidth = 0, depth2SpaceHeight = 0;
private float[] histMinMax = null;
private float[] planePosNorm = null;
private int binAggregation = 6;
public int minFloorPointCount = 1024;
public float planeMaxTiltInDeg = 5f;
private float histBinSize = 0f;
private int histBufferLength = 0;
// compute buffers
private ComputeBuffer pointCloudSpaceBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer pointCloudDepthBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer pointCloudPosBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer pointCloudOfsBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer pointCloudMaskBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer ofsHistMinMaxBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer ofsHistBinLeftBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer ofsHistBinCountBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer histCumulativeCountBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer planeIndicesBuffer = null;
private ComputeBuffer planePosNormBuffer = null;
// compute shaders
private ComputeShader floorDetOffsetEstShader = null;
private int floorDetOffsetEstKernel = -1;
private ComputeShader floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader = null;
private int floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel = -1;
private ComputeShader floorDetOffsetHistShader = null;
private int floorDetOffsetHistKernel = -1;
private ComputeShader floorDetPlaneEstShader = null;
private int floorDetPlaneEstKernel = -1;
// results
private bool bPlaneValid = false;
private Vector3 vPlanePos =;
private Vector3 vPlaneNorm = Vector3.up;
private Quaternion qSensorRot = Quaternion.identity;
private Plane floorPlane = new Plane();
private float fSensorHeight = 1f;
// time
private const float SMOOTH_TIME_THRESHOLD = 1f;
private float fLastTimeSecs = 0f;
// routine params
private const int WAIT_FRAMES_BEFORE_GPUGET = 2;
private int minDepthDistance = 0;
private int maxDepthDistance = 10000;
//private bool isImuVectorSet = false;
private bool isDepthFrameSet = false;
private MonoBehaviour callerInstance = null;
private IEnumerator floorRoutine = null;
private bool isRoutineRunning = false;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a floor plane has been detected or not.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the floor plane is valid, false otherwise</returns>
public bool IsFloorValid()
return bPlaneValid;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the timestamp of the depth frame used for floor plane detection.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Depth frame timestamp</returns>
public ulong GetDepthTimestamp()
return lastDepthFrameTime;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the floor plane position.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Floor plane position</returns>
public Vector3 GetFloorPosition()
return vPlanePos;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the floor plane normal.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Floor plane normal</returns>
public Vector3 GetFloorNormal()
return vPlaneNorm;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the detected floor plane.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Detected floor plane</returns>
public Plane GetFloorPlane()
return floorPlane;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the estimated sensor position, in meters.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Sensor position, in meters</returns>
public Vector3 GetSensorPosition()
return new Vector3(0f, fSensorHeight, 0f);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the estimated sensor rotation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Sensor rotation</returns>
public Quaternion GetSensorRotation()
return qSensorRot;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the buffers and shaders used by the floor detector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sensorData">Sensor data</param>
/// <param name="maxDepthMm">Max depth distance in mm</param>
public void InitFloorDetector(MonoBehaviour caller, KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, int maxDepthMm)
this.callerInstance = caller;
this.sensorData = sensorData;
if (sensorData == null || sensorData.depthImageWidth == 0 || sensorData.depthImageHeight == 0)
if (floorDetOffsetEstShader == null)
floorDetOffsetEstShader = Resources.Load("FloorDetectionOffsetEstShader") as ComputeShader;
floorDetOffsetEstKernel = floorDetOffsetEstShader != null ? floorDetOffsetEstShader.FindKernel("EstimatePointCloudPosOfs") : -1;
if (floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader == null)
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader = Resources.Load("FloorDetectionOffsetMinMaxShader") as ComputeShader;
floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel = floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader != null ? floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.FindKernel("EstimateOffsetMinMax") : -1;
if (floorDetOffsetHistShader == null)
floorDetOffsetHistShader = Resources.Load("FloorDetectionOffsetHistShader") as ComputeShader;
floorDetOffsetHistKernel = floorDetOffsetHistShader != null ? floorDetOffsetHistShader.FindKernel("EstimateOffsetHist") : -1;
if (floorDetPlaneEstShader == null)
floorDetPlaneEstShader = Resources.Load("FloorDetectionPlanePointsShader") as ComputeShader;
floorDetPlaneEstKernel = floorDetPlaneEstShader != null ? floorDetPlaneEstShader.FindKernel("EstimatePlanePoints") : -1;
if (pointCloudSpaceBuffer == null)
int spaceBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight * 3;
pointCloudSpaceBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(spaceBufferLength, sizeof(float));
if(pointCloudDepthBuffer == null)
int depthBufferLength = (sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight) >> 1;
pointCloudDepthBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(depthBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (pointCloudPosBuffer == null)
int posBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight * 3;
pointCloudPosBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(posBufferLength, sizeof(float));
if (pointCloudOfsBuffer == null)
int ofsBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
pointCloudOfsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(ofsBufferLength, sizeof(float));
if (pointCloudMaskBuffer == null)
int maskBufferLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
pointCloudMaskBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(maskBufferLength, sizeof(int));
if (ofsHistMinMaxBuffer == null)
histMinMax = new float[2];
ofsHistMinMaxBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(histMinMax.Length, sizeof(float));
// hist bin size
float planeDisplacementRangeInMeters = 0.050f; // 5 cm in meters
//binAggregation = 6;
histBinSize = planeDisplacementRangeInMeters / binAggregation;
float fMaxDepth = (float)maxDepthMm / 1000f;
histBufferLength = Mathf.FloorToInt(2 * fMaxDepth / histBinSize) + 1;
//Debug.Log("histBinSize: " + histBinSize + ", histBufferLength: " + histBufferLength);
if (ofsHistBinLeftBuffer == null)
ofsHistBinLeftBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(histBufferLength, sizeof(float));
if (ofsHistBinCountBuffer == null)
ofsHistBinCountBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(histBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if (histCumulativeCountBuffer == null)
histCumulativeCountBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(histBufferLength, sizeof(uint));
if(planeIndicesBuffer == null)
int planeIndicesLength = sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight;
planeIndicesBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(planeIndicesLength, sizeof(uint));
if(planePosNormBuffer == null)
planePosNorm = new float[4 * 3]; // pos & norm are v3
planePosNormBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(planePosNorm.Length, sizeof(float));
spaceScale = sensorData.sensorSpaceScale;
//minFloorPointCount = 1024;
//planeMaxTiltInDeg = 5f;
imuUpVector = Vector3.up;
bPlaneValid = false;
if(callerInstance != null)
isRoutineRunning = true;
floorRoutine = UpdateFloorAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Releases the buffers and shaders used by the floor detector.
/// </summary>
public void FinishFloorDetector()
isRoutineRunning = false;
floorRoutine = null;
if (pointCloudSpaceBuffer != null)
pointCloudSpaceBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudDepthBuffer != null)
pointCloudDepthBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudPosBuffer != null)
pointCloudPosBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudOfsBuffer != null)
pointCloudOfsBuffer = null;
if (pointCloudMaskBuffer != null)
pointCloudMaskBuffer = null;
if (ofsHistMinMaxBuffer != null)
ofsHistMinMaxBuffer = null;
if (ofsHistBinLeftBuffer != null)
ofsHistBinLeftBuffer = null;
if (ofsHistBinCountBuffer != null)
ofsHistBinCountBuffer = null;
if (histCumulativeCountBuffer != null)
histCumulativeCountBuffer = null;
if(planeIndicesBuffer != null)
planeIndicesBuffer = null;
if(planePosNormBuffer != null)
planePosNormBuffer = null;
if (floorDetOffsetEstShader != null)
floorDetOffsetEstShader = null;
if (floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader != null)
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader = null;
if (floorDetOffsetHistShader != null)
floorDetOffsetHistShader = null;
if(floorDetPlaneEstShader != null)
floorDetPlaneEstShader = null;
///// <summary>
///// Updates the IMU up vector from the sample.
///// </summary>
///// <param name="imuAcc">IMU accelerometer sample</param>
///// <param name="accDepthRot">Extrinsics rotation between the accelerometer and depth sensor</param>
//public void UpdateImuUpVector(Vector3 imuAcc, float[] accDepthRot)
// Vector3 Rx = new Vector3(accDepthRot[0], accDepthRot[1], accDepthRot[2]);
// Vector3 Ry = new Vector3(accDepthRot[3], accDepthRot[4], accDepthRot[5]);
// Vector3 Rz = new Vector3(accDepthRot[6], accDepthRot[7], accDepthRot[8]);
// Vector3 depthAcc = new Vector3( Vector3.Dot(Rx, imuAcc), Vector3.Dot(Ry, imuAcc), Vector3.Dot(Rz, imuAcc));
// //Vector3 depthGravity = depthAcc * -1f;
// //imuUpVector = (depthGravity * -1f).normalized;
// imuUpVector = depthAcc.normalized;
// //isImuVectorSet = true;
// //Debug.Log("imuUpVector: " + imuUpVector);
/// <summary>
/// Updates the IMU up vector.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="imuUpVector">IMU up vector</param>
public void UpdateImuUpVector(Vector3 imuUpVector)
this.imuUpVector = imuUpVector.normalized;
/// <summary>
/// Executes the floor detector shaders with the current depth frame data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="depthFrame">Depth frame data</param>
/// <param name="depthFrameTime">Depth frame time</param>
/// <param name="depthFrameLock">Depth frame lock object</param>
/// <param name="minDistance">Min depth distance, in meters</param>
/// <param name="maxDistance">Max depth distance, in meters</param>
/// <returns>true if the floor plane is detected, false otherwise</returns>
public bool UpdateFloorDetector(ushort[] depthFrame, ulong depthFrameTime, ref object depthFrameLock, float minDistance, float maxDistance)
if (sensorData == null || depthFrame == null || sensorData.depthImageWidth == 0 || sensorData.depthImageHeight == 0)
return false;
if (lastDepthFrameTime == depthFrameTime)
return false;
lastDepthFrameTime = depthFrameTime;
minDepthDistance = (int)(minDistance * 1000f);
maxDepthDistance = (int)(maxDistance * 1000f);
if (depth2SpaceWidth != sensorData.depthImageWidth || depth2SpaceHeight != sensorData.depthImageHeight)
depth2SpaceTable = sensorData.sensorInterface.GetDepthCameraSpaceTable(sensorData);
depth2SpaceWidth = sensorData.depthImageWidth;
depth2SpaceHeight = sensorData.depthImageHeight;
depth2SpaceTable = null;
//Debug.Log("Set space table for width: " + depth2SpaceWidth + ", height: " + depth2SpaceHeight);
// FloorDetectionOffsetEstShader
KinectInterop.SetComputeBufferData(pointCloudDepthBuffer, depthFrame, depthFrame.Length >> 1, sizeof(uint));
isDepthFrameSet = true;
////Debug.Log("imuUpVector: " + imuUpVector);
//if(imuVectorTrans == null)
// GameObject imuVectorObj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
// = "ImuVectorObj";
// imuVectorTrans = imuVectorObj.transform;
// imuVectorTrans.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.5f);
// imuVectorTrans.position = new Vector3(0, 1f, 1f);
//imuVectorTrans.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(imuUpVector.normalized);
bPlaneValid = false;
return true;
return false;
// updates the floor parameters async
private IEnumerator UpdateFloorAsync()
// wait for imu vector & depth frame
while (/**!isImuVectorSet ||*/ !isDepthFrameSet)
yield return null;
//isImuVectorSet = false;
isDepthFrameSet = false;
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderInt2(floorDetOffsetEstShader, "PointCloudRes", sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
//KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderFloat2(floorDetOffsetEstShader, "SpaceScale", sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.x, sensorData.sensorSpaceScale.y);
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderFloat3(floorDetOffsetEstShader, "ImuUpVector", imuUpVector);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetInt("MinDepth", minDepthDistance);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetInt("MaxDepth", maxDepthDistance);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, "SpaceTable", pointCloudSpaceBuffer);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, "DepthMap", pointCloudDepthBuffer);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, "PointCloudPos", pointCloudPosBuffer);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, "PointCloudOfs", pointCloudOfsBuffer);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, "PointCloudMask", pointCloudMaskBuffer);
floorDetOffsetEstShader.Dispatch(floorDetOffsetEstKernel, sensorData.depthImageWidth / 8, sensorData.depthImageHeight / 8, 1);
// FloorDetectionOffsetMinMaxShader
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderInt2(floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader, "PointCloudRes", sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.SetInt("OfsHistBinLength", histBufferLength);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel, "PointCloudOfs", pointCloudOfsBuffer);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel, "PointCloudMask", pointCloudMaskBuffer);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel, "OfsMinMax", ofsHistMinMaxBuffer);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel, "OfsHistBinCount", ofsHistBinCountBuffer);
floorDetOffsetMinMaxShader.Dispatch(floorDetOffsetMinMaxKernel, 1, 1, 1);
//Debug.Log("Hist min: " + histMinMax[0] + ", max: " + histMinMax[1]);
// FloorDetectionOffsetHistShader
KinectInterop.SetComputeShaderInt2(floorDetOffsetHistShader, "PointCloudRes", sensorData.depthImageWidth, sensorData.depthImageHeight);
//floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetInt("PointCloudOfsLength", sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetInt("OfsHistBinLength", histBufferLength);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetFloat("BinSize", histBinSize);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, "PointCloudOfs", pointCloudOfsBuffer);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, "PointCloudMask", pointCloudMaskBuffer);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, "OfsMinMax", ofsHistMinMaxBuffer);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, "OfsHistBinCount", ofsHistBinCountBuffer);
//floorDetOffsetHistShader.SetBuffer(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, "OfsHistBinLeft", ofsHistBinLeftBuffer);
floorDetOffsetHistShader.Dispatch(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, sensorData.depthImageWidth / 1, sensorData.depthImageHeight / 1, 1);
//floorDetOffsetHistShader.Dispatch(floorDetOffsetHistKernel, 1, 1, 1);
// FloorDetectionPlanePointsShader
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetInt("OfsHistBinLength", histBufferLength);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetInt("PointCloudOfsLength", sensorData.depthImageWidth * sensorData.depthImageHeight);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetFloat("BinSize", histBinSize);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetInt("BinAggregation", binAggregation);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetInt("MinimumFloorPointCount", minFloorPointCount / 4);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "OfsHistBinCount", ofsHistBinCountBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "PointCloudPos", pointCloudPosBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "PointCloudOfs", pointCloudOfsBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "PointCloudMask", pointCloudMaskBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "OfsMinMax", ofsHistMinMaxBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "OfsHistBinLeft", ofsHistBinLeftBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "HistCumulativeCount", histCumulativeCountBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "InlierIndices", planeIndicesBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.SetBuffer(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, "PlanePosNorm", planePosNormBuffer);
floorDetPlaneEstShader.Dispatch(floorDetPlaneEstKernel, 1, 1, 1);
// wait some frames before GetData()
for (int i = 0; i < WAIT_FRAMES_BEFORE_GPUGET; i++)
yield return null;
//uint[] histCumCount = new uint[histBufferLength];
//uint maxDiffCount = 0;
//System.Text.StringBuilder sbCumCount = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
//for(int i = 1; (i + binAggregation) < histCumCount.Length; i++) // i += binAggregation
// uint diffCount = histCumCount[i + binAggregation - 1] - histCumCount[i - 1];
// if (maxDiffCount < diffCount)
// maxDiffCount = diffCount;
// if (diffCount > 0)
// sbCumCount.Append(i).Append('-').Append(diffCount).Append(" ");
//Debug.Log("histCumCount(" + maxDiffCount + "): " + sbCumCount);
vPlanePos = new Vector3(planePosNorm[0], planePosNorm[1], planePosNorm[2]);
vPlaneNorm = new Vector3(planePosNorm[3], planePosNorm[4], planePosNorm[5]);
//Vector3 vPlaneOfs = new Vector3(planePosNorm[6], planePosNorm[7], planePosNorm[8]);
//Vector3 vPlaneOfs2 = new Vector3(planePosNorm[9], planePosNorm[10], planePosNorm[11]);
bPlaneValid = (vPlaneNorm !=;
if (bPlaneValid)
//Debug.Log("Plane pos: " + vPlanePos + ", norm: " + vPlaneNorm.normalized + ", rot: " + qSensorRot.eulerAngles + ", ofs: " + vPlaneOfs + ", ofs2: " + vPlaneOfs2);
vPlaneNorm = vPlaneNorm.normalized;
if (Vector3.Dot(vPlaneNorm, imuUpVector) < 0f)
vPlaneNorm = -vPlaneNorm;
//Debug.Log("Inverted plane normal: " + vPlaneNorm);
float floorTiltInDeg = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(vPlaneNorm, imuUpVector)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
if (floorTiltInDeg < planeMaxTiltInDeg)
// For reduced jitter, use gravity for floor normal.
vPlaneNorm = imuUpVector;
//Debug.Log("Used gravity for normal: " + vPlaneNorm + ", tiltAngle: " + floorTiltInDeg);
// get results
float fCurTimeSecs = Time.time;
bool bSmoothResult = (fCurTimeSecs - fLastTimeSecs) < SMOOTH_TIME_THRESHOLD;
//Debug.Log("SmoothResult: " + bSmoothResult);
fLastTimeSecs = fCurTimeSecs;
vPlanePos = new Vector3(vPlanePos.x * spaceScale.x, vPlanePos.y * spaceScale.y, vPlanePos.z * spaceScale.z);
vPlaneNorm = new Vector3(vPlaneNorm.x * spaceScale.x, vPlaneNorm.y * spaceScale.y, vPlaneNorm.z * spaceScale.z);
Quaternion curSensorRot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(vPlaneNorm, Vector3.up);
qSensorRot = bSmoothResult ? Quaternion.Slerp(qSensorRot, curSensorRot, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : curSensorRot;
floorPlane = new Plane(vPlaneNorm, vPlanePos);
float curSensorHeight = floorPlane.GetDistanceToPoint(;
fSensorHeight = bSmoothResult ? Mathf.Lerp(fSensorHeight, curSensorHeight, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime) : curSensorHeight;
//Debug.Log("Floor pos: " + vPlanePos + ", norm: " + vPlaneNorm + ", rot: " + qSensorRot.eulerAngles + ", height: " + curSensorHeight + ", smoothed: " + fSensorHeight);


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 11fddd48107804c42827afb3bbf5533a
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: eb612f05db283eb42a3801236d897315
externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
defaultReferences: []
executionOrder: 0
icon: {instanceID: 0}


File diff suppressed because it is too large

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